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  2. I leave all of them alone and stick with 24+ with no need to worry about legal or hotel reception niceties
  3. perhaps too may are subscribing to theory verbalized below?
  4. +1 for expanding my vocabulary
  5. I don't know how it is in other countries but in Mexico when I asked it was about 3 times of ST fee. Also spoon once remarked that LT in extremely good value in Thailand compared to Malaysia. Days of 3000 LT, in Bangkok bars at least, may be slowly coming to an end but still LT remains very good value. And believe me , that 10000 while shocking in terms of number of zeros seemed in line with what guy in question had to offer. I was not shocked, only inclined to stick to my self imposed limit of half of that price. Glad I did but still not 100% sure.\ I have personal story of missed opportunity which haunts me for 30 years. While on Easter Island I saw beautiful carving and price quoted seemed for me prohibitive at that time so I gave up. After thinking it over, I decided to splurge and returned to the store to be greeted by seller with annunciation it was sold 2 hrs ago. I did not notice that saving thus obtained helped me much in life and now usually if I like something or somebody I go for it.
  6. yes, it was cheapest option and since it was only one night I decided to gamble that bed is wide enough for two. It worked as it will be reported very soon.
  7. of all people you were actually privy to my hair splitting over the issue. As for Khim, it looks that he , after collecting his fees from you disappeared from Grindr offerings at least temporarily. In those matters I'm firm believer in market economy and both sides have full right to their own calculations based on own criteria. Sometimes we gamble, sometimes them. Whether story about 2-3 customers a day, in his case very plausible I agree, is true or fabricated , is also irrelevant. He put his price , you accepted and it seems you are very happy with what you received in exchange. This is all what counts.
  8. It was always not that way! Some years ago one or two guys would organize a get together to which any and all were invited and, sometimes drinks were free to one and all. But as time went on this dwindled away with the diminishing gay scene. Even more recently gay bar owners sponsored a party night with free food for anyone and some still do. But, no doubt, it is increasing difficult to break into the social network.
  9. you should and I have feeling you'd like it there but you youngsters those days are lacking strength and don't take well sleep deprivation, opposite to us seniors used to sleep with open window facing 16 lane highway😊
  10. Age shaving, not just from providers... GOP rising star candidate and PA state Rep Ryan Mackenzie lied about age on Tinder profile by EIGHT YEARS https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13530821/gop-candidate-state-representative-ryan-mackenzie-lied-tinder-profile.html
  11. I read this rumour in the Romeo group. It was posted yesterday with the OP asking the question in German. There has been on reply since (also in German) from someone saying: "In February everything was still the same... including the owner who follows you around :-) It would be a real shame if that changed." Maybe that reply came from one of the group! I must admit, having never been to Sansuk, I have been reading the Google reviews and and didn't come across any rumour about the owner moving on. m Februar war noch alles beim Alten... auch der Besitzer der einem nachläuft 🙂 Wäre echt schade wenn sich das geändert ha
  12. no, Senso in Sala Daeng will though
  13. Today
  14. remember that one statistic sample is not a base to formulate hypothesis. It could be that guy assessed you as in need of serious massage and nothing else. I had similar case in that popular shop by Phaya Thai station ( name escaped me, Gentleman spa? ) when engaged guy about I knew from trusted source is adventurous and yet as you say it "adhered to most formal protocol ", only deviation was he was still looking for debaucherous level of service tip.
  15. Any updates on Cigano’s Lounge? Last IG posts were from March.
  16. I'd like to see a client do that: fondling a dick with one hand, holding google trnsltr with the other. (-:
  17. In my experience the guys always have their own condoms with them or the guys will get them at the bar. Since the guy has/gets the condoms, I assume they will be the correct size for him. The only thing I bring myself is lube as the lube they have is in small packets and I find it clumsy to work with.
  18. Regarding the cabin, it's just that the guys often know the layout of the sauna better. There's a lot of different cabins, some smaller or larger or with lots of light or no light. If that doesn't matter to you, you don't need to say anything. I've found that usually the guy will take me to a cabin. As for the second question, that really depends on the guy. Some guys will be walking around with their dicks out, some will have shorts or underwear on. Some will be in towels and will flash you when you walk by. I have in the past, during the preliminary talk, fondled their dicks but only after asking. You can certainly ask.
  19. There is a group about Sansuk on PlanetRomeo where someone posted that. I asked him and it seems that the original source was a review on Google. So not necessarily the most trustworthy source. Maybe I was in panic mode when I read that 😱
  20. Wolfer, I dont rmmbr from my long ago two visits there: why would u need to have the guy get a cabin for u? I also dont rmmbr: do they flash their tools? Is it ok to ask for a peek?
  21. JD100 and I have already met several times. JD wrote in this forum back in December/January that he was moving from Argentina to Pattaya and solicited to meet other expats. I responded to that request. I have introduced JD to the bar that I hang out the most in at the Jomtien Supertown Complex and he seems to like it. I also took JD to see the M2M show and we had a great time. I also asked JD to accompany me at the Pattaya Community Pride event that took place on 8 June 2024. Unfortunately, in this area of making friends with the local expat community - I was not successful and I actually gave up last year. I now have more than enough Thai friends to keep me busy and I am happy with that outcome. My experience with the local expat community is that they are very reserved and guarded and ironically I see that I have become that way as well with other expats - except for JD 😘 I cannot explain this phenomena. I note that in the heterosexual community that Pattaya is very good at getting that community organized with ""welcome to Pattaya" events that are held weekly so that the new heterosexuals can meet each other and integrate into the larger Pattaya heterosexual community. I see that in the Pattaya gay world that this is non-existent. I do not know if it has always been this way and I do not know why it is like this? Anyone know ?
  22. Is hiring from Telechapero a big difference than from Hunqz? Are there more/different escorts on there? I've never tried it. Perhaps I will next time.
  23. I thought I'd add my experience about sauna Thermas as I've been going there for a few years now. I remember being very nervous the first time! You pay the entree fee, get a key with a locker number and go change. Once you are changed you go down the stairs where the working boys will be waiting or wandering around, and on the bottom most level there's a pool and bar. Some providers will approach you, some won't. If you see someone you like just say "Hey" to them and they will most likely lead the conversation. Clearly state what you want to happen (suck their dick, have them suck you, get fucked, fuck them, kiss or not,...) and confirm these are things he offers or not (all providers have different limits and things they offer). The standard is 50 euro for one session, no matter what the activity (usually, with some exceptions noted later on), excluding the provider's ejaculation (if you want them to ejaculate, tell them as it's extra money, usually 50 euro extra). There are "strict" tops who sometimes propose to let you fuck them for double the money (so 100 instead of 50 euro for 1 session. I suggest to not do this as they are often not good at bottoming and to search for a true versatile or bottom provider). If kissing is important to you, ask them to demonstrate to you how they kiss during the conversation. It's forward, yes, but a good kisser will happily oblige and it can save you from disappointment as I've had providers give halfhearted pecks once the session started (when I didn't ask them to show me before). A session lasts around 20 to 30 minutes (but you as the client should keep track. Most providers will make the session shorter if you don't). The rule of thumb is that it's 50 euro per 30 minutes. So if you were to engage a provider for one hour, it's expected you pay him 100 euro. But always confirm price and duration before starting the session. Some will (jokingly) ask for a tip beforehand, which I always politely decline. Once you've agreed on everything, it's time to start the session. For this you have 2 options. There are free cabins on the first basement, they have a fixed bench with thin mattresses on them. Some clients find them uncomfortable, for me they work fine. I suggest using the cabins on the left of the stairs (when facing with your back to the stairs) as these have better lighting in them and there are larger cabins. Just ask the provider to get you a larger cabin and they will look for it. Most of the time the larger cabins are in use by providers who are on break (smoking and chatting). You can also pay for a room. This is always by the hour and they come at various prices, depending on the size. All rooms have a full bed in them with linen and towels so the more expensive ones are simply larger. The comfort remains the same. The price list for the rooms is visible at the entry. After you are done with the session some providers will take a shower with you, some won't. Then you both go the top floor (street level) where the lockers are. You then get the money from your locker. The provider will be waiting for you in the bathroom next to the entrance (you can't miss it, it will be very clear where it is) and you give them the money there. I don't know why that is the spot but it's been that spot for as long as I've gone there. The providers don't mind it if you have your phone with you (I use it for Google translate). If you had a great time with a provider, I suggest you buy them a drink at the bar (if they're not otherwhise engaged with another client). I find it nice chatting to the guys and getting to know them. I totally understand one might be nervous going for the first time, but I've found that most everyone there (from the staff to the providers) are friendly and want to help you relax because happy, relaxed clients spend more money 😉 Ideal times to go are any day between 4pm and 8pm. The busiest days (with the largest number of providers, but also the most clients) are (usually) Wednesday but definitely Friday and Saturday, same time (4pm till 8pm). Outside these hours there will rarely be providers in the sauna. Hope this helped!
  24. SiriusBE - I was asked if you can reveal the source of this rumor ?
  25. One of my close volleyball friends works at Sansuk and I asked him today if the Sansuk has a new owner and he said that the staff were not aware of such news. I asked him to ask Punya to comment on this gossip. Also, note that the sauna part of the complex is very busy and the hotel side of the business is experiencing normal levels of occupancy expected for low season.
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