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Everything posted by Mavica

  1. I read the OP's comments, then searched for other news reports about the incident ... and I sense the OP here and resulting discussion is more than less an exaggeration or incomplete reporting on what happened. There's an "other side" of the story not appearing in this discussion: that the Principal who was terminated or resigned in lieu of termination chose not to follow school policies in a number of areas for some time. Additionally, it's being reported that the school didn't ban viewing of the statue, but required advance notice to parents of students in certain grades that it would be shown ... a policy that was adhered to the prior year. The President of the Board of the school is a former director of the Florida Democratic Party, and many would describe him as progressive in his activities. Nowhere do I see, in the reporting, reference to the Roman Catholic or other Christian faiths. I don't know that what I read in my own search for information is completely accurate, but it seems to me some of the people posting here should "look" before they "leap."
  2. He was an administrative law judge, not a Judge in the Court system.
  3. More than any other reason, I think it's due to increased travel. I renewed my US passport last year and it took just a week, from start to finish.
  4. Simply assuming as accurate whatever any nation's intelligence agency says is true would be ill-advised.
  5. Obviously, you have not comprehended what I wrote.
  6. Ok. What's your point? There's no registry of "linked" or common law partners in the USA. ✔️
  7. Yes, but we learned from the January 6th insurrection, there are active duty military and police officers who hate the USA so deeply they'd support an autocrat like Trump. The Secret Service has been infiltrated as well. I stopped saying to soldier I met along the way ... "Thank you for your service" until I know more about them and their activities or know them personally.
  8. If he's indicted, he's not going to be cuffed and led into court or a police station. He will be informed of the charges and the Secret Service will accompany him as he surrenders, is processed and released until the trial. Tump will make this a media event, though.
  9. The most consecutive orgasms I've had is four ... within an hour's time. On the kitchen floor with a stunning partner whose oral skills were extraordinary. More often, it's been twice a day - at best (a long time ago). When I was in high school, 16 years of age, an 8th grader living downstairs from me would sometimes blow me twice a day .. for about a year before the family moved away. All he did was suck, no fucking. But, what an ass he had. Someone taught him well!
  10. Keanu Reeves was publicly linked to Geffen for a long time ... accurate or not. However, if this current report is accurate (not certain it is), the younger partner is indeed attractive. I wouldn't toss him out of my bed!
  11. For readers unfamiliar with the individual (such as me) it would have been helpful to link a news or other article providing some context: Soccer team captain from Thai cave rescue dies in U.K. - CBS News
  12. I fly from Tampa to somewhere in Mexico usually twice yearly. I've been searching for weeks to fly there (Mexico City) and fares are substantially higher than a year ago. Flight options have been reduced to about half what they were last year at this time. Many of my flight options allow for less than an hour flight change in Houston, even for some in Miami; unworkable. It's not just flights to Mexico, but I've been pricing fares to either Rio or Dublin, Ireland. High, high and higher. Some flights I'm searching now have a US$90 baggage add-on fee. For me, from Tampa ... forget BKK.
  13. There are guys who rely on money earned from play-for-pay interactions, and guys who occasionally or frequently offer their talents in a less professional way. In Rio de Janeiro, in Club 117, I've had sex with what I'd describe as professional sex workers ... and others who infrequently engage in GP trade. It may be difficult to discern in advance, but I prefer the "infrequent" garoto. In my 70+ years of life, I've befriended many guys who I first met in a play-for-pay transaction. Some have become good friends. Most of these friendships have been in Chicago, Mexico City or Acapulco. I have and do place the interactions in separate compartments ... successfully ... and oftentimes they are "friends with benefits" (no money exchanged for the sex). But, always, something is exchanged ("in kind").
  14. My experience has been that it's the garoto who takes my wrist identification bracelet to the cashier or desk attendant (at 117, as an example) to get the room assignment. I've always been present to nod my head to the desk attendant for the charge to be added to my account and paid at the end of the visit. Rooms can be in short supply, so I don't imagine a situation where I'd be given a key and then take whatever amount of time it takes to find someone I'm attracted to.
  15. Sometimes I can be questionably critical, and it's not been lost on me that the posting style of the individual we have been commenting on has provided substantial and important / helpful commentary and advice for a long period of time. I respect those contributions here ... and elsewhere. I'm sincerely hoping this individual hears the collective criticism and makes a posting / written stylistic course correction.
  16. Ok, then let the site die. Someone else will start another site to live another day. In the grand scheme of things, what happens there isn't all that important, is it?
  17. Web forums serve the business purposes of their owners and advertisers, first. They're not operated in a democratic / communal fashion. Obviously, the political discussions on that site were seen as disruptive, adding no value to satisfy the business purposes. We see the migration here of people who posted there ... and it seems to me the interest in this collection of web forums for them is primarily for political discussion purposes. I've participated in several forums at which the site owners curtailed certain discussions ... and though site visits dropped the owners were happy with their choice.
  18. It's sophmoric behavior. Ignorant, IMO.
  19. Dominion will prevail, but not to the tune of $1 billion +. Fox will continue its anti-American focus no matter how much the judgment in favor of Dominion is.
  20. As I view the matter, President Biden should not run for re-election and ought to be grooming the next likely Presidential candidate ... someone other than VP Harris. The bench for the Democrats can be deep but out of respect for President Biden those individuals are holding back. Pete has been out front for the President more than any other Cabinet Secretary, IMO, but he's flubbed some important opportunities ... such as the current crisis in East Palestine, Ohio. Pete's an excellent campaigner, too, but the elephant in the room is ... are USA voters ready to elect a gay man President? President Biden is too old, looks too old, looks exhausted and it will only get worse for him. But I remember President Reagan who it's widely believed was suffering from Altzheimer's his last term and his staff and family covered it up best they could. That was then, this is now. If the GOP fields a young or younger, substantially younger candidate to run against Biden ... a comparatively moderate candidate ... then Biden's chance of re-election lessens. It's time to thank the President for his decades of service, and move on to a younger team of leaders.
  21. Mavica

    RIP Kadu

    I think many of us posting to this forum have done, sometime in the past ... and for a few who are doing so currently ... engage in behavior which we look back upon as dangerous or risky. I don't anymore ... but have in the past. We take risks after considering what we think are the rewards. There's an excitement we get from living on the edge.
  22. For me, the "best night" is any night other than Tuesday ... if I want to do more than just window shop. To actually hook-up with a GP, any other night has most always been better.
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