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  1. Like
    gytis123 reacted to Gaybutton in family meeting   
    I agree with weewillie and anonone.  No elaboration necessary.  They said it just right.
    I wouldn't count on it if I were you.  You might get very lucky and find a boy who would want to do that, but that would be the exception. I've seen it too many times over the years.  It hardly ever works and the farang all too often ends up heartbroken, along with having spent a hell of a lot of money trying.
    A one or two week holiday would probably be ok, but longer than that stands very little chance. 
    Why does it hardly ever work?  You're probably a sophisticated traveler.  The boy probably has never been out of Thailand in his life.  He would be away from his family and friends and have no access to them other than a telephone call once in a while.  He would be in an environment he's never experienced.  He doesn't speak the language.  He can't even understand what he watches on TV or a movie.  He'll be away from the foods he likes.  He'll feel completely out of place.  He'll be too dependent on you.  He'll be bored to death.  Whether it's true or not, he'll very likely start thinking the only real reason you have him in your home country, long term, is for you to use him for sex and instead of being happy, he'll end up resenting you.
    That's the way it usually happens.  No matter how well-intentioned your motives might be, most of the time the boy wants to go back to Thailand after only a few weeks - if that long.
    I'm sorry if I'm ruining your dream, but that's all it is - a dream - a dream highly unlikely to end happily.  It's not realistic at all.  I wish it was, but it simply is not.
    Your best chance for any kind of success is to be with him when you're in Thailand and leave it at that.  If you think you're idea will have happy results and will somehow work out well, you're setting yourself up for a major, traumatic disappointment.
    My advice is to see it through his perspective.  In other words, don't do it.  If you really find yourself in love with a Thai boy, then love him enough to let him live his life where he belongs rather than thinking about it the way you want it to be.
  2. Like
    gytis123 reacted to Gaybutton in family meeting   
    2 friends.  2.  Compared to the number who've tried it, and did fail, that's not a very promising figure.  I have a feeling you disagree with me mainly because you intend to try it yourself.
    I'm not surprised you're not aware of failures.  People usually don't post these kinds of failures.  I, however, personally know several who tried it.  You know how many of them succeeded?  Zero.  The only ones that succeeded at all were the ones in which the farang ended up returning to Thailand with the boyfriend and now lives here.  And even some of those ended up failing.
    I really do hope it works out for you and your boyfriend.  I know you're not going to change your mind because of what I'm posting, but if it doesn't work out you can't say you weren't warned.
  3. Like
    gytis123 reacted to traveller123 in family meeting   
    Two replies here.
    Alkoe- You should definately go to your boyfriend's village if your relationship is heading in a serious direction.
    The advice already given mirrors my experience, the first time stay in a hotel, make it a short trip, go with an open mind not expecting Western standards in his village (although you may be surprised, I was with what his now our village, it is very clean with little or no rubbish) and expect to spend some money on entertaining.
    On my first visit we hired a mini bus and took his family on a trip to see some local sights.
    It was also my birthday and my boyfriend enjoyed putting on a wonderful party for family and friends, he worked really hard and made me very proud. Of course I paid for it but it is one of my happiest memories.
    Do not worry about the age difference, he will already have talked to the family about this and hopefully have got the response my bf got of " if you are happy, that is what's important".
    And keep smiling.
    (If by any chance you are heading to or near Surin let me know.
    Only serious.
    With my boyfriend we planned and do live in Thailand but we decided if our relationship was to work we had to understand each others lives and spend more time together than was possible on 2 week holidays.
    After I had had four holidays in Thailand with him we therefore planned for him to come to England and his first visit was for 4 months.
    I was still working but had planned my holidays to spend as much time as possible showing him the UK, fortunately I worked flexi time and could maximise the holidays.
    I was lucky in that I lived on a small road and the neighbours were very friendly even teaching him to bake, I also got him a gym membership.
    In the last week of his stay we went to a Thai Temple about 30 miles away where he met a lady from my town, he is quite outgoing and when he came back to the UK for our second visit he got into a good crowd of Thai ladies married to Farangs and loved his second stay which was for one and a half years (we had a civil partnership and eventually he could work - only cleaning but he enjoyed earning money and the bit of independence it gave him.
    My advice is take it slowly, make sure you know him and his family before he goes to your country and take him to the nearest Thai Temple early in his trip and ask about Thais in your town.
  4. Like
    gytis123 reacted to Gaybutton in family meeting   
    I understand how you feel.  I've been there too.  When you do have those rational thinking moments, when it's not nearly killing you, the question to ask yourself:  Is it nearly killing him?
    I don't think you need me to answer that question unless you actually believe he's pining away over you as you're pining away over him.
    I'm sorry I'm telling you things I know you don't want to hear, but I've lived in Thailand a long time.  I've seen this same kind of situation over and over again.  An aging farang comes to Thailand, meets a boy, falls in love with him, and thinks the boy feels the same way.  While some people are posting their success stories, and I'm truly happy for them, they're the exception.  Most of the time the end result is another brokenhearted farang with a now empty wallet.
    You seem like a very nice person.  I'm hoping your eyes will open enough so the same won't happen to you.  In the post above traveller123 said make sure you really know the guy.  He's right.  REALLY know the guy.  You said you met him at the end of your trip in November.  There's no way you really know the guy.  You hardly know him at all.  Maybe after you've spent several months with him it will be a different story, but for now  I urge you to wake up and take control of your emotions before you fall into the same trap I've seen so many times over the years.
    Maybe the boy is absolutely sincere.  I'm not saying he isn't, but your job is to make damned sure of it.  For all you know he might have a whole string of farang who are also convinced they are in love with the boy and he loves them.  I've seen that many times too.  I remember one boy who used to carry around 5 mobile phones.  When I asked him why, he freely admitted, bragged about it actually, that each was for a different farang.  I asked him why he wasn't carrying just one, he said each farang had bought him a phone and a phone number with it, so carrying around just one wouldn't work.  The boy didn't have to work.  He had all 5 of them sending him plenty of money.  True story.
    Another favorite story was a Sunee Plaza bar manager who was also good at convincing farang of true love.  He had a little problem when 2 of them showed up in Pattaya at the same time - and of course neither knew about the other.  For two weeks he somehow managed to 'take care' of both farang and survived the two weeks without getting caught. 
    If pleas for money get started and more and more often there's yet another reason he needs more money, that, my friend, is what's known as a 'red light' and that's when you'll know you're being conned.  Look for other 'red lights' too.
    Once you've known him for at least a year, or more, and have been able to spend at least weeks, or better still months, with him and all is still going well, then you'll know you found the right boy.  That's when to start centering your life around him.  But since you first met him in November, now is much too soon.  Don't let him take control of your life and emotions.
    And please . . . don't be trying to convince yourself of something else I've all too often heard farang say - "Not this boy.  He's different."  If I had 10 baht for every time I've heard that one, my bank account would rival Donald Trump's.
    Until then, I give you one of my favorite quotes - one I've posted many times before:  "If you want love in Thailand, rent it."
    I hope it all works out.  If you do this the right way, maybe it will.  But be ready to drop him in case it doesn't.  Believe me, there are plenty more boys if it doesn't work out.  I hope you won't have to learn that the hard way.
    Ok, I've said my piece.  Good luck.
  5. Like
    gytis123 reacted to NIrishGuy in DID HE REALLY SAY THAT?!?!!!   
    In my experience no, it's the exact opposite - a Thai guy can call you old, ugly, fat or worse, you name it, no problem, it's just "cultural" - but just you go and try calling HIM even just one of those things and watch the major huffy fit and drama act that ensues thereafter.  He'll instantly starting moaning and complaining and asking "why you say that about me !" and setting out to get you back later, preferably in front of other people just so "save face".  
    So no, in my experience they can give it ( oh it's just cultural, I no mean bad to you) but they sure as hell can't take it ( why you say that to me, fuck you, farang you can fuck off, I not need you, many farang in Thailand better than you, you OLD, FUCK YOU"  - and that could be over something like "hmmm those shoes you're wearing tonight don't seem go with those trousers very well are you sure you want to wear those when we go to the nice restaurant ??) !!
    Or maybe I just always find the drama queens :-)   - ( and if so fuck them as I can out drama queen the lot of them too when it suits with a highly offended, ok, I think better you go find new farang, you not good for me........and count the seconds until the "No, but I want YOUUUUUUU" kick in as he sees his rent money rapidly disappearing before his very eyes ;-)
  6. Like
    gytis123 reacted to zombie in Looks can be deceiving   
    IMO blondie sounds an unpleasant individual......stay clear....
    I would never pay 4k short time or longer.
    Though does seem there are some lonely and desperate farangs around...
  7. Haha
    gytis123 reacted to gayinpattaya in Looks can be deceiving   
    I know the exact boy being written about here, and I wouldn't touch that filth with a barge pole, and that's saying a lot. 
  8. Like
    gytis123 reacted to Olddaddy in Looks can be deceiving   
    Last night I was in a bar in Pattaya ,I won't say if it's Jomtien complex or Boyztown 
    So I got talking to a elderly man from Germany,81yo and a first time visitor , lovely guy to talk to and get walking with a walking stick but well dressed 
    Anyway during the evening I noticed a goodlooking boy dyed his hair blonde ,a few farangs making a fuss of him etc ,grabbing him best hugs and punching his bum ,grabbing his waist from behind and doing like a Congo dance 
    I noticed he was also  he was looking in the mirror of his phone etc a lot 
    I joked with him about the (drunken) farangs near the bar and how popular he was .
    Immediately he said "every farang want me !!! I'm ⭐ star ! Star boy! 
    He asked me to buy him a drink but I declined and pointed to the old German guy who seemed in awe of him, salivate at the mouth 
    I decided to move away and give them privacy so the old guy could buy him a drink 
    Less than 5 minutes later the boy was back at my table , I said what happened?
    He said " the old man not good ,he smell ( putting his fingers to his nose waving) and not walk good ,he then acted out the guys walking pattern
    I would say the old guy declined his 4k short time asking price 😯
    The old guy saw this because I turned to look at him and he seemed sad almost like he was going to cry just the look on his face like a sad disappointed in himself look 😭
    The boy said his name to me as he had changed it to a english name ,I won't say the name,but similar to Justin 
    He sat down ,goodlooking as he was with perfect skin ,blonde bleached hair with orange tinge .,nice chiseled ass cheeks🍑💋pouting Botox lips ....I told him to GET UP !!!!
    I'm not interested in him .
    Anyone who demeans puts down other people in my eyes is not sexy !
    I don't care if "every farang wants him" ..
    You people must be desperate to make a fuss over a young guy like this , honestly
    I saw some desperate farangs last night making a fuss over this young nasty guy 
    I showed no interest in him declining his offer to buy him a drink and he still came back to me 
    Anyone like him who has to put down some old guy and nearly make him cry is a low act 
    And apparently you guys paid for his birthday party ,he received a lot of gifts he told me ,all by silly lonely farangs , unbelievable ,some of you must pay his going price ,I imagine 4k or whatever as he looks at himself in the mirror 🪞 
    "They have big birthday party for me !!! They all want me !!🎈🎈
    NOT THIS LITTLE BLACK DUCK SWEETHEART. I said , Not this little black duck ! 
  9. Like
    gytis123 reacted to thaiophilus in I might head to Bangkok   
    I've always thought of it more as a "you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave" kind of place.
    And still those voices are calling from far away
    Wake me up in the middle of the night
    Just to hear them say
    Welcome to the bars of Boyztown Pattaya
    Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)
    Such a lovely face
    Plenty of room in the bars of Boyztown Pattaya
    Any time of year (Any time of year)
    You can find it here
    Last thing I remember
    I was running for the door
    I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
    "Relax," said the night man
    "We are programmed to receive
    You can check-out any time you like
    But you can never leave!"
  10. Thanks
    gytis123 reacted to roughjock in Tawan Bar in Bangkok Closed: Police Raid Reported   
    I forgot to take account of it being Thursday before Songkran. The entire neighbourhood is packed shoulder to shoulder with horny gays. I’ve been gropped, kissed and touched more time than I can recall. I did not off a Tawan guy as planned. I did hookup with several free guys. They do not care at the hotel at all. The entire staff is seemingly gay, the one who brought me to the room even flirted with me. 
    Songkran ain’t for me. Sorry if this is how women feel, but Jesus, I can’t even leave my hotel without being assaulted by horny gays.
  11. Sad
    gytis123 reacted to roughjock in In Progress Trip Report (April 2024)   
    Fifth Experience, You Got Screwed, Boy (Cont):

    The mamasan and the dressed boy lead me outside and to the "room" they mentioned they can provide. No one is working the front desk and the entire building is very sketchy, but I didn't expect anything less. We wait a minute and an older Thai gentleman takes 600 THB from me. I thought I paid the room fee already, but oh well, I guess I misunderstood.

    The mamasan tells me to have fun, and I'm left with the boy I offed who leads me upstairs to find the room. We wander around some dark hallways and enter a room, and it's filled with storage. "Oh, wrong room..." he says, and we wander around some more. Finally we come across a room with the door open.

    Inside is a bed, an older television set, a fan. It's a basic room but nothing disgraceful. It serves its purpose. It's definitely not somewhere you'd spend the night. 

    I come behind the boy and put my arms around his waist. He's dressed nicely, with black pants and a white dresshirt, some accessories on his belt, and nice shoes. He's quite short but I like that. He flexes again and broadens his shoulders, which seems to be his go-to pose. I feel him up through his clothes, savouring the hardness of his body.

    I undress him slowly, kissing his chest and his abs. I run my hands along them. This will do. Eventually we're both naked in bed. Whereas he was rock hard in the bar, now he's completely soft. I kiss his chest, spending some time gently tonguing his nipples. He moans, I take this as a sign that he enjoys it. His cock remains asleep.

    It's in my mind that we're about to fuck. I suck him dick. I put his soft cock in my mouth and work it all over. I take pride in my blowjobs. The cock remains soft. I deep throat it (an unimpressive task considering the size) and gently suck on it, allowing it to warm in my mouth. It remains soft.

    Okay... this isn't going to work. 

    I pick up his legs and lift them into the air. I'm rock hard, my cock is throbbing. I'm 99% a bottom but I suddenly feel like being a top. He has a small, round ass. The only type that invigorates me enough to want to penetrate someone. I rub the head of my dick on his asshole, and he is shocked: "You fuck?!" he says. "Yes, I'll fuck you." I say.

    He squirms. Okay, he's probably straight. "You can fuck me instead," I tell him, looking down at his soft cock. "You fuck, I'll need more money." Huh? Well, you can't fuck me with 1 inch of skin, so what are my options?

    4000 THB I say. I'm very horny and very eager to drill this boys ass. he consider it, and then says "No, 5000 THB." I sigh. This is the same price they quoted me for both brothers! Now I have one, who is soft as an overcooked macaroni, and it's the same price?

    "Would your brother let me fuck him?" I ask him. "Call him, I'll pay 5000 THB for the both of you." He plays that he doesn't understand. 

    I'm frustrated. What did I pay for? He won't suck me, he won't get hard, and his body isn't impressive enough for muscle worship. Why was he grabbing me at the bar? Why did he signal that he wanted to fuck and be wild in bed? What a fucking hustler!

    I'm annoyed. "Fine, I'll pay." He squirms some more and goes to the washroom. "Are you okay?" I ask. "We doh't have to do this if you're uncomfortable." "5000 THB" he replies. He wants the money, okay, then perform the task.

    I stick my dick inside of him. "Slow, slow!" he screams. It's just the head. I go slow. He squirms more, and grabs his chest in agony. "Are you sure you're okay?" I ask again. "You're strong!" he says. I try again to enter him, slowly. I get a little past the tip. I try and push in further and he's headed back to the bathroom.

    He comes back and lays on the bed with his asshole out of sight. I try and suck him again. Soft. "Can we fuck?" "Too strong..." he says again. Okay, "The initial fee then, you don't want the 5000 THB?" I'm being a little bit of an asshole now. I feel bad with the way I acted looking back, but I was so clearly being played and so fucking worked up that I no longer respected this boy. 

    "No, you fucked, 5000 THB!" he says. My mouth is agape. I put it in, part way, for less than 10 seconds. That is not fucking! "You fucked!" he says. I'm being played so hard that I suspect there is an audience outside the hotel room, ready to celebrate after he leaves with 5000 THB for doing absolutely nothing. "Drinks are on me!" I imagine him chanting. As if, he's the stingiest motherfucker I've ever seen.
    I'm really annoyed now, but I want to cum. "I suck you," he says. Fine. I just want this to end. He does the most half-assed blowjob I think I've ever received, and I cum out of sheer frustration. I blow an enormous load because I've been so worked up. "Wow!" he says. Suddenly he's happy.

    He goes to the washroom, gets dressed, and stands by the door. I take out my wallet, ready to negotiate based on what I received. I want to give him 2500 THB but I'm not an asshole. I offer 4000 THB which is BEYOND reasonable. "5000 THB." he states again. I explain to him, 5000 THB for fucking you, which I didn't. "I made you cum!" he says. Is that not the bare minimum I should expect in the first place?

    What am I paying for, your company in a shitty hotel room? I bought drinks, I tipped, I paid for the room, I pay your fee... how much have I spent at this point? I'm boiling.

    I tell him, "I'm living here, I will be back, I know what a moneyboy costs and I know you're ripping me off. Take the 4000 THB and you'll see me again, if you take the 5000 THB I'm done."

    He takes the 5000 THB and immediately whips out his phone. "Do you have WhatsApp or LINE?" he asks, "I have both," I reply. My face is holding back sheer rage. I'm shaking from anger. He shows me the QR code on his WhatsApp. 

    I shake my head. 

    "Okay." he says, and leaves.
    I will never return to Screwboys again, and I will be more hesitant to ever hire a Vietnamese model.

    Will this string of disappointment come to an end? At this rate, the bars aren't for me. I'm glad if they work for you, but I'm not a human ATM. I'll go for the shows and that's it. This encounter soured me on the entire industry in Thailand. 

    But, of course, as you know... you say a lot in anger...
  12. Like
    gytis123 reacted to vinapu in I'm not as excited anymore   
    all three I guess
    wailing over past will not do you any good unless you like bitter taste. However fabulous, past is gone. Better focus on anticipation of new trip. And if you like change , do something different like start your trip in Bangkok.
    Every trip to add some spice I try to do some small things bit differently , one trip it will be changing hotel every day, another staying in the same whole trip ( which I don't like), off all boys from the same bar - I call it monodiet trip or have my first offed boys being twink, itself horror of horrors. Then you will wait with anticipation how it will work for you   
  13. Like
    gytis123 reacted to Marc K in I'm not as excited anymore   
    Dear Old, It's called hormones my dear. They tone down after a while and sex no longer becomes the biggest driving force in one's life. When that happens you can see the world a little bit more clearly, not being clouded by continual lust and not being driven to take amazing risks which we should have avoided in the first place. Travel becomes even more sweet -- you can enjoy a flash of a smile, a sweet embrace, seeing an old friend and catching up, ... well enjoying life as a more multidimensional experience. For me Pattaya is just as exciting as it was 20+ years ago because, besides sex, I enjoy so many other things -- a 30B mango shake from the night market, a walk to the "end of the earth" (Pratumnak), the cooling off after a tropical rainstorm, ... well just so many things which I would have ignored in the past. Luckily we were young enough to enjoy the hedonistic ways of Pattaya's past. I think if I were young now I would feel cheated out of not having been able to experience Pattaya of the past (Adam and Eve bar, Memory bar, old Twilight, ...) so many things that just don't exist any more. SO I don't know if it is because _I_ changed, or because _Pattaya_ has changed, perhaps both?
  14. Like
    gytis123 reacted to Londoner in I'm not as excited anymore   
    I've just returned after what must be my eightieth (more or less) trip. And I'm pleased to say that there was no loss of enjoyment, though the twenty hours travel is increasingly stressful. As is the "recovery time"....longer now than it was when I was younger.
    Of course, a major factor for me is that I have someone I love awaiting me. That reunion is something I look forward to.  We continue to take pleasure from the most mundane activities; walking the beach- this time in Lamai ( Koh Samui) as well as Jomtien- deciding where we're having dinner, me watching P make his devotions in the temple, and so on. Even having a shared breakfast. I'm always conscious that I  smile more and laugh more when I'm with him. 
    I sometimes wonder whether I'd still be travelling to Pattaya if I was still playing the bar-scene as I was twenty years ago. Reading posts about bars does cause some nostalgia but, overall I think that what I have now is better, though not without the inherent tribulations  of a long-distance relationship.
    Anyway, the good news is that the next trip is only fifteen weeks away. And where to go this time before Jomtien? Krabi? Chiang Mai? Bangkok? Chiang Rai? Decisions, decisions.  I am certainly fortunate, and my determination to spend my last years living as disgracefully as possible undiminished.
    And yes, I suppose  I should admit that a particular activity remains fun, just in case the more prurient of our posters were wondering!.  
  15. Like
    gytis123 reacted to 12is12 in Naming and shaming: Jack from Circle Pub in Chiang Mai   
    Moistmango, I think that ur post is TOTALLY necessary. The report is one of the reasons this forum exists: to rcmnd the deserving, and to warn against the cheats.
  16. Like
    gytis123 reacted to Boy69 in Naming and shaming: Jack from Circle Pub in Chiang Mai   
    2 warning signs : first paying to the bar in advance the tip to the boy ,Second paying in advance the extra fee to the boy for staying overnight.  Strange practicing that calling for troubles.
  17. Like
    gytis123 reacted to Boy69 in My first long trip to BKK with special thanks to people of this forum.   
    "I was shocked, a little surprised and confused at the same time, I was like “He is telling me now, at 2:35am??” not even mentioned once while we were hanging out whole night?
    Immediately I calmed myself down and didn’t show him that I was annoyed..."
    Vinapu it is clear that newscene was not happy with the boy behavior and he didn't fulfill his expectations so why pay the full fee ???
    The boy was clearly trying to avoid having sex he could leave only less than one hour more for sex but he we was stubborn not to do so it's not a honest behaviour from the boy so why paying him the full fee ?
    If newscene wanted a partner for dancing he could go straight to the club hung out with one of the boys there pay for his drinks and maybe give him at the end couple hundreds Baht as tip but surely he wouldn't take a boy from a bar pay for drinks and bar fees just for dancing...
    I am very honest man and I met many boys in Thailand I am very generous to the ones that was good with me but I can be very stubborn to boys that wasn't. I just want to see what happened if the opposite happened if newscene said to V that he enjoyed the time with him but doesn't want sex with him so he's paying only 500 Baht for his time ,the Vietnamese boy surely will not be amused with that ...
  18. Like
    gytis123 reacted to Londoner in Money boy doesn't want money   
    LTRs can also be problematic for the Thai partner. I know of cases where a relationship of many years or so is precipitously severed by a falang who has found a younger and cuter partner, causing not only emotional distress but also leading to financial problems for not just the guy but his family. In one case, the the thirty-year-old Thai, in a relationship with a falang for ten years, went out for  few hours and, returning home,  found his partner with all his belongings gone; no forwarding address, no explanation.
    When we take on a guy and make certain promises or raise certain expectations, we owe our partner honesty. Sometimes relationships fail but when they do, the falang probably has more options open to him than the Thai, particularly if he is now  ageing and less attractive. I've no doubt that there are Thais who have acted badly towards loving and generous falangs but sometimes it's the falang who has failed his partner and failed to adapt to a relationship which is no longer as sexually stimulating as when it started. 
  19. Like
    gytis123 reacted to winterjanu in Dec 19 Trip Report - Pattaya or Bangkok?   
    I decided to tag on this thread for a short trip report on my recent visit over the Chinese New Year weekend. 
    My parents wanted to go somewhere over this period so I conveniently suggested to them Bangkok, a place where they have never been to. My brother would also tag along on this trip. He has been to Bangkok a few times. This trip was also a self-treat for my birthday weekend. It was a last minute decision when the booking was made as I could not confirm my work schedule. Day time was fully occupied with bringing my family around to the touristy spots. I was tired by night time and had to force myself to go out every night.
    Due to technical issues, check in luggages collection was delayed upon arrival. It was late by the time we reached the hotel and I had to give the first night a miss.
    On the second night, after settling my family back in the hotel, I headed straight to Screwboys. My one and only aim of this trip was to see adorable Myanmar boy from Screwboys again. Though I understand that boys come and go in this industry, I was disappointed that Myanmar boy had indeed stopped working and went back home. I expected he would have at least stayed until the end of his work permit in March, and he had lived in Thailand for many years before this. Therefore I thought the chances of him still being around was high. Mamasan confirmed this with a Lao boy, his friend, standing behind me. I have not seen Lao boy previously, I had to double take on Lao boy as he was adorably cute. CNY Friday night was the most crowded I've seen Screwboys in terms of customers but not the boys. Something felt missing in all the bars this trip, and I realised it was the lack of Viet boys. Most of them I assume went back home for CNY. Show was ongoing and I waited for it to be over to see the boys lineup. I was eyeing two boys, one of which was Lao boy. On stage, Lao boy avoided eye contact with all customers and stared straight at the back wall. He looked dreary and tired which made me hesitant to call him. I continued to observe him, during occasional interactions with other boys his face would break into a cute smile. Cute smiles are my soft spot so I had to call him over.
    Lao boy had only worked for a month and did not speak any English. Had to resort to google translate with many conversations lost in translation along the way. Lao boy started the conversation with the news of his friend, adorable Myanmar boy. He showed me Myanmar boy's profile on Facebook messenger to confirm we're talking about the same person. Seeing his picture made me miss him a little more. I was satisfied with Lao boy and decided to off him. I decided to tip another Lao boy who I recognised previously from Super A. He was avoiding my eye contact the whole time and was even unhappy with the tip. Another pissy Lao boy to add to my list. I shared a room with my brother, so I opted to use the short time room. The short time room would be the next door Pavilion Place. The room had two massage tables with face holes pushed to one side, a smaller than queen bed on the other side and a shower cubicle, no toilet. For short time, it was clean and comfortable enough for me. Lao boy was great, very affectionate and a great kisser. We also had good google translate conversation after. He has a day job so that explains why he looked tired.
    Third night, I headed to Lucky boys. My usual Mamasan said he waited for me the night before. The night before, I bumped into the other Lucky Boys mamasan on the street on the way to Screwboys. Actually I walked along the inner corridor on the opposite side but he still managed to spot me and called me over to say hi. Show was ongoing so Mamasan brought Cambodia boy A, who was already in street clothes, over to say hi. He whispered to message him as per previous time. Unfortunately, no daytime slot for him this trip, which I explained to him on Line the next day. Mamasan then brought a Myanmar boy, a boy I called for a drink with but didn't off on my previous trip. Again, I felt no connection with the boy but selfishly decided to hold onto him to see if there were anyone better in the line up. Not a lot of choices for boys so I settled for Myanmar boy. Mamasan proposed a larger room down the road at Strand Inn. Room had a big king bed, big bathroom with jacuzzi but only shower curtains as separation and no hot water. As per initial feelings, did not have great connection with Myanmar boy which translated to a not so great session.
    Fourth and last night, I got an early start as parents were too tired and decided to skip dinner. I decided to check out Banana boys for the first time. It was Sunday night, the slowest night of the week. Show had started and I was seated in the front row. I scanned the boys available, they were seated diagonally to the left beside the stage. Less than ten boys, none that stood out. I headed out before the show ended. I headed to Freshboys next and beautiful Mamasan was not around, only fierce looking and guy mamasan. Only one boy waiter was around. Freshboys still had a decent number of boys, though no one that attracted me except for my handsome straight Thai boy. He was sitting with a customer together with another boy. Not sure if he has been converted or just very drunk as he didn't look uncomfortable with the customer fondling him and seemed to be even enjoying it a little. He wai and smiled at me when he saw me, which was also unusual. He normally has a stern face. I tipped him again as I have done every time I see him. Maybe that loosened him up a bit every time. Did not spend long in Freshboys before I left and headed out to Screw boys. I would have repeated Lao boy again but he was not working that night. With no other alternatives, I made my way to Lucky boys next. I had initially planned to make this an early night by quickly picking a boy as I was extremely tired from the day's activities. No quick pick so my resolve changed to just take my time and relax at Lucky boys till closing time.
    My usual mamasan informed me the previous night he would be away with a customer with 3 other boys to northern Thailand for a few days. I was stuck with a pushy mamasan, who I ignore most of the time. Lucky boys was starving of boys, only one row of boys was available. There were two boys that were acceptable but I held out, secretly hoping some boys would magically appear late on. I stayed on and stared at the mostly empty stage. I decided to call on a Thai boy who was persistently smiling at me, though not the cute Lao boy smile. Thai boy was likeable and not pushy. Cambodia boy A came in the bar sometime after, again in street clothes probably done for the night after a customer. I was happy with Thai boy and we head out with mamasan to Strand inn. On the way out, Cambodia boy A was chilling on the sofa so I said goodbye to him and promised to look for him on my next visit. He jokingly asked for an 'ang pao' which I obligedly gave. In Strand Inn, we sat on the sofa beside the reception to wait for our room. At that point of time, the other boy that I was eyeing just finished his session with a customer and was about to leave the hotel when he saw us. It turned out he was also Thai and a good friend of my boy. He planted himself next to me and I witnessed first hand the boys discussing the session he had with the customer. Though in Thai, I knew what the discussion was about. After the discussion, attention turned to me as the 2nd Thai boy asked for a threesome, with mamasan also urging me. He was not pushy but more flirtatious. I asked my boy if he was ok, as two friends together could be a nightmare. He gave the ok so I decided why not for my last night. It was the best decision. 2nd Thai boy was a master orchestrator and the leader. Though they did not touch each other, both boys were passionate, proactively flipping roles and was patient, making it a perfect night to end the trip.
    Some other notes, new ladies gogo bar have opened further down Patpong 2 so walking down from Silom rd was no longer as quiet.
  20. Like
    gytis123 reacted to gayinpattaya in Cruising areas   
    It's now moved from Dongtan. Down the beach to Soi 12 area. Hundreds and hundreds every night. They all go after work, but bring friends who are not bar boys. Lot of fresh faces around. Just turn up with a bottle of something and you will soon be in heaven. 
  21. Like
    gytis123 reacted to spoon in Bangkok report April 2018   
    Why the hell they didnt make a proper gogobar for women where all of the guys are straight? There is a big market in japan specifically for that, i am pretty sure bangkok can live up to that too. It makes life easier for both gay and women alike. Id be frustrated too if the boy i want to off at a gay bar says he cant be with me because he only go with women.
  22. Like
    gytis123 reacted to PeterRS in Burmese & Vietnam Bar/Massage Boys   
    What a load of utter trash! Troubled personalities a result of their governments? Absolute nonsense! Which planet do you live on?
  23. Like
    gytis123 reacted to spoon in Burmese & Vietnam Bar/Massage Boys   
    2 bad experience with 2 nation and you start bashing the whole country? Racist much?
  24. Like
    gytis123 reacted to gayinpattaya in Burmese & Vietnam Bar/Massage Boys   
    Iv been with Lao, Thai, Cambodia, Burmese and Vietnamese boys. I keep my expectations at a reasonable level and never find myself disappointed. I try to keep in mind that I am getting to spend intimate time with these beautiful younger guys. That in itself is the reward. 
  25. Like
    gytis123 reacted to vaughn in jomtien doubts   
    It will depend on a lot on what environment (bar or gogo) and types of guys you like, but the good news is that everything is close enough to get from one area to the other any night you want to. Just wave down and hop on a baht bus facing the direction you want and pay the 10 baht to the driver when it stops going the direction you want, it's only about 10 mins from central pattaya to jomtien in low traffic.
    Jomtien are host bars and massage, so guys will all be sitting in the open and you walk past while they try to pry you into their bar or shop. It can be a little less intimidating than a gogo for newcomers where 10s of guys on stage are staring at you until you bring someone down for a drink.
    Boyztown is a mix of gogos like dream boys, toyboys and boysboysboys (among others) and some host bars of a similar style to Jomtien but less hosts usually. A benefit i find with Boyztown is it's a lot more central and you have more at your doorstep.
    Sunee is really down to one gogo (for me) Winner Boys which sits down the mostly dark sunee plaza and can vary night to night but usually 5-10 guys, don't expect the big show stage of boys like in regular gogos. it's a more, umm, intimate environment and usually takes a few drinks flowing to get things interesting.
    If it's your first time and you have over 2 weeks, i'd split my hotel stays 50/50 between jomtien and boyztown then just take a mototaxi to sunee if you want to go.
    Not all guys are on the apps, it can be a good way to fill an hour to see whos around, but if you really want to see whats on offer you need to put foot to pavement anytime after about 9pm for most bars and gogos, after 1pm-ish for massage places. 
    The bar that's best is the bar that has the guy who enticed you in for a drink, no one has the same taste as anyone else on here.
    Drink prices, off fees and tip expectations, just ask the guy. if the price works then go enjoy your time with them.
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