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Posts posted by paborn

  1. Thanks Hank, I used to do that in my working days. Once, I bought a very expensive Givenchy french cuffed shirt in NYC to be the model - fabulous at a tiny franction of the cost. Alas, I gave all my work clothes ( thank you Kokopelli ) to a charity to get men working again - you know interview clothes. 

  2. I'm not in the anti-Muslim "wagon" I cite historical reality to better understand the Austro-Hungarian reaction. My point was that while the Europeans have a history to manage the shoe is, actually, on the other foot with regards the US and Mexico. The US invaded Mexico and we got, oh let's see: Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, California, etc. As the poet wrote;" poor Mexico so far from God, so close to the United States."

  3. I reacted as confused. Why? I loathe Trump in every way possible, those of us from NYC knew he was a cheat, a liar and a horrible businessman long ago. My concern is not to lump all new right-leaning governments in the same bucket. Hungary and Austria have many centuries of fighting Muslim Jihad. The Turks were repulsed from the walls of Vienna in 1529 and 1683 and Hungary was ravished for several centuries. The current mixture of religions in the Balkans comes from centuries of rule and oppression - the finest soldiers in the Turkish army the Janissaries were 100% Christian forced converts taken at around 7 or 8 years as the infamous "Boy Tax" - Central Europeans are frightened by Muslim immigration and appear to be prepared to control it.

  4. Does anyone remember a guy named Lek? Yes, I know, a very common name. This one was at Golden Cock when the Norwegian owned it and became manager. Then, he opened a tailor shop directly across the soi from Golden Cock and later was manager of a bar that has the other corner from Golden cock. He was my very first Thai.

  5. Thanks ggoBKK - excellent advice. Before retirement I bought all my suits in Bangkok and my Dry Cleaner in the US was amazed by the quality. I always beleived good quality can't be dirt cheap, considereing labor costs, 40% lower than home makes sense. Thanks especially for the seersucker advice, yes I live in South Florida and it's 80F right now in January. I gave everythign for business to a charity when I retired, now I find if I want to go to the symphony or a nice place I have nothiong to wear - again, thanls for the kind advice.

  6. On 12/31/2018 at 8:18 PM, sydneyboy1 said:

    I’m sorry but Screw Boys has very, very little to offer.

    You should always remember that a place has "very little to offer" to you. We all have different types, thank God that in Thailand there is someone for everyone. I can't imagine going with a Ladyboy, let alone a woman, yet someone recently suggested that I try a girlie bar and watch them "dance in their stilettos". Good Lord no, but If he enjoys that I make no adverse comment.  

    You know, everyone thinks that their taste is good taste or nearly universal taste. We mislead the readers who are seeking information when we aren't clear and fair. You might have said eg. " Screwboys is all twinks, not might type, but they're busy every night" or "Scewboys is filled with Vietnamese guys and I ( for whatever reason ) don't off them, but if you like them this is the place."

    You know, I can squint and see some appeal in the posted photos of Moonlight models. When I comment on them it is to decry the Las Vegas like hype. But, if you like that type go for it - even if you like the mystique and fake glamour of the place - you'll be in heaven.

  7. I see your point. However, newbies can be mislead, clones of the troll jump in to support. I saw a recent post on another board where when a post was deleted the expected protest was met with something like: you have made 63 posts by new posters all of which lead back to one IP address.

    Somehow, I think having a number of down arrows might be a visual alert to just move and practice group ignore. However, yes i do take your point.

  8. 24 minutes ago, riorockstar said:

    This is where you confuse me a bit.  If rentboys are highly paid professionals, then how does that reconcile with your posts about stark class imbalances and lack of ability to give true consent to photo taking.    

    I am willing to consider that Cuba is a different dynamic than the commercialized setting of a brothel in Brazil.  Somehow BiLatin’s post came off as far more exploitive than what I have read about garotos in Brazil (for example in Numazu’s thread).

    I hesitate to join this discussion as I'm very new to this forum. However, when I post it is from experience and a knowledge base, so I'm going to go ahead and comment: Riorrockstar, my experience tells me that it would be far more polite to have many more posts under your belt before you turn rude. Not only does mvan1 have vastly more posts than you, but it also seems that the community overwhelmingly agrees with him. Some advice one newbie to another.

  9. I've heard that Numazu has a great tailor in Pattaya - I'm waiting for him to post - byt, from his recent posts he's in Rio for New Year's - enough said!  I will check this one out as well, I'm staying at the poseidon

  10. I have also read my post again and I do not want anyone to think I was responding to gaybutton's post - I'm not computer savy to make such an inference. No, there are one or two other posters here who bring up controvrsy for it's own sake.

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