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  1. You guys miss me?! Bcoz I miss writing report here...I just came back from Bangkok, Thailand and I want to share my best experience so far... Since there is "taste" in the title, I can say this trip is a "complete meal"...it got "appetizer" with my regular most fave boy, "main course" with my new super mega ultra crush, "side dish" with a bar I've never been before and a very cute boy and "dessert" with a very sweet twink, and sprinkled with "spices" when I met in person some members here who I consider my friends (and hopefully I can meet more on my next trip)...so are you guys hungry now?! Let's begin eating, lol... Starting off with "appetizer" in Dreamboys, which is my main priority everytime I visit BKK. Friday night...I was there early, around 8pm...as I go inside there are already shirtless, muscular boys in there, mmmmm...but of course, I was looking 4 someone else and I've found him seating at the topmost farthest seat near the entrance to the dressing room beside the stage. I immediately wave and he smiled as he saw me. And there he is...Mr. Perfect Guy!!! I immediately asked how he is and he said he's fine, and likewise the same, then hug (wow I felt his hard muscles again) and kiss (on the cheek bcoz there's a lot of people, ha ha) and as I paid the off fee, I slapped his butt, which made him laugh, and afterwards, we walked outside holding hands. I invited him 2 have a dinner date and he agreed with a smile. Off we go 2 Soi 4 where there's a lot of people now. I asked him if Connection bar is okay (since we're gonna have a "connection" later, lol) but he said "no karaoke" since he knows I love karaoke after dinner. Then, I saw the sign of Balcony bar, which is as big as Telephone bar in front of it, I think and asked him if its okay, he nods and I'm so excited as we enter. The 1st floor got the bar area, where there are bar stools in the bar counter, which can accomodate a lot of customers. Across it are the dinner tables and chairs where we seated face2face. There is a stage nearby, which is for their show. We were greeted by a very friendly waiter. Mr. Perfect Guy ordered Pad Thai and beer while I only settled for a chocolate ice cream (3 scoops) since I'm still full at that time (when in Thailand, another enjoyable thing 2 do is eat, he he). While waiting 4 our order, we have a very nice conversation and I'm so fulfilled when he told me that he will go abroad again with a customer for more than a week. I'm so excited 4 him. As I look on his handsome face, both of my hands on my cheeks, he said "You okay?"...I replied "I'm okay bcoz I already see you again" which made him smile. I also hold his hands while he pressed mine in response, and I kiss it from time2time. As I saw him, I believe he becomes more handsome, his face more pleasant and of course, his muscular body getting more fit. I touched his muscles and he even flex it 4 me, wow!!! I tried reaching his crotch (OMG! What has BKK had done 2 me?! From a sweet, innocent boy b4 and now 2 a wild, liberated boy, but I can only do it here, he he). He grins on what we're about 2 do when suddenly our orders arrived, ha ha. The waiter also informed us that the karaoke is upstairs and he will take us there once we finished eating. So we enjoyed eating, my eyes fixed on him the whole time. As we finished eating, the waiter lead us to the 2nd floor where the karaoke is. Near the door, there is a PC where you can type in the keyboard the song you want and once selected, the song will start to play and you can see the lyrics on the tv monitor mounted on the other side. There are a couple of tables and chairs and we seat near the tv monitor. I think its too early that's its only us who is on the karaoke. Fine by me...I can sing all the songs I want. However, there are songs not available. After a few songs, a European couple arrived and I assist them on how 2 operate the karaoke after we introduce ourselves. I really enjoyed singing love songs in karaoke when I'm with Mr. Perfect Guy, lol. Afterwards, after a few songs, the European couple said goodbye 2 us and we were left alone again which give us the chance 2 cuddle as I sing. After a lot of songs, I asked him if we'll go 2 my hotel now which he nods. He does not want 2 see the coyote boys show which is @ 10:45pm...at that time, its already 10:15 from what I recall. After we go down, I asked him 2 wait 4 me since I saw at the landing of stairs some issues of ThaiPuan magazine and got copies which I still don't have. After that, he puts his muscular arms on my neck as we walk in my hotel continuing having conversations, he's sooo romantic!!! As we entered the room and locked the door, I immediately hug him feeling his hard muscles pressing mine. We had a deep kiss as I touched his gym-fit body, wow, they're sooo hard!!! But b4 continuing, I gave my simple gift 2 him and he smiled and said "Thank you!!!" to which I responded "You're welcome!!!". Then, I removed his shirt, sniffed his shaved armpits, then licked both of it as he raised his arms. Then, I touched his muscles again and he flexed it again. I kissed and licked his arms, then chest, abs, back, shoulders and also his neck. Muscle worship, yum, yum, yum... Then I pulled down his pants and touched his crotch, @ last! woah, its really gigantic and semi-erect now. I pressed it harder as he gave me a teasing smile. Then, he removed my clothes as we have another deep kiss and tight hug...and then he leads me 2 shower while kissing my neck. We soaped each other as always and I enjoyed doing this bcoz I can run my hand again, pressing it harder, on his muscles. Afterwards, we dried-up with the towel and again, the moment I've been waiting for, we stepped to the bed...<To Be Continued>
  2. Has anyone had experience offing one of the dancers from Fake Club? (Love the video below with the dancers sporting a stiffie...) How much would that cost? How are they compared to the models @Moonlight?
  3. This was not meant as a trip report (I’m not sure if I’ll get around to write one for this trip), but it turned out to be as long as one. It is my reflection on my time with one of the boys during my recent trip. If you’ve read my last two trip reports, I’ve been going on about adorable Myanmar boy from Screwboys. I first met him in December when I offed him for two consecutive nights but missed out to get his contact. In January, he has stopped working and was back in Myanmar. I was back in Bangkok over the last weekend, I have booked this trip even before my January trip. I am fortunate to be able to go to Bangkok so often, though I have not decided on my next trip. I am thinking of Songkran but rowdy crowds are not my thing. There is a whole thread here on the pros and cons on going during Songkran and now with the Covid-19 virus I’m still holding out. I’ve mostly gotten over missing Myanmar boy, so I was a little hesitant to seek him out again this trip. I knew there’s a high chance I’ll be disappointed and my feelings would be reignited. When I reached the hotel, I just thought to open Grindr as I know many boys who have left the bars would be freelancing. I saw Thai boy from Lucky boys, my off from January. He had messaged me on Line the week before that he was no longer working at Lucky boys as he had some issues with the bar. However, no Myanmar boy. Naturally, Screwboys was my first stop that night. Chatty Lao friend saw me and I called him over. He knew it was only for a chat as with the previous two times. He updated that Myanmar boy was back in Bangkok, at this point I felt my heart skip a beat. He told me to try and message him directly, but I told him I did not have Myanmar boy’s contact. He was a little surprised. I told him to ask Myanmar boy if I could get his contact, but I think he missed this and I did not ask him further. He went on to sit with another customer. He recommended me another Lao boy from the line up who also happened to be Myanmar boy’s roommate, so I called him over some time later. I saw him messaging Myanmar boy on Facebook messenger. He showed me the profile with the same picture as last month. I would end up offing him. The next two days, I was mostly occupied and had plans with Cambodia Boy A. On Day 4, my second last day, I had to force myself up in the morning after the tiring past few days. I tried to hit up Grindr again, I haven’t opened it since my first night, with the sole purpose to see if Myanmar boy was on there. It felt like a miracle, but he was there, 66m away and online. I immediately messaged him to ask what time he was available. I did not have a profile picture so he did not know it was me. He finished work at 5 pm and was free to meet after. I told him he knew me and sent my picture. He then went on the typical I miss you, I want to meet you messages. We set our appointment at 7 pm. We had a small catch up through messages. He has changed day job and sent a selfie of him and his colleagues at his new job. I did not miss this chance to ask for his contact and he gave me his WeChat so I could contact him there. I could hardly contain my excitement then but I had to wait until evening. At about 6.30pm, he messaged that he finished work and went back to his room to shower. He sent another selfie of himself. At 7pm, I left the hotel to walk around Patpong while waiting for him. He reached around 7.30 pm. Finally, I was reunited with him, I missed him a lot in the initial days from our first meeting in December. With reunions, as many have recounted their experiences here, it could go both ways. One might have repeated their encounter in their minds so many times that probably only the good parts stick. For my case, the reunion experience was even better than my initial one. On the way up to the room, he updated that he indeed went back to Myanmar last month and have renewed his work permit for another two years. I was happy for him. In bed, his sex drive was higher, him not working at a bar anymore was probably the reason. He did not need his porn twitter feed this time. But he did share it with me to show off his Lao friend, the boy I offed on the first night, whom he refers to as superstar. Lao boy had a few clips on one of the twitter accounts. I remembered mamasan mentioning this about him as well. My boy said that Lao boy was paid about 3000 – 5000 baht for one clip, I forgot the correct amount. After the session, he asked what my plans was and whether I was going to a bar to take a boy. At that point, I replied I was not sure yet, I wanted to walk around first. He then asked if I wanted to play pool (snooker) with him. I missed an opportunity to go out with him last time, so I said ok. We went to a place in Patpong, beside Dreamboy, where his friend was working. We had many rounds of games with two of his lady friends. After which, he again asked me if I wanted to take another boy that night. At that point, I have enjoyed his company both in and out of bed, I did not see a reason why I would need another boy. I told him I wanted to go to the bars or walk around but I would not take a boy. He brought me to soi 4 W/Telephone bar. He wanted to check on his friend and neighbour in Myanmar who was working his first day there. He got the job there for his friend who had complained about being jobless in Myanmar. He mentioned the pay was about 200 baht per day as a waiter boy. My boy asked if he could order food, selfishly while I was enjoying my time I forgot about his dinner. We spent most of the time there teasing his friend. He told me his friend’s Thai was not that good so he sometimes could not understand customer’s request. Also, he was shy to sit with a customer. His friend was probably messaging my boy the whole time to update him since he started work that day. Seeing his personality and attitude, I think he would do ok there. My boy also chatted with most of the waiters and said hi to the singer dancer performing, apparently, he used to work there as a singer/dancer. We took our leave and walked the long way round back to Patpong 2, he said his secret to keeping slim after a meal. He asked which boy bar I wanted to go, it was his night so I asked him to decide. He chose Hotmale where he wanted to see his friend. His friend was Thai and one of the three coyote dancers there that night. His friend was crazy hype and energetic with his dance and probably a little drunk. We had a good time with his friend and also one of the mamasan he knew, who was also probably recruiting him to the bar. Since Hotmale closed at 1, I asked him to accompany me to another bar until closing time 2 am. He chose his former bar, Screwboys. He caught up with a mamasan, who was happy to see him. During the show, he told me that the ladyboy performer used to have a thing for him but he had to reject her, since he only liked boys. My usual mamasan who was away for the past three nights was supposed to be back that night, but was out drinking with a customer at Moonlight. She came back a while after and greeted me. She was slightly disappointed angry, not angry angry, at my boy as he pleadingly tried to make up with her. We left near closing time and she wished the best for me and wished for my boy to come back to work there. I was not sure if my boy wanted to stay the night, I would not insist as I wanted him to be able to go to work the next day. He accompanied me back to my room. We had an intimate moment kissing, cuddling and chatting. He asked if I have a boyfriend back home. When I said no, he went on to say he really liked me and loved me. He asked if I wanted to be his boyfriend. He would not take other customers since he has a day job to sustain. In another life, I would have said yes. Also in a moment of lust and him being probably slightly drunk, I was not sure if he really meant it. Many thoughts went through my head but I told myself to stop and cherish that moment. I am a hopeless romantic and I chose to believe in love, with ulterior motives or not, I believe love comes in many forms. I do truly love him as well. But I cannot say yes and I did not say no. I told him not to stop anything for me. After that romantic moment passed, he asked if I wanted another round of sex as he had decided he wanted to go back to his room and go to work tomorrow. I declined, I was already satisfied emotionally that night. He tucked me into bed and left. The day after, I started missing him badly as I exchanged a few messages with him to say goodbye as I leave for the airport. It has been a few days and I still do think about him and look at his pictures. He has not messaged since I left, and I do not intend to do so either, it is my way of coping. I will contact him again if I’m going back to Bangkok, but I’ll want to go back only if he was around. I was reunited with adorable Myanmar boy and it was bittersweet.
  4. Very quick reports on some recent massage shop visits. (In no particular order) I-Come & S'Sense I-Come is a new (a couple of months) shop on Suan Phlu between s. 6 and s. 8. It's a nicely done space with the same set up as S'Sense down the street at the foot of s. 8: ground floor reception, upstairs some foot massage chairs, up some more stairs to massage rooms. Both have massage tables with face cutouts. I-Come has showers in the room, S'Sense was a shared shower/bathroom in the hall but I think some rooms may have a shower. The tables at S'Sense are extra-long, so even the over 6' crowd can easily be accommodated. Pictures of the crew are available for both and you can walk in or book ahead. S'Sense Line Id: @nai4795h S'Sense Facebook S'Sense Photos I-Come Line ID: @I_Come I-Come Facebook At I-Come I just took the guy offered. Massage was ok-ish/soft messy caressy too much oil. Masseur fully-clothed throughout and no happy ending offered - a bit of a surprise given the name. So I'm filing them under F for False Advertising. I may go back again because the guys are very nice and friendly, but I may not because the massage was truly "meh" and no happy ending. I have to believe that it was just bad luck on the masseur. He was certainly cute as can be, and having a cute 22-24 gently caress these aching bones is not a hardship. So I encourage others to go and give the new shop some business and you'll likely have better luck. But still, with a name like that, every customer should be offered a happy ending. Others have reported on S'Sense before. I booked someone I already knew and got exactly what I was expecting - ok-to-good/messy caressy massage. Masseur fully-clothed throughout. I left happy. I think at S'Sense and I-Come there just may be some guys who include the happy ending in the massage and some guys who just don't. I recall across the photo of one guy at S'Sense "No Hanky Panky" is written. So I guess ask, and if the manager can't confirm one way or the other at booking then skip if you think it's important. Prices may change and they're all offering promotions right now, so check their Line for latest prices. They seem to be roughly (+/-) comparable priced. I think around 500 for 60 minute oil. Somewhere I came across a S'Sense post looking for masseurs, I think it said something along the lines of 25K minimum salary and they could provide among other things massage training if you worked there 6-12 months. !!! From the customer's perspective, ahem, we like to see the training before..... (Of course it's possible I mis-translated it.) This is in the S'Sense photo's price list, which is sort of cute if it means what I think it means: I want to change my name to Happy Hand. Spa Atlantis Line ID @spa_atlantis Facebook Spa Atlantis has been open about a year and is a short easy five minute walk from the Lat Phrao MRT station. Everyone is very friendly. I had a big room with a massage table and private shower. Everything very clean and nice. Bathroom in the hall. I just went with the guy who was offered. Pictures are available and you can certainly request someone who catches your fancy. The manager has the pics on his phone if you just walk in. I would say better than average looking guys. I am pretty sure there's a face cutout, but not 100% sure. I thought manager was very nice and very responsive on Line. Right now I think they're offering a promotion of 60 minute oil massage for 500 or 3 for 1,000 (buy 2 get 1 free?). Certainly check when booking for promotions. I've had two massages there. One regular oil which was perfectly fine (and ended happy). Maybe a bit too much oil for my taste. Plenty of butt massage, which I like. Masseur fully clothed. But my read on the shop's vibe is that full service is available. Just not what I was looking for when I've gone. I have also been to Spa Atlantis for the japkasai or kasai testicle massage - because, why not? This is the serious sort of massage that the masseur who performs it got a certificate for and sexual release has NOTHING to do with it. I'll say it was interesting. I personally prefer that the family jewels be treated gently and with love and respect and I was expecting the more tantric offerings of Dr. Bear and Spa Bangkok, which as Goldmember once observed, is more like 30-40 minutes of edging. Instead this was rigorous push-pull, on your knees soldier, bordering on painful. If you like your ball play on the rough side this is for you. 'Nuff said. So worth checking out and giving these guys business and a perfect place to stop by on your way home after a visit to Chatuchak. Spa Bangkok Nothing new to report. I love these guys. Prime Just got back from Prime and their magical 1 hour foot/1 hour thai massage for 500B. Cant' beat that. The masseur was a superstar. Definitely some pain involved. But that is just Thai massage at it's best. No sexual anything, but sometimes perhaps the masseur would be reaching to massage with one hand and the only logical place to rest his other hand would be gently on top of, and cupping, my genitals. Not it a gay way. Just in that way guys do. Nothing sexual about it. And the gluteus massage was great and there should have been more. My ass hasn't been man-handled like that since I was in the Boy Scouts. (Too soon???). Seriously, a great massage and like any good Thai massage your whole body gets the attention it needs. Glutes and all.
  5. Its time for me to start writing my report again. Last year, I had told myself i would not prefer to go to LOS during this time. Crowds is crazier, hotels are more expensive, so is the flight, and of course, boys are also more demanding. But as the year goes, i havent taken enough annual leave and need to use them by year end, so if i needed to overspend for travelling anywhere, ill choose one place that im sure will get my money worth, and that is LOS. This time around, I have the luxury of knowing what to expect travelling to bangkok and pattaya during this time, so i am very well prepared. And instead of focusing on the cons, there are clear advantages of travelling during peak season, otherwise it will not be called peak season for no reason. Boys are abundant, shows are getting better with specials, even the customer crowds are much cuter and hotter too lol. I also decided to go for a longer trip, 14 nights to be exact, and added Laos (3 nights) in the mix, at the time where bangkok and pattaya is too crowded for me anyway so i can get away from the crowd and hopefully have a rest in between my bangkok and pattaya men hunting. Thus my trip (18th Dec- 1st of Jan) we broken up with first 3 nights in Bangkok, 5 nights in Pattaya, 3 nights in Laos, and last 3 nights in Bangkok again. I like this setup better than previous year (24 dec - 2nd Of Jan, 4 nights Bangkok, 5 Night in Pattaya) because i went slightly before the peak of peak season time (christmas eve to new year) and this time around, it is Christmas in Pattaya and New year in Bangkok instead. As i booked my flight rather late, a direct flight wouldve cost me close to a business class, so i got a little creative and got several bookings done separately to cut down the flight cost. It does save me some cost, but not major saving after all the booking is done, but id do it again as it does gives me lots of flexibility to try and make my itinerary above work. I was using Air Asia final call promotion and managed to book flight to bangkok (1 stop) and return flight to Vientiane, using minimum points, and only spend ~USD 50 for the whole trip. Unfortunately my direct flight from bangkok to KUL is not cheap, a bit more than USD100 but adding more day for cheaper flight ticket started to make no sense even if i only add hotel cost, so i booked that direct flight back anyway. All in all, I can consider my Bangkok to Vientiane flight is really cheap, and i paid the regular price for KL-Bangkok legs, so all is good. As for accommodation, since i booked rather late, most hotels have already jacked up their prices, especially during the new years. My favorite hotel, Raya, is fully booked, and the normal value hotels around silom had either sold out, or jacked up their prices making them no longer value for money hotel, so i settled with a slightly more expensive hotel of known quality. For my first bangkok leg, I stay at Pullman hotel G, then stayed 2night in zing, 2 night in ambiance and 1 night in zing again, staying in best western vientiane, and for the last leg in bangkok, i stayed in Furama Silom. Of course, Zing and ambiance are already forum's favorite stay in pattaya, with very reasonable price and location, but for Zing, it is worth to spend a bit extra for the second tier room as for very little difference, the upgrade is huge. Im totally happy with my cheapest room in ambiance, though the room i had didnt have elevator access all the way, only at level 2, and then needed to take 2 flight of stairs. Not an issue this time, but wouldve been a big issue if this happened during my previous aug/sep trip where i had sprained ankle. So as a caution, if this is an issue, try to get a room with access to elevator if u stay in ambiance. Between Furama and Pullman, Id choose furama in a heart beat. Room is much bigger, with bathtub and shower and of course, the glass walls is great fun to have when entertaining boys, which is what i love with Raya rooms too. Pullman Hotel G room is fine for the hotel, but their cheapest room cant beat furama offering. Best western vientiane is also a great hotel, very reasonably price, huge room, with balcony, and super close to the night market, as well as close enough to the airport bus stop. I have done well with my budget too this time, and realized even before travelling, itll cost me quite a lot if i were to take one boy each night for long time companion, but i guess we shall see what did happened as i write my report. I also contemplating with my report style as 14 nights of detailed reporting my get too long and boring, but then again, i might not remember much anymore as i was there for far too long compared to all my previous trip so ill just write what i remember first, and some of them ive written in various thread before, so it might be a repeat. This trip, ive met lots more forum members and as always its nice to finally meet few veterans as well as new members and exchanging notes of boys and world's issues alike. And of course, this is my prized possession from this trip lol
  6. From South China Morning Post Bangkok shooting: gunman kills ex-wife, wounds one more at shopping centre in Thai capital A man killed his ex-wife and wounded another person at a shopping centre in Bangkok on Tuesday, police said, 10 days after mass shooting at another mall in Thailand’s northeast The gunman then fled the Century The Movie Plaza, near the Thai capital’s Victory Monument and is still on the run, Thai police said. “One person died and another was injured,” police Colonel Kissana Pattanacharoen said. Police said in a statement they knew the suspect’s identity and were working to apprehend him The gunman entered a beauty clinic at the mall where his ex-wife worked. He opened fire, killing her and wounding a bystander, Kissana said. https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/3051184/bangkok-shooting-gunman-kills-one-wounds-one-more-shopping
  7. From Khaosod English Scholar Fears Massive Renovation of Iconic Avenue May Erase History BANGKOK — Works are underway to tear down buildings along a 1,200-meter stretch of the iconic Ratchadamnoen Avenue and rebuild them under a new architectural style per orders from the Crown Property Bureau, who owns the land. According to its website, the bureau – which manages assets and properties on behalf of His Majesty the King – pledged to renovate 10 buildings on the avenue in a “neoclassical” style, ditching the art deco look originally implemented in the spirit of a 1932 revolution that overthrew the absolute monarchy. The announcement, which promises to be the biggest alteration to the Ratchadamnoen Avenue since 1940, drew praises from some who believe the redo would attract more businesses and tourists, while a historian expressed unease at that memories attached to the democratic revolution would be erased along with the avenue’s old look. Ratchadamnoen Avenue is perhaps the most politically charged landmark in the capital; its history symbolizing the ebb and flow of the ideological struggles that define the last century of Thai politics. Construction first began in 1899, ordered by King Rama V who wished to imitate the modern, grand avenues that he witnessed during his European tour. Historians said the avenue also doubles as a projection of power by the the king’s absolute monarchy regime. Though each end of the avenue stood two spectacular palaces, much of the road was home to empty lots and trees, until a revolution in 1932 overthrew the king’s direct rule and replaced it with a parliamentary democracy. The revolutionaries, who called themselves the People’s Party, soon set out to fill Ratchadamnoen Avenue with buildings designed under art deco style, said architectural historian Chatri Prakitnonthakan. He said art deco was chosen by the revolutionaries to signify a break with the feudal past. Their project was formally inaugurated in 1940, including the Democracy Monument that was placed right in the middle of the avenue. But despite their historical and cultural significance, they are not considered “protected buildings” under the law, and therefore subject to any plan of demolition or renovation – such as the one happening right now. Continues with historical and contemporary photos http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2020/01/23/scholar-fears-massive-renovation-of-iconic-avenue-may-erase-history/
  8. From Bangkok Post City Hall has ordered about 20,000 personnel to start work at 10am instead of 8am and suspended classes at its 437 schools on Wednesday in its fight against unhealthy smog levels. The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) came up with four urgent measures to deal with the hazardous ultra-fine dust levels in the air in the capital, said spokesman Pongsakorn Kwanmuang. The measures are the introduction of staggered working hours of 20,000 BMA personnel at City Hall in Sao Chingcha area and the BMA City Hall Tower 2 in Din Daeng, suspension of classes at all 437 BMA-run schools, distribution of face masks and campaigns to promote their use, said Pol Capt Pongsakorn. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1840579/city-hall-orders-staggered-hours-in-fight-against-smog
  9. Before i get started, I want to say a big thanks to all of the trip reports from you guys, I really enjoy reading all of your escapades and learnt a lot in preparation for my first trip! So a bit of a intro; I've never been to Thailand before but I'm fairly well traveled and not new to Asia in general or the pay for play scene. I'm not really sure why it has taken me this long to come to Thailand but better late than never. My preference is twinks so a lot of the guys i will focus on are 20-25yo slim bottom guys, sorry hunk muscle fans you can stop reading now. I will be staying in Bangkok for a week and a bit then Pattaya for 5 nights, with a few days reserved in BKK for 'business' meetings... or as i like to explain to the tax man and my work colleagues 'the purpose of my trip'. The report takes an interesting turn for me personally, i am usually very much a butterfly but well that wasn't how things worked out. enjoy. 18/12 Day 0- So my start to this trip report begins in the uber on my way to the airport, my driver and i got to chatting about where i was going and it turns out his wife is Thai and he is planning his retirement to go back to join her in the house they built in her village next year.. It was a great 30 minute ride, with a lot of the usual advice (don't drink the tap water, look for busy food stalls to eat at) and parting words of "you might return married, goodluck".. doubtful, but who knows. I finally hit the ground in BKK at about 10pm, it was a pretty horrible flight with Thai Airways and packed with very annoying groups surrounding me on a full plane. It was possibly one of the worst flights i've ever had with regards to other passengers being loud, drunk and obnoxious but i survived, if looks could kill i would be up for mass murder though. Immigration was a breeze, straight out to grab a local sim card from DTAC tourist sim stand with 20GB data ~B1200, withdrew some baht from an ATM and down to the taxis. It was a 30 min trip to Le Meridian and was about B320+75 in tolls, i was greeted by a very friendly hot French guy at the check in desk.. A bit of light flirting to see how he reacts, seems to be entertaining some subtle advances so I'll work on this a little more later if i get the chance and I'm on my way up to see my suite for the first 5 nights. At this point I'm pretty tired but i decided to just do a quick walk to scout out my surroundings around Patpong before i get some rest, i almost gave in on this plan when a cute massage boy grabbed my arm but i held strong and after a lap of Patpong noting some bar locations i retired for bed. 19/12 Day 1- Sleep was everything i needed, I woke up energized and excited. I ventured down to the breakfast buffet, I'm usually a 'coffee and cigarette breakfast' kind of guy but it's hard to say no to a full assortment of everything you could want for breakfast included with the stay. The coffee was mediocre but I'm a bit of a coffee snob, I'll drink it though. I walked down to the BTS station and took the train to Siam and I spent most of the day in Siam Paragon window shopping and walking around, I'll definitely go back when i have an appetite to try some of the plentiful food options on the lower floor, the shops were most of the usual stores you would find in a shopping mall around Asia but still interesting to look around and compare prices. At around 2pm It was time for a massage, i walked back down Surawong Rd to find that cute guy that grabbed my arm last night just past the patpong entrances, he was no where to be seen maybe it was too early and i couldn't quite remember where i saw him in my sleep deprived state so i found another cute guy K from Amolir a mixed male/female massage shop in yellow shirts. 60 min relaxing oil massage B500, I don't have much of a point of reference for massage but he did a decent job, he was a little shy after the turn so i waited for his offer (first offer request was B3000 as he knew it was my first time in Bangkok haha, instead i offered 1500 which was still probably too much) we agreed on a bj and he stripped down and put on a decent oral performance including kissing. He was all smiles and a sweet guy so it was worth it for me even if i did pay a little over a normal tip, we exchanged line contacts and off i went with a spring in my step. Back to the hotel to shower off properly and take advantage of the LM club lounge benefits of cocktails and snacks, this is where my day ended a little abruptly... I'm not sure if it was the heat, the alcohol, not eating since breakfast or a combination of the three but i felt horrible after my second drink, i was going to force myself to go and at least catch a show but I couldn't be sure i wasn't about to get worse so i decided to retreat with water and something easy on the stomach to eat while telling myself it's best to rest now and catch up on the fun later without the fever and sickly feeling. 20/12 Day2- I woke up feeling great, whatever it was has passed and i strolled down to the breakfast buffet again for about an hour of self indulgence and over eating.. after a mid day nap / food coma, went to foodland to grab some pocari sweat for the fridge (great for hydration and for hangovers) and some snacks for the afternoon, generally wanting to take the day slow and save myself for the night. LM lounge again for warm up drinks, and then off to LuckyBoys at about 930, the bar is 3/4 full but i get a seat off to stage right and sit with a very chatty and friendly mamasan. After a few questions about what i like and a drink for each of us i call down one of boys from stage to buy him a drink as well, he has just started at the bar last week and was very sweet but had pretty bad breath and after a while i noticed he was preoccupied by someone across the room that i assumed to be a repeat customer so i slid him B100 said thank you and let him go back to the stage/customer as I was only half interested in him anyway. I chatted with the mamasan about a cute viet but mamasan said no good, he no suck or bottom (possibly straight), "don't take viet boys" was her advice. The mamasan proceeded to call out across the room to him to confirm and he shook his head no. It was a shame, he was probably the best fit for my type body wise, later on he appeared in the big cock show which at least gave me a bit of eye candy from him. This mamasan was actually really helpful and funny throughout my time in LuckyBoys, i gave two drinks through the night and a B100 tip as a thank you. So i decided to call down a guy from Myanmar (i think, i have trouble understanding the boys), he has been in the bar for a month and just celebrated his 24th birthday, I order a few drinks each during the show and discussing what he does, everything is in order and off fee is requested then he goes off to get changed. The show went on for what seemed an eternity, it was ok and i enjoyed the big cock show where i got to see the straight viet on full display i was a little bored and spent most of my time watching the other customers reactions during the lip syncing numbers. Checked bin and off we went back to LM, No ID check or so much as a smirk from the doorman and I'm kind of glad the french staff member I'm keeping my eye out for isn't around. in room activities were ok, we each showered and it was on, he has a really nice body, had a little trouble with my size to start with but he didn't complain once and put in a good effort, we didn't have great chemisty in bed so i kind of rushed things and after about 30-45 minutes i was spent and sent him on his way. We are both somewhat shy and he was very quiet but still enjoyable to be with, B2000 ST + 500 bonus for being a good sport and he was out the door and i was straight to bed. Would possibly repeat, but not high on the priority list due to lack of chemistry.
  10. Will7272


    Any forum members in Bangkok and can give an update on Tawan boys, show etc. I’m usually there this time of the year but have to work this year. Need an update !!
  11. Shalom y'all! Just landed. Took some plane time to start writing. Some Background. 35yo married + 1. Israeli. This was my 6th trip (and trip report!). My husband has a big exam soon so he asked me to take our 3 yo daughter and go somewhere for the entire Jewish Holidays period (almost a month). Without any hesitation I booked us both a ticket to BKK for 26 days. The first 10 days of my trip was accompanied by a Thai nanny, and the rest was with my parents that decided to join some parts of my trip to spend quality time with their grand daughter. The trip was devided to 7 legs and so will this trip report. I scheduled it so we'll be in fun to party places during weekends (Bangkok, Singapore) and the mid week we went to places where it doesn't matter that much if you come on weekends or not (Pattaya, Chiang Mai). Since this trip was relatively long, and most of my time was spent at kids stuff with my daughter, this report will not be a detailed one. I'll try to stay focused on things that will be of interest to this forum. Take into consideration that my trip was about 70% child play and 30% dad's play haha. The report will focus on dad's play. Leg 1 - BKK weekend - Engines on TLV-BKK 11h flight went easy considering the fact that it was just me, 3yo girl and a fair amount of carry on luggage. The fact that I won the bid for upgrade to buisness class sure helped LOL. Suvarnabhumi Fast Track - after getting recommendations from forum members, I ordered Fasttrack, golf car, porter and a car with a child seat. 14 minutes from airplane gate to the car!! It was not cheap (4800 THB) but very helpful for a dad in need. Upon arrival, met the nanny which we already knew from our previous trip. Hotel review - Somerset Park Suan Plu - 3BR apartment (220 USD per night): This place was conveniently located a 3 minute short walk from Prince. When traveling with family, the concept of serviced apartments is my preferred. Apartment was all I could ask for: big, clean and each room had a lock haha. Breakfast was medium. Will return. I decided that first day of my trip will be dedicated to commercial sex and the days after will be dedicated to non commercial sex. Prince #1 - My goal with fasttrack was to arrive to the hotel at 4PM so my daughter will nap immediately upon arrival. I've become an expert in adjusting her naps to my needs haha. So it was no more then 15 minutes upon arrival that I was already at Prince after checking in, greeting the nanny and putting my daughter to sleep. Guys on display were nice as always. I saw the guy I was with last time, who is nicked Cha. For some reason, this guy seemed to be actively avoiding eye contact with me. At a certain point he actually stood behind someone and appeared hiding. He was of course the hottest guy there that afternoon. And by hot I mean shredded muscle. Retroactively thinking, I'm not sure why I chose him knowingly that he is avoiding me. But that is exactly what I did. I don't come to Prince to get massaged so can't comment on that. But his service was even better than our previous time. And by service I mean getting fucking him while he flexes. And also the prefuck teasing. All was so good I have really no idea why he was avoiding me. But I am sure he was. Left that place very happy and satisfied. I will see Cha a week later at XXO party. He looked at me and said "you look familiar". I told yes, I know. He then said "from the gym, right?". The whole situation was so weird I told him no and just smiled and went on. I then found his Grindr and IG. He states there specifically that he is not a MB. I contemplated the thought of sending him a massage and talk but that stayed only a thought. Anyways, Prince was a great start. Tawan #1 - after my daughter woke up, we went to Asiatique market for a pleasant evening. Recommended. I Put her to sleep at 22 with the goal of making it on time to Tawan. Arrived at Tawan 22:30 and finally met this forums superstar massage reviewer, DivineMadame. We had a nice conversation and inspection of guys. We both appreciated the looks of one guy in particular over there. He definitely seemed like a superstar and got his share of attention and tips from the crowd. When the show ended, encouraged by DivineMadame, I went to say hi. I ask for his name, of which he replied Tiger. 15 minutes later we were at my room. I didn't expect much from that guy cause I thought he was more eye candy than bed candy but he was mind blowing at what I needed from him. Which was a intense and intimate muscleworship session. The next day I took my daughter to the weekend market. An exhausting and nice place. When it was time for her nap, it was time to go to Babylon (#1). Until that point, Babylon never failed me. Nor it did this time. Had a taste of the local buffet of Asian crowd and some white guys too. I really like that place. After some more quality time with my daughter, it was bed time for her and play time for me. Had a sex night with someone I met on Grindr (#1) during my previous trip. This guy wanted to film our action. I only agreed to do that with my phone so we did that, then watched, then played more. It was a great night. Came back way to late considering the fact that at 8AM my daughter will wake me up. Next day, after some more exploration of Bangkok's children's play spaces, it was dads play time at Babylon (#2). This was the first time Babylon failed me. Don't know why. Maybe I was too tired, maybe just bad karma, maybe after a while I got too picky. But after about 2 hours I decided that I need to face the fact that no fun will probably happen here. So I left Babylon unorgasemed for the first time and to date also the last time. At the evening I took my daughter to the Cat Cafe. It was a nice experience although I think the cats were way too friendly and probably drugged. After putting her to sleep I had some time to kill before my Grindr hookup so I went to Banana boys and the show and guys has improved since the previous time I was there. Grindr hookup #2 - I started working BKK Grindr a week before arriving with FAKEGPS. A week before arriving I just started talking to ALL the hot guys there. One guy, I actually talked to several times before but it didn't work out till this trip. He unsurprisingly works in the fitness industry. This time he was more eager to meet. We met for drinks at Silom. I then realized that this guy, as hot as he was, had serious issues of low self esteem. I usually find it tiring cause then I need to invest energy in making him feel desired and hot. So, I play along cause I have a goal of bringing him to my room. An hour later we are in my room. He still needs a lot of me ensuring him that he is good enough for me which is a little turn off for me. But I was really into fucking that guy so out of 3 hours meeting, one hour was probably dedicated on sweet talking him to bed. But it was worth it cause that guy did everything I wanted in bed. He also had a very clear OCD which made him very sensitive to his cleanliness. But he softened with time. All and all it was a great night. 3AM, 20 mins after he left, my daughter woke from a nightmare. I was very happy that it did not happen earlier. I did not want her exposed to the other side of this trip. After about 4 hours of sleep my daughter woke me up, and we started packing and getting ready for our next leg - Pattaya!
  12. Finally I have been able to register! I have been reading this blog for ages. Now I can participate. I am 65, English, businessman, able to stay in Le Meridien. I was last in Bangkok in November, business, but some pleasure! I am a twinks fan so do not go to Moonlight or Jupiter. My trip started well, as I went down to the lobby and saw a Cambodian boy I had had fun with several times before! Original from Rent.Men. it seems he was staying in the hotel with a client! However he had time to come up to my room for excellent sex. I am a top and he is a great bottom! Also kisses well. So a good start. Next evening sampled sex show at Freshboys, pretty good, my types of boys. Then had a drink, returned, and decided to off a slim young guy. Mamasan said he was bottom, kissed etc. Should have checked! Got to hotel, Meridien no issues with bringing in boy at 01.00, got to lift. Started to kiss, but boy said, I don't kiss! Luckily we were at my floor, so I pressed ground floor button, and waved goodbye. Lost off fee! Feeling horny so tried Grindr and found young Iranian guy! He came round at 03.00, no issue. Great sex again, nice body, cock etc. Kissed well, and came while I was fucking him, in mid fuck, so to speak! No hand involved! Next dat had had good foot massage over the road at Urban Thai Massage, nice guy, by chance, Mr Touch! Thought it would be fun to book a 90 minute body massage and see what happened! After we started, and I took my brief underwear off, he got the idea. He was straight, but good body, and he obliged by cumming in my mouth. He wouldnt suck me, but it was fun Last night found really cute guy in Grindr. Cambodian again. English not good, but body and sex were! He was wearing blue and white striped briefs, I asked Freshboys? Yes! No 3. Just my type, kissed well, was an excellent bottom. All my offs are ST, at my age great sex once a night is enough, I marvel at the guys on here who manage 3 or even 4 times a night. Also, have never tried LT, perhaps there is a first time for everything? Then off to Siem Reap. Will post on Cambodia blog, but two excellent boys, Rent.Men and Grindr, plus another successful body massage in hotel, Viroth's, with cum! Cute boys everywhere. Back in Bangkok 28th, hoping to meet up with Spoon, and have another great time.
  13. While adding a few locations to my Google Maps saved places, I came across some reviews for the Golden Cock which make entertaining reading. Google has tagged it not "legendary infamous gay sleaze bar" (and I mean that in a good way ) but "karaoke bar" and so, despite all the external evidence, that's how the reviewers have read it. Incidentally, kudos to the bar for finding Indian music for one party to dance to. I wonder who was the more bemused.
  14. Bangkok Arts&Cultural Centre is that snail-lookalike building on Patumwan corner, with MBK and SIAM at other sides, near BTS Siam. From a week or so ago till 1/3 it has a LGBT-inspired exhibition by various artists from ASEAN. Admission is free, but with any bags you have to use a locker for it for 10 bt. Open daily, except monday from 10-20.00. Have not been there to look yet, but will likely pas by next week or so. If youre havig to time to spare daytime and want to get out of silom area. site: en.bacc.or.th
  15. Does anyone have any recent info on mekhin ? Does he still f**k like a rabbit with his huge endowment and are his biceps still as ripped?. I haven't seen him for a while, but what does he charge now and does he still drink a lot. Will be visiting in a few weeks and am thinking of renewing my acquaintance with the hunk (if I can still take it!!)
  16. I have only two nights in BKK on an upcoming business trip. I had planned to spend them with past favorites but have become oddly obsessed with our friend in the red sarong. Has anybody actually spent quality time with him? Is he worth altering my plans for at this late date?
  17. It appears the Immigration Police have raided Prince again. This time looks a bit more serious and some guys were handed over to the police for drug use. https://forum.thaivisa.com/topic/1132758-attractive-men-in-underpants-arrested-right-under-the-noses-of-immigration-police/
  18. Ok so I rarely (if ever) write trip reports and this will be more of a synopsis of my travels in Thailand & Vietnam from Late Aug to Early Sept. Day 1 (BKK) Arrived at Swampy in the afternoon EVA (night-flight flight from London / LHR), lucky enough to get an Exit seat so was fairly comfy all the way and well sedated with a few G&T’s. EVA are fairly understated and still use the 777 but they’re solid and reliable and have never let me down (yet!!). Pretty obvious its low season from the short length of the ‘snake’ at immigration, think I was off the plane and in a taxi in under 40 mins speeding towards the State Tower where I had a condo booked for the first 3 nights. Condo turned out to be a LOT nicer than I expected and kind of annoyed at myself for not booking it for my last 4 nights in BKK too (hey ho), few pics for those interested…was on the 49th floor so lovely view at night. Quick nap then off to check out the bright lights like a giddy teenager, headed for Lucky boys first. Managed to swerve Lucy and got my (and Paul SF’s) fav Viet mama, unfortunately my timing was poor & arrived just as the show was starting plus I got a seat up in the ‘Gods’ at the back. Downed a Vodka sprite in 10 mins (well you need to re-hydrate after a long flight) and fled the show to the clutches of my beloved Screw boys as no show on there at that time. Screw boys was steady (nice greeting from Mama Phim) and a seat opposite the bar, fair few new faces, appeared to be less Viets and more Laos now, definitely a wider mix but some new talent which is always good. Phim was just scribbling me a note of which numbers can do the magic ‘everything’…when one of my regulars over the last 2 years a Viet ‘Handsome W’ came ambling over and gave me a lovely hug and asked if he could sit down. Some of you may recall I used to have 2 sets of 2 Viet brothers in this bar that I used to play with regularly, basically they just pimped me out to their relatives (who am I to complain). 2 of the 4 boys have since returned home to VN (1 out of choice and 1 due to Thai Royal Police), but the other 2 (inc my ex) are still in BKK. Whilst my roving eye was still taking in the new talent ‘Handsome W’ did look delightful and was very bubbly to see me. He’d toned up slightly since Songkran but said had been sick for 1 week recently & lost a little weight. Decision made…offed ‘W’ and asked him if he minded us going for a drink to another bar before we headed back. We settled on Fresh boys 2 so I could ogle the new talent and he could catch up with his Viet pals upstairs. Its easy with ‘W’ as been together so many times we don’t need to talk about what we will / will not do…we both know what the other likes and he’s relaxed with either ST or LT (over-night). Fresh boys 2 show had just finished so we grabbed a couple of drinks, nice line-up…again less Viets than my last trip and wider mix of nationalities with some very hot guys. Benefit of having ‘W’ with me is I get no hassle from the mama’s in there as he’s kind of like my partner for the night and guard as senses I’m jet lagged & flagging. Spotted a few other Viets from my not quite inner circle and a few came over to say hello plus the Viet waiters in that bar as fun as ever. Judging from a message that popped up in LINE from my ex…my arrival had been swiftly reported to the Viet Boys Intelligence network. We both bailed out for food and then headed to The State Tower, great seeing ‘W’ explore (read prowl) the condo and got his stamp of approval, particularly the view from the balcony on the 49th floor at night…pretty damn special and nice as the air felt bit cooler up that high and less traffic noise. Turned over the smart TV controls to him and got treated to some Viet pop and just dozed off with me head on his lap…woke up a bit later and we shared the shower (few things in life are as nice as soaping up 55kg of hot VN guy in the shower) then to bed and of course getting more intimately reacquainted. Anyone who thinks Viets are not passionate has been missing out imho, we both slept like logs afterwards …’W’ can sleep 8-10 hours no problem, noticed he was a little clammy so probably still shaking off the last vestiges of his illness the week before so I dialled down the AC a bit and opened the bedroom French windows ajar on the balcony to let some fresher air in, woke up a couple of times to find his Viet paws circling me but we both slept soundly…nice to be back in BKK! Day 2 (BKK) ‘Handsome W’ awoke around early afternoon (I’ve learnt its best to let him wake his own way rather than rouse him early), showered again and a bit more morning playing around…then off to locate some food in a local Thai place. He headed to his room to get changed for the gym (tipped his usual LT / overnight rate plus a bit more as he’s one of my favourites). Feeling a bit less jet lagged and hornier I started searching Hornet and found a cute Khmer Bottom who seemed up for a spot of Gymnastics, usual bit of on-line negotiating…what do you like? What do you want? etc. etc. Arranged to meet up early evening so I could have another nap first. Met him just outside the State Tower & pleasantly surprised as looked exactly like his pics and if anything a bit cuter, perhaps a touch fem but ok for me (I’m not usually a fem boy type). Very little Engrish though but deduced he was hungry so took him to another Thai food place opposite…not much open on Sunday evenings nearby but we found a small local restaurant. Re-fuelled we headed back and had a pleasant but not particularly inspiring session 6/10. I later found out he worked Fresh boys 2 sometimes and I think was just one of those guys who’s a bit lazy at what he puts out…never less I had my wicked way with him and so he was duly sent on his was with the agreed ST tip (albeit with not much on top of that). Funny thing is he’s one of those guys who just didn’t ‘get it’ as kept messaging me all thru the rest of the trip for a follow-up meet and making eye’s when I saw him on stage in FB2 again. I headed out bit later than planned and ended up in Hotmale after Kai spotted me wandering along the upper level near the beer bar, I suffered the last 10 mins of the show (he did promise me it was nearly finishing) and at some point I spotted a cute gogo in the seats waiting to get back on stage just as the fuck show was coming to an end. My interest piqued I patiently waited and show ended & boys returned to stage (nice selection tbh), love their pants by the way, great patterns and look much smarter than the usual plan white…spotted said cute boy (footballers, swimmers type body) entering the stage and enquired with Kai about him who pronounced him to be a ‘very good boy’…and surprise surprise a Viet (the old Viet radar still working….lol). The boy ‘B’ was a Top but Kai said ‘very good’ take care and as I’d just had a Bottom earlier in the evening this all seemed fine. Called him over for a drink and immediately ‘B’ was very engaging, both our hands were wandering nicely and lots of squeezes / cuddles etc…all quite delightful. Asked him what his preferred was, ST or LT and he actually requested LT (over-night) so Tip levels agreed up front (as he was a new one to me) we adjourned to a beer bar to relax followed by Kai’s approving eye as we headed for the door. Few drinks and a late night dinner than back to State Tower, again the condo proved a success as ‘B’ loved the balcony also, taking pics sending them to his pals on Messenger and so on. Warmed up on the sofa and then bit more action in the shower followed by some gymnastics on the bed exploring each other’s bodies, ‘B’ is quite an affectionate boy too once warmed up and we made some suitable puddles of Vitamin D…he was quite the gusher tbh before we retired to the showers and bed. Dozed off holding each other and I think woke up late morning to him chilling on the balcony having a smoke & taking in the view again. LT Tips dispensed along with some sincere hugs from him and the request to see me again he ambled off to the lifts and about his day...nice boy. Day 3 (BKK) Finally got my arse into gear around mid-day and headed for MBK to get my old S8+ un-locked and a new Thai SIM for the duration of my trip, after a bit of comparing prices on the 4th or 5th flr between shops settled on one and left the phone with them for 1 hour whilst they went to work on it. Picked it up later after some more aimless wandering around (I’m not really a shopping person) and then headed to the movies and caught ‘Angel has Fallen’…it’s probably not going to win any academy awards but was worth a watch, Nick Nolte puts in a great performance as the grizzled dad. Off for a haircut in that place with the red chairs that does a lot of the barboys (a friend showed me it a while ago)…think its Silom Soi 3? Opposite some massage place…bit tired and half dozed off in the chair and came around to find I had a Grade 1 pretty much all over (rather than a 2 on Top and 1 at sides)…hey ho lucky I like the ‘low maintenance’ look. Back to the condo for a powernap & then headed out and hit Lucky boys early tonight…maybe was around 21:30 so Viet mama gave me a choice of seats and I ended up in the ‘snugs’ pretty much centre of the stage and with a perfect eye view of the candy….oh my 40+ guys on stage & more wandering around in their hot Black briefs (plenty of hotties). Viet mama sensing my horned up status was gently nudging me to call a guy over but with I sipped my Vodka Sprite and waited patiently for the stage to go thru rotation, it’s kind of like lines or ranks of boys moving from rear to front in Luckyboys. Then a familiar Viet face popped out at me as he got nearer the front, another of my regulars ‘B2’ who is like a pint sized muscle twink with a great six pack. He spotted me when I walked in but I missed him at first as he was wearing a baseball cap. Eye’s locked and that was it…Viet mama moved in for the kill and her laser pen was out pointing at him to which he ambled quickly off stage and to me. Up close he looked even better tbh, still a very defined boy…had just got back to BKK after a spell at home in VN with the family. Bit of catching up and then we quickly settled on an LT off but he doesn’t usually do overnight so we started early. Asked B2 where he wanted to go and he chose Dream boys for the show, my first visit to the new club and quite impressed albeit I was pretty much the only farang face in there and it was busy. Got a good couple of seats at the front after a former mama from Lucky recognized me, nice modern club and good layout, decent sightlines but that sound system is like DJ Station level and was really pumping loud which is fine with me but might not be to everyone’s tastes. B2 enjoyed the show / coyotes so all good and tbh I didn’t mind it as the part we saw was free of the dreaded lip synch Lady boys. After Dream boys we headed to the Khao San road for something different, somewhere I like to hang out a couple of times when I’m in BKK, always a great atmosphere and reminds me of my misspent youth traveling Thailand in my 20’s. The guys seem to get a kick out of it too…but then you have clubs, music, drinks galore and food everywhere not to mention a lot of stalls so what young man would not. We had a few beers in a club about halfway down the Khao San and it was definitely jumping, B2 is funny as he can’t drink more than 2 small beers before he turns red but he’s happy and relaxed so that’s the main thing. Went for dinner at some Thai street food type place he chose but all good and in truth I’ve had some great meals in and around the Khao San over the last 20+ years. About 01:00 headed back to Silom as I wanted to try catch ‘Handsome W’ in Screw boys as I was leaving BKK the next morning and would not be back for 1 week. ‘B2’ and ‘W’ are friends so he was good with that but unfortunately when we got to Screw boys found out ‘W ‘ had a night off so we just had drinks and then headed back to State Tower. Bit of lounging around the condo and then B2 pulled me into the shower as a ‘let’s get busy’ sign and game on from there, nice couple of leisurely sexy hours of pleasuring each other followed, another passionate guy who knows what we both enjoy...was really nice to re-make the connection again after 3-4 months away. Think we called it a night around 05:00am, B2 does not usually sleep over as has funny sleep patterns in BKK which I fully understand…plus I had a taxi coming at 12:00 to take me to sin city the next day so all good. Full LT Tip dispensed and he well deserved it tbh, great guy whom I fully intend to see again (watch his space!) To be continued…. Next up 4 nights in Pattaya (that’s assuming the above hasn’t sent you all to sleep yet)
  19. I have enjoyed the trip reports here which were very helpful in preparation for my first visit to Bangkok. Shout out to @DivineMadman and @Shamelessmack for their great sites as well. First Visit First trip was to be a short one, extending my flight transit into a one night stay. I arrived late Sunday night, so I had no time to waste. After check-in and a quick wash up, I headed straight to Patpong 2. Street was quieter than what I had imagined and anticipated as I had to invite myself in to all of the places. I had my priority list based on the information on this forum, and the first place I visited was Freshboys. They have almost all slim twink boys, which was my preference, though most were average looking. Also most looked non-Thai. The boys were actively trying to garner your attention. None of the boys really stood out, though one or two would have been acceptable to check out further but I held out since it was my first bar on my first trip. I liked the layout of this place the best out of the rest as the size was just right. Decided to move on to Dreamboys next. Show had just started, the only place it seemed with a late Sunday night show. Wasted 30 mins here without seeing the boys line up. A lot of ladyboys lip sync and some weird acts. The only good act was the sexy dance. Headed out as another ladyboy act was coming on. Decided to try my luck at Lucky boys next. I was surprised at the huge size. They had big u-shaped seats which was great for big groups, there were 2 big groups that night enjoying their drinks. Was seated up high, though most people here disliked this, it was a good vantage point to observe the crowd and the boys with a bit of privacy. They had more than 20 boys, most were bigger built than those at Freshboys. Sadly, none really caught my eye. As it was late and near closing time, I decided to head back to Freshboys to see if the two acceptable boys were still around. Only one customer was left who was drinking with a few boys, waiters and the mamasan. Sadly, the boys were not there. Though I had no offs, it was an eye opening experience to the world of gogo bars. The next day I had a full day before my flight, hence I had planned to check out the massage places. Went to Prime massage just after opening time to try the highly recommended Thai massage but was told that the next available time was 2pm. So I made an appointment for later and decided to go to VCK first. I chose VCK as my preference of boys can be highly selective in terms of looks, which can be a curse at times. Indeed the boys here were superstars, about 15-20 good-looking boys were there for selection. More than 5 caught my eye though all were bigger gym fit size. The manager helped to narrow selection to my preferred position and I chose a gorgeous boy with a cute smile with braces. He was Thai, spoke good english and was really friendly. Room was small, looked like a typical room for the sauna but with a shower attached. Massage was ok but not great, though his looks and attitude made up for it. Min tip was 1500 for 1 hour. Made my way back to Prime for my Thai massage which was great as expected. It was the end of a short visit which left me satisfied but wanting more. I have the luxury of being only two and a half hours flight away, so I immediately booked my next trip. Second Visit - Weekend Getaway Landed in DMK airport this time, and at about 10pm on Friday, immigration queue was bad. So it was already late when I made my way to Patpong 2. However, Friday night was definitely livelier than my first visit on a Sunday night. Headed straight to Freshboys again, and the selection of boys were better. Called on a small and cute Lao boy to sit with me just as the midnight show was about to start. I can’t remember much about show, as I was busy cuddling and talking, but it was definitely better than Dreamboys’. Realised the one guy I had my eye on the first trip was one of the big cock boys. I was satisfied and decided to off the boy and leave for the night. The next day morning and afternoon was dedicated to a little bit of shopping at Union Mall and Chatuchak market. Afterwards, I decided to visit Urban Male for a massage. They had only 5 guys to choose from, all of which were bigger sized and not my type. The manager/reception boy was cute and more of my type than the 5 guys, but I resisted the urge to ask him if he was available for choosing and chose the best out the 5 instead. Room was clean and basic but the attached shower was dark and had no light. Massage and service was acceptable but not great. It was about 6-7pm by the time I head back to the hotel for a quick rest before the night out. On the way from Sala Daeng BTS, a few cute twink boys soliciting for massages outside a shop caught my eye, and they turned out to be from Nakarat. Added it into my list of massage places to check out. Unfortunately, the next few times I walk pass with the intention to visit, no such boys were present. After a quick rest, I headed out early at 9.30pm to my first visit of Screwboys. It is small compared to others with awkward right-angled seats. More than 15 boys were already on stage, a good mix of twinks and bigger sized boys. The boys here were the best mix but also the least interested to garner your attention. Took my time as it was still early and saw more boys reporting for work to the mamasan seated at the back. Soon came the hottest twink boy so far I’ve seen. I asked the mamasan about him and was told he was Cambodian and top, not that position matters anyway. Called the boy down to sit and the show started soon after. Unfortunately, didn't get a connection with him and he did not talk much either, though I enjoyed the cuddling. At the same time, another boy that had just reported for work caught my eye. Tipped my Cambodian boy and called upon the other hot boy to sit with me. He was Thai, straight and spoke little english. Contemplated hard whether to off him, but stunning good looks were my Achilles’ heel. By this time, I had spent almost an hour in the place, and I didn't see anyone else calling any boy down to sit moreover off them. Most other guests that came were couples or in a group. Offed the boy for ST. Though satisfied, I had energy and time for another round, thinking of a LT. I headed out again, this time to Lucky boys. Unfortunately, midnight show had just started and dragged on for quite some time so I did not see the boys line up. However, I had an eye on a waiter who was sitting with another guest. After the guest sent him off to call another boy, I asked the mamasan to call the boy to sit. He was from Vietnam and spoke the least english so far, but I had the most connection with him and he was interested to talk. Decided to off him and left while the show still dragged on. He did not stay the night but we had a long cuddle and talk session, though he did have some baggage and story. Performance on bed was not the best nor the worst. The next day I planned to try a massage place as I had a night flight. Contemplated between White house spa or Sanctuary Spa by A, but White House was too far out. Messaged Sanctuary Spa by A on Line regarding the boy that I was interested in, which I have already narrowed down seeing their Line feed every day. The boy was only available at 3pm so I made a booking for then. I decided to head down early to check out Sabaidee which was in the next block. 5 guys were available, none of which were my type, so I just chose one. Didn’t like the place, it was plain, old, a little worn down and dingy. As I left the place to head over to Sanctuary Spa, I was hoping it wouldn't be as bad. And wow, what a gulf of difference between the two, I really liked the decor and ambience of the place. Was given the biggest room, shower area was big, lighted, nice and clean. Massage was excellent, would come back just for it, but as a bonus, after service was also excellent. Minimum tip was 1200, I can’t remember if I had the 60 or 90 mins. What a good way to end my second trip. Bonus: Third Visit I had my third trip this month albeit with my friends and on their itinerary. Watched moonlight and tawan show, visited DJ station, R3 sauna orgy night (a highlight), Prime massage. I had the last day to myself so I went back to Sanctuary Spa by A. Booked another boy which was just as excellent in massage and service. The bigger room was occupied so was assigned a smaller room with a smaller table, but just as nice and comfortable. When I went to Prime massage the previous day, a few cute twink boys outside The Paradise Massage, also on Silom 4, caught my eye, and it was added on my list to visit. So after Sanctuary Spa, I still had a lot of time before my flight and decided to walk along Silom 4 to see if they were still there. Unfortunately, as with Nakarat, the cute twink boys were not there. Decided to try Relax Thai Massage a few shops down, which also had some twink boys. Facility was basic and clean though the rooms were abit dark and walls between rooms did not go all the way up. Boy was the quickest to move on to the next phase, he had only massaged my legs though I was not complaining. He was really good and was turned on throughout. At no point did he negotiate for any tip, even the manager did not mention any minimum tip beforehand, so I tipped him the market rate as I left satisfied. Sanctuary Spa by A is definitely on my to go list for every visit but I am still looking for a go to massage place with more twink boys. Any recommendations? On my list of gogo bars for my next visit are: Hotmale and Super A.
  20. Hello all. This is my first time posting after discovering this amazing community about a year ago. I’ve enjoyed reading all the trip reports, informative articles and even the reviews on local hotspots. I’ve enjoyed them so much that I even booked my trip to Bangkok in September. I will be there the entire month. Although I’m saddened that I couldn’t enjoy the famous soi Twilight, I’m excited to see what this new soi has in store. This will be my first time visiting the land of smiles and I’m equally thrilled as I am nervous to explore Bangkok. With that being said, if anyone is in Bangkok around that time and would like to show this newbie around, it would be greatly appreciated :) I’ve particularly took interest in the ever so famous Babe at Moonlight and while I not so sure about my chances are of offing him, I’m sure a glimpse will do the trick. But who knows? I might give it shot. Other places that are on my agenda include: Jupiter, Hot Male, Tawan and many more. As far as introductions go, my name is Nick. I’m 24 and recently graduated college with a business marketing degree. This trip is to not only celebrate this major accomplishment but to explore a part of the world I’ve never seen before and maybe experience some new things. I enjoy reading all of the trip reports and am excited to write my own very soon. I’ve got about a month left and the anticipating is killing me. This is all so very exciting!
  21. This Thai drama is based in Silom area and it mentions Jupiter, so I heard. Available on Netflix.
  22. Hi guys, I am wondering where to find the GAY KINKY CLUBS at Bangkok. I am so bored about vanilla sex. Slowly getting into my GREY Shades. Wanna explore ONLY Safe Kinks though. Please suggest some places at Bangkok which one should not miss for their kinky fantasies
  23. Some years ago Shamelessmack put a blog out with lots of info on massage shops in Bangkok, which I found very helpful. A while back I put together a spreadsheet with some updated information. For various reasons that format hasn't really worked for me. Instead, I've updated the information and put it on a blog, which for a few reasons is easier for me. Experienced readers/users can ignore most of it. Actually all are free to ignore all of it. But for the newbies might be some useful info. Happy 2018 https://bkkmassages.wordpress.com/shop-specifics/
  24. Dream Boy and Boys Bangkok will be relocated to Patpong 2 and will now be called Dreamboy Paradiso which will open on April 1, 2019, here's the pics of the new bar, location map and Available drinks soon...according to their FB page they will have a new show, new style and new prices for the drinks.
  25. https://www.ajarn.com/blogs/ajarn-street/how-far-does-a-30k-salary-go-in-bangkok I often get asked the same question - is it possible to live in Bangkok on a 30,000 baht salary? I'm going to go into as much detail as possible to hopefully answer this important question. And I'm certainly not going to sugar-coat things, because after all, you wouldn't want it that way. OK, let's really drill down those numbers. Why 30,000? This is the amount that most of the people asking me the question will be earning - give or take a thousand or two. These days, it's very much an ‘average' teacher's salary in Thailand. Many teacher placement agencies pay in the ball-park of 30K a month, as do most of the companies who specialize in hiring teachers from abroad for short-term teaching contracts (the latter are usually jobs for the ‘gap year' crowd) There are of course plenty of teachers here earning far more than 30,000 baht (and plenty of teachers making less) but 30K is the amount we're going to play with. Admin: See link for the full article
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