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    Manly69 reacted to Nasherich in Latest trip - Pattaya April 2018   
    I arrived in Pattaya around 8am in the morning and Baan Souy was kind enough to allow me to shower and sleep for a little in an empty room whilst mine was being prepared.
    It's a couple of years since I've stayed here, with the Agate being my usual haunt of late, mainly for cost reasons, but for quality of service and facilities, I think Baan Souy wins hands down. (The Agate has changed somewhat in nature too, with guests appearing to be less comfortable with the gay scene so I don't think I'll stay there again.)
    After a shower, sleep and breakfast, I went off for some chiropody, coffee and finally a two hour oil massage at TBMI.
    Suitably relaxed, I checked on activity on Grindr and Hornet. Plenty going on but I've got quite a harsh filtering mechanism, so things don't get out of hand. Grindr was quickly dispensed with due to the lack of notifications unless you either pay or have the app (on Android) open all the time - this renders it useless in my opinion.
    Hornet, however, works well and is free. Within 15 minutes, I had arranged for a visit from a local Thai guy, and 15 minutes after that he was in my room. Very cute, I must say. A little sucking and he was hard as a rock but sadly it needed constant attention to remain so. Perhaps he was nervous? I did my best to put him at ease but it was clear he wasn't going to be able to do very much with it. Nonetheless, he was very much into ancillary activities and we both enjoyed each others company and and a happy conclusion was achieved. A 7/10 for effort and overall satisfaction and value for no money.
    Later I visited Sunee plaza. Not a lot going on, with many bars closed (even more than usual) because of Songkran. I was enticed to join a Lao guy at Eden bar for a drink. Not really my type, but he was very hands on and affectionate and eager to chat.
    I popped into Winner boys but only three guys on stage so I decided to go back to Jomtien for the rest of the evening instead.
    I sat with a Cambodian guy and we chatted at some length . I considered offing but decided against it at the end as I was still tired from lack of sleep on the flight coming over. After returning to the hotel, he messaged me on Line to see if I felt like company. A nice gesture but I declined gracefully.
    The next morning I spent swimming and relaxing, and then retired to my room for a siesta.
    Going through some Hornet messages from the previous day I came across an offer of a BJ (not a money boy, apparently) and another less specific suggestion from another guy who seemed super cute. I made contact with the second to start with. He was based in Jomtien complex but despite knowing where my hotel is, seemed unwilling to travel that far without me accompanying him. It all seemed too ridiculous to me and I lost interest.
    And so I decided it was rude not to accept the offer from BJ man. And so 30 minutes later, I was joined by the guy, slightly older and fatter than the flattering photos suggested but hey I'm not complaining. Once I'd calmed him down and encouraged him to take things slow, he was very accomplished - an 8/10 from me. Just as he was leaving, he mentioned he had left his wallet behind and could I give him some money. He needed 160B. Very reasonable. I thought, and so parted with 200B, an absolute bargain!
    Day 3 I felt I would like a massage, a proper massage, and if something transpired, all to the good. I tried the place in Second Road called Supreme Massage. An hour and a half of a very good massage, but not a hint of anything else. So not disappointed but not surprised either!
    An evening visit to QM found myself sharing drink and conversation with a fairly newly arrived Thai lad from Udon Thani - very handsome. All was good but I felt something not quite right in the digestion department so I decided to make tracks back to the hotel, alone. Fortunately it developed into nothing serious so an opportunity wasted.
    Day 4 I decided to take up the offer of a free massage and fun from a Hornet guy. With very little effort, he arranged to come to the hotel and turned up on time. Again slightly more overweight than expected. He declined a shower even though he was a bit sweaty but he was clean and smelt quite fresh. The massage wasn't bad, a bit short perhaps which could not be said of his cock - a very well proportioned thick member. His skin was incredibly cold to the touch. Nonetheless the sex part of our meeting was very good. He showered before leaving, and I asked him if he would like me to pay for the massage oil. Not at all, he replied, so another excellent free encounter.
    Later on, I ventured into Fah Massage, initially only for a foot massage. But as time wore on, I was persuaded to have an oil massage following it. My usual guy isn't there at the moment, but I was mightily impressed by the replacement. Truly sensuous and enthusiastic in all things. So my 100% success rate at Fah remains unbroken.
    I walked round to QM bar and found the guy I spoke to last night. Not believing that I could sustain a round 3 on the same day, an arrangement was made for him to visit me at Baan Souy the following day and we would go to the cinema in the evening. Things are looking promising!
    The next day QM boy contacted me and asked if he could bring his close friend - they had both only been in Pattaya for a few weeks. I couldn't see any reason why not, so they both turned up and enjoyed the delights of Baan Souy's swimming pool and restaurant.
    The friend quickly struck up an alliance with another guest leaving original QM boy to me. So everyone was happy. The evening trip to the cinema and an Isaan restaurant went well and so did activities in the bedroom later. The only slight disappointment was the presence of a mook but I'm not going to let that spoil things.
    He decided not to stay overnight, I think because his friend only did short time too and they seem to have a close affinity. I guess they'll work out later that they might have to choose their own paths to earn the best money.
    The following day I invited them both over again. And this time, he told me he wanted to stay over. We enjoyed the day together and then he went home late afternoon to change and re-sculpt his hair before returning in the evening. On arrival, he tells me a friend has arrived unexpectedly from Bangkok so it starts to not be clear how things will pan out.
    We go to the outside eating area near Kiss Jomtien and have the grilled fish (always fresh and delicious), followed by a walk along the beach, ice cream at Surf Kitchen and finally return to QM. No sign of the friend so we sit and have a drink. Still no sign but he wants to wait so I opt to go for a foot massage. He seems very keen to know where I'm going as he doesn't want me to "boom boom". Kind of sounds he's still interested. An hour or so later I return, but still no friend, so we leave together and return to the hotel.
    We get into bed but he seems somewhat disinterested and then tells me he'll be leaving at 4am to go and help a relative set up their market stall, which he does every day apparently. This has never been mentioned before and certainly doesn't match my description of staying the night - I do like morning sex.
    I tell him if that's the case, he should leave now as otherwise he'll wake me in the early hours. He doesn't seem too happy with the suggestion but I'm not in a mood to be messed around. Perhaps with the thought of a lesser (or even no fee), he then decides he had better perform before he goes. We have sex, not the best, partly because I'm midly irritated, but hey. He then leaves with a short time fee.
    I think I might draw a line under this developing relationship and move on!
    So the next day, I got back to a guy on Hornet and invited him over on a stormy day. Very cute guy, spoiled only by smoker's breath which curtailed my desire for kissing. Nonetheless very enthusiastic and showed me a position to fuck him I've not tried before (to be fair, I've had a sheltered life).
    Upon leaving, it turns out he needed help with the rent, but if I helped him today, I could have a repeat session tomorrow for free!
    I took pity on his rent situation but I don't think I'll take up the free offer on account of the smoking.
    The following day I was contemplating a massage as the weather was rain, rain, rain all day. Although my preferred place for a proper massage is the TBMI in Jomtien, I thought I'd go somewhere else for a change. I strolled past the various shops around Tukcom but the boredom on the faces of the guys wasn't conducive to my custom. Royal House, which I haven't been to for a couple of years, looked deserted. So I went back to second road and opted for 90 minutes at Chivarome. A very good massage it has to be said, with the offer of happy ending, which I declined as there was no build up to it so I wasn't really in the mood.
    Walking down the road to the beach/ top of Walking Street, I noticed a shop near the corner of second road with some cute massage guys outside so I might try that before I leave. There's also a couple of guys at a smaller shop opposite Sea Massage who always flirt when I go past so I might give I've them a go in the interests of research of course.
    Having showered and rested, I went out for a drink and went past a bar I don't normally bother with. I spied a Thai guy who I felt quite attracted to (quite a bit older than he looked at 38 apparently) so I stopped, bought some drinks and chatted with him in a mixture of Thai and English for a couple of hours. After the bar closed, we went back to my hotel.
    A slightly rougher session than I was expecting ensued, with some boundaries constantly being tested and resisted (sex without condom, for instance) but full marks for enthusiasm, technique and pleasure. He left after we were both satiated. I didn't offer any money nor was any asked for.
    The following day the guy I "drew the line under" earlier contacted me again. It was his last day in Pattaya before I leave as he's going back to see his family. I decided to treat him to another cinema visit, and he came back to my room after food having made clear this time he couldn't stay for breakfast. I valued him being upfront. He does seem a genuinely nice guy, perhaps a little naive but then he's relatively new to the scene here. We had a nice time until around 2am when he left.
    I was quite glad as it turns out, because my stomach took a turn for the worse. So the latter part of the night and first half of the following day were concentrated on dealing with that! I'd hate to have someone around in the room!
    Sadly my adventures dried up here for a bit as it took three days and some antibiotics to clear up the food poisoning completely - unprecedented in my personal experience - including one of my two nights in Bangkok. Although I wasn't unable to do anything, I just did not feel well or confident enough to enjoy the more pleasurable activities. It's a shame because the guy I really like at Art Massage next to the hotel was free and an oil massage with him would have been awesome.
    My last day in Bangkok saw my health improve, so after one night at the excellent Raya Surawong, I decamped to the Malaysia hotel for the afternoon and evening before my late night flight.
    Instead of heading to Babylon as usual, I decided on a change and went to Sanctuary by A as it has had favourable reviews here of late. They're not wrong! It's a lovely place, with beautiful rooms and showers and some very handsome masseurs.
    The only unfortunate thing was that there is some renovation going on next door so the piece and tranquility was spoilt by loud nasal sounding power tools. We swapped rooms before the massage started, but sadly the workers decided to move around too. It really was annoying and I found it had a detrimental effect on my response to the massage. That was first class by the way. Around three quarters of the way through, the workers had a tea break or went home - hooray. My masseur indulged in some very sensuous body to body which had me going in no time. Absolutely full marks to him and I add my recommendations to those of others on this forum. Just maybe wait a couple of days until the builders have left if that sort of noise irritates you.
    And so my trip ends. Despite a downturn in the weather and an annoying bout of food poisoning, it's been another highly pleasurable trip with some first class encounters and so I return home a happy man!
  2. Like
    Manly69 reacted to DrimVoiz in Tawan Bar...think happiness, think Tawan   
    To be clear, I'm not paid to promote any bar/massage parlor. I believe those bar/massage parlor doesn't need to pay someone to promote them. I'm just sharing my personal experience @ Thailand. It just so happen that its my first time to be a member on a chat group like this since I'm really excited to tell what I experienced. Sorry if I upset the admin of this group but please don't accuse me of anything. I hope I made myself clear. Of course, I'll still share my experience when I returned to Thailand. I just need to be extra careful in posting so no one will get offended. Peace to everyone!!!
  3. Like
    Manly69 reacted to DrimVoiz in Tawan Bar...think happiness, think Tawan   
    Staying true to their tagline, this bar is highly recommended for their bodybuilder-type guys who will do anything to make their customers happy...and hot at the same time. I think they've got the most explicit show which really surprised me, never in my wildest dream that I can see gym-fit guys doing the wildest thing you can imagine with each other. The muscular guy I offed was also willing to really satisfy me & of course, there is also muscle worship. They even gave me a free magazine & map on the hottest nightspot in Thailand. I can truly say going to Tawan will not only give you happiness...it can also excite you that's why its really worth it. Btw the prices are as follows:
    Entrance with 1 drink - 400
    Off fee - 500
    Short time - 2,000
    The hardcore show starts @ 10:30PM.
  4. Like
    Manly69 reacted to vinapu in Bangkok Trip Report: To Butterfly or not to Butterfly Part 2 – The Devil and the Angel   
    you may be unsure but rest assured , many are sure that you should !
  5. Like
    Manly69 reacted to ggobkk in Bangkok Trip Report: To Butterfly or not to Butterfly Part 2 – The Devil and the Angel   
    Speaking only for myself, go ahead and write up a Thailand report...
    Speaking, I suspect, for many others who read the posts...don't deprive us of your adventures.
  6. Like
    Manly69 reacted to numazu in Bangkok Trip Report: To Butterfly or not to Butterfly Part 2 – The Devil and the Angel   
    Thanks for the very kind words guys. I must admit I was a bundle of nerves the whole time this was happening. Brazil is still a fairly new country to me, and I've had company (more or less) all throughout my stay there, and this was the one day I had alone. There were so many opportunities that Gabriel could have taken advantage of me, but I guess I chose wisely and he didn't. To tell you the truth if he stole from me I probably would not have planned to go back to Brazil, but now I just booked my flights for an April trip. If this was last year the vacation time would have been devoted to Thailand, but I am eager to see what Brazil has to offer me. I'll go back to Thailand soon enough (perhaps June).
    As other members know, I was in Thailand two weeks ago. I am unsure if I should write a trip report for the few days I was there.
  7. Like
    Manly69 reacted to forrestreid in A Recent Trip to Hua Hin   
    Gay bars in Hua Hin
    There are two gay nightspots in Hua Hin - the New Guy bar and the Red Indian. I went to the New Guy bar on the first night to meet up with Smiles and for a bit of a chat. That  night I didn’t really chat much to the boys, of which there were about five are six around the bar, and maybe two or three customers. Later on that evening I went  to the Red Indian bar. Smiles had warned me that it is usually fairly quiet but it was worse than that, actually -  it was closed. A woman in a bar opposite it said it was closed as the owner gone away for a few days. So I didnt get to visit the Red Indian Bar at all during my stay,

    So that was the first night. The second night was after my day trip and I was so tired I stayed in my hotel. But on the third night I decided to go back to New Guy bar and maybe off a guy. When I arrived there was maybe one farang and four or five boys. None of them could speak much English other than the owner from what I can tell. I got talking to a guy there who claimed it was his first week. After being told they had a room upstairs for massage I decided to take that guy upstairs as he said he could do massage. The cost to the bar for the room (including the off fee) was 340 baht.

    The upstairs room who is pretty decrepit - the bathroom had no hot water but at least it had a working light-bulb  which was more than could be said for the massage room. The massage was carried out by the light coming in from the bathroom, which in fairness you could say lent a slightly romantic ambience to the proceedings! As expected, the massage was not up to much. The afters were okay, though basically the guy didn’t seem experienced enough to know he should be doing. But he was eager to please and he seemed very happy with his 1100 baht. So I wouldn’t really be recommending Hua Hin as a place to go specifically  for the guys, but if you’re there you at least one bar to go to.

    Back to Bangkok
    You can get a train and a bus to Bangkok from Hua Hin, but the train takes about 5 hours and the bus is not much better. I booked a taxi guy through Suphot that had me in my hotel in Silom, from a Hua Hin pickup, in about two hours and thirty minutes. Considering I had my luggage with me, I considered it well worth the 2000 baht or so it cost me.
  8. Like
    Manly69 reacted to forrestreid in A Recent Trip to Hua Hin   
    As I was staying in Hua Hin for only a three nights I decided that to get the best out of it I would hire services of a guide named the Suphot to bring me around me for a day. (People who read the other main board might recognise the name as the partner of one of the posters there, Smiles)

    Suphot picked me up from the hotel around ten and we had a full day out until around six.
    First step was the  Mrigadayavan Palace, the summer palace of Rama VI. It is a few miles north of town. An unusual design, very Thai.
    Then we went to Monkey Mountain (Khao Takiab Hill),  a few miles south of town (right beside where the ferry gets in actually). Has a Buddhist wat on a hill with good views all  around and also, as the name suggest, swarms of monkeys.

    Then headed for Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park, stopping off at a place Suphot suggested for lunch. Aimed at locals, with a menu in Thai only, it is the sort of place I never would have stepped in if I wasn’t with him I got a really nice lunch of pork and rice for something like 40 baht.

    I had told Suphot I was interested in seeing the Phra Nakhorn cave, within the bounds of the park. I had read about it, it is famous for having a one hundred year old Buddhist Pavilion built right inside the cave.  But  had not realised how much of a rigmarole was involved. First we entered the National Park which was 100 Baht for me in 40 for Suphot. Then to get to the cave we had to on a boat around a headland to get to a beach nearer it. This involved walking out into the waves to hop into to a long-tail boat that brings you in five minutes around to the beach then go to up the path to the cave. That cost 400 baht return.

    I had read somewhere that this was half an hour away from the beach. But I didn’t realise until I was on it that it is 30 minutes of a steep climb up steps to the cave mouth, and then you go quite steeply downhill again to get to the pavilion.

    You need a to have a good level of mobility to manage it. But I was all worth it when I got  to the chamber  in the cave with stunning view of the pavilion in the middle of the cave as sunlight streams in from he collapsed roof.

    After that it was on the way back to town, with a quick stop off at Rajabhakti Park to say hello the 7 humongous statues of the old Thai kings that the Thai military has installed as a rather bombastically nationalist new tourist attraction just south of Hua Hin.

    All on all a very good day. I would enthusiastically recommend Suphot as a to anybody who is looking for a guide around Thailand. Also does multi-day trips for people who want to see other parts of the country . He is a careful driver and his English, although a bit  idiosyncratic is fine to understand and he is calm easy-going presence to have around
  9. Like
    Manly69 reacted to forrestreid in A Recent Trip to Hua Hin   
    In my January Trip to Thailand, I spent some time in Hua Hin. I wrote a bit of a report about it for the other gay board. I usually post there, but as I have got useful information on this board in the past too, and there doesnt seem to be much info on this board on Hua Hin, I thought I would do a cross posting here.
    I will write about my getting there in this post. I will add a bit about a day trip I took while I was there and the nightlife in another post.
    Getting there - On the ferry from Pattaya to Hua Hin
    Several times in my previous trips to Thailand I had meant to get to Hua Hin. But I never quite managed it. As the new ferry service from Pattaya to Hua Hin had come into being since the last time I travelled to Thailand, I decided that this trip I definitely would go in the new ferry.

    I bought the ticket at their offices in Bali Hai pier a few days before sailing. I nearly came a cropper a that point actually as I hadn’t thought  bring my passport which you need to book a ticket, but luckily after a bit of begging the saleswoman accepted the photocopy of my passport I had instead. There was a choice of an ordinary ticket for about 1200 baht or a VIP ticket for about 1500. A VIP ticket means that you are allocated a larger seat in the upstairs deck and get a snack. Sailing time was 10 in the morning but I was told to be at the pier at 9 o’clock.  I turned up by five past nine - was not sure what you need it all this time for but I thought I had better. As it happened I think if you had turned up by 9.30 it would be plenty of time.

    The ferry left as scheduled at 10 o’clock. It was meant to take two hours, and as it got into Hua Hin around 12.20 it was pretty much on time.

    One thing to note, if you are booking. I was allocated a seat on the left hand side of the vessel but as that side is facing south on the way to Hua Hin and I was beside the window the sun was beating down right on the side of my head. Luckily as the upstairs deck was only two-thirds full on my trip, so I was able  to move seats once we were underway but in case it is full I suggest asking for seat on the right hand side of the boat, when heading to Hua Hin.

    The pier the ferry arrives at in Hua Hin  is about 5 miles south of the town. Once the ferry got in there was a bunch of songthaws there. Basically what happened was they asked where you’re going and you are more or less unceremoniously dumped into a songthaw with people going to hotels near you and charged 300 bat for the privilege.

    Some British guys baulked at the price and were just left there beside the pier. I don’t know how they got to town after. I am sure if you have Uber you can make your own arrangements.
    The Baan Manthana Hotel
    I stayed at the Baan Manthana hotel in town. This was about 15 minute walk from the beach and about the same from the main gay bar. It was a cheap and cheerful option but the room was clean and it had a pool.
  10. Like
    Manly69 reacted to numazu in Bangkok Trip Report: To Butterfly or not to Butterfly Part 2 – The Devil and the Angel   
    BONUS POST 5: Dos Males o Menos


    When in Thailand, the process of hiring a boy and taking him out of his boy bar is called “offing”. There are two types of offs.  An off is “short-time” if you take the boy out between 15 minutes to 3 hours, usually with just one sex event within that time. Afterwhich the boy goes home, or goes back to his bar if it early enough (to get more customers). The off is called “long-time” if the hire goes over the mythical 3 hour mark, usually with the boy staying over to sleep with you, and may or may not feature an extra sex event or two, usually in the morning when you and/or him has morning wood.


    The Thai bar boys operate on a flat-rate (similar to Brazil) and not an hourly rate like in the West, so you usually agree on a rate before the off. And oddly, the long-time rate is not a multiple of the short-time rate. I’ve had short-time rates at $40 lasting an hour. And I’ve had long-time rates lasting for 24 hours only paying $75. It depends on the john, the boy, the circumstance, and maybe how nice your hotel room is (usually, if they prefer your bed over their own for the night).


    So essentially, I initially was only “short-timing” Gabriel at the sauna, with our 20 minutes or so tryst. Then, mid-off, I decided to “long-time” him, which entailed me taking him out of the sauna. There was no “off” fee for him, or the fee to take him out, like in most Thailand gogo bars, so I guess that is advantage Brazil.  But there was still the matter what was his “long-time” fee was, in addition to the 200 reais I already gave him earlier. Such things I did not know, and the BoyToy forums are a little vague about what clients pay their companions when outside the confines of the sauna.


    But there are more urgent matters right now, as I peel off his now familiar speedo off of him. His huge cock, now super hard and pointing upwards, was a treat I just had to indulge on. I sit up to put it in my mouth. It won’t all fit in, but I try anyway. Once I was satisfied, I migrate down to his beautiful ass.  It still tasted as good as it was in the sauna, but since I was not on a bed that a thousand client-customer pairs have defiled throughout the years, in a room that has seen so much action and filth, and I was instead in the confines of my own (albeit temporary) comfortable apartment, I was able to spread my wings a little bit wider. And that meant spreading his legs a little bit wider too as well, as I ate him out for a while. His moans of pleasure, and his outstretched hand guiding my head to eat him harder and to navigate me to where he wanted me to focus, all added to the experience.


    After a while he knew what was coming next. He leaves the bed and disappears to the living room, and returns with a condom, lube pack, and his trusty tube of lidocaine. I take the condom, unwrap it and put it on my cock. He takes both lidocaine and lube up his ass, and gives me the lube packet to oil up my thing. He immediately gets on all fours. I oblige and fuck him like this. After a while I sit down and lean my body on our bed’s headboard. He treats this as his next position, as he stands up and then squats down to take my cock. It was probably weird seeing the two of us like this, because he was the bigger and longer pf us two, and I was the smaller and slighter, but the up-close sight of his heaving body and bulging muscles making this position work for me, was all it took for me to cum in the condom. Still with my cock in him, he jacks himself off. I ever so slightly open my mouth and he sits up to cum in my mouth. Despite the relative complexity of our physical exertions, we definitely did not have to speak the same language to be in-sync sexually. He was a find.


    My one gripe about this apartment is that the shower is not that big, so we had to take turns in taking showers. He wanted me to go first, MISTAKE #3: so I go to the bathroom and shut the door and take a luxurious shower. Mid-shower Gabriel goes in with a toothbrush and starts brushing his teeth while I was there. I finish, towel dry, and then it was Gabriel’s turn to shower, and my turn to brush my teeth. I leave the bathroom and shut the door and look for my boxer briefs. It did not occur to me then that the time I left Gabriel out there alone, he could have just robbed me and left. He didn’t.


    While waiting for him to finish I check my phone in the living room. Lots of messages to answer. After some time I see Gabriel emerge from the bedroom, with my 12” iPad Pro in hand. “Posso?” he asks. “Sim,” I say. But of course, MISTAKE #4: all my stuff, including expensive electronics, is just ripe for the picking for Gabriel. But here he was, asking permission to use the iPad Pro. I unlock the device with my thumb, and out pops out YouTube, with the music video of the “Vai Malandra” by Anitta, was playing mid-song:



    Vai Malandra pretty much has defined my whole stay here in Brazil. This song was release just last December 18, right in the middle of my stay in Sao Paulo. That day I was with my Paulista friend who was a hairdresser, and he was the one who put the song in my YouTube. Later that day it was as if the whole city was exploding with discovery of that song. You could hear it everywhere. And I watched the video transfixed with all the images.  There was a lot of things going on in the video, but the best things about it was it shot in the Vidigal favela in Rio. And in particular, the sequence wherein Anitta cavorts with two blonde cariocas, stood out for me:



    Gabriel played the video and was screaming by the end of this sequence. He clearly wanted me to see this sequence because of the presence of the two bleach blonde cariocas, who kind of looked like him. This shot of the two boys from the back made me realize how much Gabriel looked like them from this angle, gold necklace, tan skin, and everything else (and if the back was more muscular).:



    The boys were going to jump on this makeshift pool, on a bed of a truck:



    With Anitta, just vamping at the side:



    I took my phone and typed in for Gabriel: “You could star in this music video. You look like the blonde boys.”  He nods and smiles profusely and flexes a bicep and says “Sim! Mais musculoso!” Indeed. He was mais musculoso than the two boys in the video. And mais lindo. And mais carinhoso. And most likely mais everything else.


    One last thing from this video, a shot of one of the hunks. If you ever have to imagine what Gabriel looks like, he may look like this (with way more muscle):



    My favorite part, when he shows his tongue:



    The full video, in case you can stand Brazilian pop music:




    Vai Malandra has followed me from the streets of Sao Paulo, to the malls of Natal, to the nightclubs in Salvador, and now here, in my Ipanema apartment, with my carioca boyfriend for the night, watching it in my iPad Pro. Gabriel talked more about the Vidigal favela, and favelas in general. He says that Vidigal is going through some gentrification, and he googled some photos of the Alto Vidigal Bar and lounge as proof. The bar had some fantastic views of Rio. He told me we should go there sometime.  Sigh.  Someday.


    We talk a little bit about a bunch of other things. About my life in the USA. About my trip in Brazil.  He tells me about why he is a garoto (the usual tale of poverty and supporting the mother and siblings). He shows me photos of his family. I show him photos of my vacation in Brazil. I showed my whole iPhone photo roll, which contained some risqué photos of the boys I’ve met along the way, and my BF too.  He looks at them with some curiosity, and then google translates this: “Sometime, maybe we can get a boy and fuck him together.” I think I am in love.


    After a few more topics of discussion we decide to go to bed. I told him that the alarm was set at 6 AM because I had a flight to catch. We both sleep in our underwear. He wants to be big spoon, so we cuddle. All the activity today must have gotten to me, because I sleep all the way through and get awoken by the alarm.


    I suddenly figure out where I was and who I was with. I see Gabriel still fast asleep, his tight body and tan skin glistening. I go to the bathroom to pee. And then after I look around and see that everything is still intact. MISTAKE #5:  I find my passport on the table just there ripe for the picking. The AirBNB unit did not have a safe so if Gabriel were to steal it I would be SOL on my flight back to the US today. I figure that if Gabriel was bad, he would have done something by now. I’ve given him so many chances to rob or kill me. I even remember him offering gum after dinner and I just popped it in my mouth. So many mistakes tonight.


    I hear the toilet flush. I guess Gabriel was up. He emerged and went over to hug and kiss me. “Tudo bem?” he asks. Yes, everything was fine. My time with him was up. I have stretched my time with him as much as I could. I had to pack for my flight. I had to meet up with the AirBNB guy at 9:30 AM. I had to do a million things.


    But of course, the most important thing I had to do is pay him for the extra time he spent with me. I had no clue what 11 extra hours of time is worth for him. I take out my wallet and fish out 4 50 reais bill.  I guess $62 would be enough, in addition of course to his other 200 in the sauna? I had no idea. He pocketed the money without question. I felt bad. Was it too little? I figure I would do the next best thing. I told him I would get him an Uber, so he does not have to wrestle with subways and busses. I hand him my phone and he types in his address. 15 minutes later we get a bite from Uber. 8 minutes away.


    I give him a big hug. I type in a few goodbye phrases, and he bids me a nice flight, and thanked me for the Uber. 3 minutes away. I kiss him, he kisses back. I go with him to the lobby to bid him goodbye. We get to the gate and the car was there. He gets in and closes the door. He waves one last time before the car took him away. 40 minutes later, this was the fare:



    It was reasonable ($22), considering the distance. 30 minutes later, as promised, he sends me a video of him skateboarding. It was impressive. 3 weeks later, he would send me photos of him, his brother, and his friends in bathing suits ready to go to the beach. I recognize some of his friends from the sauna. 5 weeks later he sends me 2 photos of his birthday celebration. Turning 23 looks good on him. And now, 7 weeks later, I agree to have him be my travel companion for part of my next Brazil trip in April, which coincides with my birthday. I will spend 3 nights in Sao Paulo and 3 nights in Porto Alegre with him, paying him a flat rate of 300 reais a day, except on my birthday, which he says he is free for me, as a birthday present. And to sweeten the pot, he says this:



    He will go with me to the sauna and we can fuck boys together. I guess we have a deal.


    I am starting to like this country.

  11. Like
    Manly69 reacted to vinapu in Bangkok Trip Report: To Butterfly or not to Butterfly Part 2 – The Devil and the Angel   
    don't you know that South America is Thai province between Phitsanulok and Lampang ?
  12. Like
    Manly69 reacted to TotallyOz in Bangkok Trip Report: To Butterfly or not to Butterfly Part 2 – The Devil and the Angel   
    Good advice.  I let one long time member spend too much criticizing Numazu for silly things and he had made 100's' of posts .
    I won't wait so long with Denny 59. He will be gone on his next critical post.  I determine what are proper posts and Denny 59 does not determine where posts belong!
  13. Like
    Manly69 reacted to santosh108 in Bangkok Trip Report: To Butterfly or not to Butterfly Part 2 – The Devil and the Angel   
    If you find it boring, just skip it!!  Some of us find it interesting if somewhat off topic and very much enjoy the stories and information given.  And namazu has traveled to Thailand and surrounding countries and has shared extensively about those experiences and hopefully will continue to do so.
  14. Like
    Manly69 reacted to numazu in Bangkok Trip Report: To Butterfly or not to Butterfly Part 2 – The Devil and the Angel   
    Part 3 of 4: Climbing Corcovado
    After he takes the room key from the counter, he asks me if I needed condoms and lube.  I nod and he gets handed some by the employees.  He takes my hand again and leads me downstairs. I thought the rooms were upstairs? Anyways we weave through the throng of guys and customers and he leads me to the rooms in the back. He uses the key and opens the door to one of the rooms. What I saw inside reminded me of the massage parlor rooms in Bangkok. It was a minimalist room with a big bed in the middle and an en-suite bathroom. I try not to think about the hundreds and thousands of customer/client pairs that have used the bed for passion, and just focused on the task at hand, which was standing in front of me, waiting for me to get settled.
    I followed his lead. He leans over to kiss me. Because of the height disparity (he is 6’1, I am 5’7, I am used to this as the BF is 6’2), I had to get on my tippy toes to kiss. Very deep, very wet, very hot. But this position was awkward. I grab his broad shoulders and spin him towards the bed and sit him down on it. I sit on his lap and we continue kissing. He puts a hand on my back and gently strokes it. He stops and grabs me to lay me down the bed, and then stands up to take off his speedo. I take off my towel too. He joins me on the bed and starts kissing and grabs my cock and strokes it. I guess we are not showering before the deed. I showered before coming here, and I am assuming he is immaculately clean.
    He proceeds to suck me off.  Pretty good, not the best I’ve had, but the accompanying visuals were awesome. He looks good in any angle, as any handsome 22 year old with zero body fat and genetics predisposed to muscle, would be. I grab his cock, now semi-hard, and growing fast.  Pretty soon I had a monster in my hands. I was glad he was versatile, because taking that cock was just impossible for me. He was still sucking when I take my hands to his ass.  Nice and round, and very muscular, I find his hole and start massaging. I take a finger and wet it in my mouth. I slide a finger in. Man, that hole was warm. I position myself to get a better look of his ass. I start rimming. The ass and all its glorious wonder alone was worth the price of admission.
    After a while I stop rimming and just initiate body contact. He was pretty receptive to my licks and touches and pretty much was ok with me having my way with him. He strokes my cock again and points to the condoms and lube.  I guess it was time to fuck. He gets off the bed to get the little packets and then hands me the condom to put on my cock. He then takes this little tube he had hiding in his speedo, squeezes it and puts what came out it in his ass.  I ask what the little tube was and he hands it to me:

    It was a tube of Lidocaine. I guess he wanted to numb the pain of anal sex. BUT, I am not that big so I don’t know what he was worried about.  He opens the lube packet and puts it in his butt with the lidocaine already in there. He then puts out his lubed hand and greases up my condom-sheathed cock, which was standing in attention. He then gets down on all fours next to me and gives me a thumbs up.  I guess he was ready for the Numazu ride. I get up and turn him over so he was lying on his back. This is my favorite position, because I want to see the guy’s face when I fuck him. I position myself, take his legs on my shoulders, and start putting it in.  I go in slowly, and he starts squinting, as if wincing in pain.
    I pull out. I gotta warm up this baby. I took the lube packet and put more lube on my cock and my fingers.  I slide in one finger and get him comfortable with it.  I put in two, and after some resistance, I was all in. More lube on my cock, and I tried again. Slowly, he was still wincing, but I was slowly able to get it all in without him wincing in agony. Some slow thrusts, and then faster ones, and we were on our way. While I was pounding him I looked at the majesty of what 150 R got me. His face, still handsome even if he was slightly uncomfortable, was able to crack a smile when he realized I was staring at him. He had a killer smile. I leaned over to kiss him as I continued my exertions.
    Upright once again, I admire the rest of him. His olive skin tone was exquisite, something that can only exist in the delicious genetic soup that is Brazil. No doubt with regular visits to the beach, the skin tone made every ripple of muscle stand out. The physical exertion of getting fucked made his vein vascularity pop out. His chest just had the perfect amount of flesh and muscle that they bounced with every thrust I take.  And his abs, contracting and expanding with the labored breathing he took while taking me, were amazing. I put a hand on his 8-pack, enjoying the feel of genetic perfection.
    All this visual stimulation, coupled of course with the fact that he was tight as fuck, got me to cum fairly quickly. I stayed in him for a while, catching my breathe, as he stroked my arm. I pull out, slowly (he winced again), and pull out the condom and quickly dispatch of it in the bathroom. I get back and lay beside him, asking “Gozar?” Of course I wanted him to cum. And I knew what he was going to say next: “50 reais?” I say “Sim!” without even thinking about it.  $15 to witness an orgasm may be unnecessary for some, but I wanted to see it. 
    While laying down I motion to him using my arms, that I wanted him to sit on my tummy, and to cum on my chest. I wanted to see up close every muscle twitch, every vein contraction, every penis pump.  An intimate audience only appropriately appreciates such perfection. He plops his still warm and raw ass on my tummy, and starts the show. He jerks off with his right hand, and he puts his left hand behind his head, revealing his gorgeous pit.  Oh yeah he has done this before and knows what sells. He then alternates with his left and right hand, and sometimes uses both hands, to do the deed.  And then it comes: he leans forward, balances himself by setting his left hand next to my head, and cums on my neck and face.
    When he gets his bearings back he looks at his handiwork, and smears some of the cum off my face.  I didn’t care.  It can stay there all day. He points to the shower and I reluctantly get up and followed his cute butt to the bathroom. And then the fantasy disappears. Yikes, I’m in a sauna, where hundreds to thousands of men have had sex on the bed, have walked these floors, have used the showers. I put on my Havaiianas and pray that I don’t get anything from being barefoot. We shower together, and take turns soaping each other’s backs. I take one more feel of his hole before we turn the water off and dry ourselves.
    He puts his speedos back on and sits on the bed. I join him and he starts typing on his phone.  He shows it to me and it was google translate, asking how long I was going to be here. I take the phone from him and tell him that it was my last night.  And tomorrow I was going back to the US. He thinks about this for a minute and then motions to the door.  I guess we have come to the end of our programa. I wrap the towel around my waist and we leave the room. We head back to the lockers and I unlock mine to get my wallet. I take 4 fifty real notes from it and hand it to him. He takes it and puts it in his speedos and thanks me. He then just stood there, waiting for me to say something.
    Throwing caution to the wind, I came up with a wild idea. I take my phone and saw that it was almost 8 PM (and some messages from the BF, I guess he was needing some attention). I look for Google Translate and start typing. I show it to him and he says: “Sim!” with no hesitation. I asked him if he wanted to join me for dinner tonight. I followed it up with: but don’t you need more customers tonight? He answers that he was done for the day. He asks me what part of Rio I was staying at.  I tell him I was staying in a condo in Ipanema.  He then tells me that he needed to leave at around 11:30 PM to catch the subway and bus back to his house.  I told him no problem; he will be home before then.
    He motions that he had to go to put on some clothes and will be right back.  I say yes and I put on my own clothes and make sure all of my stuff was still there (it was). I toss the wet towel in one of the bins and sit myself down to answer messaged from the BF. I look up and see that there were still some new customers coming in and getting into towels.  It was going to be a busy night for the boys. I felt that my boy could at least get a few more hundred reais. Oh well. I am sure he very popular and recoup it in other nights.
    After a few more minutes of waiting he emerges in a very nice white tank top, purple shorts, skater sneakers and checkered socks that went up to mid-calf. On any other guys this would be a crazy outfit combination.  But on him, with his skin tone, musculature, legs and face, it all worked. He has his little whore tote bag on his shoulder (I’m guessing it has a toothbrush, deodorant, condom and lube packets, and his tube of lidocaine, and enough cash to get home).
    We get on the main floor and I see all the boys I am leaving behind. This was a good-looking lot. One boy after another: handsome, muscular, dashing, hung.  Having seen it with my own eyes, I can surely say that the hype is fully justified. The legend of Brazilian Sauna boys that has been in my head all this years is as accurate and real as what I thought it would be, and what the pages of the BoyToy forum has cracked it up to be.  Yes guys, it is worth it to fly all this way to get this quality of dick. Because it is cheap, there was a lot of it, and it’s really really good.
    We head over to the counter and I settle my bill. Things were hazy at this point, having just come off a high from the sex, but I think I was charged 90-something reais ($28) for the use of the room, as well as the condoms and lube, and maybe an entrance fee too, I am not sure. Overall, I spent more or less $100 for a couple of hours of watching, cruising, and sexing, some Brazilian boys. Not bad. While waiting for my change I call an Uber. We wait in the empty hallway outside the main door till I see on my phone that the Uber is closeby.  We head out, see the car waiting for us, and duck in the back seat.
    The driver repeats the address on his phone. I confirm the destination and we were on our way. I look at my boy and he smiles at me. And like clockwork, he sits closer, takes my hand in his and we spend the whole ride this way.  This was gonna be good.
    The night is not done, as I made some mistakes… next.
  15. Like
    Manly69 reacted to numazu in Bangkok Trip Report: To Butterfly or not to Butterfly Part 2 – The Devil and the Angel   
    Part 2 of 4: Feeling My Way Around
    I want to start with this caveat: I am not a sauna/bathhouse person.  I am not a massage parlor person. I like having private sex, in a house or hotel, preferably on a bed, mine or his. When in Bangkok I rarely go to the "Mega Bathhouse" Babylon, and also rarely do I go get those happy ending massages, unless brought or forced by a friend.  And I am not alone.  This post by Eriksmythee1 in the thread "Sao Paulo Advice sums up more or less my issues with it:
    That is why the Thailand boy bar model appeals to me.  You can be sitting inconspicuously among the audience of a boy show bar, look at the display of boys onstage, tell the waiters which boy you wanted, the boy can then sit with you and you can do your due diligence to see if you are a match, and BOOM, a few hundred baht later, you are the temporary boss of a hot young virile thing to take home and have consensual monkey sex with.  BUT, nothing ventured, nothing gained, and the promise of going to a place that had super hot Brasilerios for a small fee was enticing enough to venture out of my comfort, so off to the sauna for me:

    As I cross the street, I notice, to the left of me, two guys (presumably clients) making their way to the sauna as well. They open the door and I slip in behind them. They get to the end of this short hallway and, after waiting for a few seconds, get buzzed in to the inner door. We all go in and get greeted by the employees behind the counter.  The two guys get checked in first and they get their keys. When it was my turn, one of the staff asks me if I preferred English or Portuguese. I say English. I was asked what my name was, so I give them an alias. They put my “nome de puta” on the computer and I was given a key with a number on it, presumably a locker key.
    I was not sure what to do next. I was so nervous that at this point I forgot everything that I read in the forums. I looked around and saw a staircase leading to an upper floor, and another to a lower floor. So far, the sauna’s configuration reminded me of my grandmother’s house in the East Coast USA, EXCEPT this house had really hot guys in towels to my right. Some of them noticed that I was there staring and with drool forming in the sides of my mouth.  Two smiled in my general direction, others just stared at me, probably trying to surmise what I was about. They were of varying shapes, sizes and ages. Mostly young, mostly muscular, mostly handsome. I immediately tried to play it aloof and non-chalant. I go towards the guys and just try to coolly walk past them, at a pace fast enough to appear casual, but slow enough to be able to assess if anyone of them clicked with me or not.
    Walking down the hallway made me realize that there were some customers interspersed among the working men there. I guess one way to observe the trade is to be side-by-side with the boys. Upon walking at the end of the hallway, I see a door to a large room that had a bar and some chairs and a stage. Some boys and customers were socializing and drinking and having fun.  That looked nice, but I wasn’t ready to go in just yet. I instead go back the other way and go up the stairs to the upper floor. No one was there, save for one lonely woman janitor looking at me with a blank stare. Why wasn’t anyone here? I just see rooms with their doors closed. I guess this was where some of the private rooms were.
    I go back down and then down further to the lower level. I see more boys just walking, standing, talking. Some were trying to entice customers, others just sitting there resting, a number of them staring at the well, presumably wondering about their existence in life. And then I notice the locker rooms. I see my locker but I don’t change into a towel yet. I still wanted to look around and explore. There was a series of showers to my right, and the lockers to my left. Lots of models just looking around and trying to entice customers. A lot of them were really hot, and most of them were sporting fairly big packages and huge asses.  And then I remember one of the great advices in the boytoy.com website: don’t fall in love with the first model you talk to.
    This was particularly useful for the first guy that talked to me. He was standing to my right, leaning against the wall, when he extended an arm to stop me as I was about to walk past him.  I stop to look at his handsome face, which was really striking.  Classic Italian looks, with just a perfect splash of genes from other races that made his face and skin tone very distinctive and alluring.  He was only wearing a towel, and he was this big mountain of a man.  He had giant pecs and abs that are just perfect. He grunts out a question to me but I barely make it out with the showers running closeby. He leans in to whisper it in my ear. What is your name is what he asked. I told him my Nome de Puta and he tells me his. He immediately asks what I wanted, so I tell him “Sexo”, like an idiot (duh, of course). He laughs and then asks what I wanted to do in sex.  Almost on cue he strokes his flaccid, but already huge cock, through his towel. He then touches my butt and strokes it. It was clear he was a top. I then ask, pointing to him, “Ativo?” “Yes,” he answers in English. “Nao passivo?” He nods, “Nao passivo!” almost indignantly.
    I then point to myself “Tambem. Nao passivo!” smiling. He smiles as well, and then draws me closer. He lightly licks my ear (very forward already) and then looks at me and then tries to haggle: “Nao passivo. Muito beijando (pointing to his lips and mine). Contato” and other words I don’t recognize. He tries to act it out with his giant muscular arms. I guess he was trying to say that no anal is required to have fun with him. While he was this towering muscular handsome guy with what I can see (and feel) is an enormous cock, I had to pass. He was not a bottom, so it won’t work out. I didn’t want my first paid Brazilian experience to be a vanilla sex thing. Also I had to apply the rule of not hiring the first guy I talk to.  So I put a hand to his face and squeeze it, and say my thanks and walk on by.
    I decide to really dive into this now so I go to my locker to get out of my clothes and just be in a towel. The locker did not have a towel but an employee quickly handed me one from the back. I undress, and then briefly say goodbye to my cellphone as I put it relunctantly in the locker, and lock the locker door. I turn around and get accosted by a second guy. He was my height (about 5’7-5'9), very pretty face, and looked fairly young. He had a muscular, but not too muscular frame.  His penis made a clear outline in the front, and it looked like he had a big butt. He had fairly white skin: if we were in the USA, I would think he would just pass for any other white-italian kid.
    He speaks to me in near-perfect English. He asks the usual questions and then proceeds to do the hard sell. He asks me what I wanted and I told him I was looking to top a guy. He said he was the best bottom in the building. I laughed and then told him I didn’t believe him. He was indignant, telling me to ask any of the customers here. That particularly wasn’t a selling point for me (and I won’t be going around asking the customers how his ass was), so I asked him what else he did. He said he kisses really well, and proceeds to give me a very deep wet one. Wow, that was impressive. He looks into my eyes and then kisses my nose. He kept insisting and asking and pulling my arm to get me to take him.  It was turning into a less sexy interaction, and to one that was more desperate. I pull away and tell him that I will see him for round 2. He asks me why he was not good enough for round 1. I just smile, thanked him for his time and attention, and started walking away.
    This was kind of fun. I think I am getting the hang of it. My nerves were gone. I could do this now with a clear head, and ready to look for the perfect Brazilian guy for me. This approach to getting guys is so much more in-your-face than the way it is done in Thailand. Out there, the boys are usually on a stage, separate from the customers, sometimes out of reach, and you call on the boy you want to sit with you for further inspection.  In here, the men and customers mingle with each other for a relatively more personal interaction. There are pros and cons for each way. I imagine if I was more shy I’d prefer to be in the background just picking my boys and avoiding their gaze, instead of having sex served directly to my face, but there is something about Brazil, both in the confines of the four walls of a sauna in particular, and the being out there in the kinetic city with the locals in general, that takes you out of your comfort zone. Which to me is the whole point in exploring this country anyway.
    I go back upstairs and do a victory lap around the premises. Lots of guys to choose from, but I didn’t try to talk to one just yet. I went back downstairs and immediately see this olive-skinned tall hunky, bleached blonde guy in a speedo, not a towel. That look was definitely distinctive. He caught me staring and smiled, and started walking towards me. He sticks out a hand and shakes my hand. He kept drawing me close till I was close enough to get a whiff of the scent off of his body. It was pleasant, and sexy and it worked for me. We exchange names and then he asks me where I was from. I tell him and I ask him the same question. He points to the ground “Rio. Carioca,” saying he was a native to the city.  I say “Carioca” back at him, saying the word for the very first time in my life, which made me smile widely. He warmly smiles back, nodding “Sim!”
    He was obviously young (I ask him and he said he is 22), and his body was very muscular, but looked naturally built and ripped. He wasn’t anything like some of the steroided guys I saw upstairs. His English was not so good, but he knew enough phrases to ask me the right kind of questions. He said he was versatile, he said he kissed very well (and proved it with a quick but deep kiss), and he said he was very friendly and easy-going. He whipped out his phone to get to google translate. He showed me what he wanted to say: if I wanted to take him to a room for some fun.
    I looked at him up and down. For me he stood out from all the other guys here. He was this delicious multi-racial guy with olive skin, a prominent Italian nose, and bleached blond hair that made his look unique. To me his looks out- Brazilian-ed every other Brazilian out there in the sauna. His thighs were huge and inviting. His ass and bulge were both large (the great set of genetics present in the building was very impressive), and his abs and pecs were on point and not too over-developed and over worked-out. But more than that, he had this effortless masculinity that could not be faked. I was sold. I wanted to get to know him more.
    But I had to ask the most important question ever : “Quanto?” How much for his services? He tries to answer in English. I did not understand as his accent was bad. I say “Quanto?” again, this time he tells me his price in Portuguese.  He wanted 150 R, about $50.  From the board,  I vaguely recall that this was in the middle to high range of what was average pay for the guys were. I was in no mood to haggle. He had what I wanted and I wanted to have it. “Sim!” I say with a smile. He smiles back and immediately takes my hand and leads me up the stairs.
    What happened? That’s next…
  16. Like
    Manly69 reacted to TotallyOz in Vietnamese Boys   
    I'm sure you'll happy to know Steveboy has been banned.  He had been warned a few times and even suspended once.
    This certainly is a last resort but I had no choice!
  17. Like
    Manly69 reacted to CurtisD in Dispatch from Pattaya   
    In the morning, after a lazy start and laps in the pool, I head into Pattaya to give it a second chance. After walking the full length of the beach, pausing for a bite for lunch, it is definite: Pattaya is not my kind of place. Too crowded. Deciding against taking refuge on the Hilton roof top I return to Jomtien and spend the afternoon in a deck chair on the gay beach people watching and reading a book. Late in the afternoon I swim more laps and then sit on the balcony with a glass of wine, watch the sun set and consider the options for the evenings entertainment.
    The cougar dancer from Castro is top of the list of possibilities. I also do not like my failure to connect at the Complex and want to try again, being more observant where I sit this time. Stunning guy is also a draw, but I want to keep things light and butterfly which, for me, requires focus as being as selective as I am I typically end up going down one of three roads: (a) I do not see anyone who really draws my attention and go to bed by myself, which is fine with me as I rate quality way way above quantity; (b) I see someone interesting, sleep with them, and it is ok but nothing more than ok, so no repeat; © Things click and then I tend to stick with them and explore no further. Stunning guy is definitely in group © but on this trip for various reasons I want to stay out of the mold and keep exploring.
    Walking slowing through the Complex a little before 10pm I get to the bar opposite @Home and the guy I missed last night is not to be seen. Then someone is pulling at my right arm and I turn to see that it is the other guy who I liked the look of last night but who had disappeared by the time I realized my mistake at the first bar. He really is gorgeous. Sweet face, naturally muscled compact torso and bubble butt and darker complexion. In the moment I decide that my mission tonight is the cougar dancer and smile him away and all the way to Boystown I am thinking 'that may have been a massive mistake'.
    I sip a coffee on the terrace at Casto and watch the performers arrive. The cougars start dancing at 11pm and the show starts at 11.30pm. I get a smile of recognition from 'my' cougar as he arrives and the waiter repositions my chair so I can watch them dance from the terrace. I want to be out there when they finish so I can catch him after the show starts. 'My' cougar is really working it and keeping an eye on me. A party of young Chinese arrive just before the show and sit in reserved seats in the front row, very similar to last night. The show starts. 'My' cougar maintains flirtatious contact but does not get close and I realize that the arrival of the Chinese group has altered the dynamic. He is keeping me warm while waiting to see if this group turns into a party-time like last night. He can make a lot in tips from a party group. Fair enough, the party may or may not happen, but I do not need to sit and wait through it. I signal to him that I will be back and leave to explore other bars for the next hour.
    Earlier from the terrace I had seen a fresh group of guys coming out of BBB, so I go to investigate. Yes, they have new dancers and they are more to my taste! This gives me an incentive to visit the other bars and see if they too have improved. As I step out of BBB I pause to decide which way to go and the door guy from Cupidol calls me across. I don't want to waste time, so I ask how many boys tonight. He pauses and thinks, moving his fingers, 'fifteen'. Ok, I need to check his maths and when I enter the bar I see he did indeed major in mathematics. An attractive group too. Humerous guy is there and waves to me. He is a little outside my taste range, very striking looking but a little fem. However he has a sense of humor and that goes a long way, so I ask him over for a drink thinking I might enjoy the conversation until I return to Castro. 
    He is very amusing. I begin to think that the fem thing is an overlay that he has adopted as clients think it goes with his looks and over time it has become a type of second nature. Beneath this is a serious poultry breeder (his current objective is another house for chickens) who is versatile (I believe him) and very much all about business (am I here alone? do I have a boyfriend? etc) in such a charming way that I can't take offense. He sees me looking at the other boys, particularly a couple of more swimmers-build guys, and reading the situation quickly tells me that if I like them I should call them over, he will be happy with a drink, no problem, but if I like him then it is only him. No groups. 
    Breaking the mold, I ask humorous guy to come with me. This guy is entertaining, cougars can wait. As we leave I find the image of him with his manicured nails and very sharp dress-sense down in the chicken house breeding poultry quite surreal. However, an image of him organizing his mother and siblings in the work I can believe. 
    Back in Jomtien he surveys the apartment (I took a lot of trouble to find a well designed apartment) and the view from the balcony and tells me, very much in the way of David Attenborough appraising a tribal society, that I am wealthy. I tell him I wish that was so, but I am not at all. No, with great authority, he begs to differ. Why,I ask? Europeans do not have this type of apartment. What type do they have? He gives me a very detailed answer - if his market knowledge of poultry is anything like his knowledge of Boystown clients I am in the presence of the future head of the Thai version of Tyson Foods.
    Now I am intrigued to know what type of accommodation different nationalities have, but a warm, sensuous and enthusiastic mouth covers mine and stops further conversation. He has bagged and tagged his catch and now intends to enjoy it. 
    Again I must ask you to create your own visions of whatever makes you happy, albeit this time at a rather fast tempo which should lead to exhausted sleep. 
    However, much later in the morning, I am tossing and turning and feeling strangely apprehensive as though I have had unrecalled bad dreams which have left an emotional residue. I find one indicator of compatibility is how well you sleep with someone. Bangkok guy and I slept deeply and entwined in each other, stunning guy and I slept lightly always in body contact and aware of each other. Humorous guy and I are quite apart from each other and tossing and turning. 
    In the hazy dawn light he wakes me as he goes out on the balcony. He is beautiful. The dull pain at the back of my eyes indicates I am very short of sleep and I still have the strange apprehensive feeling. I join him on the balcony. Ever a quick read, he sees plans made last night for morning 'boom boom' will not happen. He is concerned. I tell him I am just very tired. He slept well, it was me who did not. Ever the professional, he tells me to come to the bar tonight, no need to pick him, he will be happy to talk and if I want other boys he will help organize whatever I want. We say a fond farewell and I give him a very generous tip (we had not discussed up front) and suddenly David Attenborough is back: You are wealthy he declares, his pleasure in having his analysis 'vindicated' lighting up his face. And I think, 'well, the price of tonight's entertainment just went up'.
    I dozed fitfully until mid morning, skipped laps in the pool and had a light meal at the Sketchbook which perked me up a little but still not back to normal, so back to bed and slept until late afternoon. I finally got up and went out to the balcony, only to make a sudden dash to the bathroom. Something from lunch yesterday was bad and had been slowly passing through my gut, probably explaining the poor sleep and bad dreams. With it expelled, all my energy returned and I went to the pool to swim many laps.
  18. Like
    Manly69 reacted to CurtisD in Dispatch from Pattaya   
    The next morning after a pleasant farewell to stunning guy I did a few laps in the pool and then set off down the beach for the day's Big Expedition. The plan was to walk down the beach to Glass House restaurant for lunch, about a two hour walk according to Google Maps. Perfect day to stroll along and enjoy the changing beachfront landscape. Some areas are definitely better than others and at some point the beach disappears - at a final and very optimistic deck chair concession with waves lapping around the umbrellas - and residents gain Ocean Access rather than Beach Access. Fancy new condos along the Ocean Access strip made me wonder to whom they are selling - Chinese who buy off a brochure and are rather surprised on their first visit? Fishermen?
    The beachfront road finally ran out at a restaurant. I had not checked the details of the route carefully enough and had just assumed the road went all the way. Out with the iPhone and I see the important detail I had missed. While I was very close to the Glass House as the crow flies, without wings the route required a 40 minute walk inland around new developments with direct ocean access, part of which required walking along the highway and, without footpaths, this had no appeal. Hoping to find a local walking track I opted to cut through the developments to a village by a small fishing harbor where the locals told me sorry, no track, the only way is back to the highway. I went to the local restaurant to regroup over a beer and the owner said he would call me a cab to complete the trip when I was ready. It was a very restful place to sit with a slight breeze, the fishing boats gently rocking and a view to the ocean beyond. Absolutely quiet. Some locals came in for lunch and when the smell of cooking reached me I wrote off the Glass House and asked for a menu. Really great fresh seafood - whole fish baked in salt and 'seafood seafood' soup which turned out to be small octopus, calamari and shrimp in a delicate clear vegetable broth.  If you have transport to get there and want a quiet restful break I can recommend it. It shows up on Google Maps with a Thai label only, at the end of Na Jomtien 6, a rating of 4/5 mostly by Thais.
    Back to Jomtien by local taxi and a long nap so I can explore the Jomtien Complex refreshed.
    I walked to the Complex a little before 10pm. The place was lively but, with no experience of host bars, I found walking past trying to identify interesting boys a little awkward. How do you stare into a bar full of both boys and patrons without appearing gauche? After a couple of laps there were two guys who I thought I would like to talk to. Backtracking to the first bar I was greeted by the boy who interested me and his colleague seated me. The boy I liked then ignored me and his colleague, not my type, tried to make conversation. More awkwardness as the colleague was very slow to take the hint that it was not him with whom I wanted to speak. 'My boy' and I exchanged glances, but he did not come over. Bait and switch? Other boy's turn? It can't have been the latter as the first colleague got the hint finally, only to be replaced by another boy who was very much not my type. Another patron walked in and 'my boy' greeted him, took his order and sat with him! 
    The penny finally dropped. The 'colleague' who had seated me was not a colleague at all but a wily opportunist from the neighboring bar with almost identical furniture who had intervened to misdirect me to the wrong side of the aisle. Lesson learned. I paid the tab, exchanged mutually regretful glances with 'my guy' who clearly understood what had happened and departed for the more familiar territory of GoGo bars in the hope that the first night's experience in Boystown had been an aberration.
    Start with Cupidol again. I met the guy with the sense of humor outside on his way out. With a cheeky grin he told me too late tonight, come back for me tomorrow. Inside it was the same story as the previous night but now down to four boys. The mamasan told me 'many boys off already'. It was about 10.40pm, so combining her stories from both evenings Cupidol has a tight window of 10pm to 10.35pm between the arrival of the boys and their being offed. Special boys in high demand. 
    Over to BBB and the same group as the previous night. Stunning guy was there but I felt like a change of pace from two tops. After two repeats of the previous night's disappointment I did not feel like visiting every bar and experiencing mass deja vu. Taking a seat on a terrace with a coffee I decided to watch the World go by and see what came along. What came along after about 30 minutes was an apparition in gold sequined shorts, soon followed by two further such apparitions out of the bar behind me. I had taken a seat on Castro's terrace and the cougar dancers were taking a break after warming up the crowd for the show. I had missed this the first night.
    I asked the waiter to move me inside. The place was packed and I had a stroke of luck when a cute young guy who was part of a larger group called to the waiter and gave me their spare chair to save me sitting at the back.
    Lip-synching shows are not usually my thing. They have to be really good to hold my attention for more than a minute. This one was really really good. Excellent costumes and choreography, a mix of humor and truly professional performers who understood how to work the crowd. The crowd that night helped. Front row were two young Chinese guys and their female friends who were totally and hilariously into the whole thing and their antics energized the audience so soon everyone was into it, giving the performers a lot to work with. 
    During a bathroom break I came across the initial sequined apparition at the bar and exchanged smiles on the way back to the table, thinking I would catch up with him after the show. Experienced readers will spot the error here. At some point during the show he delivered a bottle of spirits to the Chinese group and they asked him to join them. 
    At the end of the show the cougars started dancing again and it was clear that while the Chinese had not offed him, and I suspected probably would not, there was a party in progress that seemed a bit mean to break up given how much amusement their antics had provided. 
    So happily back to Jomtien for sleep in my own company.
  19. Like
    Manly69 reacted to CurtisD in Dispatch from Pattaya   
    After almost three decades of visiting Thailand this is the first time I have made it outside Bangkok.
    So far, if I was forced into the artificial choice of "pick one only, Bangkok or Pattaya", I would pick Bangkok. Artificial, as they are two quite different flavors. Bangkok is sophisticated and urban to an international standard (in parts), Pattaya is laid-back beach party town.
    However, so far, I prefer the gay scene in Bangkok over Pattaya.
    This could just be the result of a lot of experience in Bangkok - good and bad - versus a single snapshot of Pattaya. From experience I know the scene is very changeable, so I plan to visit both in future and see if first impressions change. 
    Within Pattaya, I like Jomtien but do not like Pattaya. Pattaya is too crowded to be my idea of a beach vacation. I am very happy to be staying in Jomtien.
    I started this trip with a visit to XSize in Bangkok where I have had the best and the worst of my experiences. Start with a dice roll. Last time XSize had so few boys there was a crackdown on non-Thais, so I assume this is happening currently. So on to Dreamboys where one of the boys was discretely eyeing me. My experience is that discrete attention is often a better sign than very overt attention grabbing. Asked the mamasan's opinion and got a very positive response, so asked him over. Very charming guy. Then he asks for 4000Bt long time. A little surprising as the bar is busy but not crowded and while I think he is attractive I am not sure he will ring the bell for everyone. However, at least he is up-front and he is the one I like, so we settle for 3500Bt. 
    I ask him if he is hungry and he is, so ask him to pick a restaurant and he picks a good Thai place and, when I ask, selects the food. After the initial 'up to you' he can make decisions. I like that. Over dinner he tells me he only works when he needs to raise funds for his studies. That is why he is very direct about what he needs. Good for him.
    We go to Jupiter2018 as it was not open last time I was in Bangkok and I am keen to see it. We arrive after the show. Modest crowd. Excellent female vocalist performing. About 8 boys 'backing' her look like commuters hoping to catch the attention of the next taxi rather than cold fashion models. I feel a little sorry for them. Each is very attractive and I think if these are the guys that are left, the ones that have gone must have been stellar. Another visit is in order.
    I like this guy and we have agreed to meet when I return to Bangkok. (Yes, there is a gap in the narrative here, fill it in with whatever makes you happy and want to meet a guy again).
    TheLimoPattaya collect me the next day. They are very good - thanks for the recommendation. I check into the condo in Jomtien, get a bite to eat watching the sunset by the beach and then jet lag kicks in brutally and ends the day.
    Rise early, swim a few lengths in the pool and them walk as far as I can by the beach around the headland towards Pattaya until the path ends and I am forced to take to the roads. The beaches around the headland are gorgeous with multiple rows of shade trees, no traffic and fewer people. Pattaya is an ugly shock. Crowds, traffic, narrow beach, far fewer shade trees. I pass through Boystown to familiarize myself, walk as far as the Hilton and have a caprina at the roof bar. From this elevation Pattaya looks wonderful. if only I didn't have to go back down to ground level. 
    In the evening after a nap and more laps in the pool back in Jomtien, I head to Boystown arriving around 9.40pm. Cupidol is the first stop, Five boys and me staring at each other. One has a sense of humor about it. Mamasan says come back later, some boys running late. 
    I cross over to BoysBoysBoys. One guy is stunning, a couple not for me although I can see why others will like them and the rest, the vast majority, are so far outside my taste range they are U3C - Unfortunate Third Category. This never happens. I am very selective - my friends tease me mercilessly about it - but this high a proportion is rare. Now I wonder if the stunning guy is really a diamond or, by association, must be zirconium. He was checking me out discretely, a good sign, but no need to find out now, I want to explore all the bars on this first visit and what I find is more cases of me staring at five guys, or only finding two guys (Dream Boys) or a further disproportionate U3C representation (XBoys and one other place).
    The show at XBoys had my hopes up but when it ended the performers I liked were nowhere to be seen. So back to BBB and there they were! A traveling troupe. The next part of the BBB show featured the stunning guy. We talked when he came round collecting tips after the act and he was a very sweet guy. It was an amusing conversation. He was a little wary of what two tops would do, possibly he has encountered a few overly insistent customers, but we cleared that up. I returned to Jomtien pillion on his motorbike, a new and very nice acquisition of which he was proud and consequently drove very carefully (also my impression is that he is a very reliable guy). None-the-less as I went up the Jomtien hill at some speed sans crash helmet it crossed my mind that it would make for an interesting obituary. 
    And now another discreet gap in the narrative for you to fill with your own happy thoughts.
  20. Like
    Manly69 reacted to Nasherich in Trip Report - Pattaya/Jomtien 2018   
    Chivaroma, one of the male massage shops in Second Road near Boyztown has some quite cute guys outside. I had a number of very good treatments there only one of which was an oil massage with straight forward HE but nothing to write home about regarding the afters.
    Also on second road near Boyztown, I walked past Heaven massage one evening and was accosted by a male masseur. He seduced me into a session (always a good start I find); a great massage and a very good happy ending with both of us naked. Afterwards he gave me his contact details but I didn't follow up as ordinarily he wouldn't have been my type.
    But the prize of best experience goes to Fah Massage in Jomtien. I find most of the guys here pretty attractive but one in particular always took the time to come and give me hug went I walked past. Eventually I succumbed to his charms and I really wish I'd done so earlier!
    The combination of real massage skill combined with sensuality; the second time was even better, with me on the edge almost from the start. A really beautiful sensual and sexual experience. I could almost be falling in love (certainly lust) with this guy! I do have his contact details and we are in touch but I'm wary of starting anything after my last experience. It's often said on this board that if you want love in Thailand, better to rent and sadly I think that's probably true.
    I didn't try what I think is called Soda Massage. Some interesting guys for sure but their location is slightly awkward in that you can't really walk past and have a discreet look without ending up with the hard sell. Blue Angel seem to have pretty well given up. Only one or two guys outside normally and sometimes none at all.
    A boy contacted me on grindr. Claimed to have a certificate in massage and offered to come and help me get to sleep. Seemed an unmissable opportunity so half an hour later, he was knocking on my door.
    His massage was indeed really good. A full hour passed before things got more intimate which ended up with him topping me in a variety of different positions - a really nice intense and pleasurable experience. He seemed happy with 1000b and went on his way, leaving me to enjoy one of the best night's sleep this break.
    Another 22 year old guy contacted me on grindr. Said he wasn't a money boy but needed help with the rent. I invited him over and what he lacked in stature, he made up in enthusiasm and vigour. An excellent BJ I have to say and lots of kissing and cuddling. Well worth 1000b.
    A few other timewasters, plus a guy who wouldn't travel to me (and I'm wary of that) and a guy I had a good time with on my last visit who I somehow managed to piss off by not contacting him the moment I arrived. We never seemed to recover from that position despite my best endeavours.
    Worst experience was a guy who I met once on my last visit and to whom I sent some money I could afford to lose to help with rent. Thereafter I have had plea after plea which I refused. I did meet him again this time, fed him, took him to the cinema, back to my room whereupon he made no effort whatsoever. After 30 mins. I decided to cut my losses and sent him on his way with the motorcy money. The next three days he sent message after message saying he was being evicted and needed money. So many deserving cases in this world but I don't feel he is one.
    I popped into Niceboys a couple of times. I did find it all a bit sad to be honest. I'd feel more comfortable if they looked like they were enjoying it - perhaps that's too much to ask. But I did call down a couple of guys, brought them drinks, chatted to them in a mixture of Thai and English, tipped them and sent them back. Just not my kind of place I guess but each to his own.
    I sat in Rainbow Bar (also Sunee) and found one of the bar guys pretty hot. I was leaving early on a trip the next morning so didn't off him, but gave him my number and asked if he worked there every day, which he said he did. I made three return visits and he was nowhere to be seen and no contact made. Always necessary to strike while the iron is hot in Thailand I find.
    Sitting in Rainbow gives you a good view of Winner opposite. Quite regularly some of the guys come outside for a cigarette. They need to eat more for my liking, but most of the ones I saw clearly worked out regularly. I didn't visit the bar based on what I saw outside (albeit only the smokers) but the drink prices are amazingly low.
    The Jomtien bars have previously been my favourite haunts but not on this occasion. I walked through several times and struggled to find anyone I'd be interested in which is not the case on previous visits.
    In Boy Gaga one of the quieter bars, I bought one of the guys a drink but he didn't bother to sit with me and preferred to chat with his friends. Not my idea of a host bar. They badly need to get some new guys as the previous good ones seem to have moved on.
    Bamboo Bar puzzles me. I don't see any desire on behalf of the staff to encourage customers. I tried it out one evening and was again left on my own for 20 minutes before one of the guys came and spoke to me. He was new. The others couldn't have really cared less.
    I've generally had good food at Kiss (both branches, although the staff are very miserable at the Pattaya one), Pan Pan, Mai's kitchen, Wooden box, the fish stall outside Kiss in Jomtien, the Sketch Arts Café and Sandbar. Although this isn't a culinary forum, I'd be interested in other tips for eating too.
    Again, I've had a great time here overall. Hope I've given some useful info on some of the less obvious HE massage venues. I'd certainly be interested in others' experiences.
  21. Like
    Manly69 reacted to Alizizou in Just a very simple trip report   
    Because i cant write in english properly so i just can give this simple trip report (although the real experience is not that simple) just hope you people not laugh...LOL..
    Yesterday (08/01) arrived at don mueang airport around 3.30pm due to flight delayed almost 1 hour (you know airasia is suck)..
    Not many people at checkpoint just groups of mainland china who cant read signboard properly and always jumping que.
    30 minute later i already go out from the airport.try to take taxi service at the counter and the price is 850Baht from airport to silom and i think its ridiculous..so i jump to public bus to mochit and from there take MRT direct to silom totally cost me only 73Baht.
    Checkin at my regular hotel nantra silom for 5d4n (cost 3080Baht after discount from expedia)..the girl at receptionist never smile as always..maybe she hate her job..maybe she need quit her job and become gogo girls..LOL..
    After take dinner at one fine muslim restaurant in silim road i went to patpong night market to buy t shirt and some souveniour for relatives and friends.
    Than go to TAWAN as always..mamasan there (a man with glasses) quickly recognized me..because i always tipping him..not many boys at stage most of them just lying at sofa infront stage like one of member of this forum quote "like sea whale lying at the rock"..all familiar face but i never left tawan alone so i pick kong,handsome muscular hunk..i offed him one time before so he know me and know what i want..its make things easy for both us.
    Just short time and i tipping him 2000Baht as always and he rush back to tawan because need to attend show at 10.45pm..i take shower and sleep.
    DAY 2 (09/01)
    Today i planned to go to national museum but after google some information its closed on monday and tuesday so i canceled the plan..than i plan to visit wat arun but also cancelled because feel no mood today..maybe tomorrow..i dont want visit wat pho or grand palace because already went there on my last visit to bangkok 1 year ago..so i just rest at my room watching tv with all thai language program even english movies they translate to thai..LOL..
    At 5pm,i got some idea to visit arena massage at silom plaza (only 10 minute walk from nantra)..only 7 masseurs there when i arrived although almost all muscular but their face is not my type LOL..only one have cute face with nice body and a tatto at his left chest..his name is don or ton or something sound like that.
    Massage session is 1.5 hour and his massage skill is so so..but this handsome boy is very quite and look shy but he got a very big cock..first time i see giant dick like that..so the happy ending is good and i tiping him 1500B (minimum tips is 1000Baht) and he look happy with that amount.
    Suddenly i got idea to ask him coming to my hotel tomorrow morning-so i no need to pay fee at massage center- but its very hard to talk about my idea to this boy because he cant understand even a simple english so we use google translate LOL..and he agreed to come to my hotel tomorrow morning before he start work at arena at 12pm..
    So now i just rest at my room typing this trip report before sleep and wait tomorrow to see my handsome boy with giant cock..
  22. Like
    Manly69 reacted to newscene in My first long trip to BKK with special thanks to people of this forum.   
    Day 3 – What a lovely day, a perfect time for all touristy things. Spent time visiting temples, tried some street food and installed LINE (wait, did I say “Installed”) Yes you heard it right, after having conversation with 3 boys during my short-lived journey so far, I finally decided to give it a go and downloaded an app on my mobile also it’s more comfortable than giving people my Facebook ID so WINWIN situation, plus I can always uninstall it if I don’t like.
    5:00pm back to my hotel, my legs are sore and I could use really nice foot massage, so that’s on the menu tonight for sure. After resting a bit, it was time for a quick shower and time to get ready for another exciting night. After finishing an Italian dinner, I started my journey with HM2 this time, said “Hi” to the guy I met last night, shared a drink with him, paid him 200 BHAT for his caressing and partially & sort of divided attention (well he was going in and out to greet and bring new customers in between hence “partial”, which I don’t mind BTW as it’s his job)
    Time for a new bar, this time, I was gonna go to the place called “Jupiter”. Last year my friend mentioned this place to me but due to shortage of time, I couldn’t visit, so I decided to look it up over the internet and give this place a go tonight. After following google map (perfect app for a tourist like me) it didn’t take much time to reach there.
    It was around 10:15pm but the place was fully packed, entry 400 BHAT, there wasn’t much space available but I got the stool with a good view to the stage so was fine with it until I got my drink ☹ Why? Because there was no place to put the glass on, nothing “NADA”, I had to hold the drink all the way, it was little uncomfortable but besides this, no complaints so far (SO FAR). The show started at 10:30pm and was pretty good. Guys available on the stage were very pretty, most of them were little hunk type and 3 of them were awesome, I would offer them immediately, however after looking at each of them, I got a feeling that none of them would be bottom, so, either I have to settle down with no sex tonight or need to move on to the new place.
    Hmmm, tough choice, considering I had fun last two nights and since I hadn’t been able to enjoy DJS the other day, I could use this as an opportunity and try something new, who knows how things turn out, I might get lucky and guy might let me try OKAY too much thinking, I gotta hurry otherwise no boys will be left to offer tonight, so “TOP it is”.
    I called mamassan or captain and asked about those 3 guys I liked, as expected all three super TOP, first one, the guy I liked the most “Already taken”, Second one “Available but not okay with “Kissing” – PASS, third one “Good looking, pale skin, good shape, OKAY with KISSING though speaks very little English and he is from VIETNAM” – FINE, I said, “You are my guy for tonight my friend, let’s go”.
    Paid 400 BHAT for his drinks and another 400 BHAT to offer him & 200 BHAT to captain for facilitating talks and confirming about the stuff that I wanted to confirm like “DOES HE LIKE DANCING”. At 11:30pm we leave for DJS.
    He got dressed and came to me, without hesitation, he held my hand, little firm but very comfortable, exactly the way I like it.
    Opens the door like a gentleman and across the alley never let my hand go, like saying “Hold my hands and I will go anywhere with you”. At this point, I was super happy with my decision “thinking, how romantic, I like doing that and he somehow knew, I would love it, good sign for a seasoned professional in his field”.
    DJS – Paid 600 BHAT for two of us, man, this place is always packed with hotties, this time I had one with me too (I thought). We picked our drinks and headed towards the first floor, I like to watch the dance from upstairs and once everyone is drunk, when I say everyone, I meant “ME”, I join the party. Now we are downstairs, trying our way through in the middle where two couple or bunch of hot, topless guys are dancing. Since it’s hot and many guys are topless, showing their nice muscular, gym fit bodies, I asked my dancing partner (let’s call him MR. V), “V” why don’t you take your shirt off and there you go, no hesitations, he pulls his shirt off hand it over to me, I slowly moved my hands to his back and nicely & gently put the shirt into his shorts, leaving no chance to not enjoy touching inside his underpants. Man, this is what I came here for. After a while, we were like other hotties, enjoying music, enjoying company of each other and hands all over the place.
    At 2:00am finally music died down and it was time to leave the place. So far I had really nice time and I was looking forward to another eventful time in bed, I knew we aren’t going to have sex though there was this teeny tiny hope that things might turn out differently (later this did happen), so held his hand (this time me) and walked him out of the crowded place and led the way back to our hotel, we both were exhausted but he was little bit more than me (guess not used to dancing a lot ) he rested his head for quite some time over my shoulder, while we were walking silently to my hotel, I was caressing him every now and then, with smile and sweet kisses (LIKE a perfect date night).    
    After 20 minutes long walk, we reached our hotel, I opened the door and he said “Hello, how are you?” to an empty room, I couldn’t hold my laugh and we kissed, at this point I am completely melting (I know it’s all been paid for and no real feeling but common I am enjoying my time and this moment is real even though the next won’t be).
    I pushed him to the bed and kissed him a bit more, after 10 minutes of having fun with each other, I said, “Do you want to take a shower?” and he said “Yes” but then he immediately said “What time it is?” and I said, 2:35am “Why, do you have to be somewhere” I was hoping he would say “NO, just curious” but instead he said, “Sorry but Yes, I have to go around 3:00am, is that fine?”.
    I was shocked, a little surprised and confused at the same time, I was like “He is telling me now, at 2:35am??” not even mentioned once while we were hanging out whole night? But then I thought, I was partially to blame too, I never cared to ask him if he can stay longer and if not, how long? He was simply going with the flow and wherever I wanted him to go, so how is this his fault??
    Immediately I calmed myself down and didn’t show him that I was annoyed but made a little sad face so that, at least he knows how I was feeling. He said “I am sorry and folded his both hands in an apology and I was like, “no no, don’t, it’s absolutely fine, you must have something important” at this time, only 15 minutes left before his deadline and my mood spoiled. He asked me to connect on LINE so we exchanged numbers and chatted a bit. It was almost his time to go and I didn’t want to show him that I was pissed, not on him but more so on myself (I could have communicated better).   
    I opened my wallet and thought to pay 2500 BHAT to him (a bit less than others in past) Since we didn’t do anything, just hang out and that should be fair but then my guilty conscience kicked in, “I was blaming him and therefore not paying him as equal to others”. I had known from the start that we would have no sex tonight, I know, I didn’t expect things will turn out like this but to his fairness, he did everything I asked him to, so why I was punishing him and not paying for his time that he deserves, I gave up (I hated these negative feelings) and gave him 3000 BHAT for his time and 100 BHAT for taxi.
    He smiled and again said sorry by holding his hands and I placed both of my hands-on top of his and hugged him and said “It is fine” and returned the smile with brief kiss, we parted and he left the room ☹
    To be continued… 
  23. Like
    Manly69 reacted to GoldMember in WPBKK 2018 - Trip report - Happy People   
    On to the main event – Offer Nissim, White Party, Bangkok. My friends arrive at 23:48. I stay cool and just rush them to go as quick as possible. We enter the venue just to see that a show just ended and the club is full, dark and no music is on. This is classic Ofra – keep the crowd in the dark for several minutes and wait for her. I was very happy since that meant we did not miss her appearance. The music start, I recognize the intro immediately from last TLV pride. 2 minutes later when she appears the crowd is shouting and gives her a really really warm welcome. Show starts. She plays most of her new songs with some classics. I can write about it a lot, analyzing her choice of songs, and songs that she did not choose to play, but the only person this will be interesting to is myself, so I will spare you the text. My straight friends enjoy her music as well. They say that although the club is packed and sweaty it is way better crowd than a straight party. An hour later the wife gets tired and they leave. I am by myself, going to the VIP platform. I find a nice spot, and just dance to my favorite DJ, in favorite city and feel happy. I spot several Israeli Ofra queens in the crowd. It was especially easy to spot when she put on one Hebrew song and to look for people that sing along.
    V came about half an hour later. He knows what Ofra is for me and we dance together. Dancing with him to Ofra feels nice, especially in some of the sexy song. Same drill as yesterday – he dances in front so everybody sees him, me at his back holding him, touching. I know the lyrics for all the songs. When a sexy song comes along, I whisper him the words slowly from behind, while touching his sweaty, shredded, body as he moves with the slow and sexy beats. This was a great party. Half an hour before the end we get off the platform and shove our way to the front line. We make friends with 4 Israeli Lesbians and dance. We dance, sing, touch, and stay front line till the end. She puts my favorite song for last: Alone. I have a really nice video that shows the crowd's reaction for her finish but I cannot seem to be able to upload videos here. So we will settle for this poor video that she herself uploaded that probably one of her fans sent her. Sound starts only after 30 seconds for unknown reason. 3AM Show ends – the queen bows and leaves the stage. The crowd gives an enormous amount of love.  This was a too short set, but nonetheless, a really great one. We are front line when the party ends – which should mean a long wait until everybody exits. But, V uses his authority to get us out from backstage. I try to look if the queen is there but she is already gone. 10 minutes later we are already in the room. V suggests we go to an after party (in Israel an after party after an Offer Nissim party is called After Ofra). He says that there is a nice music and play party at his friend's apartment. That is cool by me and tell him I do not want to go to sleep after 6AM so that tomorrow does not get totally messed up.
    So we start getting ready for the After Ofra at my room. V says that it is an underwear party which means everybody stays in their underwear. I then give V a sexy jock strap to wear that I brought from home. I do not wear them myself so that I don't mislead any potential men to think that they have a chance fucking me. I brought them with me to BKK because I like fucking guys in them. I put some sexy underwear myself. I drink another beer, V takes another E, and we leave. On the way there he has some requests that he presents for me:
    1.       Don't play with the host, who is his friend. This was a very funny request since the host is a very unattractive man and I was surprised that V thought that there was a chance that I will want to play with him.
    2.       Avoid fucking. He said that he doesn't mind that I play with people but it will be hard on him to see me fuck someone.
    3.       If anyone asks – we are a couple.
    I find the requests a little funny, but I get what stands behind them, and I assure him that I'm OK with what he needs. I must state that these sort of parties are usually not my cup of tea. Not because I don't like sex parties – sex and music is really my thing. But because these parties usually turn into Chem-Sex parties which turns me off a little. Especially if the more serious drugs are involved.
    We arrive at the After Ofra probably at about 4AM. There are about 20 men in that amazing and beautiful Bangkok luxury apartment. Men are mostly hot. But my guy is the hottest there and of course gets a lot of attention. He teases other guys, lets them touch him, and then comes back to me. Some guys actually come to me and ask if they can play with him, a situation that I found really funny. My reply was always, just ask V, I am not his owner. I find some guys at the balcony to play and smoke with (also a combination that I like). Party goes on, at my request some of the music is Ofra and Sagi. I have a good time. V and I make out a lot. He likes that I rim him (jock straps) and the others look. People coming, people leaving. Some have unprotected sex, some do drugs, some do both. I think the host is also a drug dealer. I was with no doubt the only guy there that was doing only Alcohol. At some point, a group of Israelis came. I did not know them but it took just one look to know that they are Israeli. V didn't understand how I could tell since they all look the same as each other but totally different then me. I then started explaining him the difference between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews me being the former and them being the latter (and usually sexier, in my opinion). Not sure how much he got it, being kind of high. V got their attention but once they realized he's is mine they took a step back. One of them told me as a joke in Hebrew that although he is a total bottom, seeing V's ass makes him consider, just for a second, topping just this once. That made me smile and laugh, V didn't understand but he knew we talked about him and I told them it was a compliment.
    Party carried on and V told me he wants to do K (ketamine) if I am OK with that. I was not OK with that, since K is not E nor is it G, it is a more serious drug. But I told him that he is a grown up (he is almost my age) and does not need my permission. But if he seeks my opinion then I do not want him to take it. He took it. This of course resulted in him being way too energized at 6AM which I already felt kind of tired. We kept on parting and playing with each other and mostly me also playing with others till 7AM. Back in the room V started feeling sick. I told him that he should go to sleep and rest, but both of us were rather horny so he declined and asked for 10 minutes in the restroom. He turned his music on so I am not sure what he did, but throwing up and using the toilet was surly part of it. 10 minutes later he seemed OK we shower together and fuck. This time with Sagi Kariv's New Year's set preparing got tomorrow's party. Same routine as yesterday and just as fun. I keep fucking him synced with songs beat, I love that. Went to sleep at about 8:30 AM. Not early as I wanted but everything was great so I don't care.
  24. Like
    Manly69 reacted to GoldMember in WPBKK 2018 - Trip report - Happy People   
    I leave the room and V at about 1PM, out to CentralWorld with a mission to buy 3 sets of earplugs. Why 3? I have an Israeli friend that lives in Koh Phangan. The same friend I visited on my list trip report. He and his wife were in BKK for NYE and thought about joining me for Offer Nissim. I was very amused by the thought of this innocent straight couple attending a gay circuit party so I encouraged them to join. V did not want or need earplugs. Of course, all the gay guys already bought all the earplugs from most of the pharmacies but after several stores that were out of stock, I managed to find a store that still had some and bought their last 3 sets.
    Now on to my well-earned massage. As I already mentioned, traffic on NYE weekend to and from CentralWorld was horrible. Just as Jasper warned me. So, Didn’t even want to try and see how long does it take via taxi and just took a motor taxi. Arrived at The Prince at about 2:30PM. Everything is the same as previously remembered. Took my time on choosing cause at first sight I did not see anything I really fancy. After about 5 minutes I see a handsome, tattooed muscular guy.  He reminds me of V but with a tougher, cockier appeal which turns me on. I ask for that guy without consulting and we go to the room for 60 min oil massage (900 BHT). Guy’s name is Tiger. Massage goes exactly as I want – about 40 minutes of massage accompanied by nice teasing me in all the sensitive parts. After that I ask him to put oil on my hands since I want to oil him while he touches me. He gets what I want right away and shows off his muscles while I touch and lick them. Ended happily after about an hour and tipped him with 1500 BHT. Highly recommended, if that is your thing.
    Energized and refreshed, I walked from there to Sauna Mania (380THB). I had good memories from there and assumed it would be packed any time this weekend. I was wrong. There were about 50 guys inside. Only one of them was my type, and I wasn’t his type so no point on wasting my time. Left after 20 minutes for Babylon. Arrived at Babylon at about 5PM. Once I go off the motor taxi I spot a guy a fancy, tall, Asian, muscular, my age, and he is just before me in line entering Babylon too. I try to give him the gay eye but unsure if he gets it and what he wants. We enter. Place was PACKED. I have never seen so many people at Babylon. It was so packed that it was hard to walk by the cruising lanes. I prefer it this way. More to play with. After some cruising, I spot my guy from before, he stops near me, I compliment his ass, and he suggests we go to a private cabin. That was a difficult mission for that evening but we eventually succeeded. We talk, he is from HK. We had fun together and after sat for a beer and chat in the bar. After that I continue cruising. Not that horny but still energized. 10 minutes later I enter a cabin with my preferred type: Asian muscle daddy. He is local, 46 yo. I tell him I do not wanna fuck but I don't mind playing a little submissive with him. We play for about half an hour, cum, shower and that is when I decide it is my time to leave. 
    At 7 PM I left Babylon to get ready for dinner with the couple that will later on come with me to the party. I meet the couple at the French café PAUL in Emporium mall, Shukomvit. Streets are insanely full. So many people everywhere. Took the sky train. We have a nice, peaceful and delicious dinner. I enjoy relaxing after a very intense 30 hour adventure. We separate at 9 PM and I tell them to come to my hotel no later than 23:15, wearing white. Offer starts his set at midnight exactly and one of the best parts of his set is his melodramatic entrance which I really don’t want to miss. I go back to my room. I dress up, white shorts from home, white harness bought at the WP booths and my new white shoes custom made by my BKK previous trip lover. They are LATE. They took a taxi and traffic was really bad. I already waited them outside my hotel at 23:20. They finally arrived at 23:48. I told them that if I miss Offer’s entrance because of them, I will kill them. We start walking quickly to the party.
    I will take just a one more minute to explain a little about Offer Nissim and my obsession about his music. First, no one in Israel calls him Offer. If you have seen him, you know he looks rather feminine. The feminine version of the name Offer in Hebrew is Ofra. So that is how he is called in Israel and that is how I will refer her. We are talking about a queen. Ofra is in the Israeli music industry since the 80’s. Her first major achievement is the production of the Israeli wining Eurovision song with Dana International at 1999. Early 2000’s she started being a big gay DJ in Israel. Growing up, gay, here, her music accompanied in various life points and is very special to me. I have a clear memory of reporting here that in Aniki sauna in Taipei, on the best sauna sex night of my life, they put on her music. That is just one example. She has songs that gay guys usually can relate to. I am just one of many Ofra queens (a nickname I recently learned about) that adore her music and can get emotional about it.  Her critics say that she recycles her own material and that everything sounds similar. While this can feel somewhat true, I find her music unique but with a distinct, recognizable, expected signature. She became really big during the last decade. She travels the world picking usually 5-7 big parties a year combined with TLV pride and maybe one or two more TLV mega parties. So even in TLV, her parties are a really big event. In recent years she started also combining a great VJ (Video Jockey) that accompanies her to all concerts. Her last appearance in Bangkok was 2008/9 NYE. She is way bigger than she was back then. So after 9 years, I came to witness the return of the queen. She was scheduled for an extremely short set of only 3 hours – midnight till 3AM (this I learned from V, couple of days before my arrival since he sent me the full festival program). For comparison, in TLV her set is usually between 6-8 hours. So this is a little background of how big of a thing an Ofra party is in general and for me specifically. It is on that background that I literally told my friends to RUN after arriving so late because I don’t want to miss the queen’s arrival.
    Will continue later.
    For now you can enjoy her TLV Pride 2017 entrance in this official live FB video. She used the same entrance song at WPBKK. This song is called “Completely Yourself” with a Merlin Monroe intro monologue about how it is difficult for her to be “completely yourself”. Music starts at about 1:30 minutes and Ofra goes up on stage at 3:04 minutes. Enjoy. 
  25. Like
    Manly69 reacted to GoldMember in WPBKK 2018 - Trip report - Happy People   
    So carrying on, Still on my arrival day. I think it is about half passed midnight I enter the party. Dj Hector Fonsenca (USA) is on stage with DJ Tommy Love (Brazil) who is about to finish. This party is the least important one for me since I am unfamiliar of the DJ and I find it that, in general, American gay DJ’s are not to my taste (and to most of non-American people haha). There are some exceptions to this thumb rule. But, this one is not one of them. Although he is not bad at all. Just not that good, just OK+. The party itself takes place at a venue called GMM live which is located at CentralWorld 8th floor. From my room to inside the party it takes about 7 mins including hotel elevators, a little walking, entrance security, etc. This is amazing and a big advantage of the hotel choice. Especially when the party is over. Production did a really great job. Very good and efficient organization in terms of bars and toilets which usually in these kind of events are really bad. Prior to the event I was not sure whether the 60 USD difference between VIP and standard full festival pass are worth it. Well they are. For one main reason: The VIP platforms. It is way nicer to dance on a heightened platform then on the main ground floor – It is just as crowded but view is way better. This was taken from that party from the VIP platform:

    I will take now the time to discuss the general party impression and refer to the other forum discussion regarding the crowd, age etc. So, as expected, the place is packed. If I have to guess, in the biggest party, the Offer Nissim one, it contained about 10K people. I may be totally wrong cause crowd size estimation is hard to do, but that is my guess. Some other personal estimates: 93% Asian, 1% Female, 80% high on drugs (mostly E), Average age 32, 95% percent of people age range: 22-45, body shapes of people varies but a dominant, above average, tendency towards muscle queens and twinks (I do not mean that these are most of the people there I just mean that their representation there was higher than other parties and places I have been to). In general, more than usual percent of the crowd is nice eye candy. Will you feel comfortable there? I will say it again, it depends on you, and how well and secure you feel in a crowd as described. Post party, I will add that this one is rather hardcore in terms of crowd so people with a slight tendency towards uncomfortable feeling in gay parties will probably feel uncomfortable at this one. I hope this helps people to decide. I will add that I think that some people in those parties that tend to insecurity use drugs to feel better and seem to have a good time when high. For me, at these events I really feel comfortable and this one is no exception and even better since the Asian crowd is friendlier in my opinion and makes me feel at home.
    Another unrelated addition that one might need to know – bring ear plugs. I don’t know if they heard about decimal limitation in BKK but they were way off the limit. While I enjoy my music loud, I also want to exit a party without my ears ringing.
    So as mentioned, I enter at half past midnight, take a beer and go on to the VIP platform. When travelling alone, I try to stay in control, and limit myself with 2 beers per party that keeps my mind right but with a nice buzz. I enjoy dancing on the platform for about an hour. Music is OK+, dancers, lightning, video and vocal systems are high standard. I make out a little with random people and dance. At 1:30 AM, V ends his obligations and joins me. Dancing with V is an unusual experience for me. He gets most of the attention. People come, smile at him, touch him, etc. I usually get my share of attention but when with him, he is like an attention magnet and that turns me on rather than making me insecure. I like it that people really fancy him, and that although he really likes and enjoys the attention as well – does not want to be with other people, just with me. If it was vice versa, I would definitely leave the guy I am with and butterfly with hotter guys but I understood really quickly that he likes to be the center of the party but does not actually wants to have sex with all the guys that want him – he wants me. We dance, touch, make out and I feel like I have a piece of jewelry that everybody wants but at the end of the party will come to my room. At one point of the party, a guy so hot tried to make a move on V, and I told him that he should go for it and that I would have if I was him. But he said he just wants to stay with me. weird guy haha.
    2 AM V took me to meet two of his friends at the main dance floor. Then V suggested we go to G.O.D (which apparently reopened lately). I told him OK, but that if we stay together for the next parties I will not leave before they end, just this party I don’t care that much. We passed by the room, refresh, V takes E (ecstasy), I drink a beer in the room, and all 4 of us go to G.O.D. We arrive probably at 2:45 AM to G.O.D. Music is way way better than at this night’s WP. The place is fully packed with no place to move. V, takes my hand and takes me directly to the stage. He tells the guy dancing on the main stage’s speaker he wants to dance there instead. The guy leaves, we go up, dance, him in front, me at his back. I touch and worship his body while dancing and I have a great and sexy time. We stay on the speaker for a little more than an hour. 4AM lights turn on, we say goodbye to his friends and go out straight to a taxi and to the hotel. We are both sweating and I want to have sex exactly that way with his man smell but V insists that he showers so I join him. Great night filled with sex and music. I am the DJ of our sex, and this night’s sex session is accompanied by Offer Nissim’s pride set of 2017 and half of 2016. We go to sleep at about 6AM and wake up at about 11AM.
    At breakfast I want to order room service. V says it is a little expensive and suggests we go out to CentralWorld. I explain to him that food is on me and he agrees for breakfast in bed. Breakfast is great, sex is fun too. This time, I feel comfortable enough with him to reveal some of my kinks and to ask him if I can oil his body while fucking him. He agrees. I feel at heaven. V starts getting aware that what turns me on is that he flex while I touch his oiled body while fucking him and he does it to perfection. V leaves the room by 1PM to go workout. I tell him that I wanna go out but he can feel free to use the room and room key as if it was his. He seems happy. He also has to go after the gym to the venue. This works perfect for my afternoon planned adventures: Massage and Sauna. I leave and we schedule to meet during the this night's White Party. 
    I am doing this in relatively small chunks because writing takes me time which I currently lack. Will try to write more, soon.  
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