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  1. Like
    KYTOP got a reaction from caeron in Keep it Going   
    George C Scott will always be Patton
  2. Like
    KYTOP got a reaction from splinter1949 in Keep it Going   
    George C Scott will always be Patton
  3. Like
    KYTOP reacted to bkkmfj2648 in Keep it Going   
    TotallyOz will always be Judy Garland 
  4. Haha
    KYTOP reacted to Latbear4blk in The Flavor of Many Posts on this Site   
    Nice thread. Bitching about bitching.

  5. Thanks
    KYTOP reacted to a-447 in The Flavor of Many Posts on this Site   
    Members are free to post whatever they want.
    They are also free to ignore whatever they want.
  6. Like
    KYTOP got a reaction from TotallyOz in Tell me what state (US) you are from, or country (world) in 2 words   
    Horses Bourbon
  7. Like
    KYTOP reacted to a-447 in London buyers beware   
    My golden rule is to never go back to a stranger's house as you don't know who is waiting in the back room.
    For me, it's my hotel room only, although I have at times had fun in a bar with the doors locked- and that was only because I knew the guys well.
  8. Like
    KYTOP reacted to PeterRS in FInally Bond is Back - and The Movie Gets 5 Stars   
    After delays of 18 months due to covid, Bond is back. Its premiere  was held last night in London with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in attendance. No, I haven't seen it, but the reviewers so far seem to give it huge plaudits and 5 stars.  The Guardian review starts -
    Craig’s final film as the diva of British intelligence is an epic barnstormer, delivering pathos, action, drama, camp comedy (Bond will call M “darling” in moments of tetchiness), heartbreak, macabre horror, and outrageously silly old-fashioned action in a movie which calls to mind the world of Dr No on his island.
    Director Cary Fukunaga delivers it with terrific panache, and the film also shows us a romantic Bond, an uxorious Bond, a Bond who is unafraid of showing his feelings, like the old softie he’s turned out to be.
    The BBC reviewer writes - 
    No Time To Die does exactly what it was intended to do, which is to round off the Craig era with tremendous ambition and aplomb.
    Variety writes - 
    “No Time to Die” is a terrific movie: an up-to-the-minute, down-to-the-wire James Bond thriller with a satisfying neo-classical edge. It’s an unabashedly conventional Bond film that’s been made with high finesse and just the right touch of soul, as well as enough sleek surprise to keep you on edge.
    Only CNN so far is less enthusiastic particularly critical of its 2'43" length.
  9. Like
    KYTOP reacted to TotallyOz in Has Daddy's Message Forum Died?   
    I want to be sure that everyone knows that no matter temporary or permanent, all are welcome here. This site is totally free for everyone (and always will be) and we will be around for many years go come.
  10. Like
    KYTOP reacted to caeron in Is This Keanu Reeves?   
    I remember wanting to be in that bed!
  11. Like
    KYTOP got a reaction from Lucky in Is This Keanu Reeves?   
    Yes it is him. He starred with the late River Phoenix. There is one scene were River keeps tweaking Keanu's nipple while they are lying in bed. I remember Keanu had great nipples.😊
  12. Like
    KYTOP got a reaction from TotallyOz in Is This Keanu Reeves?   
    Yes it is him. He starred with the late River Phoenix. There is one scene were River keeps tweaking Keanu's nipple while they are lying in bed. I remember Keanu had great nipples.😊
  13. Like
    KYTOP reacted to Lonnie in Everyone should pay attention to THE LINCOLN PROJECT.   
    Truer words were never said...but Mr. Greenwald does seem to have a different opinion on The Lincoln Project and their founders:
    From the start, it was obvious that this disgraceful collapse was the inevitable end for this group. The very idea that this freakish hodgepodge of life-long D.C. Republican consultants were men of profound conscience defending the Republic was a complete and total joke. They are life-long grifters, responsible for some of the most grotesque and amoral attack ads in the modern era, with a very long and recent history of advocating the exact opposite values of what they claimed to represent once they opportunistically identified the optimal Trump-era profit model: namely, relentlessly fleece scared and gullible #Resistance liberals of their cash by posturing as brave and principled warriors against Trumpism.
    But their lucrative scheme could never have succeeded without the knowingly fraudulent cooperation of liberal networks such as MSNBC and CNN. Over and over, those Democratic Party spokespeople masquerading as TV journalists — knowing exactly who these bottom-feeding GOP operatives have always been — encouraged their misguided and trusting viewers to regard the Lincoln Project as a selfless and noble bulwark against Trumpism rather than the scamming, grifting, lowlife con it so obviously was from the start.
    What this sorry episode reveals above all else is that much of American liberalism, including its all-but-official arm in corporate media, replicated, in the name of combatting Trump, every unethical tactic, every deceitful method, and every toxic assault on basic decency that they insisted Trump singularly represented. They allied with the most amoral societal actors, venerated the most corrupt factions, and vouched for the sleaziest operatives in the name of uprooting amorality, corruption and sleaze. The claimed Trump acted without limits or respect for normalcy and truth while proudly relinquishing all boundaries, principles and constraints of truth in order to fight him.
    In doing so, they became everything they claimed they were fighting. And unlike Trump, who is now gone, these unholy alliances and ethic-free habits that define them will remain and fester forever. That is why when American liberals, including in the media, look in the mirror, what they see staring back is Rick Wilson and Steve Schmidt and John Weaver. That is the perfect reflection of what they have become, of who they now are.
  14. Like
    KYTOP got a reaction from TotallyOz in RIP Firecat69   
    Truly very sad to hear this. I also met him in Montreal years ago when several of us would meet there. Sat in many Clubs with him and shared many a meal in his company. All great memories of him.
    Very sad , RIP my Traveling Friend.
  15. Like
    KYTOP reacted to BiBottomBoy in Kevin Spacey Posted A New Video   
    And yet here we are talking about him.
  16. Like
    KYTOP reacted to caeron in Rentmen   
    Consider the rudeness a gift.
    It saves you from hiring a jerk whose company you won't enjoy.
  17. Haha
    KYTOP reacted to brockmiller in my December trip to Rio and SP   
    Spotted the legend @Tomcalbut as usual the table was too busy with a revolving door of guys to approach the throne lol.
  18. Haha
    KYTOP reacted to Lucky in An Apology and A Request   
    RockHard, nothing is stopping you from giving Oz money for each new username approval!
  19. Like
    KYTOP reacted to floridarob in An Apology and A Request   
    everyone seems to have a lot of free time these days 
  20. Like
    KYTOP reacted to TotallyOz in The Heyday of Chelsea's 8th Avenue   
    RockHard, you crack me up. But, I'd always rather had an OK cup of coffee (does the deed) and a lot of hot guys cruising than tranquility any day of the week. I'm a guy snob and love to look at as many as possible.
    Lucky, you would have made a mint!
  21. Like
    KYTOP reacted to Buddy2 in Lucky Suggests...   
    A friend worked in an adult book store for a few months after college. Let's just say he was a little too attractive for that job.
  22. Like
    KYTOP reacted to RockHardNYC in Good riddance Chris Matthews!   
    I never liked him, even though he's considered very smart and highly educated, by the Jesuits no less. His ego was larger than Trump's. I hated his blowhard style and the way he constantly stepped on his guest's words. He's a television personality who loved to hear himself speak and yell. Not much different from Bill O'Reilly, but much more educated.
    Good riddance. A cleaning house is long overdue at MSNBC.
    Chris Matthews Out at MSNBC
  23. Like
    KYTOP reacted to SexyAsianStud in My take on Super Tuesday!   
    At first sight, what happened on Super Tuesday looks like a reversion to something like normality…
    I don’t think that Bernie’s supporters have any reason to feel discouraged by the campaign’s performance. It’s just that the hopeful expectation that Sanders would steal a march on a disheveled and disorganized Democratic establishment simply turned out to be premature. The establishment got its act together, as it needed to do, in the nick of time – the Clyburn endorsement, Klobuchar and Buttigieg dropping out and rallying to Biden after South Carolina – all of which made sense. Klobuchar of course spared herself the political embarrassment of losing her own state of Minnesota, but in any case I have to think this was all coordinated. Just speculating here, I think it makes sense for Elizabeth Warren to be told to stay in the primaries for now, even at the cost of some humiliation, to suck some votes away from Bernie, and she can be rewarded with a plum speaking slot at the convention. This whole thing is not a “betrayal.”  The Democratic Party is, after all, the creature of corporate capital and the mega-donors. It’s not an equally-open-to-all-comers arena.
    Of course the race is far from over. Bernie will continue to do well in a lot of primaries. But he’s very unlikely to have the kind of big lead in delegates that would force the party leadership to engage in over-the-top flagrant cheating to defeat him. 
  24. Like
    KYTOP reacted to Latbear4blk in Papyrus Is Shutting All Its Stores   
  25. Like
    KYTOP reacted to JKane in Papyrus Is Shutting All Its Stores   
    Agreed, yet we're also not swimming in guys needing to pay rent each month, at least not in any venue I know of.  I would think we'd be the first to know if all the cute young counter clerks got desperate...
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