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Everything posted by alvnv

  1. Sorry, if you open it in Google it will give you the option to view it in English. I will post the screenshots.
  2. Bali Governor wants to end visa-on-arrival for Russians and Ukrainians: https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/economy/2023/3/15/they-dont-respect-us-russians-face-backlash-in-bali
  3. A month ago China issued a directive requiring that Chinese names are added to the eight places occupied by Russia: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1758315543670807002&wfr=spider&for=pc
  4. There are plenty of neighborhoods in the US with iron bars on windows and doors
  5. Nice try, but you’re not talking to Fox or RT audience
  6. I remember an inflight massage on Virgin Atlantic’s Upper Class
  7. 3 times as many were killed within USSR alone: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_repression_in_the_Soviet_Union Russia has already been defeated in the Cold War - that’s what, clearly, you and (Lilli)Putin cannot get over. You’re not the superpower anymore, but rather one of the emerging economies along with countries and races you do despise (BRICS) - you are not the leader even in that group, but rather are becoming China’s client state. And don’t get me started on the prejudice in the Russia’s establishment, as well as demeaning treatment of the peoples within the Federation, little less of other races. There are very specific Russian words that don’t even exist in English describing races by color of one’s behind, or shape of one’s eyes. But his can one expect you to like others when you don’t even like each other. Here is a quote by a famous Russian: “Помяните мое слово, если Россия от чего-то погибнет, то исключительно от хамства! Хам на хаме сидит и хамом погоняет! Сверху донизу сплошные хамы!” (“Mark my words, if there’s a demise of Russia, it will be exclusively from rudeness! The boor sits on the boor and rules over a boor! From top to bottom, solid boors!”)
  8. Quite telling: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_Russia
  9. How about the ones that left for UAE, Turkey, Indonesia, Thailand, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, etc. A lot more evaded than volunteered.
  10. BUCHA!!! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bucha_massacre
  11. Rich! Have you heard of Solovyov or Simonyan? How about Skabeyeva? Чья бы мычала… (Russian equivalent of the Pot Calling…) Furthermore, while you get off on posting anti-American/Western sentiments while enjoying your life in the US/West, don’t forget that posting anything anti-Russian while in Russia will get you a personal introduction with Кузькина Мать (Kuzma’s Mother)
  12. For the fans of Enchanté - Force and Book are back along with a few familiar faces (and a promising newcomer) in A Boss and a Babe:
  13. US visa system is probably one of the worst in the world. No rhyme, no reason. At least with the UK consulate one can challenge/appeal denial and get some explanation/resolution. Not with the US. On top of that, consular workers tend to be very rude and demeaning towards customers. 🤨
  14. This will leave South Africa as the only BRICS country without some sort of visa requirement for the Western tourists.
  15. New BL “Past Senger” has the first pairing of 2 tops: Cooper from “My Engineer” and Marc from “My Gear and Your Gown”:
  16. I don’t think he’s the one that’s in denial
  17. First 3 episodes of Bed Friend are available:
  18. And the server who pushes the most expensive steak to all your companions 😆
  19. Crowd erupts in laughter at Russia’s top diplomat after he claimed the Ukraine war was ‘launched against us’: https://news.yahoo.com/crowd-erupts-laughter-russias-top-180331126.html
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