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Posts posted by firecat69

  1. Without commenting on DJ Station, I think sometimes it is the ability to put yourself out there. I have a good friend and member of this Board who is not young and not in shape . On more then one occasion , I have seen him start a conversation with a Thai Boy carrying bags in Siam Paragon ( money is likely not important to him) who I would rate an 11 on a scale of 1-10.


    Phone number exchanged and subsequent meetings happened. ( Maybe my friend got paid) HeHe But I'm pretty sure the boy did not get paid.


    I have always marveled at that ability to just try to make something happen that you have no right to expect. I'm sure there are others here that may have that ability and have not tried.


    In the past I wished I did!

  2. I agree to each his own and I have spent hundreds of nights in both.


    My post was meant for someone like Lurkerspeaks who I have met . I know how long he has talked about this visit (years ). I know he is careful with his money and I feel bad that since he first started to talk about visiting Thailand ( years ago) the price for a week of fun in BKK has increased by 80% . He is a many time visitor to Brazil where prices now are much less then BKK but closer to Pattaya.


    Luckily some people including me don't have to count their pennies but there are some who have a limited budget. It is just fact your money goes a lot further in Pattaya.


    It is also a fact BKK has a lot more things to visit and do then Pattaya. Depends what you are looking for.

  3. Paul


    Read more carefully. You are a long term resident and I clearly stated if I returned for long term I would definitely stay in BKK. Reasons are it is a real place with lots to offer besides boys.


    You also mention you are retired. Makes a big difference . Many visitors here will be first time visitors who may have saved a year or two for vacation time and the money for the airfare etc or they may be visitors 2 x a year for short stays. To them making their money go as far as possible is important.


    I understand how you feel and have spent a much longer time in BKK .


    Plus the proof is in the pudding. Pick any night and count the Gay Westerners in BKK vs. the Gay Westerners in Pattaya. I am pretty sure there will be no comparison. Soi Twilight would not exist any longer without Asian customers.


    For many people price does make a difference and they should realize how extreme the difference has become.


    And of course there are no Viet Boys in Pattaya for you! Other then that there is nothing available in boys in BKK that are not available in Pattaya with possible exception of Taiwan Type Boys.

  4. One thing for sure, we don't have a firm idea of prices on Soi Twilight.. Some say 1500 ST, others 2000. I would not be surprised if Dream Boys had a policy of 2000 since the Manager does his own thing and could care less what other Bars do.


    Although it has been a year since my last visit I find it hard to believe that all the Bars on Soi Twilight have gone to 2000 ST but of course it is possible.


    I'm pretty sure prices have not moved in Pattaya. I'm also pretty sure if I liked to Bar Hop and buy a number of drinks ( which I don't) in the course of an evening as well as off the boy of my dreams, at some point I might realize i am paying 2x as much for my fun in BKK.


    Basically in Pattaya if you are not into Vinapu's type then you can see 2 boys every day for what you spend for 1 in BKK. I am suspicious of whether it has really gone to 2000 for all types but for sure drink prices are anywhere from 65% - 100% more expensive in BKK and off fees 25-30% higher. And boys tips are anywhere from 50-100% higher.


    Makes you wonder why any short time Sex driven visitors spend time in BKK.


    I have lived in BKK and spent a lot of time in Pattaya ( 30 days or less at a time). No comparison for me if I was to move back .to Thailand BKK would be my first choice.


    But as a short time visitor interested in Sex , Pattaya wins easily IMHO.

  5. Some people like beating a dead horse. On the first 2 pages alone of the Thailand Forum I can make a case for 10 threads that should be somewhere else. So I am certainly not the only member that starts threads that in the Thailand Forum that could be argued ,should be posted in another Sub Forum.


    The bottom line is if you want a heavily moderated Forum there are other places for you to go. If you are unhappy with the management then your best bet is probably to start your own Forum.


    I think most members are ok with how this site is run.

  6. Peter RS



    Let's see you are posting in a thread titled:



    Correct Location on Forum for Posts on Taiwan


    And Scooby posted a new thread titled Threads in the Right Forum in which he stated we moved the thread to the Taiwan Forum where he said:


    "We moved one thread from the main Thailand thread to the Taiwan Forum area. We will do this with others after they have run their course on the main forum if that is where they were started. If you see others that need to be moved, please PM me. Thanks."



    And by the way IMHO you suggested the best reason for moving it at some point which was if a member was looking for information on Taipei and did not choose to simply use the Search Function , it would be logical for him to look in the Taiwan Forum.


    Thus the thread got a wide read from many who I am sure enjoyed FountainHalls wonderful photos as well as his experiences in Taipei.


    I am equally sure it would not have gotten anywhere near the views had I posted it originally in the Taiwan Forum.

  7. I'm not sure hate would be the word in regards to Tartawan Place.


    Just it is old and new owners have raised prices and there are better choices. Raya is a better location for a first time visitor , probably has better rooms, showers, safes and on the dates the OP posted at least 25% less.


    Seems like a no brainer?

  8. Why should I apologize. You did not read new posts before you went right to this post to complain about no action by Scooby.


    If you had you would have never made this post. So plain your fault. As far as KoKo goes. We have had this fight for years and he thinks he is right and I think I am right.


    Unless a post is in the Main Forum it hardly gets any views and thus there have been many trip reports etc to places other then Thailand and yes some of have been mine. I'm pretty sure a lot of those posts would not have gotten the number of views they did if buried in a Forum that many do not visit.


    As I have said over and over again, we have a 100x more viewers of this site then we do members.


    If you want a site where the owner controls everything and limits free discussion then there are other sites you can visit.


    I'm pretty sure this is the longest continuous running Gay Message Board regardless of ownership changes.


    So the owners must be doing something right.

  9. 4 days ago I made a suggestion which I believe solves the problem. I sent a mail with the suggestion to Scooby. Absolutely no reply that I can see! Is there any moderator here? Does it seriously take 4 days to reply to a serious request from a member? Sorry but if this time non-reponse is supposed to be interpreted as non-agreement it is only a matter of courtesy to reply along with a yes or no.

    You might try reading before you criticize. Something you are evidently not capable of.


    I'm sure Scooby will be waiting for your apology!


    And the same to Chrstian who was stupid enough to like your post and also incapable of reading!



  10. You just have to go to what is known as Soi Twilight and GoGo Bars line both sides of the Soi. You never know which one might provide the boy of your dreams for that night. Go early and have dinner at Maxi's and watch the boys arrive for work. If you see one in street clothes you like wait and see what Bar he enters.

  11. trivago doesn't show a low refundable rate for Raya, but on their own website, I can get a deluxe room that is refundable for $76 USD... works for me..unless someone has a better option...

    I missed that . Cancel more then 5 days before you are ok. Good deal. If your flight is on time you are likely to be in room by 130am. I would guess you will need to pay in full for that night and make sure you get email confirmation of your late arrival. Make sure you print out Hotel and address to give to the taxi person.

  12. It does appear it will be impossible to find anything close to your target price at Raya unless it is non-refundable.



    I would make a refundable reservation somewhere else at your target price and then when you are sure check the non refundable at Raya and if the price suits cancel the other Hotel.


    Other members here can give you much better suggestions for other Hotels close to the Boys in your price range or less.

  13. Raya good choice for first trip but make sure you look on various sites for the best price which usually is not on the Rays site. Also from posts here you will not be able to check in early which may factor into your decision. Of course I'm not sure how early you mean.


    I know it is a short trip but you really should spend a couple of nights in Pattaya. As long as you don't travel on the weekend it is only 100 minute trip and you will find the prices much more reasonable. Leave at noon, arrive by 2pm and check into Hotel in Boystown which are quite reasonable and enjoy a different vibe. Esteemed member Vinapu says the best Gay Bar in Thailand is in Pattaya and he may be right? Drinks at most of the Bars 30-50% less. Off fees 25% less . Tips for boys 25-33% less.


    Not sure what you arrival time is but you might consider just jumping in a Limo for $40 and going to Pattaya on arrival. Spend 3 nights and return to Bangkok on Monday for 4 nights. Sunday return is a no no because of traffic.

  14. Makes my day! Instead of threads on scams or dishonesty of Thai people a story that points out what I have always felt about the vast majority of Thais.


    Years ago I had similar things happen to me and it always made me look for the good in Thais instead of the Bad. There are scammers in every country of the world but when we let people act like that is the norm in Thailand we do a disservice to Thailand and especially to potential visitors.

  15. The great thing for a new visitor is that his eyes are likely to be wide open with amazement .


    My experiences and many others are negative for offs from Jupiter but the Bar has always had a very Sexy Show (with No Sex) if you are not a jaded 15 year visitor like me.


    I expect Bottom visitors might have more luck with offs from Jupiter but that is only a guess.


    New visitors who ask questions deserve to hear both sides of an argument and make up their own minds. Lots of times that should revolve around how long their first trip will be . Certainly if it is a short trip you don't want to waste 1 night but if a longer trip one bad off is not so important.


    My personal experience over many many many nights are that I rarely have had what I would call a completely negative off except for Jupiter. That is just a fact for me . even so far as great boys who I took of from XBoys and Dreamboys who then moved to Jupiter and were no longer what I would consider a boy interested in making me happy.

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