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Everything posted by omega

  1. I too was keen to stop by during my visit in December... If you do re-open let us know And yes... barista was one of my motivations who doesn't enjoy a morning coffee enjoying the scenary 😈
  2. Is this an alternative to the canal project aimed at doing the same thing?
  3. Grindr, Hornet, Blue'd, Jack'd appear to be pretty popular ones
  4. I stayed at Amara a few years back, I had no issues with bringing anyone back. I can see why quality hotels wouldn't let anyone just walk in off the street and go up to rooms, but if accompanied by a guest, it shouldn't be an issue.
  5. Is Chiang Mai worth visiting in December? Does anyone have hotel recommendations? (ideally on the more affordable end of good quality) Thanks in advance!
  6. You've asked pretty much exactly this before. https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/39613-what-are-the-prices-more-or-less-today-in-thailand-the-short-and-the-long/#comment-358145 You were pointed to this thread: https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/39523-go-go-boys-fee/ You'll find twinks in both Bangkok and Pattaya. You might check the apps like Grindr to see what kind of guys are around.
  7. I don't think anyone is particularly wired for monogamy. There is just levels of success at which social conditioning of the monogamous ideal has had on a person. Women just get the double-dose of that social conditioning.
  8. A nominal fee that makes it too expensive to run bots, but is well within the price range of 99% of real users wouldn't be a huge problem, I don't think. Might also tone down some of the trolls if they're having to link payment info to their account
  9. I do owe you an apology. I'm sorry. I was a bit drunk when I posted that. I shouldn't have, it was very rude.
  10. 110kg is a hefty weight. Maybe go on a diet to enhance the chances that you're dream is fulfilled?
  11. I too am questioning the wisdom of Songkhla. My understanding is that the border region with Malaysia is somewhat unsafe, with unrest and violence very much a possibility. Though my understanding isn't at all complete on that, so perhaps you're more aware of the situation and are happier with it. As for your planned party with the twinks... If your worried about being ripped off, you should follow the advice given about using a second hotel room for your little party. Take enough cash for their tips, and leave everything else in your main room.
  12. Is robbery during the daytime a sufficiently different crime? Do they come with different punishments?
  13. omega


    XKCD is full of amazing comics The key things are legnth: It's far better that your passwords are as long as possible, because it just takes more time for a computer to guess. Some websites have good security, and they will lock your account after x attempts. And that's awesome if you're using a unique password for each site or app. If you don't and you re-use the same password on a less secure site, then it might get exposed; either via brute force attempt, or by the site itself getting hacked and passwords being stolen. Then they try it on the secure app/site... The MFA is really useful because it adds an additional factor of authentication that requires physical access to a specific device. SMS isn't great for this because it is possible for hackers to spoof your number (if they know it) and have MFA codes sent to themselves.
  14. That tracks, most of the side characters were one dimensional. Henry's best friend for example... his only purpose seemed to have been to distract who ever was with Alex, so Henry and Alex could talk alone. I don't think there was a single scene where we explored that friendship.
  15. I'm not judging any ones sins. This is about power, influence and connections. Would the son have ever been considered for a life-long membership of Britains Upper House only upon his own merits?
  16. I think as progress continues to be made, as fewer queer children grow up with homophobia, and more grow up in homes where their sexuality is allowed to develop in the open, it will become less important for queer actors to play queer roles - and for straight actors to play straigh roles. The biggest issues I think surrounding this are Straight actors cannot have the same understanding of a queer character, because they did not grow up facing the challanges the character would have. Queer actors are often locked out of roles in big movies because the character is straight... even if there is no romance in the movie. I think as time goes on, it'll be less important what the actors sexuality is. I think the issue with queer-baiting will also subside for the same reason. There are examples of queer-baiting - corporations do it every year when they slap a rainbow flag on everything and pretend they give a shit. But when it comes to famous people, I'm minded to allow them privacy to think what they want or be what they want. People today are far more interested in celebrities than is healthy for anyone.
  17. Watched this recently... A little on the nose with the names of the British royalty But also a lovely, feed good movie. A bit too "fairy tale" though. I prefered Heartstopper for its exploration of characters insecurity and uncertainty.
  18. omega


    Please use multi-factor authentication where possible; ideally with an authenticator app rather than SMS. Microsoft and Google provide free authenticator apps that can work with many different sites/apps. Use different & strong passwords for each app or site - Apples keychain is good for storing the passwords. Simple guide for good, strong passwords: https://xkcd.com/936/ PSA over I looked at BIGO... just seemed to show me lots of girls Couldn't seem to get the filters to show me the hot guys
  19. Not sure there is much unexpected here. On average, food has become more availible and fewer children grow up malnourished than they did in the first half of the 20th Century. That's resulted in populations getting taller on average, its only natural that proprotions of other appendages would also increase.
  20. The UK is 6th/7th in the GDP rankings. That hides the the fact that its GDP is dwarfed by U.S.A, and is smaller than California's or Texas's GDP. It was Government policy to 'accomodate' wealthy individuals, especially since 2010. A glaring example of how deep the corruption goes is exampled by the son of a billionaire ex-KGB agent being elevated to the House of Lords.
  21. And when all that money, corruptly obtained, and filtered up the chain to the big fish, needs to be laundered so they can buy yachts, fast cars and properties all over the world, which city do they go to? Day to day life for the average British citizen doesn't involve direct contact with corruption, sure.
  22. If you're paying money, and its a short term thing, it's always transactional. If you're pleasing to the boys eye, then its an easy job for them. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, after all. If everything about you turns them off, it's just a tough day for them; but they've had worse days. Probably. In relationships where wealth of each partner is significantly different, the lines between romance and transaction become more blurred. One can see it as paying in arrears... or as just one of those quirks of love.
  23. No, not really unfair on the UK. The UK is highly corrupted. Anyone taking a cold hard look at the financial services that London provides can see that corruption is its lifeblood, and it's capilliaries spread throughout UK establishments and around the world.
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