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  2. Our expert @reader is taking me to Phetboy one of these days. You are back in Bangkok, @macaroni21
  3. Too many bars in Thailand rely on an old (gatoey-heavy) formula for entertainment. They also need to rethink the "showtime" model, trying to pull the crowd in at a specific time to watch a tired third-rate "show". Especially for a small bar like The One (Tawan) with a stage no bigger than a single-bed, trying to do a "show" is a challenge. Nor is there any point trying to pull in a "crowd" when there aren't enough seats for a crowd. A rapid turnover of customers/seats all through the evening is better revenue than a crowd at a single time. It is possible to entertain customers with fairly frequent acts throughout the entire evening, but management needs to come up with fresh ideas that do not need much space. Some suggestions I have would be: 1. Every drinks order also gets a lucky draw ticket. When ten or twelve tickets have been issued, a gogo boy comes onto stage dressed in two shirts (one an undershirt), jeans/trousers, two underpants and a condom. Six lucky draw numbers are called in succession. Each lucky customer goes on stage, gets a kiss and a hug from the gogoboy and gets to remove one item of clothing. The sixth lucky guy gets to remove the condom! Then wait for ten or twelve other customers to come in buy a drink and a new round follows. 2. Chair dance. Gogoboy gets onto stage, invites 2 or 3 customers in sequence onto a chair gives each a one-minute personal dance. 3. Juggling act. Maybe in the nude? Customers watch the balls đŸ€Ș 4. Bronco ride. Customer invited to ride pillion with a gogoboy on a bronco horse. Customers clutches gogo boy tightly for dear life for 60 seconds. 5. There are some plastic balls that stick when thrown at object. For 100 baht, customers get balls. Throw at underwear'ed gogo boy on stage. Three hits on his underwear from, say, 2 metres away (Strike!) and the underwear is lost. Gogoboy then gives a personal dance to the winning thrower, jiggling his assets in the latter's face. 6. As in midpoint of this video, gogoboy gets hot and sweaty doing a dance in front of a customer in the sitting area (not on stage). Customer gets a cloth to wipe off sweat. Plus many more ideas I am sure members of this board can come up with. All that's needed is for management to be open to new ideas.
  4. Today
  5. I can see that @reader has answered your question, but in case it's of help to anyone else, there's an updated map of the area, with nine massage shops shown, at https://shamelessmacktwo.travel.blog/2024/06/05/map-of-saphan-khwai-and-sutthisan-winitchai-area-may-2024/
  6. and chubby. Age does that to all of us. But, he is still my honey. Luckily, I have the Love of my Life I met in Tawan also with me. The ultimate twink. A perfect combo!
  7. Steven, Steven, Steven, please! Have you not learned by now, Trump supporters are not looking for facts. They worship without questions.
  8. You would have better chance winning the lottery than randomly finding guys fucking in the metro
  9. Except for the last guy I wouldn't consider them to have “big belly”. If the last guy is “big dick” and great top, I wouldn’t mind paying for him. The first 3 guys look perfect to me. Just my type.
  10. Haha nope. Southeast Asian, actually đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
  11. What you say is so true - I lost around 50% of my friends due to AIDS or due to the nasty side effects of AZT (thanks Dr. Fauci).
  12. I love your itinerary. I also don't like much the bar scene because my best sex at my age occurs between 9am and 9pm. If I bring someone home from the bars after 9pm and after some drinks there is a high probability that my money will be wasted. So, your itinerary is perfect for me.
  13. Indeed. I recall a Thai restaurant! I also had an excellent Italian meal, and, with a relative, quite a good organic barbecue meal!
  14. Hi maump, I also have a Samsung - but a Samsung S23 - I only justify to buy a new Samsung every 3 years. But with the recent One UI OS software upgrade - which includes some of the AI features that were released in S24, they are now available to us in S23 and perhaps even in other previous Samsung models. Below is a screenshot example of this NEW Samsung AI feature activated within one of the many Thai massage Line chat groups that I am a member of. r To find more information about these Thai massage groups - I wrote about it on 27 January 2024 in a post initiated by Olddaddy. https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/40375-is-the-gay-scene-dying-off/page/5/#comment-372916 So, I believe that you can already take advantage of this new AI auto translate feature right now without having to buy a new Samsung phone. Enjoy.
  15. https://www.wsj.com/politics/policy/joe-biden-age-election-2024-8ee15246 What dems will do with an inadequate candidate? How will he participate in the debate? Is it necessary to smuggle a mummy into the Oval Office? Is it too late to replace the dying man with Michelle Obama? For those wishing to discuss Putin and Russia, I suggest opening your own topic.
  16. I don't think we should judge Trump harshly, just because he slept with Mike Pence. 😉
  17. He was walking his dog last Sunday in my local park, I recognised him He had a hoodie over his head ,cold day ,he look depressed Of course I didn't say anything to him , it's his past job I think he lives in my area with boyfriend
  18. No, I won't do it as these two guys allowed me to make photos and use it as per my desire. The others didn't and I respectively don't do it. You can't dictate the rules and orders
  19. Likely should be on the list as place where more than half population is born abroad and this should bring plenty of food diversity
  20. Thanks for this detailed post. I did impulse buy the tickets but can still get it refunded or just direct it towards another flight. My experience in Colombia, a lot of guys seemed hostile to foreigners. I've been told I can pass for latino, but when guys found out I was an American some would end the convo. Many had stuff in their bios about no foreigners. This is for free guys btw, obviously not escorts, which is most of my meet ups. Funny enough, I have been considering Monterrey and Mexico City since they've very close. I've been there before but never done anything on topic.
  21. Have you seen the porn where they pretend to pay the guy before hooking up with him? I figured more people than just me were into this purely for the kink factor lol
  22. From Thai PBS World In Cambodia, anything Thai – from TV series and music to celebrities, consumer goods, and even the language – was once hugely popular. Despite this popularity having waned in recent years, many Cambodians still recognise the value of learning Thai. When it comes to language learning, many Cambodian students are much better at learning Thai compared to other languages, due to the inherent similarities between Thai and Khmer, as the two languages share roots in Pali and Sanskrit, with around 70% of their vocabulary having similar meanings. Sentence structures are also the same, allowing students to communicate in daily life with ease after just three to six months of study. Heng Hongry, 33, a Thai language teacher at Krung Tap Thai School in Phnom Penh, emphasises the challenge of advanced learning in Thai. “The difficult part is pronunciation. It’s crucial because, if you pronounce a word incorrectly, it causes confusion”. Each syllable in Thai carries one of five distinct tones. Even a slight shift can completely change the meaning. By learning Thai, students gain the ability to communicate effectively while also delving into the culture, society and history of Thailand. This deeper understanding can foster stronger connections between people in both countries and, potentially, beyond. At the Royal University of Phnom Penh, students in the Thai department learn about “Thainess” through various activities, including “Sunthorn Phu Day” and a Freshman Welcoming Ceremony. “Actually, we don’t have that kind of ceremony in Cambodia, but we want our students to get an idea of Thai activities”, said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Samphos Hem, Head of the Thai Department. He added that students have opportunities to showcase their abilities in the Thai language and their knowledge of Thai literature. There are student performances, in which they practice Thai dance and performance arts. The most important thing is that, through practice, students can learn various forms of Thai art and language. Hence, they gain a clear understanding of Thai culture. Continues at https://www.thaipbsworld.com/how-thai-cultural-diplomacy-works-in-cambodia/
  23. All this happened under the previous CEO who has been dodging a Senate enquiry for some time now, he did manage to get a very healthy golden handshake when he left and I believe he ran that airline down. I have not liked Qantas for many years now and would refuse to fly internationally (even domestic now) with them as long as there is an alternative airline, I would even pay extra just to avoid them as they well and truly screwed up a holiday many years ago and treated me like a piece of dirt. Living and working in the country and having to rely on their domestic flights also left bad taste in my mouth, delayed flight after delayed flight seemed to be their theme as was the price of their flights. One other thing I hate with airlines in general is the practice of over booking flights, been screwed around by that one before despite booking months in advance. Sorry, rant over.
  24. NOTE — This state news agency press release was picked up my wire service worldwide and now the government is faced with an embarrassing situation. File under TIT. From Pattaya Mail By Barry Kenyon Like most media, Pattaya Mail jumped the gun by stating that the 30 days on arrival by air, land and sea was doubled to 60 days at the beginning of the month. We apologize for our carelessness. The statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has to be confirmed by various bureaucracies prior to implementation. The Ministry’s September 1 start date for the new DTV (Destination Thailand Visa) and the reduction in medical insurance required by O/A retiree visas and extensions of stay is also unconfirmed. Both subjects could be delayed further if linked to a “reconstruction” of retiree visas as suggested in the original press handout.
  25. NOTE — I’ve been told by a member who is also an avid fare watcher that other carriers have done the same in recent past. From CNN LondonCNN — The boss of Qantas Airways has acknowledged the “anger” of thousands of customers who were sold tickets for already-canceled flights. “Everyone feels pain at the anger,” Qantas CEO Vanessa Hudson told CNN’s Richard Quest in an exclusive interview at an airline industry conference in Dubai Monday. “It’s not just me; (it’s) 25,000 people that work for us as well. Because not only (did) we let our customers down, we let our people down.” Last August, Australian regulators accused Qantas in a lawsuit of selling tickets for more than 8,000 flights that the airline had already canceled — affecting more than 86,000 customerQantas agreed last month to pay 120 million Australian dollars ($79 million) to settle the lawsuit. Of that, about 20 million Australian dollars ($13.3 million) will go to the affected customers. The remaining 100 million Australian dollars ($66.5 million) is a fine — the biggest ever for an Australian airline, according to Reuters. Hudson, who took the helm at Qantas in September, soon after the lawsuit was filed, told Quest the airline is focused on repairing its relationships with passengers and staff.
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