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Posts posted by t0oL1

  1. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/judge-rules-former-clerk-who-refused-to-issue-same-sex-marriage-licenses-must-pay-260-000-legal-expenses/ar-AA1mmZYn?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=d031c1408f594fd4970ccb689f59e8d7&ei=26

    A federal judge has ruled that former Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis must pay over $260,000 in attorney fees and expenses following her court case relating to her refusal to issue marriage licenses to a same-sex couple.

    Davis was briefly jailed in 2015 for her refusal, and she was subsequently taken to court. Courts have also ruled that she must pay $100,000 in damages to the two men she had refused to work with.

    Davis' attorneys are expected to appeal Tuesday's ruling.

    Davis spent five days in jail for ignoring court orders to issue licenses to same-sex couples following a 2015 Supreme Court ruling allowing gay marriage. She argued that she was acting "under God's authority," and was freed after a judge ordered her deputies to issue the licenses without her approval.


    Davis had run for re-election to the county clerk office in 2018, but she lost to a Democrat. She had argued that she would be able to certify same-sex marriages due to a change in Kentucky law dropping the requirement for licenses to contain the clerk's signature.


    Davis was defeated in the 2018 election by Democrat Elwood Caudill Jr. 54% to 46%. One of Caudill's challengers in the Democratic primary for the post was David Ermold, to whom Davis refused to issue a license.

    After losing, Ermold accused Caudill of being an "anti-gay bigot."

    "I just want him to lose. I would rather Kim Davis win," Ermold said ahead of the election. "At least Kim Davis has the integrity to stand up for what she believes in. Elwood Caudill is a liar."

  2. wow thanks. I was imagining $1 charge + international postage for whatever junk mail I receive. My volume of mail just from vacations when I return is incredible with all the junk advertising. 

    Still don't trust Thai postal to deliver anything important...

  3. Those "dreadful toilets" have graced the presence of some of Pattaya's FINEST young men. I pray it is still open in February when I can return and leave a 1000 baht tip in the check bin for all the employees in honor of a former waiter there.

  4. 23 hours ago, Shonen said:

    Maybe I’ll do this. I was there two weeks ago and had to go back everday to the wound center. I got a painted tattoo on the beach and had an allergic reaction to it. Having a rough time since I’ve been here.

    Ooooh I was looking for that last time I was back. Need a temporary tattoo to help envision if I would want the next step to honor a friend.

  5. Thinking seriously about retiring SOON to TH.

    Having a tough time figuring out what I should do before I leave about filing the next years taxes. W-2 forms need to be mailed to me for filing.

    Change of address filing at the local USA post office before I leave? Won't have a address until after I arrive and get situated there...

    How much could I trust the Thai postal to forward mail? Guess there should be a way to electronically get a W-2 from Social Security and attach to documents for electronic filing. Do you have an accountant there in Thailand?


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