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Posts posted by floridarob

  1. I'm thinking about going to Rio a few days....has anyone recently stayed at the Atlantico?


    I haven't for many years, but for 40usd a night ....I might return....depending on their overnight policy, does it still stand?


    I usually stay with Tomcal (the frigatebird) when I'm there but our dates don't line up.


    I've also had more poor choices with airbnb and a hotel they change the sheets everyday (hopefully) and I like the security of checking id's at the front desk.


    Last time I stayed at a relatively new hotel and had guys back...but when this one lady was working the front desk, she was like a hawk and no one got past her...that I don't need again.

  2. 11 hours ago, Latbear4blk said:


    I am considering a trip for next Christmas vacation, I am indecisive between Mexico and Brazil. If I go for Brazil, of course I would go to Rio, bur rather than short escapades to the South,  I would rather explore Abrobrazil. 

    I don't have the memory that many have here, but 1 thing that sticks clearly in my mind is that the week between Christmas and New Years is a no-no for me.

    The few weeks before is an absolute buyers market, the day or 2 after Christmas, the waits for cabins, the boys trying to do 8 programas a day, etc....is something I will never repeat again, lol

    11 hours ago, SolaceSoul said:

    Because Salvador and the entire Bahia is predominantly black people. It should be plainly clear by now that many of the posters here aren’t “into” that.

    I'm into brown skin guys.....never had a problem in Salvador. That'd be like saying New Orleans or Houston has a lot of blacks, so the workers must be black??

    Some guys do the sauna route, Natal, Fortaleza, Recife....many have never been to SP or Rio.

    Almost all the guys in Rio & SP that I've liked come from Salvador.

  3. Wow, I miss a couple of days and look at this thread,lol

    I've hung out a lot with Tomcal over the years and a little with Namuzu (whatever his screen name is) and they both have a lot in common....really big whores, lol

    They are both happy go lucky and fun to be around. I've seen guys in Brasil just want to go hang out with Tom for fun. If you've never been to Brasil, you won't understand how much fun the guys are , especially the Cariocas. Many don't have a damn thing in their kitchen to eat, but you'd never know it by how happy and animated they are. I believe that if Tomcal told them that he lost everything and he was broke , they would take up a collection to help him out....AND change his pampers :P

    Mexico , everyone is horny, even the straight guys.....and someone said over 35 they have no idea how old you are, is right. You know how when an ethnic guy walks into a gay bar and most guys look at them like wow (years ago)....that's what it's like when as a white guy in Mexico, you are different, is nice.


  4. 16 hours ago, Tomcal said:

    Tart i have been going to Mezziniu since it opened in i think 2007 and have always had a great time there but i have never been on a Mon/Tue or Weds.  i actually like the area a lot and if i ever was going to retire in Brazil I would definitely consider Porto Alegre and the Rio Sul area.

    Fortaleza first choice then Recife for me....

  5. 3 hours ago, Blackoch said:



    Funny enough. I have always felt like Brazilian boys in Europe are much better than the ones in Brazil.

    its like soccer players, the best ones eventually go compete in Europe where the $$$ is.

    If you are really hot, why would you stay in Brazil for $R100 and hour when you can make 4 times that in Europe and don’t need a visa.


    Is it just my experience?

    I've found the Brazilians outside of Brasil (the ones escorting) are usually older , 28+...so they have experience and maybe have saved some money to get their passport and buy a ticket to go to Europe and money for an apartment, and start a "new" life.

    I like the innocence of the younger guys 18-22 that haven't been fucked over so many times (yet) that they still believe. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Badboy81 said:


    Had Thai food in Bangkok and it was great until I went to a Thai restaurant in Atlanta and was like, this shit is good too..(Panda Express IS good)


    Gotta disagree with you here....I've eaten at Thai restaurants all over the USA, and while some are good....even the prepared meals at 7-11 in Thailand can be better than many Thai restaurants. Thai ingredients that are usually not available in the USA can make a difference.


    My favorite Thai restaurant in Houston (she doesn't charge be or my friends when I go, I'm her mule back and forth for things for/from her family), she is still the cook, doesn't teach someone else how to cook and people think it is "authentic". She admits the food in Thailand, whether it is street food, mall food courts, fancy restaurants (and 7-11) is better than what they serve in USA.

    I've gotten a craving for Thai food (and massage) and next thing I know I'm on my way to BKK,lol

  7. 9 hours ago, Tomcal said:

    i always use Uber in Merida to send guys home. never had a problem...maybe because they are so tired they just want to go home to sleep! lol 

    I sent one guy home...he decided to use the driver as his personal driver for the next 2 hours going all over town and back.  I cancelled the trip from my app (sure that was hard for him to explain to the driver) and told uber that I didn't take the ride, someone else did...they credited the ride.

  8. 13 hours ago, AdamSmith said:

    I'm 58, likewise on Lisinopril.

    Was fairly sedentary until two years ago, when (just to think and figure out business problems) after lunch I abandoned the desk and went outdoors walking for 3+ hours.

     The jizz flow is now abundant again!

    Just getting the cardio system back into full function worked for me.

    Thanks (everyone) for your replies..... i think I do need to get some cardio into my life.


  9. This might belong in another forum, but didn't want it to get lost, so here it is.

    I'm 54 now and used to have a CRAZY sex drive......recently diagnosed with high blood pressure and since taking pills to control that, I've noticed that I'm hardly horny and even if I force myself to watch a porn, it takes a little bit to get hard...I still do but just seems weird it's not immediate, I also take propecia to help prevent loss of hair and this has resulted in such a decrease in cum, sometimes I wonder if I actually came, lol. Also have read that this side affect will remain even if I stop the medication and that there are lawsuits about this, smh

    I'm going to see my Dr. the end of the month and ask him and see if there are other options or pills to change to...I'm even getting swelling in one of my legs and I've read that this could be a side affect of one of the pills.

    what I take now for Blood Pressure is = Losartan/HCT 100-25 AND Amlodipine 5mg , the 2nd one is what I think is causing the leg swelling. I used to take Lisinopril before the Losartan, but after a few weeks  I started with an annoying dry cough, even after switching off of it, the cough lasted for 3 more months, wtf.

    I've started to think it might be better to stop the meds, probably die earlier, but enjoy those last years to the fullest.....


    There is a LOT of experience from the members here in life in general, not just whoring, so I know there might be some good advice from some of you.....

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