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    Vessey reacted to macaroni21 in Whats happening with Boyz boyz boyz?   
    Here goes:
    When we see the word "The" before what looks like a country name, it is generally because the word had been used to refer to a geographical feature well before the country even came about. In English, geographical features are typically indicated with the definite article "the". Thus, we speak of "the Alps", "the prairie", "the Danube", "the Arctic".
    I believe @Londoner is right in that the present state of which the city of Banjul is the capital takes its name from the river, known as The Gambia. The river was The Gambia, the same way we speak of The Volga, The Danube, The Ganges, The Mississippi, The Yangzi, The Chao Phraya. When is country is formed and takes its name from that geographical feature, English tends to be conservative and keeps the word "The" with it.
    If tomorrow, there is a realignment of borders and a new state is formed in the Danube basin, and the new state wishes to call itself after the river, we would refer to it as The Republic of The Danube. (not Republic of Danube).
    The pre-existing geographical feature does not need to be a river. "The Sudan" was for centuries the term used to refer to a vast, topographically flat (relatively speaking) area stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea, between the Sahara and the Bight (Gulf) of Benin inhabited by black-skinned people. It's an Arabic term, useful to the Arabs and North Africans to refer to the vast area to the south with whom they traded extensively. The modern state with the same name is a fraction of the size of the historical Sudan. But in the same conservative fashion, the English language would refer to the state as the Republic of The Sudan.
    In Southeast Asia, there is The Republic of The Philippines, for similar reasons. For hundreds of years those islands had been referred to by their Spanish name, "Las Islas Filipinas", named after King Philip II of Spain. It's similar to they way we refer to The East Indies or The West Indies or The Canary Islands. So when the Filipino republic was formed and it chose to take the name of the geographical feature, it kept the word "The" in its name, this being the English convention.
    In Southeast Asia too, there is a truly odd one which few people realise is odd. When Europeans (particularly the French) first met the top dog in region to the West of Vietnam and Northeast of the Kingdom of Siam, that big guy introduced himself as the king of all the Lao tribes. He said something to the effect that "I am the King of the Lao people, or King of the Laos."
    It was an interesting moment of culture clash. Europeans conceived of statehood as a political power controlling territory (due to their history of feudalism). The people were secondary. If they lived in the territory, OK, the humans would, as a consequence, come under the  rule of the power. Elsewhere in the world, particularly Asia, rulers saw themselves as ruling over people. If the people lived in a territory, then indirectly the land would be brought under the king's power. And if the people moved around, the king still expected that the people remained his subjects wherever they went off to. Thus the big guy in Luang Prabang saw himself as ruler of the Lao tribes, just as the guy in Phnom Penh saw himself as ruler of the Khmer people. Today we seldom realise that the word "Laos" got corrupted along the way. Where it used to refer (in plural) to a collection of tribes and peoples, we now use it to refer to a defined territory - but only in English. The official name of the country is not Laos, it is The Lao People's Democratic Republic. They are still using the word "Lao" to refer to the people, not the land.
  2. Like
    Vessey got a reaction from annualguy in Whats happening with Boyz boyz boyz?   
    Toyboys itself is also currently full of Chinese customers, male and female; something they have deliberately encouraged over the last few years. Its signage is part Chinese/part English, and, importantly, they have at least one Chinese speaking junior mamasans to welcome them inside and keep an eye on them inside in terms of drinks and choosing boy companions off the stage, etc. The consequence is that they are usually busy and bustling most nights, whereas elsewhere in BoyzTown the boys are reporting a dearth of customers.
    My boyfriend is based at Pikky Bar and frequently video calls me from his 'welcome' table out in the soi and showing me scenes of an empty soi. BoyzBoyzBoyz opposite him is busy he reports, 'but all Chinese', he says.  His bar and others around him seem all but empty. My spy in Classic Boy Bar says they are also hurting inside through lack of customers.
    Toyboys seems to have achieved critical mass at the moment. A steady flow of customers encourages a stage-full of near naked boys who get drinks and offs, which in turn encourages the customers to come in, etc. etc. My little spies in the bar say that there is also a steady flow of 'new' boys to bolster and refresh the numbers on stage each night.
    And, ironically, drink prices at Toyboys and BoyzBoyzBoyz are eye-wateringly high compared to their neighbours.
  3. Haha
    Vessey reacted to a-447 in What bars are for sale in Jomtien complex?   
    Would you have to pay extra for milk?
  4. Like
    Vessey got a reaction from JimmyJoe in Whats happening with Boyz boyz boyz?   
    Toyboys itself is also currently full of Chinese customers, male and female; something they have deliberately encouraged over the last few years. Its signage is part Chinese/part English, and, importantly, they have at least one Chinese speaking junior mamasans to welcome them inside and keep an eye on them inside in terms of drinks and choosing boy companions off the stage, etc. The consequence is that they are usually busy and bustling most nights, whereas elsewhere in BoyzTown the boys are reporting a dearth of customers.
    My boyfriend is based at Pikky Bar and frequently video calls me from his 'welcome' table out in the soi and showing me scenes of an empty soi. BoyzBoyzBoyz opposite him is busy he reports, 'but all Chinese', he says.  His bar and others around him seem all but empty. My spy in Classic Boy Bar says they are also hurting inside through lack of customers.
    Toyboys seems to have achieved critical mass at the moment. A steady flow of customers encourages a stage-full of near naked boys who get drinks and offs, which in turn encourages the customers to come in, etc. etc. My little spies in the bar say that there is also a steady flow of 'new' boys to bolster and refresh the numbers on stage each night.
    And, ironically, drink prices at Toyboys and BoyzBoyzBoyz are eye-wateringly high compared to their neighbours.
  5. Like
    Vessey got a reaction from eurasian in Whats happening with Boyz boyz boyz?   
    Toyboys itself is also currently full of Chinese customers, male and female; something they have deliberately encouraged over the last few years. Its signage is part Chinese/part English, and, importantly, they have at least one Chinese speaking junior mamasans to welcome them inside and keep an eye on them inside in terms of drinks and choosing boy companions off the stage, etc. The consequence is that they are usually busy and bustling most nights, whereas elsewhere in BoyzTown the boys are reporting a dearth of customers.
    My boyfriend is based at Pikky Bar and frequently video calls me from his 'welcome' table out in the soi and showing me scenes of an empty soi. BoyzBoyzBoyz opposite him is busy he reports, 'but all Chinese', he says.  His bar and others around him seem all but empty. My spy in Classic Boy Bar says they are also hurting inside through lack of customers.
    Toyboys seems to have achieved critical mass at the moment. A steady flow of customers encourages a stage-full of near naked boys who get drinks and offs, which in turn encourages the customers to come in, etc. etc. My little spies in the bar say that there is also a steady flow of 'new' boys to bolster and refresh the numbers on stage each night.
    And, ironically, drink prices at Toyboys and BoyzBoyzBoyz are eye-wateringly high compared to their neighbours.
  6. Like
    Vessey reacted to bkkmfj2648 in Whats happening with Boyz boyz boyz?   
    This is one of the BIG mysteries here in Pattaya.
    Back in the heyday - the 2 BIG entertainment centers were Sunee Plaza and Boyztown.
    Sunee fell from grace with the never ending police raids and now exists with just 3 or 4 bars
    Boyztown was perhaps the PRIME area for the gay life in Pattaya - back in the day. 
    Now Boyztown (well at least the 2 main anchors = BoyzBoyzBoyz and Boyz Music) are primarily catering to the Chinese bus tour crowd and us non-Chinese bus tour people are overlooked.
    So, it would appear that there is a historical shift taking place from:
    Sunee Plaza --> to Boyztown --> now to Jomtien Supertown Complex
    This was evident at yesterday's 8 June 2024 Pattaya Community Pride event - there was ZERO / nada presence of anything from Boyztown.  Instead this event was participated and sponsored by SWING, Supertown, and the Pattaya Mayor's office.
    To me this is sad that Boyztown chooses to not participate in yesterday's Pride event.
    There will be a second Pattaya Pride event on 22 June 2024 - so, we will see if Boyztown will step up to the plate for that event - but it is sponsored by Pattana - the owner of  the Central Festival shopping mall.
  7. Like
    Vessey reacted to kokopelli3 in Whats happening with Boyz boyz boyz?   
    Boyz, Boyz, Boyz and Toy Boys are as different as day and night!  In BBB the dancers just stand on the stage, in their jeans, from about  9pm until show time while at Toy Boys the dancers are wearing  the briefest of briefs and  move about on the stage and flirt with the customers.  Drinks are 350 in BBB and 250 in Toy Boy. BBB relies on their Chinese customers while Toy Boy attracts both Farang and Chinese. What is weird is there may be 2 to 6+ Chinese customers walk into ToyBoy, look around, and then walk out for no reason at all. The ones who walk in BBB do so about 10 pm and stay for the show.
  8. Haha
    Vessey reacted to 12is12 in Whats happening with Boyz boyz boyz?   
    Maybe NB survives due to its more promiscuous nature....
  9. Like
    Vessey got a reaction from aussie_ in Whats happening with Boyz boyz boyz?   
    Toyboys itself is also currently full of Chinese customers, male and female; something they have deliberately encouraged over the last few years. Its signage is part Chinese/part English, and, importantly, they have at least one Chinese speaking junior mamasans to welcome them inside and keep an eye on them inside in terms of drinks and choosing boy companions off the stage, etc. The consequence is that they are usually busy and bustling most nights, whereas elsewhere in BoyzTown the boys are reporting a dearth of customers.
    My boyfriend is based at Pikky Bar and frequently video calls me from his 'welcome' table out in the soi and showing me scenes of an empty soi. BoyzBoyzBoyz opposite him is busy he reports, 'but all Chinese', he says.  His bar and others around him seem all but empty. My spy in Classic Boy Bar says they are also hurting inside through lack of customers.
    Toyboys seems to have achieved critical mass at the moment. A steady flow of customers encourages a stage-full of near naked boys who get drinks and offs, which in turn encourages the customers to come in, etc. etc. My little spies in the bar say that there is also a steady flow of 'new' boys to bolster and refresh the numbers on stage each night.
    And, ironically, drink prices at Toyboys and BoyzBoyzBoyz are eye-wateringly high compared to their neighbours.
  10. Like
    Vessey reacted to vinapu in It's now damn expensive!!   
    Whatever one may say I still strongly believe there are very few places in the world where on may hire hunky model material for 120-150 USD if not less for overnight company .
  11. Like
    Vessey reacted to Londoner in It's now damn expensive!!   
    I note that my Jomtien hotel is putting-up prices for my November visit, but only by 200 baht pn. Bearing in mind that I've been paying the same price there for five years, I'm not complaining.
    I also see that baht-buses are charging the same 10 bht that they were in 2000. 
    Beer prices in bars are higher than in 2000, but the increase is less than it is in the uK.  Restaurant prices have risen a little but they remain excellent, so much so that I find London prices fearsome when I come home. 
    Air fares have certainly increased but there are many good deals  for long-haul flights available, at least from the UK. As for travel within  Asia, the budget airlines still provide good value.
    When I arrived in 1995,  an off was in the region of 500 bht+ but it had increased to 1000 bht by 2005.  If it is now 1500 in Pattaya, then the increase is by no means  surprising.  I understand BKK prices are higher. When I was (idly!) Googling London prices, the usual sum required was (in Thai terms) at least 6000 an hour.
    Conclusion; we get a good deal. Or at least, I do. Anyway, for me, my trips to Thailand are such an essential part of my life that any sacrifice at home is worth it. 
  12. Thanks
    Vessey got a reaction from Marc in Calif in Fun Bar, Jomtien Complex   
    A new bar opened yesterday in the Jomtien Complex on the main arm of the complex in part of what was Dolce Vita restaurant, and adjacent to the snicket there that leads towards the Zing Hotel.  A young Thai boy boss, Golf pictured below. The map is not mine of course, but Golf annotated it for me to show where his new bar is located.

    New Boss, the young 'Golf'; a lovely lad who used to work in JoJo Bar. I got to know him quite well on my last holiday and I wish him every success! 😍
  13. Like
    Vessey got a reaction from splinter1949 in Fun Bar, Jomtien Complex   
    A new bar opened yesterday in the Jomtien Complex on the main arm of the complex in part of what was Dolce Vita restaurant, and adjacent to the snicket there that leads towards the Zing Hotel.  A young Thai boy boss, Golf pictured below. The map is not mine of course, but Golf annotated it for me to show where his new bar is located.

    New Boss, the young 'Golf'; a lovely lad who used to work in JoJo Bar. I got to know him quite well on my last holiday and I wish him every success! 😍
  14. Like
    Vessey reacted to reader in UK warns British tourists to behave in Thailand or face jail time   
    From The Thaiger
    he United Kingdom Foreign Office issued a travel warning to British touristsheading to Thailand ahead of the summer holidays: “Behave, or end up in jail!”
    The Foreign Office advised British holidaymakers flying to the Land of Smiles to be cautious of the new visa rules.
    “From 1 June 2024, British passport holders arriving by air or land can enter Thailand without a visa (visa exemption) for tourism and short-term businessengagements for a period not exceeding 60 days. If you intend to stay longer (for work, study, or other reasons), you need to obtain a visa before you travel.
    “If you stay beyond the period of your visa, you will be fined 500 Thai baht per day, up to a maximum of 20,000 baht. You risk being held in detention.”
    You also risk being “deported at your own expense” and “banned from re-entering Thailand for up to 10 years.”
    The Foreign Office warns that “conditions in detention centres can be harsh.” It adds that holidaymakers can find more information on visas or entry requirements by contacting the Royal Thai Embassy or the local Immigration Office.
    Tax duty
    The UK Foreign Office has explained that there are strict regulations regarding goods that can be brought into and taken out of Thailand. Holidaymakers must declare any items that may be prohibited or subject to tax or duty. The Foreign Office has specifically issued a warning about importing cigarettes, reported National World.
    “It is illegal to import more than 200 cigarettes per person into Thailand. This is enforced at customs on arrival. If you go over the limit, you could be fined 10 times the value. Furthermore, your cigarettes will likely be confiscated.”
    The UK Foreign Office also revealed details regarding passport validity requirements.
    “Your passport must remain valid for at least six months from the date of entry into Thailand. Entry to Thailand may be denied if your passport is damaged or has missing pages.
  15. Like
    Vessey got a reaction from BL8gPt in Fun Bar, Jomtien Complex   
    A new bar opened yesterday in the Jomtien Complex on the main arm of the complex in part of what was Dolce Vita restaurant, and adjacent to the snicket there that leads towards the Zing Hotel.  A young Thai boy boss, Golf pictured below. The map is not mine of course, but Golf annotated it for me to show where his new bar is located.

    New Boss, the young 'Golf'; a lovely lad who used to work in JoJo Bar. I got to know him quite well on my last holiday and I wish him every success! 😍
  16. Like
    Vessey reacted to Travellerdave in Fun Bar, Jomtien Complex   
    Fun Size bar ? Maybe to attract twink lovers ?
    Yes he’s really cute - hope the other boys in his bar are equally nice and offable. If so I will certainly pay a visit during my next trip.
  17. Thanks
    Vessey reacted to gayinpattaya in Fun Bar, Jomtien Complex   
    It's called Fun Size Bar.
    There were about 12 customers for their Grand Opening. I attended briefly. American owner, Golf is running it for his sponsor. 
    They were giving out 1 free drink per customer, so that was the draw.  I counted 3 staff, and the boss. None of which I would consider Fun Size, whatever that means? Perhaps it refers to the staff having small dicks? 

    They took over the location of the short lived Lambada Bar. The owner James did a runner after his bar never taking off at all. That was for multiple reasons, but hopefully the new owners will be better.
  18. Like
    Vessey got a reaction from Travellerdave in Fun Bar, Jomtien Complex   
    A new bar opened yesterday in the Jomtien Complex on the main arm of the complex in part of what was Dolce Vita restaurant, and adjacent to the snicket there that leads towards the Zing Hotel.  A young Thai boy boss, Golf pictured below. The map is not mine of course, but Golf annotated it for me to show where his new bar is located.

    New Boss, the young 'Golf'; a lovely lad who used to work in JoJo Bar. I got to know him quite well on my last holiday and I wish him every success! 😍
  19. Like
    Vessey got a reaction from reader in Fun Bar, Jomtien Complex   
    A new bar opened yesterday in the Jomtien Complex on the main arm of the complex in part of what was Dolce Vita restaurant, and adjacent to the snicket there that leads towards the Zing Hotel.  A young Thai boy boss, Golf pictured below. The map is not mine of course, but Golf annotated it for me to show where his new bar is located.

    New Boss, the young 'Golf'; a lovely lad who used to work in JoJo Bar. I got to know him quite well on my last holiday and I wish him every success! 😍
  20. Like
    Vessey got a reaction from ichigo in Fun Bar, Jomtien Complex   
    A new bar opened yesterday in the Jomtien Complex on the main arm of the complex in part of what was Dolce Vita restaurant, and adjacent to the snicket there that leads towards the Zing Hotel.  A young Thai boy boss, Golf pictured below. The map is not mine of course, but Golf annotated it for me to show where his new bar is located.

    New Boss, the young 'Golf'; a lovely lad who used to work in JoJo Bar. I got to know him quite well on my last holiday and I wish him every success! 😍
  21. Thanks
    Vessey reacted to vinapu in Fun Bar, Jomtien Complex   
    With such cute boss odds are that bar will beat that score
  22. Haha
    Vessey reacted to Keithambrose in Fun Bar, Jomtien Complex   
    Exactly  how well did you know him!
  23. Like
    Vessey got a reaction from vinapu in Fun Bar, Jomtien Complex   
    A new bar opened yesterday in the Jomtien Complex on the main arm of the complex in part of what was Dolce Vita restaurant, and adjacent to the snicket there that leads towards the Zing Hotel.  A young Thai boy boss, Golf pictured below. The map is not mine of course, but Golf annotated it for me to show where his new bar is located.

    New Boss, the young 'Golf'; a lovely lad who used to work in JoJo Bar. I got to know him quite well on my last holiday and I wish him every success! 😍
  24. Haha
    Vessey got a reaction from vinapu in Winner boys   
    You tease 😂
  25. Like
    Vessey reacted to Travellerdave in Winner boys   
    For me the price of the drinks is not the issue in a gay bar. I’m not a big drinker. What I want to find is sexy lovely boys to entertain me both in the bar and maybe later in bed. The Winner bar delivers.
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