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  1. Like
    witty reacted to steveboy in Buying poppers from anonymous Grindr profile...   
    Well,  the difference is only in one oxygen,  NO3 vs. NO2.
    But....  what is the difference between aunt and cunt?  All the aunts I know have cunts...
  2. Like
    witty reacted to vinapu in Sex Industry Crackdown   
    some older members of the forum may still recall
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    witty reacted to vinapu in Security Boyztown   
    Good to know your trademarks are intact and still in use
  4. Like
    witty reacted to Londoner in Security Boyztown   
    How terrible the deaths of our brothers and sisters  in France are....so different to the hundreds of thousands of brown-skinned people we killed in Iraq and more recently, Libya. 
  5. Like
    witty reacted to kokopelli in Security Boyztown   
    That security guy can't even chase away the street boys who sometimes cruise Sunee Plaza.
  6. Like
    witty reacted to biguyby in Off-fee structure at BBB in Pattaya   
    This conversation reminds me of some comments I remember seeing on a YouTube video by some brain dead "fashion police" complaining about fat old Farang walking around around Pattaya wearing socks and sandals/flip flops.
    With literally thousands of sexy boys/girls to look at and be entertained by and they are still looking at what old Farang are wearing? What sad lives they must lead.
  7. Like
    witty reacted to abidismaili in Off-fee structure at BBB in Pattaya   
    It is stupid to pay for the boy montly, unless you want him for yourself only and tell him he can not have sex with other Farangs. But since that last demand can not be enforced and you can be sure when you are back home he will go fuck other Farang (he is young, he wants sex, and more money is always welcome) it is pointless to go into that trajectory.
    Because he will have other Farang acquaintances,  who go 3 times a year to Thailand, fuck him each vistit two times (since they also have other boys during their visit, so lets say it is 2) and pay say 4000 baht per trip to that boy. Compare that with you. You also go 3 times, fuck him each time, but you end up paying much more because you even send money in those months when you are in your own country. Both Farang see the boy equally in time, have sex equally, so get the same out of it,  yet the first Farang only pays 12000 a year to enjoy him, while the second Farang pays around that per month. But the benefit both receive is exactly the same.
    I would advice: do not do it. It is pointless. His other Farang friends (and most boys have regular Farang visitors, who go each year to see him) will enjoy him for the same time and pay far less than you. Don't believe for a moment he won't fuck other Farangs when you are back home. 
  8. Like
    witty reacted to biguyby in Off-fee structure at BBB in Pattaya   
    That wouldn't work for me Vinapu, over 65's get free travel on all local buses the length and breadth of England.
  9. Like
    witty got a reaction from ChristianPFC in Off-fee structure at BBB in Pattaya   
    Apparently these are the sacred numbers: 300, 1000, 3000.
    300 belongs to the Cheap Charlies
    1000 for those with morals, just enough
    3000 is exclusive for those who are indifferent to the fate of 98% of moneyboys that don't make it to their esoteric tastes
  10. Like
    witty got a reaction from vinapu in Off-fee structure at BBB in Pattaya   
    I'm enjoying this current discussions with a chuckle every time when someone makes a nonchalant post to be immediately rebutted with a fiery and dogmatic tirade from another poster.
    Three cheers for the moderators for the environment that encourages healthy debates.
  11. Like
    witty got a reaction from TotallyOz in Off-fee structure at BBB in Pattaya   
    I'm enjoying this current discussions with a chuckle every time when someone makes a nonchalant post to be immediately rebutted with a fiery and dogmatic tirade from another poster.
    Three cheers for the moderators for the environment that encourages healthy debates.
  12. Like
    witty reacted to bucknaway in Off-fee structure at BBB in Pattaya   
    Come on guys, we are all speaking from experience. We all have different experiences, often from the same guys. If any of us think our words should be chiseled into stone tablets, we are misguided and living in a fantasy land.
  13. Like
    witty reacted to bucknaway in Off-fee structure at BBB in Pattaya   
    The guys need us all. They need the guys that throw large sums of cash at them and they need the budget spenders. Thailand welcomes us all. We all seem to have a different experience with the guys. We read about a trip adventure and when it comes to the tip amount, we either gasp or scowl at the amount given.
    If you give more, good for you. If you give less, good for you. If you don't have to give at all, good for you.
    We all can't walk in each others shoes bit I sure wish I had the experiences that some of you have had..... but I'm too cheap to lay the groundwork
  14. Like
    witty got a reaction from 1moRussian in Off-fee structure at BBB in Pattaya   
    I wouldn't generalize that most tourists go to Thailand for the Cheap Sex. Sex is merely incidental, as in going to the mall to shop, finding something at 70% discount is incidental.
    I've come across moneyboys with phones that are many times more expensive than my entry-level smartphone, but I've also met a few who didn't have one with them.
    I've also come across moneyboys with their own bikes, and one with his own utility truck. The situation with moneyboys can be very fluid whereby a small percentage of newbies will stay in the industry for extended periods.
  15. Like
    witty reacted to brall3 in Off-fee structure at BBB in Pattaya   
    Prostitution is a business plain and simple. Like all business one party tries to make as much money as possible while the other party tries to pay as little as possible - simple economics.
    If anyone wants to feel sorry for the guys and shower them with money, so be it. Their money is theirs to do with as they please. As far as sympathy goes, there are a lot of homeless/hungry people sleeping on the streets in all of our countries. What about sympathy for those people and giving them a lot of money? I am sure that they would very much appreciate you and the offer.
    Aside: the next time you are out strolling about, check out the parking areas near the bars. Many many many of the poor money boys are driving some very expensive motorcycles, cars, and trucks. My heart bleeds for them - ha ha.
    Guys, lighten up. No one tells you how to spend your money and if they did you would resent the hell out of it. So afford others the same courtesy.
    This and other similar boards are great for providing valuable helpful information. Let's encourage others to contribute their experiences and welcome those who seek information and not discourage them by posting personal attacks Remember: treat others as you would want to be treated.
  16. Like
    witty reacted to vinapu in Off-fee structure at BBB in Pattaya   
    Please note 'below ' is your addition, I did not say that
    It goes by an actual deed.
    If I pay the boy 300 or 500, call me cheap charlie and worse.
    If I offer the same but actually accept his  higher counteroffer or pay him going rate even if out of whatever reason he accepted  my low ball I'm not cheap, I was just testing market.
    The same with boys and long times. If he agrees to 3000 and in the morning wants 4000 he is greedy.
    If he wants 5000 but settles on 3000 he was just testing market
  17. Like
    witty reacted to firecat69 in Off-fee structure at BBB in Pattaya   
    You need to give up on this Hottest Look BS.  First of all  Boy you may consider Hot, I may not find Hot at all and vice versa.
    Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder .  Most of the boys I know who have landed long term relationships that have gone on for years have been attractive but hardly Model material.
    Many of the Boys that looked the Hottest turned out to be the worst offs and just like the boys talk about us , we talk about the boys.
    I don't know about the rest of us on this Forum but if I was to consider sponsoring another boy , the last thing on my mind would be if he was considered the most beautiful boy by others .
    Past experience has told me that looks are just one of many things to consider in an off or a long term arrangement.
  18. Like
    witty reacted to TotallyOz in How long does your average sex session last?   
    My TV shows are normally based on a book.  Isn't that the same same?
  19. Like
    witty got a reaction from vinapu in Leather Upholstery in Bangkok   
    Office paraphernalia & leather props are quite appropriate in Gay settings.
  20. Like
    witty got a reaction from TotallyOz in Leather Upholstery in Bangkok   
    Office paraphernalia & leather props are quite appropriate in Gay settings.
  21. Like
    witty reacted to firecat69 in Bangkok/Pattaya June-July 2016 Trip Report: To Butterfly or not to Butterfly   
    Unfortunately many of those permanent BF's don't last and the boys will be back on the market at some point.
  22. Like
    witty got a reaction from Alizizou in Sado Men Spa,Kuala Lumpur   
    Not just the Malaysian government, but the Penang state government under the stewardship of a Chinese christian is also not getting much of a good press lately due to corruption and abuse of power. Sadly the Chinese in Malaysia like to think that they are above corruption & abuse of power.
  23. Like
    witty got a reaction from vinapu in Back in Pattaya   
    During the day the moon is hardly attractive to the eye.
    Try revealing your moons at sunrise or sunset :-)
  24. Like
    witty got a reaction from DivineMadman in Sado Men Spa,Kuala Lumpur   
    A bouquet for you, ct2005 :-)
  25. Like
    witty got a reaction from ct2005 in Sado Men Spa,Kuala Lumpur   
    A bouquet for you, ct2005 :-)
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