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    traveller123 got a reaction from Ryanqqq in Just arrived in Pattaya- Restaurant recommendations ??   
    If money is no concern IMO Cafe Des Amis is far and away the best restaurant in Pattaya
    Less expensive with an atmosphere I really like is Au Bon Coin which isn't open every day
  2. Like
    traveller123 got a reaction from sydneyboy1 in Just arrived in Pattaya- Restaurant recommendations ??   
    If money is no concern IMO Cafe Des Amis is far and away the best restaurant in Pattaya
    Less expensive with an atmosphere I really like is Au Bon Coin which isn't open every day
  3. Like
    traveller123 got a reaction from floridarob in Just arrived in Pattaya- Restaurant recommendations ??   
    If money is no concern IMO Cafe Des Amis is far and away the best restaurant in Pattaya
    Less expensive with an atmosphere I really like is Au Bon Coin which isn't open every day
  4. Thanks
    traveller123 reacted to Ruthrieston in Have you gave religion away being gay?   
    Warning! Possibly this will be a long, boring story so read at your peril!
    I was brought up in Scotland attending the local Presbyterian Church of Scotland until at the age of twelve the Minister visited my home to say that because I had not been baptised I must now be baptised otherwise I would not be allowed to attend Bible Class. This was the first I had heard of it, my older brother had been baptised as a baby but my mother had refused to have me baptised, and said I should be allowed to choose for myself. For the next year or so, with the assistance of my Religious Studies teacher at my school I visited many different religious groups, the ones I liked most being the Quakers for the silent meetings, and the High Anglicans for all the bells and smells (incense and flashy garb worn by the priests and assistants). The place that brought me closest to where I wanted to be was the Roman Catholic Church where I was counselled by a Benedictine monk for months and finally I was baptised and then confirmed, to the horror of my parents. On leaving school at 17 I entered an enclosed, silent Benedictine monastery, the Abbey was built in the year 1230 and was semi-ruined and being restored. The community chanted the Office seven times a day and the Mass in Latin, Gregorian plainchant. I had been visiting the monastery on retreat each year since I was 14, and the community had watched me grow up, and when I asked to be admitted as a Postulant the Abbot looked at me and said "Well we have been waiting for you, get on with it."
    As a teenager I had tried to commit suicide three times because I could not cope with being gay. Converting to the Catholic Church gave me a focus and a community who welcomed me. I am quite sure the community was aware that I was gay, but nothing was ever said. And there was no mucking about, this was a good community of dedicated monks. After time as a Postulant, then a Novice, I asked to be allowed to take my first vows, called Simple Profession, the vows lasting three years, and then you would make Solemn Profession, vows for life. As the Bendictine Rule required, I was presented to the community by the Novice Master, then left as they debated my fitness to be allowed to remain and take my vows, then a secret vote is taken, each monk holding a white ball and a black ball and putting their hands into a wooden box so their vote is hidden from view. You need a two thirds plus one vote to be allowed to take your vows. When I was summoned to the Abbot's study, kneeling on the stone floor, I was convinced that I would have to leave, but after a long silence the Abbot said I had received the vote to stay and that as it was the 1500th centenary of St Benedict's birth I would be given the name Benedict. Then after an even longer silence the Abbot looked at me and said, "We never discuss the vote, but you need to hear this, your vote was unanimous." I was stunned, and that was the moment in my life that I finally realised there was nothing wrong with me, if these good, holy men could welcome me into their community then I could accept myself. I stayed for another three years to get the courage to leave and start to live my life.
    On leaving I continued to have a deep faith, attending Mass every day and praying daily. I chose to train to be a nurse, and after three years when I qualified there were no jobs in my home town and I ended up moving to London and working in Charing Cross Hospital and then moving to St Stephen's Hospital in Fulham to work in one of the largest HIV/AIDS wards. This was 1987 when thigs were really bad. Every day we saw half our patients die, nine or ten mostly young gay men in their teens and early twenties. Many of their families disowned them, though many others came to support them. After a couple of years of this, losing friends and colleagues to AIDS, too many to count, my faith finally died. I tried really hard to hold on to may faith in God, but so matter how hard I tried my faith was gone. To this day I miss my faith, but it is gone. 
  5. Like
    traveller123 reacted to reader in The 13   
    A new Netflix (single episode) documentary about the cave rescue became available in Thailand yesterday. It focuses on interviews with the players, their coach and other key players. 
    In my book, this is history’s greatest rescue adventure. What makes it unique is that it’s an event free of corruption, bad intentions or self-serving motives. It is about courage, brotherhood, self-sacrifice and teamwork. And for those of us who believe in such things, a miracle. 
  6. Like
    traveller123 reacted to vinapu in Cuba approves same sex marriage by a referendum   
    I heard that story in My Lai of all places but not sure they mentioned name, now we know, thank you.
  7. Like
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    traveller123 reacted to vinapu in Another trip report, this time from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico   
    Part 3
     Slvkguy did excellent analysis of the scene in PV in his post above and as you will see below my experiences are confirming it to a great degree.
     I had 5 massages, all 1 hr long and met 3 escorts, I describe massages first as one of massage guys become escort later.
    1st encounter , in the shop on my hotel’s  street
    I passed by , noticed few boys sitting outside , all on hunky side as all masseurs in PV it seems but one drew my particular attention so I motioned him to go inside. I was instructed to lay on the bed and wait for the guy who arrived  after 2-3 minutes. He was fully dressed , I asked how much is massage – 700 pesos=35 USD for 1 hr. Massage was good but he studiously avoided being too close to my bit outstretched hands. Only after turnover he asked me how I want to finish. I asked him to remove shirt , yes for 500 extra. What about shorts? Another 500. Approved and only then , in complete silence I had a chance to put my hands on him. Bit expensive at 1700 total thought I but at least body was great. I did not ask for contact neither him offered. In fact I never saw him at that shop again which was too bad (that body, sigh!)
    2nd encounter
    I mentoned I saw outstanding hunk in front of shop in the center of Zona Romantica but being sweaty went to hotel to take shower , returned , he was gone but I grabbed another hunk, probably closer to 40 than 30. Again , procedure the same, cost 700 , if I want him to remove shirt 200 more so I went for that 900 package. Massage very thorough and he was not shy being  close to the  table so I could feel this and that through his shorts and package was sizable , even if only half erected. But that was it when comes to steamy part. Gave him 1000, he gave me strong hug and asked to see him again.
     3rd encounter
     Guy messaged me on Grindr and asked it I want massage,   picture looked good so I took an offer. By the way 3 out of 4 guys I saw in flesh and on Grindr looked much better in flesh thank on their picture.
    He said he can come to my room or I can come to his shop. Keeping in mind 300 fee I opted for shop which turned out to be the same when I had my 1st . Massage 700 and if I wanted him naked 500 extra. Either he was less greedy or 1st guy took me for ride. So I had my naked masseur although he only lowered his shorts to the ankles but that was good enough. Nice time for 1200 but still not that cheap at equivalent of 2000 baht. Massage itself was weakest out of all I had.
    Since we communicated through Grindr he expressed wish to see me again and asked me to contact him there.
     4th encounter
    I took a stroll toward gay section of the beach and adjacent Blue Chairs hotel and noticed 2 massage shops there. In front on one was a HUNK who in fact ignored me but I’m not that easily discouraged when comes to hunks so when coming back few minutes later I motioned him to go inside. Relaxing massage 750, deep tissue 1000. I went for deep tissue. Clothing removing question came pretty fast , 500 extra, agreed. Great body , big everywhere so I had a bit of fun exploring it although it was still on modest side , mindful of conspiracy. His face looked familiar so I asked if he is on Grindr. Yes. He gave me him phone number inviting to call him when need arises. I did the same day in the evening – see Guy 3 below.
     5th encounter
    On my last day after I checked out of room I had 3 hours waiting time  before arrival of airport van. Most logic was to have a massage g followed by some lunch and I decided to check those shops on Blue Char street again. There was nobody in one I went to day before but across the street there were 4 sizable guys sitting in front of other shop. One raised his had from smartphone screen and asked ‘ massage ? ‘ Deal. Price the same  750 or 1000.
    Again I went for deep tissue for 1000 and it was best massage out of those 5. No mention of shirt , even less shorts removal so just massage it is. It was only one when we actually talked during session. Nothing steamy but he let me to feel his private through the shorts and his ass was of particularly pleasant firm and bubbly quality. So I gave him     1200. He wanted to give me his number     and was very disappointed to learn I’m leaving in hour and half. Had I stay longer , for sure we would have another meeting ,if  only to see what his shorts were hiding. In fact I saw him again, when van was picking me up he was just passing by on his way home and our smiley eyes crossed again.
     So as you can see , while massages per se  were on rather professional side , not really much happened to terms of steam and all that at expense much higher than would be in Bangkok ( 1000 peso is about 1800 baht )
    There were three.
    On my first night upon return from Anthropology I noticed than quite pleasant looking guy contacted me  on Grindr, not only saying ‘Hi’ but also posting his enticing nude pictures. Nevr mind it was past 1 am , I responded. Upon learning when I satay it was “ ouch , you hotels doesn’t allow guests but if you want you can ask them. “ So I went down, was informed it will be 300 and visitor must resent ID and will received bracelet upon entry. Sent message again and few minutes later guy was there. Wanted whopping 2000 and since it was my first night I agreed.
    As it turned later he lived block and half away only. I liked what I saw , man looking much better than on his pics. Athletic rather than muscular with impressive certain important muscle so to speak. Very professional , perhaps too professional as exactly after one hour his phone buzzed indicating time is over. But I liked him and my time with him so I suggested I can meet him every night whole week for 1500 a pop. Immediately accepted, he even suggested that I can  see him in his place and instead paying hotel 300 each time I can pay that to him. Despite  time being 2.30 am my mind was not that clouded so I countered that we split that 300 half / half.   So for next few nights I went to his place  for our hour of fun.
    And then after 5th time all of the sudden he went silent , not responding to my messages. Not  a tragedy since I had consolation in Anthropology but I was curious what’s going on. Then on my last day he contacted me again , asked if we can meet and suggested my place for a change. It was funny as he came few minutes after my previous guest, Boy  Third left , generating knowing smile by night shift manager.
    I did not get any explanation about that silence from yesterday, I did not ask either. All went very well as every night whole week but it must be spoiler, since it was our last night he asked for 500 extra. I paid but since I don’t like  such antics I blocked my sweetie on Grindr  and What’s Up as soon as  left for the airport. Sorry man but deal is a deal, it was supposed to be 1500.
    When I fired Grindr on evening of arrival I noticed immediately shockingly  attractive hunk . Coming to PV I decided that I will engage only guys who will be contacting me first. So I was extremely excited  next day  when he , noticing I checked his profile contacted me and offered his services. My judgement was clouded by his attractiveness so I even agreed to his 2000 fee. He preferred meeting at his place but it was short walk so I did not mind and went there.
    Yes it was him, profile was not fake but still somewhat manipulated. Face was as handsome , body was great but six pack somehow disappeared, butt shrunk and he , sensing perhaps my excitement, turned bit sandbagy. So while I liked our time together I knew coming down that it was it , specially for that kind of money.
    As I mentioned  my 4th masseur’s face was familiar , he admitted to being on Grindr so upon returning to hotel I checked and found him, asked if he wants to see me in my room . We agreed on late evening the same day. Of course whole 300 fee and bracelet procedure but it was worth it.
    As I said , he was HUNK and turned not to be time watcher , no alarm clock at passing 1 hr. and seemed genuinely pleased that I like him or rather his body so much. Quite a catch with one of most beautiful cocks ever invented but foremost  very service oriented personality. I upped his fee of 1500 to 2000 , well deserved , specially in view of granting us more time that that standard hour.
    So to summarize my PV flesh experience, strip club was fun, expensive but lively fun. One can economize   a bit by reducing size of tips and have one , not three boys sitting with him on the evening but it was worth.
    Massages per se were good value as massages but really who needs massage in massage shop, that’s novelty for me. I’d say expensive way of getting boy’s contact information. Big plus was that almost all guys working in all places were well built and handsome, even if they had rotation system , one can’t go wrong.
     As for my guest’s and host’s, while compared to Bangkok more expensive , special per unit of time , two out three were very hot , pleasant , well endowed and free of antics. I liked them  but at night I think I rather dream about my Bangkok guys than Vallarta ones.
     Will I go there again ? Quite possibly. I had good time there , boy encounters were more addition than goal itself. I did not feel pressured by myself to chase them , it just happened they appeared on horizon and I grabbed them.
     Will PV become competition to Thailand in my heart ? No way as on every account , hotels , boys , massages , tips , time watching Thailand represents better, really much better value but Vallarta has one advantage  - it takes half price and 1/5 time to get there as opposite to BKK and no jet lag so at one point  I may become fan of the place.  
  9. Like
    traveller123 reacted to Mavica in Prostate Cancer in Gay Men   
    Whether we be a top or a bottom, the prostate in gay men is hugely important to our sexual / social life.  14 years ago (when I was 59) I was diagnosed with prostate cancer ("PC").  Whenever we're told we have Cancer, we assume the worst; oftentimes, for good reason: the "end" is near!.  My PC was diagnosed as consuming 12% of my prostate.   Instead of "watchful waiting",  I  chose to have my prostate removed (it doesn't belong in me, get it out!). 
    Anticipating the Urological Surgeon's caution that it was likely I'd lose some length and firmness/rigidity of my dick post-op (which turned out to be an accurate prediction), I postponed surgery for a month so that I could visit Rio de Janeiro ... and I could have fun in Rio de Janeiro (GP, and some women for hire).  For most of my life I was a "top".  Most importantly, I wanted to fuck as many stunningly handsome guys as I could before surrendering my erection to the surgeons.  
    Post-OP, the removed prostate analysis revealed that it was 25% consumed by PC and had not, to the best of the knowledge of my Urologist, metastasized (thankfully).  Very lucky me!
    So, it's not been easy post-op.  I'm unattached, no partner.  My focus on sexual satisfaction has changed.  I enjoyed a spectacular period of time during pre-op which I enjoyed/excelled being a "top".  Fantastic memories, thankfully.
    Any others on this forum who have had PC, and surgery?  😁
  10. Like
    traveller123 reacted to vinapu in Another trip report, this time from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico   
    Part 2 continued
    Strip Clubs
     After combing internet I was expecting to visit all four listed, three of them on Cardenas , practically one beside another. But it did not work that way – Pervert seemed to disappear or relocate but I did not find where. Wet Dreams looked closed for low season I checked almost daily well past midnight but no , it was not opened. Hope in future. 69 is opened but I had bad luck  as it was in process of renovation for 2 weeks, I even saw work in process and scheduled  to re-open 2 days after my departure. There’s prominent sign in the window “men only admitted”. Obviously no trace of political correctness there.
      This left me with only choice  - Anthropology.  That bar is located actually outside of Zona Romantica , immediately across the river, just past bridge. During day it can be overlooked but at night is lighted with psychedelic neon  and just to make sure there ‘s bare chested , well built but also well past his prime guy on duty at the entrance making sure all visitors are making donation in absence of entry ticket. Each time I was placing 100 peso = 5 USD in the jar but had impression that 50 or even 20 would do.
    I visited it 4 times,  including one during deluge when in order to enter I needed to wring at  the entrance my soaked and dripping shirt.  Every time  it was busy , at times very busy  with standing room only.
    Ladies are admitted  but behaved well.  But not too many old gringos in audience , Every time I felt like a dean of customers with my white hair.
     So how it works there ?
     You climb the stairs  to find yourself in very spacious bar , take  a seat and order drink. Corona beer cost only 50 for customer but 150 for a boy if you invite one for drink. Each time it was at least 20-30 guys on duty. There are more lavishly priced drinks , at times boys even ordered 2 which cost 400 but there’s advantage to it – boy is sitting with you until his drink is finished. 
    They are quite reasonable  , not gulping it all in one go , so you can count on 15-20 minutes of conversation, some caressing , hugging,  kissing , depending how brave you are and how inclined guy is. I noticed some are reserved and others extremely easily forthcoming.
     They are dressed in their underwear , sometimes also t-shirt but will remove it on request immediately. Yes , you can feel their privates, cock usually was erect and erection enforced by rubber ring and those are Latin cocks, cocks of size ! Most boys  asked for a tip or another drink, but few just finished their glass and left to the next customer or to perform. My system was 500 i.e. if boy ordered 2 drinks and it cost 400 , 100 was his tip, if ordered cheaper one for say 250, 250 was his tip.
     They were asking for private dance promising 20 minutes for 500. I took bait 2 times but found it poor value. They have rooms for that upstairs, you pay 500 to the cashier and you both climb the stairs close door and  you have naked adonis to play with. In both cases they asked for 500 tip on top of fee paid already    so total was 1000= 50 USD and in both cases 20 minutes lasted 10 and 15. So definitely not worth it  unless you really like guy which was my second case. I had him sitting with me every night.
    I’m not sure they took an advantage of my newness with that extra tip or that is the system. If I stay longer I’d find out.
     I spoke to one of boys and he admitted they prefer tip to drinks on which they get some commission but boss is watching and is expecting them to have certain number of drinks. He also said that boys can be take out for  a familiar fee of 500  but I did not get to it, may be next time. Some boys spoke very good English , some almost none and everything in between.
     As for shows there’s always at least one at any given time, always solo ,   on one of  three venues : main stage, pole dancing and shower . Sometimes one guy is performing on the stage and at the same time other is showering. Shower show by the way is only one with full nudity and boys there are not shy. Main stage performers usually sport rigid member , rather surely enforced by  cock ring.
     After their part boys  circulate among audience asking for tips so better be prepared with change although it’s easy to get one from waiter , I paid for my 50 peso beer with 500 note , asked for change for tips and I got fistful of 20 and 50 peso notes as a change, easy. Of course waiter got 20 peso for his efforts.
     You may have situation that at the same time 3 guys are circulating , main stager , shower guy and pole dancer , each with his hat you should place your tip in but also with his poking cock you can get a feel of for few precious seconds. All at time  when you have another guy sitting with you already and not exactly saying rosary either . Fun there never stops but also money is flowing like the river.
     But there’s little pressure, you get his smile and feel of whatever part of his body you fancy ( some assess are just God sent) whether you tip 20 or 100 and if you don’t  they are moving to next client.
     Boys are not shy and quite happy to share their attributes with you for a moment or three as long as you grease their palms.
     I had fun there every time but Guardian Angel instructed me to take only so much money so when it was gone , shortly was I, happy but empty pocketed ( 3000 each night, 2-3 hrs of non stop fun  including 3-4 boys sitting with me for a time )
    In comparison with Thai bars  refreshing is absence of mamasans, boys are doing their soliciting by themselves but as I said , with very little pressure , I can recall only one so called face when I tipped guy just 20 peso. Those who frequent Tawan  will find an atmosphere similar.
  11. Like
    traveller123 reacted to reader in Arrival report   
    Pleased to inform readers that I awakened this morning to my second day of rainless and partly overcast skies over Bangkok. The air is cool enough to open the windows and take in a pleasant breeze. The last two evening were perfect for walking.
    Getting in about 11:45 on Wednesday night, there was only one person in front of me at immigration. Less than three minutes later I was on my way. Spent the first night at The Quarter Silom on Soi Tarntawan. Check in was quick and I immediately messaged my friend to meet me in the lobby. He arrived 15 minutes later and no problem whatsoever bringing him to room (I’d booked for two, including breakfast).
    Rooms here are tight an compact but very clean with a most comfortable bed and walk in shower. The buffet breakfast offered much more than I expected and we more than satisfied. Checked out at 11:45 and front desk allowed us to check bags while I went to phone store to renew my plan (200 bht per month). It was raining lightly but not enough to keep us from short walk to Airbnb.
    Rain cleared by evening and we walked around the Silom-Silom rectangle. In anticipation of Vinapu’s impending visit, KFC has opened a new location in the site at Rama 4 and Silom Rd. Once the home of Robinson’s Department store, it now houses Silom Edge, a multi-use complex and the Colonel appears to be among the first occupancies to open.
    One thing that caught our eye were massage shops that seemed to be doing a good business. Spoke briefly with a few friendly guys on upper Silom and on Soi Six who reported that business has been good. The outdoor food stalls we’re doing a brisk business along Surawong. Stopped for meal at The Beer Garden and waitress remembered I like ice in my Leo.
    Have a haircut on the agenda today and a trip to Foodland to gather provisions. It’s great to be back.

  12. Like
    traveller123 reacted to vinapu in Unexpected reunions and few shattered dreams - 22nd trip to Thailand in May 2022   
    my readers may be interested in report of my recent trip to Puerto Vallarta , Mexico
    (my apologies for shameless promotion )
    I posted it in Latin America forum here :
  13. Like
    traveller123 reacted to lopesv2 in Another trip report, this time from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico   
    Great trip report (as always) so far! But we are all very anxious for the Cashew Chicken part  
    Pollo con casatañas de caju? 
    Jokes apart it is always good to now a bit more about the cities here
  14. Like
    traveller123 reacted to vinapu in Another trip report, this time from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico   
    PART 1, common stuff
    This trip came even as surprise to myself. I was planning to go somewhere lese but things did not work so I was left with both free time and untouched travel fund allotted for that trip not to even mention desire to travel.
     So I decided to look for some last minute options and one of my friends  who actually spent December there suggested Puerto Vallarta in Mexico. Him not being gay did not even realize how illustrious that advise sounded to me in view of supposed vast gay scene there and 273 clicks later my package consisting flight ,  hotel, breakfast and airport transfer in PV both ways was purchased.
     All I had to do was to pack,  get some information both tourist and about the scene and wait few days for an actual flight to take that week long vacation.
     This was my third visit to Mexico but  last being 20 years ago almost to the day and then free from any boy hunting made me  feeling I’m discovering uncharted territory specially that previously I was in different parts of country.
    Puerto Vallarta is on Pacific coast in the bottom od quite vast Banderas bay and is quite big city of about 200 000 which was good new meaning there’s something to do if weather interferes.
    September  is not a best time to go there according to my information as it is rainy season but it turned much better than expected. City was still full of vacationers , mainly Mexicans, but not crowded, flight both ways was about 2/3 full and rainy season turned quite pleasant with sunny mornings and afternoons, it was raining daily early evening but with exception of one day rain lasted 1-2 hrs max.
    One day deluge lasting from 6 pm to at least 3 am, perhaps longer but I fall asleep so don’t know did not stop me from having fun, all I need was to wring my shirt before entering strip  bar . More about that later.
     City is neatly divided into 4 parts , from airport going south Marina section , then Hotel Zone changing into Centre and than after crossing the river , Zona Romantica, main entertainment and above everything else, gay entertainment part. Small island between that Zona and Centre has best art crafts market in whole city in my opinion and no souvenir shopping should be  done without visiting there.
    Speaking about crafts , after my previous visit to Mexico out of all countries I visited and I visited more than one I rated  that country along with Peru , Morocco , Iran , India and  Myanmar as best place to shop  but not any more as , like almost everywhere cheap, Chinese produced stuff , uniformly looking takes most of space of shelves although still a lot of interesting stuff can be found.
    It’s quite possible that situation in other parts of country like Mexico city is much better but PV did not impress me that much when comes to that stuff.
    Communication is easy, taxis are everywhere and bus system easy to master with fares of 10 peso = 50 US cents.
     What to do there other than shopping , strolling along Malecon and of course enjoying the ocean’s warm waters ? ( gay part will come in a while ).
    Out of 6 full days there I stay in the city for first and last , middle part of stay devoting to day time trips visiting  attractions listed below.
     Vallarta Botanical Gardens, 45 minutes bus trip, fare 1.50 USD one way, cut out of jungle with trekking and  river bathing options with good restaurant on the site. Take bathing suit and towel.
     Jungle trek along the shore from Boca de Tomatlan ( 30 minutes by bus , 50 cents ) taking about 3 hours with possible sunbathing and swimming on few secluded  small beaches , including one I had just to myself for good hour. It end in Las Animas where you can have a lunch and return by boat ( 200 peso = 10 USD ) to Boca and back to PV by bus for another 50 cents.
     Sayulita , small but very popular city with good beach and plenty of attractive boutiques for shoppers and known for good surf. Buses from Wal Mart in Marina part of PV going there every ½ hr , trip takes 1.5 hr one way and cost heart stopping  1.5 $ USD = 30 peso.
     Yelapa, secluded beach village accessible only by boat, 400 peso = 20 USD round trip  from PV. There’s beach , restaurants and 2 waterfalls, smaller close to the village , bigger one requiring 1-1.5 hr trek one way. I opted for big one and it was not a right decision in rainy season as getting there requires crossing the river which after last night rain was quite swollen and I backed up afraid that if something would happen to me , nobody knew as I was there alone. So wait for dry season to get there.
    My package included stay in Tropicana hotel   very conveniently located on the beach , just south of Zona Romantica, 15 minutes walk to Anthropology ( soon you will learn why it’s important ), steps from Blue Chairs gay hotel and beach. In short location was excellent. When combing gay sites I learned they hotel is very gay friendly so it made me even more excited. I was assigned room on the last floor with view almost to die for. Room was spacious , had balcony, hotel had not one but two pools. What for with ocean just outside the gate I don’t know but both were occupied heavily during day.
     Disappointing part for hotel of this class and first quarter of  21 century was no internet in the room , only in common areas on ground level. I solved it by buying SIM card with data for 150 peso = 7.5 USD but still was disappointed.
    There was no kettle in the room to make tea or coffee , again I solved it by bringing my own immense water heater and metal cup.
     Drinking water was provided but only 2 bottles for the whole stay, not daily.
    And final, gay friendly doesn’t mean guest friendly. Guest was required to register, obtain bracelet removed subsequently on departure and host was supposed to pay 300 peso -= 15 USD joiner fee.
    All this in place charging 80-130 $ per night !!!
    When compared to Thailand  we can see that hotel value there is much , much , much better.
     Still I would stay there again, mainly because of location and view – almost all rooms have unobstructed ocean view but only as part  of package.  Having flight and hotel cost me only 260 $ more than just flight only for the same dates so daily rate was slightly above 30 $, it’s why I’m not complaining.
     Finally before we move to more interesting subject , since this is Mexico we need to mention crime situation and here I have very good news for you. In Puerto Vallarta it is not your concern. I was walking nightly through in parts very deserted streets very late , sometimes at 1-2 pm and never ever had reason for concern.
     On the first day I arrived  in hotel at 7 pm , by time I settled it was dark and went about the completely unknown to me city and it was all peaceful  and quiet , of course with exception of being close to raucous gay and straight bars ( gay ones were noisier ).
     I had one more attraction included in the package , unknown to me. When we landed we were greeted with news that 3 hours earlier there was earthquake. Then when about the city on my fist night I went to restaurant I was told that they may close soon as they expect tsunami warning which did not materialize fortunately.
    Finally , deep into night when I arrived from Anthropology   ( soon , soon , relax ) around 3 am  and went to bed before I fell asleep I felt hotel dancing and it lasted good 40 seconds if not more. It was pretty strong  but not strong enough to create damage.  Not  a first earthquake in my life but still memorable experience.
    Gay part coming most likely tomorrow
  15. Like
    traveller123 reacted to kjun12 in Subscription to Brit Box   
    After trying the suggestions of traveller123 and fedssocr I have reached the conclusion that it is not possible for me to get britbox on my TV here in Thailand.
    While I was able to register an account in the US I could not port it to my TV. So I Cancelled my account.  Still I want to thank those guys who tried to help me with their suggestions:

  16. Like
    traveller123 reacted to Londoner in In Thailand Right Now, Do You Wear A Mask Or Not?   
    Thais wore masks on buses doing the Jomtien trip when I was in  in Pattaya  a few weeks ago. Occasionally, one or two passengers of the twelve didn't, invariably falang.
    I thought it showed disrespect to our hosts.
  17. Like
    traveller123 reacted to billyhouston in In Thailand Right Now, Do You Wear A Mask Or Not?   
    Thais wear masks so, for me, it's a case of "when in Rome do as the Romans do". I do however draw the line when I am exercising in our semi rural area and when I'm alone driving the car. In that same area I do see the majority of motorcyclists fully masked up.... but not weating a helmet. TiT.
  18. Like
    traveller123 reacted to bkkmfj2648 in Trip report: Thailand September 2022   
    Thanks for the night out again, Emiel. At our pre warmup dinner at Natans in Jomtien, our time together went too fast.  We had SO much gossip to catch up on.
    Note to the other readers - it is really cool to meet up with members because you can get ALL of the juicy details and if the person with whom you are meeting with is willing - you can see the HOT HOT HOT photos of the guys that were encountered.  I can ascertain that ALL of Emiel's conquests were definitely hotties, especially those 6 pack abs guys.
    The waitress at Natans was trying to be very descrete when I was observing the Phuket African HOT naked photo that I almost dropped Emiel's phone when I realized that her neck was stretched as far as possible to see that lovely cock that I was observing.
    As Emiel mentioned in his report, he saved me from over accomodating the papasan and mamasan requests to celebrate in drinks Emiel's success in offing the cute Boyz Town waiter. Truly, everyone was happy.
  19. Like
    traveller123 reacted to TotallyOz in In Thailand Right Now, Do You Wear A Mask Or Not?   
    I am in Bangkok. I do not personally see the need for masks. However, it is the law and it is the norm and I wear them everywhere. This is not my country and I owe respect to those that are Thai. My feelings are irrelevant. I have seen many eye rolls at foreigners who take off the masks. For those that wish to follow the norms in the USA, feel free and go to USA and do that. But, when in Thailand, respect their rules and norms.
  20. Like
    traveller123 reacted to Lucky in In Thailand Right Now, Do You Wear A Mask Or Not?   
    Don't be an idiot. I am expressing my opinion.
  21. Like
    traveller123 reacted to emiel1981 in Trip report: Thailand September 2022   
    Part 24: Second chance on the cute waiter in Pattaya... 
    After 5 nights in Bangkok it was time to move to Pattaya for the last few days of my stay in Thailand. On Tuesday night I fly back to The Netherlands.
    I booked a car with Mikepattaya. From my hotel in Silom to Jomtien Complex it was 1200 baht. Because I was curious I checked prices in the Bolt app just before the driver picked me up. I was shocked to see Bolt was so much more expensive than the taxi service of Mike Pattaya... Because most of the time Bolt is cheaper. See screenshot:

    I was meeting @bkkmfj2648 for dinner and to catch up about our adventures and gossip. We than went to Boyztown. As you can read in part 15 of my trip report I had some unfinished business in Boyz Boyz Boyz with a waiter I had the hots for but didn't off last time because I thought with asking 3000 baht they were ripping me off / overpricing. I got a lot of reactions from you guys about this. Understanding the higher rate because he is waiter and not barboy, and also tips about how to deal with this as maybe the fact that a papasan was involved the price was inflated by the papasan. 
    We arrived in Boyztown around 10pm. Had a quick look already in Boyz Boyz Boyz but is was very quiet. Only 2 customers sitting inside already. So we decided to sit down on the terrace of Castro first. Plan was to do a bit of people watching. But there was not much to see... Also on the terraces and in the street only few people this Sunday night. 
    It was 11:30pm when we went in at Boyz Boyz Boyz again. Surprisingly the bar was full of guests. While we didn't see much people entering from our spot on the terrace. The guests somehow seemed to be appeared from nowhere... I was happy to see the cute waiter was on duty. We got seated and drinks were ordered. Cute waiter was busy attending two seperate groups of customers. Drinking a lot of shots from them. When I went to the bathroom, he also came to pee. And that was when he recognized me. This was my chance. So I directly asked him if he wanted to come back to my hotel with me. He checked what I wanted. I asked whats he having in the menu... Kissing oke sucking oke. No fucking. So actually same info as he gave last time. Perfect.

    He told me he is very shy guy. And he actually only went home with customer one time before. Not only because he is shy, but also because he is afraid of what customers would want to do with him. I comforted him that I was oke with what he just said, so that I would not expect fucking.
    Back in the bar, he came sit with us. Time to talk business. Reminder: last time, via papasan, they asked 3000 baht for me to take him to my hotel. Now, speaking directly to cute waiter, he lowered his price to 2000 baht without me having even to negotiate. Oke. That's a deal!
    In the meantime another waiter/papasan plus a mamasan had started talking to @bkkmfj2648. Trying to convince him to also take a boy home. Already being a bit drunk, he felt for buying both the papasan and the mamasan a drink on his costs. Soon we decided to leave as it was going to costs too much money to continue this way.... Hahaha.
    Arrived in Agate hotel, cute waiter and I sit down on the balcony for some smalltalk and he wanted to smoke / vape. His English was good enough to have a nice conversation. He is from Bangkok (his mother, cat and dog still live there) but came to Pattaya because according to him more work here. His tactics in the bar: just being cute and go for the groups of customers and try to get as many drinks and shots from them as possible, so he can live form the drink incentives and tips he's earning. He is gay but not on Grindr or any other app bevause he is "afraid" of the gays in Pattaya. After work time he likes to hang out with friends at the beach in Jomtien. For even more drinking. 
    Time to take a shower together. Now cute waiter wasn't so shy anymore. We soaped each others bodies. And started kissing. To the bed. More kissing. With tongue. He was pretty good. And also he sucked good, eager and deep. Again: nothing shy about this boy in bed...
    His shyness had completely disappeared. He even went naked on the balcony of my hotel room to smoke / vape. According to cute waiter it was because when he is with somebody he likes, he is not shy at all. Only when there are many people (and his friends) around, like in the bar. 
    You know how they always say you should never meet your hero as chances are it wil only be disappointing? Well... I had doubts about going back to cute waiter after the failed try to off him last time. What if he's not interested anymore? Or he is  disappointing in bed because I have high expectations because I think he is so cute? I'm glad I did go back for him and had the guts to try to off him again. As it turned out I could make a good deal with him and also the time spent with him was very nice, enjoyable and horny. 
  22. Like
    traveller123 reacted to PeterRS in First time Pattaya   
    The Pride Parade is a wonderful day. I have been to 7 of the Parades since my first in 2011. My latest was in 2018 when there were more than 160,000 marching. The parties over that weekend are also packed.
    Other gay venues are also totally full. For my second Parade, I decided to go to a hot spring in the evening. For the first time ever, I experienced a 20-minute queue to get inside the door and then it was another 20 minutes before I could get to the locker area. Glancing at the main pool on the left, I was so surprised I could see no water. It was just packed with naked young guys, almost all Asians.  
    A few photos of previous parades. The first was taken by me but has been stolen from a chat site and is now used in at least two commercial gay sites!

  23. Thanks
    traveller123 reacted to emiel1981 in Trip report: Thailand September 2022   
    Part 19: Back to Bangkok
    As I wrote earlier I had a few days break from bars and boys. It is 10 years ago that I visited Ayutthaya so I figured it would be nice to get there again. Found a really nice guesthouse, stayed there two night while during the day I was rediscovering some beautiful temples. 

    The guesthouse is Baan Tye Wang. Anybody visiting Ayutthaya I strongly recommend this place. Modern nice rooms looking out on garden and river. The rooms have outdoor shower. The guesthouse is run by a very friendly lady who speaks enough English to arrange things and give some information.

    Breakfast was simple, as to expect in place like this. Evening before you choose what breakfast you want and they make sure to make it for you. Standard fresh orange juice, coffee, tea, milk with cereal, toasted break with jam on top or your chosen breakfast. I choose for fresh fruits and a croissant. The guesthouse doesn't offer dinner, but the lady gave me good advice and arranged tuktuk and I had a lovely dinner. The same friendly tuktuk driver (its the fixed driver for this guesthouse, a couple - man and lady - who drive the tuktuk together) was driving me around Ayutthaya to see all the temples the next day also. 
    Arranging an official taxi from Ayuttaha to Silom would have costs 1200 baht, but even in Ayutthaya the Bolt app is working very well... So eventually I only paid 800 baht for the drive to Bangkok. 
    Earlier in my trip report hotel choices is Silom were discussed. There's a new hotel just opened recently: Ibis Styles Silom. And I decided to check in out for the next few days. Conveniently located on Silom Road, few minutes walk from Sala Daeng Skytrain station. Next to CP tower actually. So very good located to the main gay areas: soi4 is just on the opposite side of the road, and so are the entries to Patpong2 and the soi where Tawan is located. I asked to allocate me a room on the outside of the hotel as I had read online that rooms on the patio side of the hotel can have some noise pollution from the hotel patio and restaurant. 

    The modern rooms are nice and colourful. And with the hotel still being brand new, everything is very clean and almost untouched and unused. Onl ylittle downside: like almost all modern hotels you need a keycard to access the elevator. So you will need to meet your (Grindr) boy outside or in the lobby to bring him up. I always like then option to just let hen come directly to your hotel room.

    I expect no problems bringing boys back to my room actually. As this hotel hosts a monthly rooftop gay pool party every first Saturday of the month. So it must be a very gay friendly and welcoming place. 
    Anyhow, I'm sure this was a good hotel choice for me for the coming nights on Bangkok... Let's see what adventures will happen this time. 
  24. Like
    traveller123 reacted to PeterRS in Where do you all live & are you planning on living in Asia ?   
    I think I have problably told my story too many times before - so apologies in advance to those who know it. I gave up my job and rented apartment in the UK in my 20s. I had always been adventurous, loved travelling and visited several Europen countries. Then I went to the USA and decided I wanted to work in New York, a city which amazed and captivated me. I returned for a vacation two months later trying to find work. But there seemed none available. Almost immediately on my return a friend asked if I would like to work in Hong Kong. My initial reaction was 'No'. I wanted to go west not east. I knew virtually nothing about Asia apart from a little about the war in Vietnam and the Cultural Revolution in China. But it would be a part of the world I could explore. Even if I disliked the job, it would give me a chance to see quite a bit of Asia that I might never again have a chance of seeing. This was after all a time before mass travel to Asia apart from occasional stopovers on the kangaroo route to Australia.
    So I did the interview and was offered the job. I dithered for 24 hours as it was a really major move into the unknown. Then I signed the contract. 6 weeks later I was in one of the most stunning and fascinating cities in the world (at that time). Once settled into the job and my lovely apartment (being on expatriate terms thankfully I had an accommodation allowance), I was hooked. I stayed there for far longer than the initial 2 years of my contract - 20 in fact. I explored most of Asia including Bhutan in the year when it had total tourist numbers of just 17,300 (in 2019 it was 319,000). I had also spent 2 years working in Tokyo, a city I found as fascinating as Hong Kong and where I would love to have lived - had there been a job and enough salary to afford it! On all my travels I indulged in a gay lifestyle I could never have dreamed of when I had started working in the UK.
    In the mid-1990s I had to decide: do I remain in Asia for the rest of my life or should I consider returning to the west? It did not take me long to decide Asia was my home. With a view to eventual retirement, I purchased a small condo in a very quiet residential part of Bangkok. I had visited Bangkok so many dozens of times and enjoyed so much of what it offered, particularly gay life, even though I was aware that later in life I hoped to be settled down with a partner rather than being a typical expat butterfly. So it has worked out.
    Only once have I considered returning to the UK. I had had an excellent medical insurance policy for decades. By the time I reached 55 I was shocked at the premium increase. Looking at the estimates of forward premiums I realised I had to change to one that would be more suited to Thailand than worldwide.Before the next major premium hike at age 60, I consulted a poster on another Board who the Board owner had consistently recommended as being the best for medical insurance advice. After exchanges of emails and meeting him twice, I went with one of his recommendations. For a few years all went well. Then in the space of just two renewals, I was faced with 103% premium increase. I was furious with this "expert" but also at myself. Had I checked on the insurance company, I would have noticed a lot of correspondence on the internet about its hooking in older people with lower premiums which then get jacked up massively after 65 by which time finding any insurance can be extremely problematic. So I returned to the UK one November/December to spend several weeks staying with many old friends and trying to find somewhere relatively inexpensive where I would be happy living even at the worst weather time. At least I would have the benefit of the National Health Service.
    I found some beautiful parts in the north west of Scotland and in south east England. But I knew my heart and my mind were by then rooted in Asia. So I felt I had to find a way of making Bangkok work for the future. Thankfully I did. Now, apart from Taipei and Tokyo where I have a network of friends, I could never consider living anywhere else.
  25. Like
    traveller123 reacted to emiel1981 in Trip report: Thailand September 2022   
    At the moment I'm taking a little break from boys and bars. Two nights in the countryside in a very nice guesthouse. But I will be back in Bangkok tomorrow and going also back for few days to Pattaya again later. So for sure more updates will follow... 

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