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Posts posted by forky123

  1. 3 minutes ago, Moses said:

    Nope. Because Japan is known as monoethnic country. So I'm correct.

    No, you're not. Genocide - the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. If that had been the aim, the US would not have been trying to get the Japanese to surrender.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Moses said:

    Iuppiter iratus ergo nefas

    You are the victim of the Western propaganda, "history is written by the winners".

    You aren't interpreting what I say. You are creating what you think I said from your own mind with no reliance on what I actually said. You know little of me so your thoughts on my victim status are irrelevant.


    4 minutes ago, reader said:

    2, Arguing with someone with different views on these matters never causes another to change their mind and is a bonafide waste of time and bandwidth.

    Isn't that the very thing a forum is for? It would be a very boring place if everyone agreed or never posted anything someone might disagree with.


    6 minutes ago, reader said:

    3. We all—hopefully—have more productive things to do (I.e., do another off, get another massage, write a TR or venue report, plan another trip, call a sick friend).

    I'm currently working and getting double time for Sunday. My job is such that I have busy periods and then have to wait for results. The forum is something I read in down time.

  3. 21 minutes ago, Moses said:

    So you said US made two nuclear strikes and wiped 2 Japanese cities for to stop Russians

    No, there were multiple reasons as there are for most things:

    - Japan's refusal to surrender.

    - Large scale fire bombings had failed to induce surrender

    - The number of deaths likely to US and Japanese troops having to continue the pacific war

    - Stalin had declared war on Japan as agreed at Yalta and US wanted a show of power to stop Russia taking parts of Japan. 

  4. 2 hours ago, KeepItReal said:

    The comments from some here are indeed scary, as the thread's title indicate.  They are either very deep down the rabbit hole or I want some of what they're smoking!

    Whatever it is, they keep smoking it. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Kostik said:

    Stalin died a long time ago. And the American criminals are still alive. They have already exceeded the number of civilian killings

    Ahh, Stalin was long ago but the massacre of indigenous American Indians wasn't?

    Please provide links of the arrest warrants issued for these people. While we're on the subject, Putin doesn't travel outside Russia so much these days.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Kostik said:

    Genocide of civilians in Iraq, Libya, Syria.

    You don't seem to understand the word genocide. 

    11 minutes ago, Kostik said:

    Has at least one US war criminal been prosecuted? Was Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden jailed? No! They continue their criminal activities

    You will have to refresh my memory. When were war crime charges laid against these people?

  7. 31 minutes ago, Kostik said:

    You probably live in a country that is completely subordinated to American propaganda. 
    Currently, the United States has committed the most mass killings of civilians. This is available in open sources of information.
    But, thanks to the US propaganda, you deny it

    You mean citizens of the US have committed the most mass killings of civilian, not the US which would suggest it's government did the killings. I wonder how many years of mass killings would need to occur to match the number of people killed during Stalin's purges?

  8. 23 minutes ago, Latbear4blk said:

    And once again, we become oblivious of the suffering of innocents in Palestina and Israel, to take sides in our political quarrels. 

    Hardly oblivious. Nothing is stopping you from posting your views for all to see.

  9. 1 hour ago, Kostik said:

    How much your propaganda tells you! The most brutal murderers of children, women and the elderly live in the USA! This is reality, wake up

    Your propaganda is much worse than mine. Why are you telling me to wake up to what goes on in the US? I'm not American, don't live there but do keep up with the politics there since it affects the world, much like Russia having a murderer/war criminal in charge affects the world. 



  10. 1 minute ago, Moses said:

    Next time they will have choice between a war-mongering Biden presidency for another four years or giving the overtly neo-fascist Trump a second chance to steer the country toward becoming an autocratic enclave for the billionaire class and ultra nationalist minorities.

    And the Russians have a choice between murdering war criminal Putin and....... um........ murdering war criminal Putin.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Kostik said:

    You organize a circus every 4 years! No matter who you elect, nothing will change. The USA has already placed in prisons everyone who is against it, the number of political prisoners in the USA is the largest in the world

    I guess if you defenestrate or feed polonium to opponents you avoid having to imprison them. 

    5 minutes ago, Kostik said:

    The USA has already placed in prisons everyone who is against it



  12. 31 minutes ago, Kostik said:

    Have you seen the map? Where is Belarus located?

    But I like the truly democratic government in Nicaragua. Nuclear protection from aggression of the USA empire is required

    Your right, in the same manner the US should also provide Ukraine with nuclear weapons since the 1994 agreement where they gave them up has been broken. 

  13. It's a reference to the proverbial idiom "Pot calling the kettle black" which describes a situation in which someone comments on or accuses someone of a fault which the accuser shares. In this case you saying the world needs protecting from murders, rapists and maniacs from the US when the same is true of Russia. 

  14. 15 minutes ago, Kostik said:

    I like Nicaragua! Nuclear missiles should be installed there! The world must be protected from murderers, rapists and maniacs from the USA

    Pot, kettle. Kettle, pot.

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