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Posts posted by aussie_

  1. I had been talking all night to a boy I spotted on Hornet back in February but I never found to time to actually meet him. I went back to my hotel and the Hornet boy arrived shortly after. That boy has had his photos posted in the “photo thread” a couple of times. We had a nice couple of hours and he headed off home. He is 21 and from Lao. A Skinny tight body and a good sized dick. Very fun indeed. He is always on Hornet here, a photo of him on the beach in tight blue swim shorts. It says he is 19, but he isn’t. I was dead, so went to sleep. A great 1000b short time. Worth every penny.

    I met the same guy last week the day after after the Morlum concert which he attended so he was a bit "tired" and performed accordingly. Still it was worth 1000 baht to explore his stunning twink body, one of the best lookers in Pattaya at present.

  2. Me? Hottest boy? Or another Sam?

    Yes, you samebb. Enjoy your party, you certainly choose quality guys and they obviously like to be with a younger farang. I will be back in August for another look at Jomtiem.

  3. On my last visit to the bar, all 4 boys got up and were sat down again playing with their phones before my drink arrived. I countered this lack of effort by making a very swift exit before the drink (& bill) arrived. I'm damned if I'm going to be paying gogo prices to watch boys play with their phones.

    Bar owner/managers should ban the phones. I walked down the soi at Jomtiem complex at 1130pm last Wednesday night and past Sam sitting with probably the hottest guy in the soi but nearly every other bar boy was sitting down and staring at their phone.

  4. I am in Pattaya now. Cupidol and Prisma were 1000 ST. Toyboys might ask for 1500 but most will go for a 1000. I don't see any superstars in Toyboys at present worth more. Pay what you like and makes you feel good but most of the guys are on Hornet or Grindr for 1000.

  5. Do you really speak with him that way? It makes me cringe to read. Do the boy a favor and speak standard English with him.

    I have a friend who does the same with every Thai he meets which i find a bit silly because some Thais can speak very good english. IMHO Asians will learn better English language skills if we speak to them normally without modifying the language. Still my friend and Numazu are doing quite well connecting with the Thais and others so this is a recommendation not a criticism.

  6. With the lazy security checks they should ban backpacks from shopping malls and trains. Most people, especially Asian tourists wear them out of habit not necessity. Besides the security risk they are a nuisance in peak hour on the trains with the space they take up. In Taiwan they ask passengers to take off their backpack on public transportation. Of course in Thailand that is too difficult to observe.

  7. With the lazy security checks they should ban backpacks from shopping malls and trains. Most people, especially Asian tourists wear them out of habit not necessity. Besides the security risk they are a nuisance in peak hour on the trains with the space they take up. In Taiwan they ask passengers to take off their backpack on public transportation. Of course in Thailand that is too difficult to observe.

  8. What is "travel insurance"? The kind of insurance that helps you when your flight is delayed or cancelled luggage lost? I never took these, and saved a lot of money!


    Later in the article it becomes clear they mean health insurance:



    It is the onus of the business operator to make sure his customers can pay. Not something the government should interfere (apart from prosecuting those who use the service and don't pay, if necessary in their home country). All my minor health problems I got treated in Thailand, I paid in cash after the treatment. I assume for more expensive treatments, the hospital will ask for coverage first?


    Anyway, if a tourist gets injured, the person who caused the injury should pay for the treatment. Most probably it's a Thai, so they should force their citizen to have an insurance!


    Like popular subjects on the forums, this insurance is one that comes up every now and then, to be quickly forgotten.

    If some serious health issue happens when you are traveling outside of Thailand, for example Taiwan or Vietnam you may need medical evacuation back to Bangkok or probably your home country if you have no insurance for Thailand. Many thousands of $US and if you have no insurance or a good credit card you may not get any treatment depending upon your location at the time.


    Forget about Thais paying for any accident. It is always the foriegner's fault. It's bad enough if you have an accident with another foriegner in Thailand. My Australian friend had a motorcycle accident in Pattaya with another foriegner who lives in Thailand. I went to the hospital to pay the 6000 baht (yes, i got it back) so my friend could get his knee patched up. While i was in the waiting room the other guy involved in the accident was already on his phone organizing "witnesses" and demanded that my friend pay for everything including medical and motorcycle repairs. Fortunately my friend had been in business before in Pattaya and knew a policemen who made sure they both paid half each. Anyone else might have had to pay everything. Thailand is great till something goes wrong and guess who will be responsible to pay?

  9. Hi Vessey

    You could also try Mosaik apartments:


    They are located half way between Sunee and Boystown... so best of both worlds!

    Entrance to Mosaik is opposite entrance to Tuk.com, so plenty of food and massage options in the vicinity

    Mosaik is ok but some of the beds are too firm. They also will not use "do not disturb" signs. Housekeeping just knock on the door anytime after 1030am to clean the rooms. Not good after a late night so Mosaik has seen the last of me.


    Welcome Plaza had lots of little cockroaches running around last time i was there which is a few years back. Unless it has been refurbished and the pest exterminators have gone through the place i would give it a miss. I am avoiding anywhere the Chinese tour groups stay.

  10. I stayed in one of the AirBnb at the Oasis apartment across the soi from Klass condo. The studio room was good but the bed was like sleeping on a rock. They do have an excellent and huge rooftop swimming pool and adjacent laundry. The only compensation for the hard bed was some free blowjobs from one of the Thai mb staying in the building which definitely helped my back pain. Our currently most popular trip reporter might have more info on Klass condo if that is where he is staying.

  11. The "24-year-old exchange student" would, no doubt, have felt right at home with the brown shirts on Kristallnacht.


    His oft inappropriate use of the smiley face suggests other issues.

    While the owners of this forum allow the charade to continue this forum will deteriorate even further.
  12. On a more serious note, I was not aware there was a gun crime problem in Thailand. Never thought about it till now. How naive of me. 


    An aquintance of mine is now ashes in an urn thanks to a bullit from his bf in Pattaya a while back. Jealousy is an extreme problem in Thailand. My ex stalked me after we broke up and i was scared to even look at another guy when we were together. There is a bar boy in Pattaya who earlier this year put a photo of a gun on his fb when he was having issues with his boyfriend. I am not interested in having a bf in Thailand anymore and happy to enjoy my trips, have some fun and try my best not to upset any of the locals.

  13. Last year, I used the 144 hours transit with no visa in Shangai, arriving from Vienna (Austria) and continuing to Bangkok afterwards. I had no problem to board the Austrian Airlines plane and no problem entering China.


    The only hickup is that at the immigration an officer has to come to check with Thai Airways my plane ticket leaving Shangai within 6 days after arrival (=144 hours rule). This took 15 minutes but was worth waiting, taking into account saving the cost of the visa and the visits to the embassy to get the visa.

     I will enter China at Shanghai or Beijing next time. They must have more experience with the process than other places. 

  14. It is quiet in the bars and massage places here in Pattaya too. Many bar boys and massuers are probably still in the countryside or returning after Songkran holidays.


    I was wondering if you was in Okinawa sightseeing, looking for fun or returning to your previous home town in Japan? Anything of interest there for a visit to Japan when local issues quieten down? I am worried about my Korean friend living in Seoul. Far too close to those missiles in the north.


    Looking forward to your reports, you certainly know how to enjoy your holidays.

  15. In Australia they check your arrival card again after you pick up your luggage. That is when the inspections begin if they deem it appropriate. And if your card says Thailand as the destination where you spent most of your holiday and you are a single male then the bells start ringing that we are sex fiends and drug couriers. That is in Adelaide. Perth and Eastern seaboard airports have never been a problem so far.

  16. No-one in Customs /Immigration in Australia has ever asked me what I was doing in Thailand - I suspect they already know!

    You probably do already but bypass Adelaide airport when returning from Thailand. Immigration there would be well suited to work in the USA. If i put any country except Thailand on the arrival card it is straight through to exit. Thailand means interrogation time for single males. I know for a fact that they have meetings to discuss incoming passengers from Thailand and anyone after multiple trips will be questioned and USBs etc checked.


    I got fed up with their bs and told them so and welcomed them to check everything in my possession. Someone must have deleted me from the database after that because i never have been stopped again.

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