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  1. Like
    floridarob reacted to tassojunior in Columbia - Jan 2018 trip   
    If thete sre any who like big cocks on young muscle guys, Stiven_Gregg on Chaterbate is in Medellin.
  2. Like
    floridarob reacted to PopeFrancis in Tarte is going to South America   
    I think we're hopefully all aware that the response to money requests is Tomcal's "You wouldn't give sex away for free and I don't give money away for free"
    It would however be interesting to know who made this request?  
    Someone you gave a present to?
    Someone you tipped handsomely?
    Or someone who was only paid what had been agreed?
  3. Like
    floridarob reacted to PopeFrancis in Porto Alegre & Curitiba - Nov/Dec 2017 - a memoir.   
    Day 9: Friday

    Forget Robert Mugabe, the main World News Event of today is the planned “Double Penetration of Leandro”! 

    Together we’ve chosen the +1... Leandro doesn't want anyone from Mezzaninu... so I go for the best from Plataforma - Henrique

    I collect the car from Mario Quintana.  Excellent job.  I couldn’t tell it’d been repaired.

    No clients at Fabio’s shop again.  It's all pretty desperate. 

    I slip the very straight work colleague 200R because I fear he'll leave Fabio if this continues (just as the last one did)

    I’m messaging both Leandro and Henrique throughout the day... Henrique is a guy of few demands. 

    Leandro drinks champagne... Henrique wants Polar beer... the locally brewed cheap beer (50p a can). 

    I can't let this happen... so get some Leffe and Budweisers as well. 

    I ask him to dress smart.

    Leandro suggests that instead of eating out… we have pizza delivery instead... I'm not sure why?... ashamed to be seen in a restaurant with me?

    Get here for 10pm!  Get here for 10pm!

    But first...Plataforma!


    …is one of Tom's past conquests.  He's been here for 10 years... smiley fidgety... the sort of smiley fidgety you get with drugs... and he does everything really well... he  kisses, sucks, takes it... but he's rushing things... trying to move things on.  Afterwards I tell him (this is possibly the new me coming out)

    Agreed 100

    Paid 120

    Friday night at Mezzaninu and it's the same old faces hanging around... Leandro... Matheus... Marius... a few actives... that big guy from Rio...

    I do nothing.

    The Double Penetration of Leandro

    10pm and both boys arrive before 10.15pm.  Leandro is wearing the  jacket I bought him previously (nice touch – determined to show who’s the favoured one here!).  I suggest a restaurant... Leandro easily persuades Henrique to accept delivered pizzas instead.

    Henrique is even more gorgeous than I remember.  He is from that beach we went to in the far south of Porto Alegre.  His story is basically... got girlfriend pregnant at 15... she died of pre-eclampsia... but the child survived... he's 27... he has a 12 year old son... both of their names are tattooed on his arms... he works during the day making burgers and selling food locally... he works at Plataforma because it is closer to the south of Porto Alegre than Mezzaninu  (Tom and I suspect it's because he knows he beats the competition there)... he often says "I'm just a simple man" (when explaining his request for Polar beer)... but he seems very pleased that champagne and a range of continental beers are available.  He seems like a really nice guy.

    I give Henrique some M sized cuecas (Calvin, Armani and Stonemen) and some perfume (CK One Shock)... he's really happy... and he's trying them on.

    The chemistry between Henrique and Leandro is good.  Henrique is a man... Leandro has now changed into a "wife"... preparing everything and serving Henrique.  They chat a lot... music... dance events... other garotos... saunas in Sao Paolo... drugs... (basically Leandro has experience of everything... Henrique has little). 

    A fair amount of time was spent discussing the fate of Diego – a garoto from POA who worked in Mezzaninu last year.  He decamped to Sao Paulo at the beginning of 2017 and then moved on to Brasilia.  In August he was in a car being driven by his transsexual girlfriend.  Two men pulled up and shot the girlfriend at point blank range.  Diego was injured and went to ITU.  Two days later he was dead.  Henrique agrees this is very sad.  I say I remember him fondly.  He was one of the few POA garotos who could actually speak English (though no one could understand how he learned it) and he could be funny with it.  Leandro refuses to believe he died… saying he absconded from ITU and went into hiding in Sao Paulo.

    Drink is flowing.  The gargantuan pizza arrives. They like each other. This is going to be great...

    3-way kissing ✔

    2 guys sucking me together ✔

    More 2 guys sucking me together ✔

    And then we hit the bed... Henrique's erection dissolves after 5 minutes.  It's the alcohol. It's the poppers.  And you know how difficult it is to get an erection when you've lost it and need it?.. well we're in one of those scenarios.... let's wait 10 minutes... let's wait 30 minutes...

    Leandro... for all of his doe-eyed coquettiveness... and despite being drunk... is a total professional... he instinctively knows what to do in most situations... and in this case he’s brought Viagra (How come you’ve got Viagra? – “You need it if you’ve got to have sex with people… but I don’t use it for you!” – do I believe him? - No!)…  Henrique is given some Viagra... we wait.

    Leandro, sensing that all is not as it seems, is mouthing "Passivo!" to me... then suggests we all fuck Henrique.  Which we do.  Henrique probably is more passive as you can fuck him readily... but he's really tight!  Henrique keeps insisting that he’s more active.

    Eventually there is an erection and Henrique throws on a condom and starts to fuck Leandro. It's forced in, it's rough, it’s too fast... and too painful.  2 days ago Leandro had my fist up him and that had gone well... but now he seems in real pain after being forcibly fucked (later he apologises for not being able to do much bottoming, saying he’s in pain and thinks he's damaged something)

    Can't remember much more... Leandro went to sleep... Henrique and I chatted...

    In the morning (3 hours later), Leandro said he didn't think he could take anything... I fucked Henrique... 

    As Leandro texted later - "It was a pleasant evening but didn't go as expected"

    It was a good evening but the pair had too much to talk about and compare in Portuguese.  Even when I asked what they were saying, Leandro would reply "Você sabe!" (you know!), assuming my ability was better than it is.


    Unspoken 600 (his usual)

    Paid 600


    Asked 350

    Paid 450


    Day 10: Saturday

    After goodbyes... I sleep!

    I'm feeling unwell... probably unopposed metformin (I haven't been eating much)... 

    Into town... I buy some books and try to go to Fabio's printer... but it's closed! 

    Tropical rain is belting down. 

    Pick up Tom at 3.45pm and we head off to Plataforma.

    3 garotos and us.  I've had one recently... the other 2 are unremarkable.

    I sit alone with a coke zero.

    Then head off…

    I meet Tom at the shopping centre... he is eating... I go to buy more coke.

    I miss him texting that he's gone to the toilet so, assuming that he's left for Mezzaninu on foot, I drive there.  Of course he hasn't... he's still there waiting for me... disaster evening so far!

    Mezzaninu is a mixture of old faces and older faces.  Nothing excites in here. 

    The new bar staff are characterless never-there robots.

    Watching not very good guys trying to get business is equally miserable.

    Then I spot the lust of Fabio's life - Vladimir!

    I try to make an arrangement with Vladimir... he comes to my apartment one night... sex with Fabio... I pay Vladimir.

    I text him the proposal.

    But it’s unlikely to happen as Vladimir has to leave at 9pm.


    I had Vladimir the last time I was here.  He takes it.  And has a lovely smile throughout it.  And he's funny.

    Today... as I think it would be more upsetting to Fabio if I fucked him... I just take him into a room for a clothed kiss.

    Agreed 100

    Paid 100


    A use-the-room-twice jobbie with one of Tom's cast-offs.  He's far too big and far too active... so this too is a lie on the bed and kiss affair.  No erection.  Nothing.

    Pleasant guy.  Lives in Canoas. Has wife and 2 children.  Wife knows what he does.  Does something with cars.

    Agreed 100

    Paid 100


    …asks to sit next to me whilst he plays the bingo.

    Been here all week.  Not a beauty. Probably gets little work.

    Did it all and came… though I did have to tell him to stop saying "Oh Baby!"

    Agreed 100

    Paid 150 - he's delighted.

    Much of my time is spent chatting to the lovely Brazilian guy Marcello on the roof.
    Garoto Michael joins in.
    Fabio comes over on Saturday night, having previously asked to cancel.  He's stressed.

    It's late. 

    I'm knackered.

    He wants to go home.

    That's ok.

    Day 11: Sunday
    - last day in Porto Alegre
    I miss a Saturday night out!

    I fall asleep and wake about 9am.

    Wash some underwear and t-shirts.

    And head off to Fabio's BBQ.

    ...which is in Fabio's garden. 2pm.  
    Fabio's mother has built a grotto to St George in the garden.  It's like a little hillock covered in cemented-in pebbles.  And inside the cave is a plastic St George slaying a dragon.  No garden is complete without a grotto I feel.
    Straight best friend Samuel (the guy who did all the work renovating Fabio's shop) is in charge of the BBQ... his other straight friends Samuel2 and Kuka are there.  His work colleague Bruno (very straight, very sexy) turns up. 

    After some introductions, his mother, aunt and sister retire to a back room whilst the boys sit outside under the veranda... it's all a bit Victorian!!???  I’m told this is normal.

    I’m with four boys, having a barbecue.  Three are straight and they all know that I’ve paid Fabio for sex in the past. 
    His sister knows.  His mother and aunt know.

    In the past I have given a bottle of poppers to Fabio… and it seems that rather than use them in mad passionate gay sex… they have all tried them whilst just sitting together… and of course the conversation comes round to poppers… I have a new bottle… I give it to Fabio… it’s opened… and the rest of the barbecue is spent watching four boys pass round a bottle of poppers… their reactions are a mixture of exhilaration… and I think, faked inebriation.  They laugh a lot.

    Last night at Mezzaninu

    I arrive at about 6pm... It's a bit subdued... again... low lighting... many clients... few garotos... old faces prowling round...

    As a sort of warm up for what will come later, I agree to...


    …who I sorta remember from 2015.  He doesn't remember me.  His most memorable feature is his unfortunate dentition - canines in front rather than in-line.  I remember him saying he'd been in Sao Paulo in the past... now he only comes here on Saturdays and Sundays.  I seem to remember him part of my 2015 foursome (far too much direction required on my part)... but I cannot be sure.  Anyway he kisses... sucks with a condom and gets fucked.  He has a beautiful pert bottom (like Marcus).  Throughout fucking he keeps saying "Beautiful"!

    Agreed 100

    Paid 150


    …was a Tom conquest on Tom’s day 1. 
    He's different.  Mop of brown hair... beautiful eyes... and toned physique.  And he's totally active.  Everyone knows this.

    Last night (Saturday) I'd been sitting on the roof chatting to the nice client Marcelo.  Michael joins us.  We're all laughing because Michael is wearing black and yellow striped swimming trunks and we're calling him "abelha" (the bee).  It's a lot of fun.  Michael does a sort of "you and me" gesture... and I say “No, você esta ativo, eu estou ativo".  Michael, speaking through Marcello, asks how much would I pay him to be passivo?  I say 200.  He says yes.  We agree tomorrow (which is now).

    So many many WhatsApp messages later (he's asking what is the app to learn English at 2am... and lots of his own spelling of English words).  He's promised the "Best Sex Ever"

    And when we get to it... it's a lot of fun.  He kisses well... he sucks... and then he took it.  At first he's on top of me... 

    Then possibly the "extra-mile" position... he is on top... above me... leaning back... his feet are now pressed against the vertical wall... and his weight and position maintained by just his hands on the bed... his arms are rocks.  Up and down slowly.  It's a sight.  We finish with a more routine "him on his back".  He cums a little.

    It's all very light hearted.  A lot of laughing and faces.

    We chat afterwards.  He's from Curitiba.  He's 19.  He travels the country working in saunas (he listed at least 7 cities).  He likes Porto Alegre because it's "very gay".  He's bisexual... doesn't have a girlfriend... would like to study "Administration" in the future (though I suspect he'll just carry on doing this).  He managed to quickly rent a flat in POA when he arrived (very unusual given Brazilian bureaucracy) and I suspect this is because he had the money to do so.

    I ask "Everyone knows you're active... why did you agree to be passive for me?.

    "Because I like your face"

    Agreed 200

    Paid 200

    (and I give him 2 pairs of Calvin Kleins that I still had left over)

    Back at the apartment…

    As a "present" for Fabio, I book a guy from Vivalocal (Fabio is basically sex starved in Mario Quintana)... and he arrives within 20 minutes of Fabio's arrival at my apartment...


    Well he was nice when he turned up.  Probably very surprised that he was being asked to have sex with a "former" garoto.  They had a drink. Went to it on the bed.  I wasn't interested.  I was writing this diary.  Over in 20 minutes.

    From what I was told later... he's smaller than me... he couldn't keep hard...

    And then it gets a bit different... Fabio asks if I've eaten and should we all go out for a meal... we cannot find a restaurant so let's go to McDonalds... I'm going to have to drive... they're chatting away... Kauan wants the music on... Fabio puts the music on... I'm buying McDonalds... Kauan would like to study to be an estate agent... and he likes cannabis... he's been barred from Mezzaninu for 1 week for using his mobile phone... I cannot really see the point of all this because Kauan isn't gay... he's not going to suddenly declare his love for Fabio... I'm beginning to feel a bit used... sort of garotos squeezing the client for everything they can...  Fabio senses I'm not happy.  We return to the apartment.  Kauan calls an Uber.

    Agreed 230 (200 +30 Uber)

    Paid 230 + Big Mac

    I spend the night with Fabio. 
    Tomorrow Curitiba.
  4. Like
    floridarob reacted to PopeFrancis in Porto Alegre & Curitiba - Nov/Dec 2017 - a memoir.   
    As the dust seems to be settling on Giftgate... here's more red-hot throbbing extreme present-giving... and the rest...
    Day 7

    : Wednesday
    The day starts with Marcus leaving... I get myself together and head out to Fabio's shop.

    He seems to think I bring luck... because customers keep turning up whilst I am there.

    I meet his sister in the street. 
    And then I meet his mother!!!... coming to ask Fabio for some money for some milk (he gives her 4R$).  I even get to look round his house and go to his mezzanine bedroom.  It’s very sweet... very 20's.  The perfumes I’ve given him are displayed atop of a chest of drawers.  The underwear I’ve given him are neatly arranged in the top drawer.  Banksy posters are on his walls.

    We drive around the neighbourhood and see the competition to his shop...  then he takes me to an elderly gentleman in Mario Quintana who repairs dented cars... so that I can get the hire car undented, resprayed and polished (after Leandro had offered to park the car on Monday night).  It’ll cost R$200 …but he needs R$30 upfront to buy the paint.

    The afternoon is spent offering myself up on Grindr... asking for GDP... plenty of willing participants but I'm too pushed for time...

    Mezzaninu... the Filipinos... the guy from San Francisco... the guy from New Jersey... Tom... and a few others. 

    More garotos but mostly the same faces... some beautiful muscley active guys... hardly anything I want to do...


    Things are so poor, I try a one year reunion with (looking up my previous description) "frantic kisses... and every single face of pain and agony as he tries to sit on top of me... Was inside for about 5 seconds.... clearly agony!"... and things have improved slightly... there's still the frantic kisses... and still does the many faces of pain... but he manages to perform some sort of bouncing balancing routine on the very top of my dick... yes it's inside... but only just...

    You just keep asking yourself "Is he about to die?"

    Agreed 100

    Paid 100


    ...looks a shadow of his confident former self... he is just hanging around.  Back in March he was often at the centre of duos and threesome etc for both me and Tom... but no one can accuse him of building on this success... he is moping around... even Tom can remember this is not the same guy we knew...

    We drag him to the table... financial problems... had to sell his car... he has a wife (despite everyone… yes everyone… still telling me he is gay… what could be his gain by pretending he’s straight?)... she has his mobile phone... this is now his only job... and despite all this he is still oozing the sex appeal of a sad sock.

    Tom and I offer to spend time with him, Tom first... me second...

    He's lovely.  He does everything well.  Whilst I was fucking him, he was going at it, as if trying to cum... I felt it best to stop him as he may need that finale for someone else later...

    Agreed 100

    Paid 150 + drink + food

    2nd Night with Leandro

    "I am ponctual" he says as he approaches... we eat in Paris 6... he's in a much more talkative mood... boys are not telling the truth... some have brought problems on themselves... do I know the amount of drug dealing that goes on there?... Why do I think boys who seem to get no clients still turn up? ...and all the beans are spilt...

    Back at the apartment, Leandro is an unparalleled delight.  As he makes his way through another bottle of champagne, he has developed this sexy wink he keeps doing...

    Into bed... butter wouldn’t melt in his blast furnace… but the combination of champagne, copious poppers and him forcing my hand… eventually leads to....

    Full fist.

    First time.

    He cums. 

    I felt as if I’d taken his virginity.  I’m probably the first of many fists.

    He runs to the bathroom.  And comes out all bashful, "Pope Francis!" he lisps as if we’ve just done something naughty.  He’s ecstatic.

    He is perfect.

    Unspoken 600

    Paid 600


    Day 8: Thursday

    ...and despite 4 hours sleep, we're up at 8am!... because I have to take the hire car to Mario Quintana to drop it with the  old guy who is going to do the respraying and polishing... I have no idea whether he'll do a good job but I'm guessing he can't make my "damaged hire car" situation any worse...

    Buy sweets and drinks from a corner shop... Fabio really happy...

    Fabio and I go for another walk around the neighbourhood and then I Uber home for...


    This is the gay guy who is always happy and funny on his Facebook rather than posing... he's studying to become a fireman... and he likes medium trunks.

    And despite extensive texting well in advance... he is 45 minutes late.

    He's lovely.  We sit and chat.  I'm getting him drunk.  Smirnoff Ice.  We're showing each other videos... I'm watching popstrel Arianna Grande doing impressions... too much Lady Gaga…and even Andrew Christian adverts with a Cher soundtrack!  Gianni is definitely gay.  In return I give him Paloma Faith singing at the Brits

    Bed is good. Kissing and fucking.  He's really good at it.  In the middle of kissing, he yawns, reminding me this is all an elaborate 3 hour performance!  It's funny.  We laugh.  He's lovely to be with.

    Afterwards I give him the only medium trunks I've brought... a pair of Ed Hardy and a pair of Aussiebum… both are very gay... he likes them “Yellow is my favourite colour!” (who says that?)... and some CK One Shock... which he likes as well...

    Agreed 250

    Paid 400 (I just kinda like him)

    Hire car-less, Tom and I take an Uber to Mezzaninu.
    The Uber crashes into a taxi.
    At Mezzaninu it's very very much the same faces... and any new face is quickly snapped up by someone more forward than me...

    Tom and I are talking about the BBC's Strictly Come Dancing - Tom youtubes in weekly to watch Aljaž Škorjanec... I prefer Debbie's partner, Giovanni.  Neither of them are here in Mezzaninu tonight.
    I sit for a very long time before doing anything...


    Chatted up on the roof with some English... he's totally active... but he swears we can have a good time... (one of the Filipinos has already had him)

    We go to the room... great kisser... great sucker... and he is really going the extra mile... really passionate... like real sex... and he has the biggest penis... massive... it's too big really... and he's really good fun and nice and stunning and uses a lot of initiative.  It's just nice being with him.  

    He is freelance waiter and security... he does ju-jitsu... has a wife and 3 year old daughter.  And yes, he finds doing  this difficult.

    Afterwards he sends me loads of stunning photos and videos of himself from the locker room... and is constantly making eye contact during the night... he knows how to treat his fan base!

    Agreed 100
    Paid 100
    Doing a Tom "use the room twice" jobbie...


    Someone I went with last year... in March he had turned into the manager of Mezzaninu... and now he is back to being a boy... because the money’s better.

    He's an old face... a slightly chubbier old face... Italian macho looks... very handsome... and a total bottom... an eager bottom... who rides me. 

    This is more about finding an excuse to give him 100R because he’s a nice guy.

    Wife, 7 year old daughter, works as motorboy during the day.  Tells his wife he's a motorboy in the evening too. (Is it possible to keep this sorta thing a secret?)

    Agreed 100

    Paid 100

    After another lull... I get a taste of Rio in the shape of...


    He's here for 6 days from Rio... he speaks English... he is huge (really muscular)... and surprisingly he's totally passivo.

    I tell him none of the clients will go with him because everyone assumes he is active.

    After some hard negotiation we agree 120 (what was I thinking???)... but I don't fancy him (I'm doing this simply to take a photo for you!)... he proudly shows off his big bum (I hate it)... shows me why he wouldn't be great as a top... and keeps trying to get me to fuck him... eventually he does settle into a hug and kiss thing which was the most I'd want.

    Says he has massage and security certificates and can do those jobs if he wants.  He also thinks of himself as an artist!

    At the end I'm paying him his 120... and he cheekily yet nicely asks for “um pouco” more... then saying… (in English!!!) “with the current exchange rate, R$150 is less than £10 more”! 

    He is nice... he doesn't push it... but a garoto informing me of international exchange rates???... as I say... a taste of Rio... I suspect.

    Agreed 120

    Paid 120

    A week later I see his vivalocal advert.  He says he’s 48!

    48 in garoto years must mean he could be my father.

    In other news, the Madonna concert has finally finished.

    They’ve now got some sort of 70’s disco video compilation going on.


    In the evening Fabio comes over.

    I give him the ton of presents I've bought for him - underwear... perfume... posters... and a new phone.

    He's really really happy.

    No - REALLY happy.

    We fall into bed.

    He’s going for it with the sucking.

    Really going for it.

    We’re getting there… tears… gagging…I’m telling him “yeah”.

    He vomits on the floor.

    I cum.

  5. Like
    floridarob reacted to tassojunior in Holidaying in February   
    Agree with Axion; for you Thermas Barcelona is ideal. Plenty of Brazilian and East European muscled bodybuilders who parade the hallways with raging hard-ons. Only 50E for a half-hour fling in a cabin. If you get a room very nearby guys will meet you there for 100E for an hour. Best times are just after work and it's worth the $10/hr for the "luxury" room #1. Full bed, video, and a/c that works. 
    Most guys are in Zurich now because the prices there are outrageous. If you print money Zurich is for you.
    Berlin and most of Germany has very reasonable prices but the decent guys are online. The many hustler bars are virtually 100% Romanian and dangerous. Online there's some very nice meat at reasonable prices. Carnival in Koln is excellent.
    Prague is slow and not cheap anymore. Vienna is surprisingly good. Budapest is surprisingly bad. 
    The best looking blonds are in the Baltics and St. Petersburg. Those Russian bods are amazing. 
    Medellin takes a little work and research but has amazing guys and almost-free prices. 
    Ft. Lauderdale's "Where the Boys Are". 3 big strip clubs with cubicles. Tanned guys from everywhere. It's the Mecca for escorts. 
    West Hollywood (WeHo) is saturated with the "done too much drugs and porn" crowd. Easy hookups for coke and $. 
  6. Haha
    floridarob reacted to Tartegogo in Porto Alegre & Curitiba - Nov/Dec 2017 - a memoir.   
    All right, fine, I'll SHUT THE FUCK UP.
  7. Like
    floridarob reacted to SolaceSoul in Porto Alegre & Curitiba - Nov/Dec 2017 - a memoir.   
    I was always taught to give gifts from the heart, without any expectations in return and without any conditions attached to them.
    If you are reluctant to give a gift because you are unsure of how it will be received, what the receiver will use it for, or what the receiver might give you in return, then you are probably better off not gifting anything — just keep your relationships purely transactional and call it a day.
    I would think that this rule would apply to any relationship — including even employer — employee, or contractor-contractee relationships like garoto-client or hustler-trick.
  8. Like
    floridarob got a reaction from axiom2001 in Porto Alegre & Curitiba - Nov/Dec 2017 - a memoir.   
    My comments were from my perspective and MANY years of being in Brasil, Thailand, Cuba to mention a few places.
    I am still in touch with guys I've met 15 yrs ago..in all those places.
    I speak Spanish, Portuguese fairly well (some Thai, but many Thai's speak English)....I've hung out with many guys, that I've never had sex with and listened to the stories of how they are like actors....crying, being sad, needing money for school or their kids (that they don't even have). There's just so much experience that's difficult to share......but , like I said, many times...If it makes you feel better, if you want to go throw 100 dollar (or Euro) bills of your balcony....do it, it's your money.

    Tom can attest to this, how many guys, down the road will email or text, call and say that they need money for ____________ fill in the blank. It's par for the course, imagine how many clients these guys have every week, month, year....is staggering. And just a small percentage agree and send them something........I flat out say no and most say ok, Thanks...others persist to a point I have to block them.

    In the end , I think it's cute when people think they are bettering someone's life with something materialistic.....Just think of this quote again " I tell him that it was Paolo’s decision to cut himself, not Leandro's and allowing Paulo to stay in his bed is not being honest with Paolo.  Paolo needs honesty"

  9. Haha
    floridarob got a reaction from tele5b in Porto Alegre & Curitiba - Nov/Dec 2017 - a memoir.   
    Great writing, I barely remember where I was , never mind names!
    Something stood out to me though...
    " I tell him that it was Paolo’s decision to cut himself, not Leandro's and allowing Paulo to stay in his bed is not being honest with Paolo.  Paolo needs honesty"

    I'd say many here that think these guys are into them, or love them (even BF's)....could also use honesty.....money and presents that get thrown around has always amazed me, thinking that they'll like you more.  
  10. Like
    floridarob reacted to Lucky in Porto Alegre & Curitiba - Nov/Dec 2017 - a memoir.   
    "Pity, actually, I could have claimed my escort costs from my insurance! "
    Perhaps the president will consider allowing that soon!
  11. Haha
    floridarob reacted to Tartegogo in Porto Alegre & Curitiba - Nov/Dec 2017 - a memoir.   
    Actually, @Lucky, I don’t mind this change of subject. 
    A different topic, but I think a very relevant one to this thread given how many times popefrancis hired per days, and how many times I hired per day. 
    I have just tried to find a medical definition for sex addiction, and one thing that stood out is “Sexual addiction prevents people from managing their sexual behavior”
    (from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/182473.php)
    I don’t think we are quite there yet, we are still in full control and managing, well at least, at least I am, even in hotest moments in the cabin with two guys servicing me.
     Pity, actually, I could have claimed my escort costs from my health insurance, as a “symptom management method”.
  12. Haha
    floridarob reacted to BiBottomBoy in Why I love Thailand so much! Great TV Commercials   
    Floridarob - he's there for the food.
  13. Haha
    floridarob got a reaction from AdamSmith in Why I love Thailand so much! Great TV Commercials   
    Didn't realize that it was the commercials that drew you to Thailand...
  14. Like
    floridarob reacted to Tartegogo in Porto Alegre & Curitiba - Nov/Dec 2017 - a memoir.   
    I like you a lot, @Lucky. 
    But just think about the opposite situation, if @PopeFrancis went to @floridarob‘s travel report and started to write generic comments like:
    “if one wants to be a cheapo and not pay the boys enough for all the time they give us, do it, it's your life, If it makes you feel better”
    ... would you still say, “it is fine, it is just a different person and opinion”?
    Some writings are designed to trigger a negative emotional response. Unlike you, I don’t find them welcome here.
    Anyway, you are probably right. Yes, you are right, I have to let this go. 
  15. Like
    floridarob reacted to Lucky in Porto Alegre & Curitiba - Nov/Dec 2017 - a memoir.   
    Tartegogo, since you asked, to me it is a case of you guys being on a different page and neither of you intends to be offensive about it.
    You can take the word "you" to mean Tartegogo, or you can take it in a more generic way. "If one wants to throw away his money, what's it to me?" Throwing it from the balcony, I think, gives it an indifferent twist. The suggestion is that however you do it, it is not worthwhile. But again, it is his opinion.
    You received some criticism for things in your trip report. You handled it very well. My suggestion here is that you resolve that you are confident that giving presents is a benefit to you. You like to do it. Who cares if floridarob doesn't agree with you? It just simply doesn't matter. You get to do what you think is the best thing to do.
    As for his criticism, consider that he is a different individual with a different personality. He expresses himself in a way that you don't. You can ignore him, or you can accept that his way of speaking is more direct, even more blunt, than others. It is not a reflection on you. What it does is affirm that we are a group of diverse individuals. If we all agreed, if we were always polite and kind, wouldn't this be a boring place?
    So chalk it up and move on. You have more people here agreeing with you than disagreeing. Your trip report has been very popular. One size does not fit all, so get used to it! Is that me being blunt?
    Anyway, you can disagree with me too. I won't be troubled, but I like it better when we see things in a similar fashion. Just not so similar as to be dull!
  16. Like
    floridarob got a reaction from axiom2001 in A video from Sao Paulo   
    Nice that you're still in Touch with him, he was funny.
  17. Like
    floridarob reacted to Lucky in A video from Sao Paulo   
    Cute, too.
  18. Like
    floridarob reacted to Lucky in Porto Alegre & Curitiba - Nov/Dec 2017 - a memoir.   
    Finally I can disagree with Tartegogo!  floridarob has his own opinion, based upon his experience, and it isn't sick or hypocritical. It's just different from yours!
    I don't give presents, but I do tip. I never send money after I leave. That's just me and I wouldn't expect anyone to blindly follow my opinion.
    One example is tipping a go-go dancer. I will sit in a bar for awhile watching the guys, but I don't off one. I give the guy I liked best a tip though, just for pleasing me with doing his job. I don't see that as throwing money away, but someone else might. Okey-dokey with me.
  19. Like
    floridarob reacted to TotallyOz in Why I love Thailand so much! Great TV Commercials   
    No, but they are fun to watch.  What I love is that the society is so open and more evolved than the USA (sexually).
  20. Like
    floridarob got a reaction from brockmiller in Porto Alegre & Curitiba - Nov/Dec 2017 - a memoir.   
    Great writing, I barely remember where I was , never mind names!
    Something stood out to me though...
    " I tell him that it was Paolo’s decision to cut himself, not Leandro's and allowing Paulo to stay in his bed is not being honest with Paolo.  Paolo needs honesty"

    I'd say many here that think these guys are into them, or love them (even BF's)....could also use honesty.....money and presents that get thrown around has always amazed me, thinking that they'll like you more.  
  21. Like
    floridarob got a reaction from TotallyOz in Why I love Thailand so much! Great TV Commercials   
    Didn't realize that it was the commercials that drew you to Thailand...
  22. Like
    floridarob got a reaction from paulsf in Porto Alegre & Curitiba - Nov/Dec 2017 - a memoir.   
    My comments were from my perspective and MANY years of being in Brasil, Thailand, Cuba to mention a few places.
    I am still in touch with guys I've met 15 yrs ago..in all those places.
    I speak Spanish, Portuguese fairly well (some Thai, but many Thai's speak English)....I've hung out with many guys, that I've never had sex with and listened to the stories of how they are like actors....crying, being sad, needing money for school or their kids (that they don't even have). There's just so much experience that's difficult to share......but , like I said, many times...If it makes you feel better, if you want to go throw 100 dollar (or Euro) bills of your balcony....do it, it's your money.

    Tom can attest to this, how many guys, down the road will email or text, call and say that they need money for ____________ fill in the blank. It's par for the course, imagine how many clients these guys have every week, month, year....is staggering. And just a small percentage agree and send them something........I flat out say no and most say ok, Thanks...others persist to a point I have to block them.

    In the end , I think it's cute when people think they are bettering someone's life with something materialistic.....Just think of this quote again " I tell him that it was Paolo’s decision to cut himself, not Leandro's and allowing Paulo to stay in his bed is not being honest with Paolo.  Paolo needs honesty"

  23. Haha
    floridarob reacted to Lucky in Are gay bars disappearing?   
    My first gay bar was Dugan's Bistro in Chicago. It was such an eye opener for me as I finally realized that there were masculine, handsome gay men. I had only seen what was the obvious, the feminine guy with a swish. Dugan's had a very hot go-go boy dancing on a podium wearing nothing but a jock strap. My fascination with go-go boys began then. How could a guy get up on a stage and be openly proud of his sexuality? It was new to me.
    We followed the first visit there with a first visit to a bathhouse. I am still a lifetime member of Man's Country, if it exists anymore. I was so shocked at the open sexual activity. People were having sex everywhere, and I was fascinated.
    So, if places like these close, how does a young guy enter the gay world? Does he start with Grindr? Yuck.
  24. Like
    floridarob got a reaction from Tomcal in Are gay bars disappearing?   
    There was an article that I read about 10 years ago that was about 10 things that won't be around in 10 yrs. On that list (that I remember), Pay phones, book stores, gay bars...it said: Gay bars: As The Orlando Sentinel noted in a recent article, around the country gay bars have been going out of business as gay men and women have been gaining greater acceptance in society. What used to be a hangout for people who felt unwelcome elsewhere is becoming less necessary.
    Odds of survival in 10 years: As with many industries, the very best of them will endure; the rest won't.
    Also on that list were, camera film, newspapers in print version...
  25. Thanks
    floridarob got a reaction from Tomcal in Porto Alegre & Curitiba - Nov/Dec 2017 - a memoir.   
    Great writing, I barely remember where I was , never mind names!
    Something stood out to me though...
    " I tell him that it was Paolo’s decision to cut himself, not Leandro's and allowing Paulo to stay in his bed is not being honest with Paolo.  Paolo needs honesty"

    I'd say many here that think these guys are into them, or love them (even BF's)....could also use honesty.....money and presents that get thrown around has always amazed me, thinking that they'll like you more.  
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