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Thanks, Trump Cult, for just electing Joe Biden.

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And now you’ve been crying here for many pages that Trump plans to stop the war by stopping paying for it, stopping paying for sending thousands of Ukrainians to their deaths.

Classic Orwell - war is peace.

Ukraine has no chance to win. At all. Russia alone produces 3 times more shells than all NATO countries combined. Russia has 10 times more human resources than Ukraine, which is already forcing disabled people to die.

Remember: the longer you supply Ukraine with money, the more children will die there.

Your billions will not save a single child, but will condemn tens, and perhaps hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to death.

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On 3/9/2024 at 6:48 PM, Moses said:

Pope Francis said Ukraine must have “the courage to raise the white flag” and begin negotiations with Russia.

Pope was not speaking ex-cathedra, merely responding off the cff to a clever interviewer who first used the "white flag" analogy. Since then the Vatican has been walking back the comment in the time-honored fashion: putting it in context.

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Trump leading Biden in 6 key swing states: Survey
by  NICK ROBERTSON - 04/03/24 7:42 AM ET

"Former President Trump leads President Biden in six of seven of the closest swing states, according to a Wall Street Journal poll published Wednesday.

Leaning on dissatisfaction with the economy and swirling questions over Biden’s age, Trump has a multipoint lead in each battleground except for Wisconsin, where Biden leads by 3 points in a three-way race with independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr., per the survey."


Of course, the forum's uber left doesn't care what the voters have to say. It only matters that Alan Lichtman, well known democrat hack, predicts a Biden victory.  Why bother with the election? Let's just crown Dementia Joe! lol.

The WSJ poll shows that Americans DO give Dementia Joe credit for his accomplishments:

He gets full credit for the disaster on the southern border.

He gets full credit for making the US reliant on foreign energy.

He gets full credit for causing record high inflation.

He gets full credit for causing record high gas prices.

He gets full credit for the average American having to spend $1000 more per month.

He gets full credit for the supply chain disasters.

He gets full credit for the baby formula shortages.

He gets full credit for the Afghan pull out disaster.

He gets full credit for two new wars.

TRUMP 2024!



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https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/how-trump-s-greatest-policy-triumph-could-derail-his-bid-to-win-back-the-white-house/ar-BB1kYMz8?cvid=54631a8678384384eb0dce87b7d01423&ocid=winp2fptaskbarhover&ei=75&sc=shoreline   The former president succeeded in constructing an unassailable conservative majority on the Supreme Court, which overturned the constitutional right to an abortion two years ago and set off an extraordinary cascade of consequences that now threatens his 2024 campaign to win a non-consecutive second term.  

Trump is yet to come up with a coherent policy on abortion as conservative states enthusiastically try to dismantle those rights. His equivocating shows that he knows restrictive abortion policies are deeply unpopular and could weaken his already fragile appeal to suburban and women voters. But he can’t quite disown his big win in becoming the Republican president who sent Roe v. Wade crashing down.

The ex-president’s dilemma is back in the spotlight after Florida’s Supreme Court on Monday delivered a ruling that will mean that a six-week abortion ban – one of the most restrictive in the nation – will come into force next month. Trump originally blasted the six-week cut-off as a “terrible mistake” when he saw a chance to damage then-primary rival Gov. Ron DeSantis, who signed the law. But on Tuesday, Trump declined to answer questions on the matter, promising instead to make a “statement” next week.

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13 minutes ago, Bingo T Dog said:

You're not too predictable.....lol.
However, regurgitating the same propaganda from your favorite left-wing site (and apparently your only news source) proves absolutely nothing.

It may be about time to put on your big boy shoes and expand your horizons.

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47 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

You're not too predictable.....lol.
However, regurgitating the same propaganda from your favorite left-wing site (and apparently your only news source) proves absolutely nothing.

It may be about time to put on your big boy shoes and expand your horizons.



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36 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

You neglected to enter the msn.com link to those jpegs..... lol.

Here's one that should be of interest to you.    https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/evicted-arrested-and-being-sued-by-the-boss-when-will-maga-learn-loyalty-to-trump-ends-in-sorrow/ar-BB1l3PuQ?cvid=491d15ee84024c39e8662d65be06d38e&ocid=winp2fptaskbarhover&ei=35&sc=shoreline  Enjoy...................


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New Emerson poll out today..
Trump leads Biden in all seven swing states..
Cue for the forum's lefty losers to post more stupid anti-Trump GIFs and JPEGs... lol.
When you have nothing else... post stupid GIFs

Trump Holds Edge Over Biden in Seven Key Swing State Polls


Thanks, Biden Cult, for just electing Donald Trump.


Trump Holds Edge Over Biden in Seven Key Swing State Polls

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On 4/30/2024 at 12:22 PM, EmmetK said:

Cue for the forum's lefty losers to post more stupid anti-Trump GIFs and JPEGs... lol.

Nah.  I'll just post the two words that you hate:  Allan L:ichtman.

And the one word you hate even more: FACTS.

Fact is, Lichtman is saying polls now have almost no predictive value, and a lot would have to change for Biden to lose.

Fact is, Lichtman has predicted every race correctly, in advance, since 1984.

Fact is, Trump is smart enough (unlike you) to personally write Lichtman in 2016 and say, "Good call, professor," when he predicted in Sept. 2016 that Trump would win.

Fact is, Trump did not congratulate Lichtman when he predicted, again correctly, in 2020 that Trump would lose.  Because Trump is a loser and liar and a wannabe autocrat who grabs women by the pussy but won't let them get abortions.  Even a moral scumbag like Trump is right some of the time, though.

Cue the response:  "Ha ha ha!  Lefty losers!  Look at me!  Look at me!  I invested in DJT and in about a month it has gone down one third from what I bought it for.  And that's after it plummeted by two thirds, had a failed rally, and is now headed down again.  Ha ha ha!  I'm a winner.  Look at me!  Look at me!  Look at how smart I am!"

Ha ha ha, indeed.

Trump, Moral Scumbag In Chief, enriches himself while his fervent cult loses.  Why am I not surprised?

There is a positive side to DJT.  At least now when you talk about losing, we know you know what you are talking about.


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17 minutes ago, stevenkesslar said:

Well, if that is what Gay porn is today, I'm turning str8.  🤢

I do have fun with their Politics, and how they ridicule Right Wing porn stars. Zack (the blog's owner) is anti Trump, anti-Racist, and for sexual diversity (pro all letters of the Queer alphabet).

Actually, you may like that blog. I do not like most of the porn they promote, but I agree with most of their political stands. 

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