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  1. Like
    KYTOP got a reaction from Lucky in Election 2024: Trump Now +10 Over Biden   
    There is an old saying, "there are lies, damned lies, and statistics' ( I believe it was Mark Twain). Polls are nothing more than statistics and I expect them to bounce about a bit until November. With answers depending on who is asking who, and who is paying for the stats. I've always enjoyed Stats and polls and they can tell us much about the past and we wish to use them to know the future. But they really are not that good of a crystal ball. Like most statistics you can twist them and almost always find some that will come close to what we want to believe. This is true I think of both sides. I put little stock in any of them at this point, especially a National Poll. In a national poll if they poll heavy in California or New York you will have one result, if they poll heavy in Texas or the South they get another answer.
    One poll says Trump is ahead, another says Biden but I notice they are all relatively close in the so called "battle ground states". Due to the Electoral College, required by our Constitution, individual state polls are really the polls that matter.
  2. Like
    KYTOP got a reaction from stevenkesslar in Election 2024: Trump Now +10 Over Biden   
    There is an old saying, "there are lies, damned lies, and statistics' ( I believe it was Mark Twain). Polls are nothing more than statistics and I expect them to bounce about a bit until November. With answers depending on who is asking who, and who is paying for the stats. I've always enjoyed Stats and polls and they can tell us much about the past and we wish to use them to know the future. But they really are not that good of a crystal ball. Like most statistics you can twist them and almost always find some that will come close to what we want to believe. This is true I think of both sides. I put little stock in any of them at this point, especially a National Poll. In a national poll if they poll heavy in California or New York you will have one result, if they poll heavy in Texas or the South they get another answer.
    One poll says Trump is ahead, another says Biden but I notice they are all relatively close in the so called "battle ground states". Due to the Electoral College, required by our Constitution, individual state polls are really the polls that matter.
  3. Haha
    KYTOP reacted to kokopelli3 in Times changing?   
    Kokopelli passed?  I never knew that; sorry to read of his passing, he was like a twin brother to me.
  4. Like
    KYTOP got a reaction from stevenkesslar in Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin   
    I am sure the US State Dept was actually glad for this interview. Any opportunity for them to observe Putin is gold to them and I am sure they have picked the interview to pieces. There have been numerous rumors  for the past few years about Putin's health, using body doubles, mental capacity etc... 
    The Government or administration may criticize the interview for political reasons, but for the CIA, state dept, and others any content in person content of Putin is valuable. 
  5. Haha
    KYTOP reacted to vinapu in The Original Guest List for Truman Capote's 1966 Black and White Ball   
    my mirror usually does the same job for me
  6. Haha
    KYTOP reacted to reader in The Original Guest List for Truman Capote's 1966 Black and White Ball   
    List reminds me just how old I am because I recognize quite a few of celebrities on it. 🙂
  7. Haha
    KYTOP reacted to vinapu in Go-go etiquette   
    it should be stressed more forcefully 
  8. Sad
    KYTOP reacted to Lucky in Should I Feel Threatened?   
    In my private mailbox this morning was a message forwarded from this site wherein another poster said to me:
    "You took to me to post bro  Don't reply to my posts again ok  One warning ok  "
    But when I went to my mailbox here, the message had changed. Now it said:
    "I feel empathy  for you not keeping yourself fit with all the sickness you have 
    Hope you get better in your age , but as you said your 76 the bright side is you won't be suffering for much longer"
    Now I had suggested that this old fellow might not be right for this board, given his posts. So what should I think now?
  9. Like
    KYTOP reacted to reader in Foreign accident victim dies after refused treatment   
    From Thai PBS World
    Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry has instructed its representative in Bangkok to investigate a car accident, in which an injured Taiwanese tourist was allegedly denied medical treatment by a hospital and died while being transferred to another.
    Taiwan News online reported that the ministry also expressed its concern over the matter to the Thailand Trade and Economic Office in Taipei and asked them to convey its request to take the matter seriously to the Thai government.
    Details of the accident are still unclear, but initial reports state that a person called “Chen” was a victim of a hit-and-run accident on Pattanakarn Road at about 2am on December 8.
    Rescuers rushed Chen, who was still alive, to a private hospital only 500 meters from the scene of the accident. Staff there allegedly refused to admit Chen, despite his severe injuries, because he was a foreigner.
    He was then taken to a state hospital about 10km away, a journey during which he succumbed to his injuries.
    Chen’s death came to light after a Taiwanese media outlet posted the story online, which spread to Thailand.
    It is reported that police have arrested the 51-year-old driver, who drove away instead of helping Chen. He was allegedly intoxicated.
    Upon learning of the case, Thailand’s Public Health Minister Cholnan Srikaew ordered an investigation, stating that a hospital cannot deny medical treatment to an emergency patient.
    Cholnan said hospital staff denying treatment to a critically ill emergency patient could face a jail term of up to two years and/or fines of up to Bt40,000.
    Cholnan also admitted today that the incident could affect the confidence of foreign tourists visiting Thailand and, since Thailand is a major tourist destination for Taiwanese holidaymakers, the government must take full responsibility and demonstrate publicly that it will solve the problem and prevent a reoccurrence.
  10. Like
    KYTOP reacted to stevenkesslar in 94 journalists killed in 2023, says IFJ, 68 of them were killed in Gaza.   
    There's some other relevant comparisons.
    The IDF is clearly in a position to say this.  If you attack us, we will smear the streets with the blood of your dead.  And they are doing it.  Death here, death there, death everywhere.  We all agree it's sad.  Add lots of dead journalists, which is the point @Moses wants to make.  He's correct. It's a fact.  Israel is in a position to retaliate, defend, or whatever you want to call it.  And they are doing it.
    Russia is clearly in a position to say this.  We can attack you, Ukraine.  And we will smear the streets with the blood of your dead.  Dead soldiers, dead citizens, dead journalists.  Death, death, death.  Russia will bring you death.  Putin will bring you death.  You may hate us for eternity, and hope Putin burns in hell.  But guess what?  We could fucking care less.  We can and will kill 500,000 of your soldiers.  We don't care.  Russia and Putin bring you death and misery.  It's just that simple.
    Is there any question why Ukrainians hate Russians, and why Israel is pretty much united that Hamas sucks?  That doesn't mean Putin and Hamas will just go away.  Any successful plan has to start with the reality that Putin and Hamas can't simply be wiped out, unless we maybe want to blow up the whole planet.  But they ARE the problem.
    Putin and Hamas have this in common.  They like death.  They want to kill.  They are sadistic butchers.  It is who they are.  It is what they do.  It is how they get and keep power.  All you have to do is read where people are dying, including journalists.  You are correct, @Moses.   Gaza and Ukraine are bloodbaths.  Why?  Because sadistic butchers like Hamas and Putin made it that way.
    I despise Netanyahu and I think the IDF is going way too far.  I think Putin calculated correctly that he could at the very least weaken Ukraine and create a stalemate.  But none of that changes the fact that Hamas and Putin started the death.  Certain facts are plain and simple.  Hamas is a terrorist organization.  Putin is a sadistic butcher.  Do you agree, @Moses?  If you want to understand why we have so many dead journalists, look to the butchers and sadists and terrorists who started it first.
    In my country, I could and did say George W. Bush sucks and this whole idea of attacking Iraq is insane.  Granted, we did it anyway.  I won't defend it, and I am not proud of it.  Now most Americans and most of the world agree with me.  My college mentor was a liberal Jewish professor who somehow ended up being a US Senator who was the only Democrat running for re-election in 2002 to oppose the Iraq War.  There are conspiracy theorists who actually believe that got him killed in a small plane crash. I don't believe that.  Here's my point.  I can say my leader sucks and is wrong.  Wellstone could vote against that war, and say it was a horrible mistake. 
    In Russia, if you say these things, or oppose Putin, you are sent to the front.  If you oppose the war, you become fertilizer or dog food in Ukraine.  I'm not sure if you agree with Putin.  Or if you just don't want to be sent to the front.  Of course, I don't think Putin does that to journalists who disagree with him.  He just jails them, or kills them.  We settled that a long time ago.

    The murder that killed free media in Russia.
    Why aren't you ashamed of living in a failing country run by a sadistic butcher, @Moses?  You should be.
    By the way, did you notice that Xi, not Putin, went to San Francisco and was given accolades by Apple?  Have you noticed how China, not Russia, is having all-of-government meetings, starting with Biden and Xi, to figure out how to put out these fires, rather than starting them?  Have you noticed that the Chinese economy came out of COVID a mess, and the US came out of COVID with the strongest economy in the world? 
    What I am trying to say politely, @Moses, is that Xi is playing your sadistic butcher of a leader, just like your sadistic butcher of a leader played his sadistic butcher of a chef, who is now dead.  Boo hoo!  You get my point, right?  None of this changes the fact that Russia is a failing economy that engineers who have the skills to work for Apple are fleeing in droves.  Because they don't want to end up being a journalist in Russia.  Or fertilizer in Ukraine.
  11. Like
    KYTOP reacted to Marc in Calif in The Palestinian Olympic Committee reported the death of 47 athletes in the Gaza Strip   
    Russia's war against Ukraine has claimed the lives of 262 Ukrainian athletes and destroyed 363 sports facilities, the country's sports minister, Vadym Huttsait, said on Saturday.
    Requiem for the Ukrainian athletes who died. See their names, photos, and bios.
    Denys Boreyko, one of Ukraine's leading fencers, has been killed in the war against Russia, it was reported today.
    The 34-year-old died on July 3 and was buried on Thursday (July 13), the Ukrainian Fencing Federation said. "Denys was a world champion and European champion among juniors, as well as a master of sports of international class."
    Ukrainian athlete Volodymyr Androshchuk died defending Ukraine against the Russian invasion near Bakhmut. Volodymyr’s death was announced on January 25.
    Ukrainian kickboxing champion Maksym Bordus has been killed fighting Russian forces, a website that lists athletes killed in the war said on Tuesday. Bordus was killed on June 11 in "fierce fighting against Russian invaders." Bordus, who was born in 2000, had signed up to fight for the Ukrainian army on the first day of Russia's full-scale invasion in February last year. A petition was posted on President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's website calling for Bordus to be posthumously awarded the title of "Hero of Ukraine".
  12. Haha
    KYTOP reacted to Latbear4blk in Israel boys   
    Does not need them? How come? Every respectable city needs them. 
  13. Like
    KYTOP got a reaction from floridarob in The different (erotic) things we look for   
    Very good summary.
    I am more of the visual type. As far as fetish, I am very much into a guy's pecs and Nipples. Much more of a turn on for me is a hot pecs with quarter size Plus nipples. I have never been a big cock person. In most cases I would rather play with a guy's nipples than their cock. Probably why I absolutely love male strippers and strip clubs.
  14. Like
    KYTOP reacted to macaroni21 in The different (erotic) things we look for   
    Around 30 years ago, when I was much, much younger, and Pattaya was a gay paradise, my friend and I had nowhere to sit in a bar in Boyztown - was it Throb? too long ago to be sure. We had to share a table with a guy (he was alone) who didn't mind at all. In fact he probably welcomed the company and the opportunity to make conversation. I remember this incident even though it was the last century because it was the first time I had ever met someone with a foot fetish. For the better part of the time in that bar, he went on and on, and my friend and I had little to say in response.
    Looking back, I should be grateful to him. He opened my then-younger eyes to the fact that all of us have wildly different tastes. Sure, growing up gay, we sort-of know that. Most of my college friends liked pussy, but the very thought of it freaked me out. However, the flip side of that sense of exclusion from the straight fellowship was to seek identity in the gay minority, yet in doing so, I must have somehow assumed that if they're gay like me, their erotic desires must therefore be similar to mine.
    How wrong I was. I am sure most posters here, in their life journeys, have come to same conclusion, each of us via our individaul learning journeys, though mine was unusual in having been through a baptism of a foot monologue.
    One of the most fascinating things about this board is that, in the course of members either describing their trip reports or asking questions about what to expect in places they're planning to visit, between the lines in the posts one can sense what their erotic desires are. Having had my eyes opened years ago, I've been watching this space, so to speak, and now may be a good time to throw in some ideas about what I have observed.
    (I am also nervous about opening this topic because it can get controversial.)
    Here I am not referring to the appeal of physique, you know, the twink-lovers, hunk-lovers, chubby chasers, etc.
    There are different ways to look at desire. The first cut I can think of - and the categories are not meant to be exclusive, in fact, there is likely to be a continuum of tastes - goes like this:
    1. Those who give more weight to the visual
    2. Those who give more weight to the tactile
    3. Those looking for a boyfriend experience (the connection of personality)
    I see Group (1) among the posters whose focus lie in how the boy looks - whether he be twink or twunk or hunk or whatever. This is the market for Moonlight's models, with people ready to pay remium pricing because the guys look a certain way. I also see Group (1) in those posters who've clearly asked for information about satisfying their body worship desires, as well as in those who describe themselves as choosy about a certain "type" of partner.
    The visual leaves me relatively cold, which also correlates with the fact that I don't have a specific "type" that I am looking for. Instead, I see myself as a Group (2) where the tactile pleasure is more important than the visual.In other words, it doesn't really matter what the sex worker looks like; I want the delirium of hands on body or body pressing body. Members here may have noticed that I write a lot more about massage than about offing gogo boys, for example.
    Then there are posters here who ask for information about overnights or about going off to an island for a few days with someone (even temporarily) special. I call them Group (3). The boyfriend experience (even if fleeting) is at the centre of desire.
    Yet another way to slice the pie is like this:
    4. Genital focussed sex
    5. Warm-body sex
    Especially on the Latin America forum, many trip reports spotlight either insertive sex or the size of the appendage. There is hardly any description of the body that the cock is joined to. Here and there in the Thailand forum, whenever a boy is mentioned (e.g. because he was advertised on a massage site) the question is quickly Top or Bottom? I may be wrong (since I don't belong to this Group (4) but at least in my imagination, the sex that takes place has a greater emphasis on penetration (one direction or the other).
    I am Group (5). The size of the appendage has rarely mattered to me (unless it's been disfigured by silicone). I have had great time swith guys (paid and unpaid) who might not have been more than 10 cm (not that I measured). Instead it's the full-body "wrestling" that's been important. As a result, those (usually straight) boys whose idea of servicing a customer is either to stand beside the bed and give a handjob or move into a penetrative position as a matter of course, have always left me utterly frustrated.
    Are there other categories that others have observed?
  15. Haha
    KYTOP reacted to vinapu in Teens Warned about Safe Sex as HIV Infections Rise   
    he was, it's why they divorced
  16. Like
    KYTOP reacted to floridarob in Teens Warned about Safe Sex as HIV Infections Rise   
    It seems "today's" kids are not having or not as interested in sex as much as we did.

    They lack social skills and the inability to have conversations ....glued to their telephone scrolling. I figured maybe with all the free porno, maybe that filled the niche, but no....they're masturbating less , much less than we did/do.

    Look on the apps/sites , outside of hustler areas, in your home town....what % are younger guys, when I go to the US, the sites customers average 50 yrs old.... NYC has some young guys on apps, but think about how many live in that city.
  17. Like
    KYTOP reacted to vinapu in Is There An Effective Way To Protest?   
    Damaging artworks is criminal and should be treated as such, even damaging those of dubious value. 
    Interrupting performances may send message across but not necessarily in a way intended
  18. Like
    KYTOP reacted to forky123 in Is There An Effective Way To Protest?   
    In my opinion, they should protest the lawmakers, the people taking money from oil companies, the oil companies themselves, etc. Targeting people going about their daily business, art galleries, etc is the easy option, self defeating (they will never win without public support) and leads to violence. 
  19. Like
    KYTOP reacted to reader in Lufthansa Superjumbos back in Thai skies   
    From The Nation
    Lufthansa has announced it will resume direct flights to Thailand with the world's largest passenger plane on Sunday.
    Lufthansa has announced it will resume direct flights to Thailand with the world's largest passenger plane on Sunday.
    The decision to deploy the Airbus A380 on the Bangkok-Munich route from October 29 came in response to tremendous demand, particularly during the winter high season, said the German flag carrier’s regional manager Anlee Do.
    Nicknamed Superjumbo, the A380 is a double-deck, wide-body, four-engine jetliner with a capacity of 509 passengers. The standard cabin layout features eight seats in first class, 78 in business, 52 in premium economy, and 371 in economy.
    Lufthansa is the only airline operating the A380 nonstop between Thailand and Europe, said Do.
    She added that travel demand for Thailand is consistent and strong thanks to its location as a gateway to Southeast Asia.
  20. Like
    KYTOP reacted to Ruthrieston in Thailand invites Putin...   
    I look forward to Putin being arrested as a war criminal and imprisoned for the rest of his miserable life. Thailand's support for him is an international disgrace.
  21. Like
    KYTOP reacted to Lucky in This is scary   
    Well, I am glad that he made it safely home. Not sure what being there in person accomplished. The Jordan trip would have been helpful.
    I hear they had to stop Kamala Harris from measuring the drapes in the Oval Office.
  22. Like
    KYTOP got a reaction from Ruthrieston in Israel And The Palestinians: A Nightmare In Desperate Search Of A Solution   
    For many Americans the Holocaust is the only background information they have concerning the Jewish people and their situation. (Or Charleston Heston as Moses leading them put of Egypt)  It is also the reason many Americans have sympathy and support for the Jewish people.
  23. Like
    KYTOP got a reaction from PeterRS in Israel And The Palestinians: A Nightmare In Desperate Search Of A Solution   
    For many Americans the Holocaust is the only background information they have concerning the Jewish people and their situation. (Or Charleston Heston as Moses leading them put of Egypt)  It is also the reason many Americans have sympathy and support for the Jewish people.
  24. Downvote
    KYTOP got a reaction from Mavica in Israel And The Palestinians: A Nightmare In Desperate Search Of A Solution   
    For many Americans the Holocaust is the only background information they have concerning the Jewish people and their situation. (Or Charleston Heston as Moses leading them put of Egypt)  It is also the reason many Americans have sympathy and support for the Jewish people.
  25. Like
    KYTOP reacted to reader in Israel And The Palestinians: A Nightmare In Desperate Search Of A Solution   
    Completely disagree. If there was no holocaust, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
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