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  1. Like
    Department_Of_Agriculture got a reaction from Marc in Calif in Israel Ignored Highly Detailed Warnings of Hamas Attack For Months   
    They ignored the evidence because they wanted the massacre to happen. They wanted the massacre to happen because that piece of shit Binyamin Netanyahu is facing criminal charges for bribery and fraud in three separate criminal cases in Israel and was facing the risk of his government collapsing. A nice little slaughter and war was precisely what he thought would turn him from criminal to hero with his "heroic" response. After all, what are a few thousand dead Jewish and Palestinian kids compared to the greater good eh?
    Of course it goes deeper than that. This piece of shit, who calls himself by the false name "Netanyahu" to pretend that he has some ancestral connection to the region, has long sought the elimination of the Palestinians and to completely destroy any possibility of a real Palestinian state. This nice little massacre that he knowingly permitted provided precisely the excuse that he needed to put his bloody plans into action. Palestinians weren't told to move from North Gaza to southern Gaza for their own protection; they were ordered to move so that North Gaza could be annexed by the Zionists. If protecting civilians had been the goal, they would not have been dropping bombs on kids as they evacuated and they would not have been dropping bombs on kids in southern Gaza.
    Alongside that, this piece of shit has specifically attempted to wipe-out the Palestinian Christian community- the oldest Christian community in the world - in targeted attacks. Witness the targeted attack on the ancient Saint Porphyrius Church in Gaza City where the Christians were sheltering. What had they to do with Hamas? Saint Porphyrius Church is the third-oldest functioning church in the world and the existence of this ancient Palestinian community is an affront to those who make false claims of ownership on that land. By contrast, this Binyamim, whose real surname is Mileikowsky, is of Russian and Polish ghetto heritage with no historic connection to the land of Palestine.
    The redeeming feature of this tragic episode, though, is how it has woken so many up around the world though. In America, the youth who have long been lied to about what is going-on in Palestine have been woken-up by images of screaming kids their own age being blown apart by bombs and are speaking out and taking direct action. Change is coming. That piece of shit who calls himself Netanyahu allowed the massacre to happen because he thought it beneficial to himself and that it would enable the final obliteration of Palestine. As the truth comes out though, it may prove to be his final doing. I look forward to seeing this rat in The Hague. 
    In the meantime, the blood of the dead children, Jews and Palestinians alike, is on his hands and on the hands of those who back him.
  2. Haha
    Department_Of_Agriculture got a reaction from Mavica in Israel Ignored Highly Detailed Warnings of Hamas Attack For Months   
    They ignored the evidence because they wanted the massacre to happen. They wanted the massacre to happen because that piece of shit Binyamin Netanyahu is facing criminal charges for bribery and fraud in three separate criminal cases in Israel and was facing the risk of his government collapsing. A nice little slaughter and war was precisely what he thought would turn him from criminal to hero with his "heroic" response. After all, what are a few thousand dead Jewish and Palestinian kids compared to the greater good eh?
    Of course it goes deeper than that. This piece of shit, who calls himself by the false name "Netanyahu" to pretend that he has some ancestral connection to the region, has long sought the elimination of the Palestinians and to completely destroy any possibility of a real Palestinian state. This nice little massacre that he knowingly permitted provided precisely the excuse that he needed to put his bloody plans into action. Palestinians weren't told to move from North Gaza to southern Gaza for their own protection; they were ordered to move so that North Gaza could be annexed by the Zionists. If protecting civilians had been the goal, they would not have been dropping bombs on kids as they evacuated and they would not have been dropping bombs on kids in southern Gaza.
    Alongside that, this piece of shit has specifically attempted to wipe-out the Palestinian Christian community- the oldest Christian community in the world - in targeted attacks. Witness the targeted attack on the ancient Saint Porphyrius Church in Gaza City where the Christians were sheltering. What had they to do with Hamas? Saint Porphyrius Church is the third-oldest functioning church in the world and the existence of this ancient Palestinian community is an affront to those who make false claims of ownership on that land. By contrast, this Binyamim, whose real surname is Mileikowsky, is of Russian and Polish ghetto heritage with no historic connection to the land of Palestine.
    The redeeming feature of this tragic episode, though, is how it has woken so many up around the world though. In America, the youth who have long been lied to about what is going-on in Palestine have been woken-up by images of screaming kids their own age being blown apart by bombs and are speaking out and taking direct action. Change is coming. That piece of shit who calls himself Netanyahu allowed the massacre to happen because he thought it beneficial to himself and that it would enable the final obliteration of Palestine. As the truth comes out though, it may prove to be his final doing. I look forward to seeing this rat in The Hague. 
    In the meantime, the blood of the dead children, Jews and Palestinians alike, is on his hands and on the hands of those who back him.
  3. Downvote
    Department_Of_Agriculture got a reaction from forky123 in Israel Ignored Highly Detailed Warnings of Hamas Attack For Months   
    They ignored the evidence because they wanted the massacre to happen. They wanted the massacre to happen because that piece of shit Binyamin Netanyahu is facing criminal charges for bribery and fraud in three separate criminal cases in Israel and was facing the risk of his government collapsing. A nice little slaughter and war was precisely what he thought would turn him from criminal to hero with his "heroic" response. After all, what are a few thousand dead Jewish and Palestinian kids compared to the greater good eh?
    Of course it goes deeper than that. This piece of shit, who calls himself by the false name "Netanyahu" to pretend that he has some ancestral connection to the region, has long sought the elimination of the Palestinians and to completely destroy any possibility of a real Palestinian state. This nice little massacre that he knowingly permitted provided precisely the excuse that he needed to put his bloody plans into action. Palestinians weren't told to move from North Gaza to southern Gaza for their own protection; they were ordered to move so that North Gaza could be annexed by the Zionists. If protecting civilians had been the goal, they would not have been dropping bombs on kids as they evacuated and they would not have been dropping bombs on kids in southern Gaza.
    Alongside that, this piece of shit has specifically attempted to wipe-out the Palestinian Christian community- the oldest Christian community in the world - in targeted attacks. Witness the targeted attack on the ancient Saint Porphyrius Church in Gaza City where the Christians were sheltering. What had they to do with Hamas? Saint Porphyrius Church is the third-oldest functioning church in the world and the existence of this ancient Palestinian community is an affront to those who make false claims of ownership on that land. By contrast, this Binyamim, whose real surname is Mileikowsky, is of Russian and Polish ghetto heritage with no historic connection to the land of Palestine.
    The redeeming feature of this tragic episode, though, is how it has woken so many up around the world though. In America, the youth who have long been lied to about what is going-on in Palestine have been woken-up by images of screaming kids their own age being blown apart by bombs and are speaking out and taking direct action. Change is coming. That piece of shit who calls himself Netanyahu allowed the massacre to happen because he thought it beneficial to himself and that it would enable the final obliteration of Palestine. As the truth comes out though, it may prove to be his final doing. I look forward to seeing this rat in The Hague. 
    In the meantime, the blood of the dead children, Jews and Palestinians alike, is on his hands and on the hands of those who back him.
  4. Like
    Department_Of_Agriculture reacted to PeterRS in Israel Ignored Highly Detailed Warnings of Hamas Attack For Months   
    No, that's not the claim of Palestinian or other peoples. It is the claim of an increasing number of Israel's own Defence Forces and reported in Israel's own media. The claims were repeated in yesterday's Guardian newspaper.
    Israel’s military and intelligence officials were given a highly detailed warning that Hamas was actively training to take over kibbutzim on the Gaza border and overrun military posts with the aim of inflicting substantial fatalities, according to reports in the Israeli media.
    The claim made by Israel’s Channel 12 on Monday evening was based on leaked emails from the Israeli military’s 8200 cyber-intelligence unit discussing the warnings.
    Those emails revealed that a senior officer who reviewed the intelligence considered the danger of a massive surprise attack by Hamas across the Gaza border to be “an imaginary scenario”. The hugely embarrassing leak describes in shocking detail what would turn out to be key elements of Hamas’s planning for its massacre of 1,200 Israelis on 7 October, including that Israel spotters were aware of senior Hamas officials present as observers during training preparations.
    According to the leaked emails, Hamas went as far as giving the mocked-up kibbutz used in training a name and even practised raising a flag over its synagogue.
    Plans were also intercepted that discussed overrunning a border military base and killing all of its occupants.
    While much of the focus of recent scrutiny for the intelligence failure before the 7 October attack has looked at what information was available to senior political and military figures, including Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, the new leaks and briefings suggest serious failings within the Israel Defense Forces’ intelligence reporting and distribution system as well.
    The source of the warning is a highly respected career military intelligence NCO identified in Israeli media reports as V who warned her chain of command during the summer that Hamas was planning a large-scale incursion.
    Further emails leaked to Channel 12 suggest the initial warning was corroborated a few days later with evidence that other Hamas units were involved in similar training aimed at apparently different targets.
    Some officials appear to have been impressed by the intelligence but a senior intelligence officer who reviewed the material in July was more sceptical and suggested it was necessary to distinguish between what Hamas was doing for “show” and what was “realistically” the purpose of the training.
    In another subsequent email, a colleague of the soldier who gave the initial warning said they emphatically disagreed with this assessment, while V herself suggested they were seeing a concrete “operational plan without a timetable for implementation” and that Hamas was planning for a “big event”.
    Other very senior officers, including the head of the 8200 unit, have suggested in briefings to Israeli journalists that they were not shown V’s warning, despite the email chain discussing it . . .
    Haaretz described the same training exercise on the mocked-up border kibbutz with reference to the 8200 unit email chain, which it said concluded with a Hamas message from those involved in the exercise saying: “We have completed the murder of all of those on the kibbutz.”
    Haaretz described V’s warning six months before 7 October that Hamas had completed training exercises simulating a raid on kibbutzim and IDF outposts on the Israeli side of the border.
    “V concluded that Hamas had completed its preparations, because senior Hamas commanders had turned out to view the exercises – something that was also reported by IDF spotters based on the border. Just like the spotters, her warnings were brushed off dismissively,” it said.
    “While they were distributed to senior officers, to her own unit and to field intelligence, a senior intelligence officer wrote to her in response, praising her work but adding: ‘It sounds imaginary to me,’ almost exactly echoing the language of the leaked 8200 emails.”
    According to this telling of events, V’s direct commander backed up her assessment, insisting it was a real exercise and not a display. The warnings were reiterated by the soldiers involved a few weeks before 7 October when an unnamed senior intelligence officer visited their base and the intelligence was presented to him.
    Despite the warnings, however, even of the eve of 7 October, when senior officers discussed the prospect of an imminent Hamas attack, senior officers in the IDF were describing the evidence as “weak”.
    The BBC has reported that training for the attack on Israel had started as far back as 2020 with Hamas joined by five other armed Palestinian groups.
    BBC Arabic and BBC Verify have collated evidence which shows how Hamas brought together Gaza's factions to hone their combat methods - and ultimately execute a raid into Israel which has plunged the region into war . . .
    Brigadier General Amir Avivi, a former IDF deputy commander in Gaza, told the BBC: "There was a lot of intelligence that they were doing this training - after all, the videos are public, and this was happening just hundreds of metres from the fence (with Israel)."
    But he said while the military knew about the drills, they "didn't see what they were training for".
  5. Haha
    Department_Of_Agriculture got a reaction from Marc in Calif in Bangkok gay guides from Siamroads.com   
    No need to shut it down. It has been going well for nearly two years and there are clearly people who have benefitted from it. Just need to move the troll posts by the flamers to where they belong, which is either the bin or the dung heap that is the Beer Bar. 
  6. Downvote
    Department_Of_Agriculture got a reaction from Marc in Calif in Bangkok gay guides from Siamroads.com   
    What do any of these recent posts have to do with the topic of this thread? Here, yet again, we see a thread being hijacked and derailed by the usual old flamers who clearly have too much free time on their hands and are perpetually looking to start arguments to help them pass their empty hours - from a so-called reader who can't read to the pseudo-progressive Muslim-hater who is cheering-on the slaughter of Palestinian kids on a different thread.
    If this argument belongs anywhere, it should be in the Beer Bar. Let the maggots gnaw on it over there. They have obviously brought it here because they aren't getting the attention they crave on that lonely corner of the forum.
    @TotallyOz should consider moving these irrelevant posts out of what would be a fairly useful thread to some if it remained on topic.
  7. Like
    Department_Of_Agriculture reacted to PeterRS in Bangkok gay guides from Siamroads.com   
    Doing nothing? Israel has done vastly more than nothing! You call the destruction of much of north Gaza, the murder of more than 10,000 Palestinians, the majority being women and young children, many babies, and the displacement of more than a million individuals "doing nothing"?  Fine, call it what you like. For most of the world it is a response to Hamas' ghastly murders and kidnappings devoid of any sort of proportion. The right wing government of Netanyahu has for years been determined to brush over the "two state solution" in favour of expanding Israeli settlements and treating Palestinians as animals. And never forget this same Netanyahu is the one who proposed encouraging Hamas in Gaza and whose security forces totally failed to see the Hamas atacks coming - despite several warnings!
    You present no sources. Mine include -

  8. Downvote
    Department_Of_Agriculture got a reaction from PeterRS in Bangkok gay guides from Siamroads.com   
    What do any of these recent posts have to do with the topic of this thread? Here, yet again, we see a thread being hijacked and derailed by the usual old flamers who clearly have too much free time on their hands and are perpetually looking to start arguments to help them pass their empty hours - from a so-called reader who can't read to the pseudo-progressive Muslim-hater who is cheering-on the slaughter of Palestinian kids on a different thread.
    If this argument belongs anywhere, it should be in the Beer Bar. Let the maggots gnaw on it over there. They have obviously brought it here because they aren't getting the attention they crave on that lonely corner of the forum.
    @TotallyOz should consider moving these irrelevant posts out of what would be a fairly useful thread to some if it remained on topic.
  9. Downvote
    Department_Of_Agriculture reacted to Exodus722 in Ganymede Spa - (Bangkok)   
    Seems they are getting more expensive now. I asked for thier price list and for a 90 minute oil massage it's 900 + 1500 minimum tip. Getting too greedy I think! The guys weren't exactly top line in looks either... Just my thouhgts... I decided not to go
  10. Like
    Department_Of_Agriculture got a reaction from Moses in Bangkok gay guides from Siamroads.com   
    What do any of these recent posts have to do with the topic of this thread? Here, yet again, we see a thread being hijacked and derailed by the usual old flamers who clearly have too much free time on their hands and are perpetually looking to start arguments to help them pass their empty hours - from a so-called reader who can't read to the pseudo-progressive Muslim-hater who is cheering-on the slaughter of Palestinian kids on a different thread.
    If this argument belongs anywhere, it should be in the Beer Bar. Let the maggots gnaw on it over there. They have obviously brought it here because they aren't getting the attention they crave on that lonely corner of the forum.
    @TotallyOz should consider moving these irrelevant posts out of what would be a fairly useful thread to some if it remained on topic.
  11. Like
    Department_Of_Agriculture got a reaction from BL8gPt in Any feedback for Krubb and Chakran saunas ?   
    Indeed. The online geriatrics who warble on about how great the attitudes of the boys where 30 or 40 years ago seem to forget that they were 30 or 40 years younger than and 30 or 40 years less revolting to the Thai guys back then. Expecting a boy in his 20s to have the same reaction to a 70 year old as we would to an average guy in his 30s, 40s or even 50s is just silly.
    Then you have the geriatrics who comfort themselves by saying "old people are respected in Thailand"; and that is perfectly true. Respect, however, does not mean that they are going to be enthusiastic about fucking you.
    Equally delusional are the ones who think that just because the boys are there for the money, they are somehow blind or indifferent to whom they are servicing - or, rather, to whom is requesting their services. We all work for money, we all turn down jobs where we are put-off by the work or the client - or we demand an extra high price for doing it to make-up for our revulsion or lack of enthusiasm. It works the same way with boys. When I read reports about boys quoting "ridiculous" prices or showing a lack of enthusiasm, it often seems lost on the poster that he is simply sending a message that he is not interested in going with you  - it isn't a bad attitude in general, it's just a lack of enthusiasm for you. Boys are not machines with no personal preferences.
    Of course, there are also guys who would genuinely prefer to go with an older man with a wrinkled, hairy, sagging arse than a fit younger guy if the oldie has the better attitude. In general though, it makes sense to adjust your expectations to where you are in life. Honestly, how enthusiastic would you be about getting into bed with what you see starting back at you in the mirror?
    The corollary to that is those whining about the decline or death of the Thai scene. That reality is that the scene is doing just fine and most boys have great attitudes and the moaners are going to be dead long before the Thai scene is.
    All the above applies as much to prospects at Chakran and Krubb as it does to the commercial scene.
  12. Like
    Department_Of_Agriculture reacted to EmmetK in Progressive success in November elections in the U.S.   
    I wasn't the author of the article, so I don't have to prove anything.
    There are ZERO specifics. Not one country is named. Not even an area. The article is a joke. Not surprising that you would resort to citing an opinion piece from a website that nobody reads and most people never heard of. Actually it's more pathetic than laughable.
  13. Like
    Department_Of_Agriculture reacted to EmmetK in Progressive success in November elections in the U.S.   
    There is nothing original in this post. It is simply a copy and paste from responsiblestatecraft.org. lol.   Circulation of about 12?
    I guess you think red highlighting to excerpts from an unknown, little read website makes your point any stronger. Au contraire.
    Not one specific. Merely platitudes and generalizations. 
    The fact is that when Trump was President, Russian troops stayed within their borders, there were no Hamas massacres and terrorism in the middle east, the southern border was not out of control, Also Trump was the midwife to the Abraham Accords.
    The world is unquestionably far more dangerous under Dementia Joe Biden, who is an absolute disaster.
  14. Downvote
    Department_Of_Agriculture got a reaction from PeterRS in Any feedback for Krubb and Chakran saunas ?   
    Indeed. The online geriatrics who warble on about how great the attitudes of the boys where 30 or 40 years ago seem to forget that they were 30 or 40 years younger than and 30 or 40 years less revolting to the Thai guys back then. Expecting a boy in his 20s to have the same reaction to a 70 year old as we would to an average guy in his 30s, 40s or even 50s is just silly.
    Then you have the geriatrics who comfort themselves by saying "old people are respected in Thailand"; and that is perfectly true. Respect, however, does not mean that they are going to be enthusiastic about fucking you.
    Equally delusional are the ones who think that just because the boys are there for the money, they are somehow blind or indifferent to whom they are servicing - or, rather, to whom is requesting their services. We all work for money, we all turn down jobs where we are put-off by the work or the client - or we demand an extra high price for doing it to make-up for our revulsion or lack of enthusiasm. It works the same way with boys. When I read reports about boys quoting "ridiculous" prices or showing a lack of enthusiasm, it often seems lost on the poster that he is simply sending a message that he is not interested in going with you  - it isn't a bad attitude in general, it's just a lack of enthusiasm for you. Boys are not machines with no personal preferences.
    Of course, there are also guys who would genuinely prefer to go with an older man with a wrinkled, hairy, sagging arse than a fit younger guy if the oldie has the better attitude. In general though, it makes sense to adjust your expectations to where you are in life. Honestly, how enthusiastic would you be about getting into bed with what you see starting back at you in the mirror?
    The corollary to that is those whining about the decline or death of the Thai scene. That reality is that the scene is doing just fine and most boys have great attitudes and the moaners are going to be dead long before the Thai scene is.
    All the above applies as much to prospects at Chakran and Krubb as it does to the commercial scene.
  15. Downvote
    Department_Of_Agriculture got a reaction from Marc in Calif in Progressive success in November elections in the U.S.   
    Indeed, we should all be terribly excited by these "progressives"...
    Here is one such "progressive", Mr Stuart Seldowitz, who formerly served as head of Barack Obama's National Security Council South Asia division, unleashing a tide of anti-Muslim vitriol on a Muslim street food vendor in New York. Take a good look and a good listen to the real views of "progressives". This one takes the cake -“If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, you know what? It wasn’t enough.”
    Mr Seldowitz is apparently a progressive Jew and according to his lawyer, Mr Bookstein, “He’s a peace-loving person devoid of hate for Muslims or anyone else." That undoubtedly explains his peace-loving comment above and his "Did you rape your daughter like Muhammad?” question.
    One would think that as a member of a group that suffered oppression for centuries, he might have been a little bit less of a racist piece of shit. Not that he has much to worry about even after being busted and charged. There will no doubt be plenty ready to accuse the victims of his abuse of antisemitism for revealing this piece of shits behaviour in the first place. That is already the defence that this "progressive" scumbag is attempting to mount in court and to the press.
    “If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, you know what? It wasn’t enough.”  - this is the view of a "progressive" who runs foreign policy when he thinks he isn't on camera.
    The funniest part is the sleazy lobbying firm at which he works claiming that they have dropped him after the videos were released, calling the video “vile, racist, and beneath the dignity of the standards we practice at our firm.” They didn't drop him because they found out about his views; they dropped him because we found out about his views.

    VICE News - After the videos were released on social media, Gotham Government Relations, the firm where Seldowitz worked, dropped all affiliation with him, calling the video “vile, racist, and beneath the dign.mp4
  16. Downvote
    Department_Of_Agriculture got a reaction from forky123 in Progressive success in November elections in the U.S.   
    I think a better way of putting that would be to say that this warmonger has supported every war and conflict since first being elected to the Senate in 1972.
    As Rand Paul said, Joe Biden “voted for the Iraq War … He supported war in Serbia, Syria, Libya.” Of course, the pearl-clutching "progressives" will now be ready to squeal that Rand Paul is a lying PoS etc., but even according to the left-wing "fact-checker" Politifact "Paul’s claim is accurate". The evidence is so damning that even they can't hide it.
    Those down-voting Kostik's statement above can do their own research on how many kids died in those conflicts that "Joe" voted for and supported. How much of it is greed and evil and how much of it is pure stupidity is the real question. On that point, remember that it was Barack Obama's Defence Secretary, Robert Gates who said "Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy question for the last forty years". Okay, so the generous conclusion that we are meant to reach is that the man is an imbecile and the result is a million dead kids.
    Still, considering the opinion of that "progressive" piece of shit Obama advisor, Mr Seldowitz, quoted above that "If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, you know what? It wasn’t enough”, I doubt that a million dead kids from the wars that Biden voted for will give "progressives" any reason to sour on him. After all, a million is just a number, right?

    Gates Stands By Statement That Biden Has Been Wrong On Nearl.mp4
  17. Downvote
    Department_Of_Agriculture got a reaction from forky123 in Progressive success in November elections in the U.S.   
    Indeed, we should all be terribly excited by these "progressives"...
    Here is one such "progressive", Mr Stuart Seldowitz, who formerly served as head of Barack Obama's National Security Council South Asia division, unleashing a tide of anti-Muslim vitriol on a Muslim street food vendor in New York. Take a good look and a good listen to the real views of "progressives". This one takes the cake -“If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, you know what? It wasn’t enough.”
    Mr Seldowitz is apparently a progressive Jew and according to his lawyer, Mr Bookstein, “He’s a peace-loving person devoid of hate for Muslims or anyone else." That undoubtedly explains his peace-loving comment above and his "Did you rape your daughter like Muhammad?” question.
    One would think that as a member of a group that suffered oppression for centuries, he might have been a little bit less of a racist piece of shit. Not that he has much to worry about even after being busted and charged. There will no doubt be plenty ready to accuse the victims of his abuse of antisemitism for revealing this piece of shits behaviour in the first place. That is already the defence that this "progressive" scumbag is attempting to mount in court and to the press.
    “If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, you know what? It wasn’t enough.”  - this is the view of a "progressive" who runs foreign policy when he thinks he isn't on camera.
    The funniest part is the sleazy lobbying firm at which he works claiming that they have dropped him after the videos were released, calling the video “vile, racist, and beneath the dignity of the standards we practice at our firm.” They didn't drop him because they found out about his views; they dropped him because we found out about his views.

    VICE News - After the videos were released on social media, Gotham Government Relations, the firm where Seldowitz worked, dropped all affiliation with him, calling the video “vile, racist, and beneath the dign.mp4
  18. Like
    Department_Of_Agriculture got a reaction from traveller123 in Any feedback for Krubb and Chakran saunas ?   
    Indeed. The online geriatrics who warble on about how great the attitudes of the boys where 30 or 40 years ago seem to forget that they were 30 or 40 years younger than and 30 or 40 years less revolting to the Thai guys back then. Expecting a boy in his 20s to have the same reaction to a 70 year old as we would to an average guy in his 30s, 40s or even 50s is just silly.
    Then you have the geriatrics who comfort themselves by saying "old people are respected in Thailand"; and that is perfectly true. Respect, however, does not mean that they are going to be enthusiastic about fucking you.
    Equally delusional are the ones who think that just because the boys are there for the money, they are somehow blind or indifferent to whom they are servicing - or, rather, to whom is requesting their services. We all work for money, we all turn down jobs where we are put-off by the work or the client - or we demand an extra high price for doing it to make-up for our revulsion or lack of enthusiasm. It works the same way with boys. When I read reports about boys quoting "ridiculous" prices or showing a lack of enthusiasm, it often seems lost on the poster that he is simply sending a message that he is not interested in going with you  - it isn't a bad attitude in general, it's just a lack of enthusiasm for you. Boys are not machines with no personal preferences.
    Of course, there are also guys who would genuinely prefer to go with an older man with a wrinkled, hairy, sagging arse than a fit younger guy if the oldie has the better attitude. In general though, it makes sense to adjust your expectations to where you are in life. Honestly, how enthusiastic would you be about getting into bed with what you see starting back at you in the mirror?
    The corollary to that is those whining about the decline or death of the Thai scene. That reality is that the scene is doing just fine and most boys have great attitudes and the moaners are going to be dead long before the Thai scene is.
    All the above applies as much to prospects at Chakran and Krubb as it does to the commercial scene.
  19. Haha
    Department_Of_Agriculture reacted to Moses in Progressive success in November elections in the U.S.   
    Looks like you can't deny Biden's votes for wars?
  20. Haha
    Department_Of_Agriculture got a reaction from revengeboo in Any feedback for Krubb and Chakran saunas ?   
    Indeed. The online geriatrics who warble on about how great the attitudes of the boys where 30 or 40 years ago seem to forget that they were 30 or 40 years younger than and 30 or 40 years less revolting to the Thai guys back then. Expecting a boy in his 20s to have the same reaction to a 70 year old as we would to an average guy in his 30s, 40s or even 50s is just silly.
    Then you have the geriatrics who comfort themselves by saying "old people are respected in Thailand"; and that is perfectly true. Respect, however, does not mean that they are going to be enthusiastic about fucking you.
    Equally delusional are the ones who think that just because the boys are there for the money, they are somehow blind or indifferent to whom they are servicing - or, rather, to whom is requesting their services. We all work for money, we all turn down jobs where we are put-off by the work or the client - or we demand an extra high price for doing it to make-up for our revulsion or lack of enthusiasm. It works the same way with boys. When I read reports about boys quoting "ridiculous" prices or showing a lack of enthusiasm, it often seems lost on the poster that he is simply sending a message that he is not interested in going with you  - it isn't a bad attitude in general, it's just a lack of enthusiasm for you. Boys are not machines with no personal preferences.
    Of course, there are also guys who would genuinely prefer to go with an older man with a wrinkled, hairy, sagging arse than a fit younger guy if the oldie has the better attitude. In general though, it makes sense to adjust your expectations to where you are in life. Honestly, how enthusiastic would you be about getting into bed with what you see starting back at you in the mirror?
    The corollary to that is those whining about the decline or death of the Thai scene. That reality is that the scene is doing just fine and most boys have great attitudes and the moaners are going to be dead long before the Thai scene is.
    All the above applies as much to prospects at Chakran and Krubb as it does to the commercial scene.
  21. Haha
    Department_Of_Agriculture got a reaction from Marc in Calif in Any feedback for Krubb and Chakran saunas ?   
    Indeed. The online geriatrics who warble on about how great the attitudes of the boys where 30 or 40 years ago seem to forget that they were 30 or 40 years younger than and 30 or 40 years less revolting to the Thai guys back then. Expecting a boy in his 20s to have the same reaction to a 70 year old as we would to an average guy in his 30s, 40s or even 50s is just silly.
    Then you have the geriatrics who comfort themselves by saying "old people are respected in Thailand"; and that is perfectly true. Respect, however, does not mean that they are going to be enthusiastic about fucking you.
    Equally delusional are the ones who think that just because the boys are there for the money, they are somehow blind or indifferent to whom they are servicing - or, rather, to whom is requesting their services. We all work for money, we all turn down jobs where we are put-off by the work or the client - or we demand an extra high price for doing it to make-up for our revulsion or lack of enthusiasm. It works the same way with boys. When I read reports about boys quoting "ridiculous" prices or showing a lack of enthusiasm, it often seems lost on the poster that he is simply sending a message that he is not interested in going with you  - it isn't a bad attitude in general, it's just a lack of enthusiasm for you. Boys are not machines with no personal preferences.
    Of course, there are also guys who would genuinely prefer to go with an older man with a wrinkled, hairy, sagging arse than a fit younger guy if the oldie has the better attitude. In general though, it makes sense to adjust your expectations to where you are in life. Honestly, how enthusiastic would you be about getting into bed with what you see starting back at you in the mirror?
    The corollary to that is those whining about the decline or death of the Thai scene. That reality is that the scene is doing just fine and most boys have great attitudes and the moaners are going to be dead long before the Thai scene is.
    All the above applies as much to prospects at Chakran and Krubb as it does to the commercial scene.
  22. Downvote
    Department_Of_Agriculture got a reaction from Marc in Calif in Progressive success in November elections in the U.S.   
    I think a better way of putting that would be to say that this warmonger has supported every war and conflict since first being elected to the Senate in 1972.
    As Rand Paul said, Joe Biden “voted for the Iraq War … He supported war in Serbia, Syria, Libya.” Of course, the pearl-clutching "progressives" will now be ready to squeal that Rand Paul is a lying PoS etc., but even according to the left-wing "fact-checker" Politifact "Paul’s claim is accurate". The evidence is so damning that even they can't hide it.
    Those down-voting Kostik's statement above can do their own research on how many kids died in those conflicts that "Joe" voted for and supported. How much of it is greed and evil and how much of it is pure stupidity is the real question. On that point, remember that it was Barack Obama's Defence Secretary, Robert Gates who said "Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy question for the last forty years". Okay, so the generous conclusion that we are meant to reach is that the man is an imbecile and the result is a million dead kids.
    Still, considering the opinion of that "progressive" piece of shit Obama advisor, Mr Seldowitz, quoted above that "If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, you know what? It wasn’t enough”, I doubt that a million dead kids from the wars that Biden voted for will give "progressives" any reason to sour on him. After all, a million is just a number, right?

    Gates Stands By Statement That Biden Has Been Wrong On Nearl.mp4
  23. Like
    Department_Of_Agriculture got a reaction from gerefan in Any feedback for Krubb and Chakran saunas ?   
    Indeed. The online geriatrics who warble on about how great the attitudes of the boys where 30 or 40 years ago seem to forget that they were 30 or 40 years younger than and 30 or 40 years less revolting to the Thai guys back then. Expecting a boy in his 20s to have the same reaction to a 70 year old as we would to an average guy in his 30s, 40s or even 50s is just silly.
    Then you have the geriatrics who comfort themselves by saying "old people are respected in Thailand"; and that is perfectly true. Respect, however, does not mean that they are going to be enthusiastic about fucking you.
    Equally delusional are the ones who think that just because the boys are there for the money, they are somehow blind or indifferent to whom they are servicing - or, rather, to whom is requesting their services. We all work for money, we all turn down jobs where we are put-off by the work or the client - or we demand an extra high price for doing it to make-up for our revulsion or lack of enthusiasm. It works the same way with boys. When I read reports about boys quoting "ridiculous" prices or showing a lack of enthusiasm, it often seems lost on the poster that he is simply sending a message that he is not interested in going with you  - it isn't a bad attitude in general, it's just a lack of enthusiasm for you. Boys are not machines with no personal preferences.
    Of course, there are also guys who would genuinely prefer to go with an older man with a wrinkled, hairy, sagging arse than a fit younger guy if the oldie has the better attitude. In general though, it makes sense to adjust your expectations to where you are in life. Honestly, how enthusiastic would you be about getting into bed with what you see starting back at you in the mirror?
    The corollary to that is those whining about the decline or death of the Thai scene. That reality is that the scene is doing just fine and most boys have great attitudes and the moaners are going to be dead long before the Thai scene is.
    All the above applies as much to prospects at Chakran and Krubb as it does to the commercial scene.
  24. Downvote
    Department_Of_Agriculture got a reaction from Lucky in Any feedback for Krubb and Chakran saunas ?   
    Indeed. The online geriatrics who warble on about how great the attitudes of the boys where 30 or 40 years ago seem to forget that they were 30 or 40 years younger than and 30 or 40 years less revolting to the Thai guys back then. Expecting a boy in his 20s to have the same reaction to a 70 year old as we would to an average guy in his 30s, 40s or even 50s is just silly.
    Then you have the geriatrics who comfort themselves by saying "old people are respected in Thailand"; and that is perfectly true. Respect, however, does not mean that they are going to be enthusiastic about fucking you.
    Equally delusional are the ones who think that just because the boys are there for the money, they are somehow blind or indifferent to whom they are servicing - or, rather, to whom is requesting their services. We all work for money, we all turn down jobs where we are put-off by the work or the client - or we demand an extra high price for doing it to make-up for our revulsion or lack of enthusiasm. It works the same way with boys. When I read reports about boys quoting "ridiculous" prices or showing a lack of enthusiasm, it often seems lost on the poster that he is simply sending a message that he is not interested in going with you  - it isn't a bad attitude in general, it's just a lack of enthusiasm for you. Boys are not machines with no personal preferences.
    Of course, there are also guys who would genuinely prefer to go with an older man with a wrinkled, hairy, sagging arse than a fit younger guy if the oldie has the better attitude. In general though, it makes sense to adjust your expectations to where you are in life. Honestly, how enthusiastic would you be about getting into bed with what you see starting back at you in the mirror?
    The corollary to that is those whining about the decline or death of the Thai scene. That reality is that the scene is doing just fine and most boys have great attitudes and the moaners are going to be dead long before the Thai scene is.
    All the above applies as much to prospects at Chakran and Krubb as it does to the commercial scene.
  25. Downvote
    Department_Of_Agriculture got a reaction from Mavica in Progressive success in November elections in the U.S.   
    Indeed, we should all be terribly excited by these "progressives"...
    Here is one such "progressive", Mr Stuart Seldowitz, who formerly served as head of Barack Obama's National Security Council South Asia division, unleashing a tide of anti-Muslim vitriol on a Muslim street food vendor in New York. Take a good look and a good listen to the real views of "progressives". This one takes the cake -“If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, you know what? It wasn’t enough.”
    Mr Seldowitz is apparently a progressive Jew and according to his lawyer, Mr Bookstein, “He’s a peace-loving person devoid of hate for Muslims or anyone else." That undoubtedly explains his peace-loving comment above and his "Did you rape your daughter like Muhammad?” question.
    One would think that as a member of a group that suffered oppression for centuries, he might have been a little bit less of a racist piece of shit. Not that he has much to worry about even after being busted and charged. There will no doubt be plenty ready to accuse the victims of his abuse of antisemitism for revealing this piece of shits behaviour in the first place. That is already the defence that this "progressive" scumbag is attempting to mount in court and to the press.
    “If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, you know what? It wasn’t enough.”  - this is the view of a "progressive" who runs foreign policy when he thinks he isn't on camera.
    The funniest part is the sleazy lobbying firm at which he works claiming that they have dropped him after the videos were released, calling the video “vile, racist, and beneath the dignity of the standards we practice at our firm.” They didn't drop him because they found out about his views; they dropped him because we found out about his views.

    VICE News - After the videos were released on social media, Gotham Government Relations, the firm where Seldowitz worked, dropped all affiliation with him, calling the video “vile, racist, and beneath the dign.mp4
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