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Posts posted by ggobkk

  1. One of our most distinguished Forum members messaged me yesterday to learn if I might be visiting Thailand in December when he is planning on returning.  I replied that  I was undecided but would most likely not return until I knew more about the situation on the ground, especially about clubs and other venues for meeting the boys/guys/men.

    I live on the west coast of the US and finding flight to Thailand is a bit of an issue.  I used to fly via Japan or Taiwan and those are not available at the moment.  I'm also unsure about the insurance as I'm 77 (there it is for all to know) and most of the insurance options pause at 75.

    So, a few thing to iron out...what is important, Forum Members, if you are in Thailand or when you return please put a report on the Forum.  The reports and the the updates on individual boys, like b.babe (remember him), were a vital part of the Forum.

    I'm assuming that the paperwork will be simplified, though the Thais seem to love paperwork, and I'll find insurance and will show up in early 2022.




  2. On 9/2/2021 at 5:27 AM, vinapu said:

    perhaps you too young to remember, it was early late 80 and early 90 ties I guess, best sitcom ever. Rose / Betty White / must be approaching 100 now. Is Blanche , one in picture still alive? anybody knows?  (I know I can google)

    Betty White is 99 years young!

  3. Too much wishful thinking in the world...the virus and its variant offspring are opponents that thrive on wishful thinking that things return to "normal" as vaccination rates increase.  In my part of California, we are back to major masking.  I spoke with friends in Beijing yesterday, and there are outbreaks in Nanjing and Beijing.  

    I very much want to return to my my wayward travel schedule and luxuriate in the life I once led as a twice a year tourist in Thailand.  Totally Oz is "thriving" in someways that I envy.

    It's been too long...it will be a longer wait.  I hope I'm wrong and the Thai government will get it act together.

  4. Once upon a time when I stayed at the Tarntawan I used the pharmacy to buy sideagra.  If memory serves (?) they had a sign for Cialis. Agree with anddy and z909 that probably all the pharmacies in the area have a supply of one product or another.  Pricing does differ.  When Twilight was viable, the boys at Hot Male Bar would do a Sideagra run for a patron who needed a supply.

  5. It’s been 14 months since I was in Thailand. Before that I’d make 2 or 3 trips a year. I like the clubs and have success with apps, especially outside of Bangkok. If I have to have a preference, I’d go with the clubs/gogo bars mainly for the vibe of people watching or seeing the boys show their exhibitionist side.  I maintain a transactional relationship with several of the mamasans.  They keep me updated, they (sort of) know my preferences and give me a heads up.  A non-app, non-mamasan variation are previous offs who knowing my likes/dislikes make suggestions which are usually excellent. 
    I know why I enjoy my visits and I know their is a financial aspect involved - it is what it is - so I go with what the moment,  venue, and person provides.  Kismet!

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