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  1. Haha
    maump reacted to floridarob in Have you gave religion away being gay?   
    I scrolled through the comments, thinking for sure, that there would have been a 3-way with the altar boy ...or more.

    You're letting me down 😉
  2. Like
    maump reacted to Olddaddy in Have you gave religion away being gay?   
    No I will go just to see , haven't been to church for like 50 years 
  3. Like
    maump reacted to Olddaddy in Have you gave religion away being gay?   
    My Filipino BF who lives with me here in Australia wants to go to Church on Sunday , apparently it's a gay friendly church.
    He comes from a religious family in the Philippines.
    So anyway he is excited at going to this Pentecostal gay friendly church this Sunday, I'm not .
    It may be a pro gay church but I don't believe in God or religion.
    I'm going to go there with him but to me it's all fantasy and at any rate the Church don't like gays , these new "woke" churches are popping up supporting LGBT community but still I think religion can be evil.
  4. Like
    maump reacted to Ruthrieston in Have you gave religion away being gay?   
    Warning! Possibly this will be a long, boring story so read at your peril!
    I was brought up in Scotland attending the local Presbyterian Church of Scotland until at the age of twelve the Minister visited my home to say that because I had not been baptised I must now be baptised otherwise I would not be allowed to attend Bible Class. This was the first I had heard of it, my older brother had been baptised as a baby but my mother had refused to have me baptised, and said I should be allowed to choose for myself. For the next year or so, with the assistance of my Religious Studies teacher at my school I visited many different religious groups, the ones I liked most being the Quakers for the silent meetings, and the High Anglicans for all the bells and smells (incense and flashy garb worn by the priests and assistants). The place that brought me closest to where I wanted to be was the Roman Catholic Church where I was counselled by a Benedictine monk for months and finally I was baptised and then confirmed, to the horror of my parents. On leaving school at 17 I entered an enclosed, silent Benedictine monastery, the Abbey was built in the year 1230 and was semi-ruined and being restored. The community chanted the Office seven times a day and the Mass in Latin, Gregorian plainchant. I had been visiting the monastery on retreat each year since I was 14, and the community had watched me grow up, and when I asked to be admitted as a Postulant the Abbot looked at me and said "Well we have been waiting for you, get on with it."
    As a teenager I had tried to commit suicide three times because I could not cope with being gay. Converting to the Catholic Church gave me a focus and a community who welcomed me. I am quite sure the community was aware that I was gay, but nothing was ever said. And there was no mucking about, this was a good community of dedicated monks. After time as a Postulant, then a Novice, I asked to be allowed to take my first vows, called Simple Profession, the vows lasting three years, and then you would make Solemn Profession, vows for life. As the Bendictine Rule required, I was presented to the community by the Novice Master, then left as they debated my fitness to be allowed to remain and take my vows, then a secret vote is taken, each monk holding a white ball and a black ball and putting their hands into a wooden box so their vote is hidden from view. You need a two thirds plus one vote to be allowed to take your vows. When I was summoned to the Abbot's study, kneeling on the stone floor, I was convinced that I would have to leave, but after a long silence the Abbot said I had received the vote to stay and that as it was the 1500th centenary of St Benedict's birth I would be given the name Benedict. Then after an even longer silence the Abbot looked at me and said, "We never discuss the vote, but you need to hear this, your vote was unanimous." I was stunned, and that was the moment in my life that I finally realised there was nothing wrong with me, if these good, holy men could welcome me into their community then I could accept myself. I stayed for another three years to get the courage to leave and start to live my life.
    On leaving I continued to have a deep faith, attending Mass every day and praying daily. I chose to train to be a nurse, and after three years when I qualified there were no jobs in my home town and I ended up moving to London and working in Charing Cross Hospital and then moving to St Stephen's Hospital in Fulham to work in one of the largest HIV/AIDS wards. This was 1987 when thigs were really bad. Every day we saw half our patients die, nine or ten mostly young gay men in their teens and early twenties. Many of their families disowned them, though many others came to support them. After a couple of years of this, losing friends and colleagues to AIDS, too many to count, my faith finally died. I tried really hard to hold on to may faith in God, but so matter how hard I tried my faith was gone. To this day I miss my faith, but it is gone. 
  5. Haha
    maump reacted to PeterRS in NYC weatherman fired over nude photos from webcam site   
    Obviously quite a good job to have. Monitoring just this site enables someone in the USA to build up quite an eye-catching collection of naked bodies 🤣 🤣
  6. Like
    maump reacted to Lonnie in NYC weatherman fired over nude photos from webcam site   
    Yes indeed!

  7. Like
    maump reacted to Min in Min's tidbits about my Thailand and Vietnam experiences   
    (part 11)
    Another story of a failed threesome
    It all started in Boyztown when I fired up Hornet that afternoon and saw a fresh cute face just a short distance away. His profile says he's from Laos. So I said Hello, and he replied in English "I'm moneyboy. Give me 1000 Baht".
    Pretty turned off by this style of soliciting, I got off. A few days later, I saw that cute face again in Boyz Boyz Boyz, looking pretty much like his profile picture and in the same clothes. 
    Liking what I saw, I struck up conversation again. He said he also recognized me from my Hornet picture. Turns out the first time we talked was his very first day in town and he wasn't yet well-versed in the subtleties of asking for money from prospective customers. All forgiven then. 
    22 years old, from somewhere near Vientiane, so far no customers yet and with very little money left (he even showed me his wallet: some changes in Thai baht and a note of 5 USD - probably his emergency fund). Since he asked for 1000 Baht before (big mistake), I offered "1000 Baht for short time, okay?"
    We proceeded to my hotel nearby. He got showered, then checked his phone, reading a new message, then turned to me "Can you give me 200 more for taxi" (already forgot he told me he had been staying in Tukcom, just a few minutes walk from my hotel). It looked like someone started giving him relevant tips. I was like "Ok" (I intended to give him the standard 1500 anyway, unless he's a total dud in bed).
    I liked both his face and his body, small but firm, and especially his very cute butts. His tool, on the other hand, is pretty... how can I say this nicely... well, it has a nice personality. This fact though gave me some self-esteem boost because mine looked quite huge next to his. As a top only, I care a lot more about the butts and belly area and usually have not much problem with small dick sizes as long as I don't have to use a magnifying glass to locate it.
    The bigger problem was that he came super super quickly. Just a few strokes then he gripped my active hand, stopping it from moving, and before I realized what happened, it happened. I had barely begun anything. "Why so quick?" He turned to google translation for help with explaining "I was too emotional".
    It was also pretty awkward at first when penetration began. He was totally clueless about how to position himself to ease the process. I got myself a bottom virgin or what? But once it was underway, he seemed to enjoy it - which was always a big turn-on for me.
    Two days later, when the Thai from X-boy ditched me for another potential off that did not materialize (see part 10, who, by the way, kept sending me messages day after day about how lonely he was, when I would be back, why make him wait so long - a week in between repeats seems like eternity to certain bar boys with not so many customers, promising he "wait me alone" this time etc.), I called the Lao as a last-minute replacement. 
    Our second time went much smoother as we got to know each other a bit better. I was careful not to do anything to trigger his "short" fuse (in every sense of the word) to keep him hard through out before I finished. Once I came, it took me less than a minute to catapult him to climax. Quick as it might sound, I would say, he has come a long way from our first encounter.
    I gave him the same 1500 as the last time and he now asked for an extra 100 for taxi, which I obliged. Looks like he started mastering the subtleties of prying more money from easy-going customers.
    Back to Pattaya this time, I first stayed in Agate in Jomtien Complex. That evening, I fired up Hornet and again saw that cute face just a short distance away (let's call him Little Lao because he's indeed little). I thought he was a few kilometers away in Boyztown. 
    Walking down the main soi, I soon found out why. Spotting him sitting with another Lao friend (whom I also saw working in Boyz Boyz Boyz last time) in Divarium, I stopped by. Buying drinks for both of them and a Thai, who massaged me last time in Soda. He has been freelancing at both places (I never quite get the difference between regular staff and freelancer in a boy bar. They both earned tips from drink and bar fine. It looks like regular staff have to report to work daily, are expected to be on time, and earns some bar allowance if they have no drinks or offs that night. Freelancers come and go as they wish with no allowance). 
    The Thai speaks good English so I enlisted his help for translation when needed. 
    So we talked. Little Lao and his Lao friend (let's call him Big Lao because he's taller and bigger) recently moved from Boyztown to Jomtien because "too many boys there" Little Lao said, "too much competition" Big Lao chipped in. In fact I was not only Little Lao's first customer, I was his only customer during the time he worked in Boyz Boyz Boyz.
    Although Big Lao (same age as Little Lao but looked younger) has a quite cute face and smooth fair skin, he's on a hefty side (1m74, 60 kg he told me) so not really what I'm into. My initial plan was to off Little Lao again. But I felt kinda bored that evening. 
    Then the fact that they are from the same country, friends and also roommates, both worked in Boyz Boyz Boyz, reminded me of something. So I enquired further "Any of you has a brother, who's currently in Pattaya?" Both shook their little and big head. So there gone the grand idea of reconstructing a classic scene from a cult movie. For members who are not familiar with this reference, I included below a few lines from the movie's original transcript.

    Anyhoo, I carried on with the idea of offing both of them just for the heck of it. Double checked by asking them directly and then though the Thai's translation to make sure they had no problems with this arrangement. No problems, firmly confirmed.
    So I paid for my soft drink (60), three boy drinks (150 each, boy gets to keep 50), and two off fees (300 each, boy gets to keep 100), tipped the Thai 200 for his help with translation.
    We walked back to Agate at around 10.30 pm. Both receptionists were still on duty so they checked for Id. Little Lao carried with him the physical passport, Big Lao - only a picture on his phone. Both were accepted and no joiner fees were required (I booked a double room). 
    Up in the room, both stripped down to their underwear. Little Lao was still little, Big Lao was indeed pretty big (I think he lied about his weight - should be at least 5kg heavier). Big Lao went to shower first and he took quite a while - at least 20 minutes. Little Lao and I cuddled a bit and I could tell he was getting hard just from my running fingers over his body. It seems he genuinely likes me. 
    However, getting hard didn't mean nothing else is going on in his other mind. 
    "So you f*ck me, or you f*ck him?" 
    Based on what I saw them in underwear, I was pretty sure "I'll f*ck you only" 
    He smiled as this was exactly what he was getting at. 
    "If you f*ck me only, can I get more money?" Didn't sound like their bonded friendship was that strong.
    I calmly told him I needed to be fair and would give them equal amount this time. Next time, I would off only him and would give him more money. "Thank you" his voice was very soft, almost sounded like a child. He hugged me tighter and his little bird was now hard as a rock. So he genuinely likes me, but obviously not anywhere in the vicinity of his love for money. 
    I feel embarrassed to tell you what happened next but I will anyway. My professor in Orgy-ology, vinapu, must have good laughs at my expense.
    In bed, the discussion continued re. who f*ck who.
    "I f*ck you, you f*ck him" was Big Lao's suggestion. 
    "No I'm top only, so I f*ck him, then he f*ck you" was my counteroffer, which made Big Lao laughed his head off, so hard he almost fell off the bed (probably at the mere image of Little Lao's tiny prick poking at his immense bottoms). 
    "How about you and I both f*ck him" was my other idea which is cue for Little Lao's turn to react unreasonably. "Noooo, I only let you f*ck me"  He screamed, clinging to me for dear life.
    Since this wasn't going anywhere, we decided they both work on me first so I get ready to perform, then I decide who I wanna f*ck and the person who doesn't get f*cked chuckwow on his own.
    Two Laos then talked in their mother tongue and decided Big Lao take care the upper part, Little Lao - the lower part.
    Then we achieved a new level of awkwardness. None of them wanted the other to see his own junk, so Big Lao focused more on using the blanket to strategically cover his not-so-easy-to-cover body, while Little Lao kept his underwear on.
    After a while, I decided Big Lao turn to one side to chuckwow while I work on Little Lao under the cover. They then started talking to each other in their first language again, it was very distracting as nobody could keep it hard for long. At one point I had to tell them to shut up, but still, I couldn't finish. 
    Seeing this was already a fiasco, to get it over with, I told them everyone chuckwow and no one could get up until he cum. That had an immediate effect on Big Lao, who stopped talking and kept at his task at hand. After a minute, Little Lao started talking again, only to be shut up by the glaring Big Lao, who now also found it in his way.
    Big Lao cum first. If we were in Nice Boys, he might have won that 300 Bath-prize. 
    I finished second but it took forever for Little Lao, which is a big surprise based on past statistics. I figured out what might be problem and told Big Lao to shower first. Once he was out of sight, Little Lao achieved orgasm in less than a minute as usual. Now come to think of it, if only I told him there were a 300 Bath at stake, we might have a new world record.
    It seemed Little Lao's bed behavior was very different when his friend was around, and not in a good way, except for the money haggling part, which is in itself no good news either.
    When they were about to leave, I gave them their money. Big Lao barely glanced at his, but his eyes glued intently on what I gave Little Lao, probably to make sure that they received the same amount (he could tell I was more attracted to his friend). Again, didn't sound like the bond between the two was that strong, mutually.
    Once they were gone, I recounted my thick wad of remaining 1000 notes, telling myself "Never again", which exactly what I told myself after my previous feeble attempt at threesome. Some people just never learned.
    Before you all scoffed at me, I did learn my lesson. The next day, I was in Toy Boy, and again torn between two boys, both also from Laos (now it looks like I have a thing for Lao twinks), both attractive but in different ways. 
    The first one, 26, more fair, worked in Toy Boy before Covid so he's pro (evidenced by the way he touched me in all right places right there in the bar). The second one, 23, more tanned and more toned, looked like he came straight from some paddy (indeed he was a farmer back home). 
    Seeing what the other was doing, he also tried to massage me, awkwardly, using a bit too much of force. But his awkward shyness was actually what attracted me in the first place (and probably why I ended up being the first customer for quite a few boys in my life).
    After talking to them and knowing that First Lao got about 2 offs from the bar each week and Second Lao, only working there for less than a month, had no off yet and had so far survived on drink tips, I decided to off the Second Lao first. When he got up to get dressed, the whole bar cast cheered up for him, some even clapping, probably for winning his first customer. It looked like they were truly happy for him.
    Total expense (noticeably more expensive than Jomtien as this is Boyztown): 220 for my soft drink, 250 x 2 for two boys drink (boy gets to keep 100), 500 for one bar fine (boy gets to keep 100), 200 tip for the boy I didn't off (who accepted the missed opportunity gracefully) with a promise I'll off him next time, 40 x 2 tip for two other boys in underwear on stage, who tried pretty hard to get my attention, 50 tip for the mamasan who helped with the off, 20 tip left on the receipt folder, and last but not least, 1500 short time fee for the boy I picked. There was another mamasan, who had nothing to do with the whole process, shoved his hand to my face demanding tip to which I firmly said No.
    I checked to make sure Second Lao bring his passport. He did. However, this time, I brought the boy back to Agate quite late (around 11h30 pm), there were no receptionists on duty and hence no Id check. The one night guard sitting outside couldn't care less.

    Just got the above Hornet offer from probably one of the expats retiring to Pattaya. Straight to the point, zero social pleasantries, but with enough relevant information for people who need it. 
    I feel flattered (someone still thinks I'm worth 1000B). It's also evidence that 1000 is the on-going rate some local expats would pay for short time service. Later I messaged a grab-driver-slash-money-boy, who asked for 2000 then quickly agreed to 1000 when I mentioned that "my local friends" only pay 1000.
    (to be continued) 
  8. Like
    maump got a reaction from fedssocr in Jupiter on Twitter   
    If I'm in the mood to bottom....  there are a few.  but definitely not the "bar of smiles".  a smile wins me over...
  9. Like
    maump got a reaction from BL8gPt in Trip report: Thailand September 2022   
    Very lucky man!  I would love a find like him....!  Off topic, but love to relive/share the memory:  In Dubai, I met on Grindr a University student from Seychelles ...  a basketball player, 6ft 3in tall lean, ripped, 9 inches of slightly curved cut cock.  The bottom vein really bulged when hard, too thick to comfortably throat.  I thought I would pay, but he wasn't money boy.  Said he liked older men (white) because they could really take a good fuck.  He fucked me like no one I ever was with.  Mostly face down hammering into me at different angles, fuck for 10-15 minute, 5 minute break then back on top of me again.  He did this 3 times, on the third he dumped his load in me, pulling out for the last shot or 2 to prove to me he had bred me then back in.  I was a sore but happy bottom on three different days before I headed back to abu Dhabi....   (I was on prep and UAE tests workers coming into the country).  I miss him.  Never had any really memorable blacks in USA (money boys) they always came quick, got off and asked for their money....   I need to find a good top (or bottom)  Need to go back to Colombia (great cocks)  or Thailand (best bottoms) so bad!
  10. Haha
    maump got a reaction from belkinDC in Bogotá, December 2022/January 2023   
    If you can speak the same language....
  11. Thanks
    maump reacted to emiel1981 in Trip report: Thailand September 2022   
    Part 22: Visiting the bars again... 
    It was not raining at 9:30pm. But just to be sure I decided to take my umbrella. I wouldn't get stuck somewhere again for hours when it would start raining again, like yesterday evening...
    I first did a quick walk around to see what the atmosphere was tonight. I looked like everybody stayed in yesterday and was desperate to go out now. It was more busy than any other night in Bangkok I was out this trip. 
    Heading into Patpong 2 and one boy from Freshboys recognized me. "you like muscled gay boys, we have tonight!" and he also remembered me falling down the stairs the last time I was there:
    I told him I was waiting for a friend. On grindr is was chatting with a guy from Indonesia. His first time in Bangkok and was excited to go to the gogo boybars for the first time. But also scared to go alone. So I offered to go together and show him around. 

    When he arrived we went into Freshboys first. Ten good-looking boys on stage in white sportshorts, no shorts. Same like last time I was here, and also the show was almost the same with the same acts. 
    My stalker guy had sent me message on grindr that he now works in banana, so I knew is was "safe" for me to come to freshboys without this guy asking for my attention and an off. The 10 boys on stage where all more hunk than twink. If you really like skinny boys, this was not the place for you that night. For me on the other hand there were at least 4 that could be offed by me. But. The night in young and I still need to show Indonesian boy the other bars. 

    When we came outside, we see that it started raining very hard. Good thing is that you don't need to get wet to go from Freshboys to Hotmale... You just walk through covered. In hotmale I counted 12 guys on stage. More of them than on my last visit were shirtless. Still wearing pants instead of just underwear, but at least some more skinny was visible on stage. As last time almost all boys wear pants and shirt. My off from last time, Mr Cutesmile, was also on stage shirtless. 
    When he reconized me he had that price winning smile again on his face and he kept looking at me. So I invited him over and directly told him I was not going to take him to my hotel room tonight because I was showing my new Indonesian friends around and also I like butterflying. But I bought him a drink and gave him 200 baht extra tip for his time during which we touched and he massaged me a bit. Boydrink in Hotmale is as expensive as your own first drink: 400 baht. I'm not very generous in general with boydrinks. But i always thought a boydrink is often a bit cheaper than your own first drink? 
    There was another boy on stage that I had the hots for. A bit muscled off course my type of guy. But soon he disappeared off stage, came back fully dressed and left the bar. Probabaly got an off via an app or something. 

    It was still raining hard. But only a short run across the street to DreamBoy was oke not to get too wet. When I walked in there was some nasty odour. Like sewage smell. I noticed the same already few weeks ago when I was there. But it seems to be a recurring problem there. Drinks cost 450 baht, just a bit more expensive than the other bars in the Soi. Around 20 boys on stage in jeans and shirtless. Most of them a bit on the rough side with their appearance. Also this was how I remember it from last time, and I reported about that also.
    Tonight in DreamBoy was the first time during this holiday that the music was really too loud in a bar in my opinion. 

    In Freshboys we already did see some sucking in the shower during their show. In Hotmale we were in time for the big cock show. But the Indonesian guy was really chocked bt the acrobatic fucking in the DreamBoy show. Haha. Poor kid. First time in gogo boy bar... 
    Somehow I always find the unreachable guys the most attractive. It's always the top/men that I want. Because I am top myself. Or in this case in DreamBoy: the unavailable sexy DJ/light operator. Partly dyed blonde hair, wearing a cap. Shirtless. Hot body. But never goes home with (male) customer. I know some of you will say: they all have their price... But didn't try any further after this info from papasan. 
    I can only hope that when DreamBoy moves to the new location, the seating will be better. This giant pole in the middle is blocking view on part of the stage from almost everywhere you sit. Can't really remember how the seating was in the old Luckyboys location where DreamBoy is moving to soon. 
    Before we knew it, show was over and it was just 20 minutes before 1am. Closing time of the bars in Patpong 2 still 1am.Thay sign announcing late show in Freshboys is indeed old sign. The papasan became very pushy in DreamBoy asking me which guy can take care of me tonight. I hate it when they become so pushy. Doesn't work for me. So instead of taking a guy from the bar I decided to see if a nice bottom I was chatting with earlier, was still available and online on grindr. He actually was.

    After waiting around 15 minutes for the rain to calm down a bit, it was time to get the umbrella out and walk back to hotel. Where only 5 minutes later my bottom for the night also arrived. 
    So in the end, a very nice night. Even in spite of the rain.
  12. Like
    maump reacted to emiel1981 in Trip report: Thailand September 2022   
    Part 21: Stuck in rainy Bangkok... 
    Yesterday evening just after I left my hotel to go for dinner, it started to rain. Decided to quickly find a dry place to shelter. So I went to Telephone Pub in Soi 4. Here I could have something to eat, drink, watch what happens in the soi and wait for the rain to hopefully stop falling soon. 

    Stuck in Telephone Bar because of the rain
    But that didn't happen. It rained hard. And for a long time. The streets started to flood. Food thing the terraces of the bars are a bit higher than the street itself. 
    So I ended up being stuck in Telephone bar for a good two hours until it started to rain less and it was oke to try to run in between the raindrops to another place. By that time the rain had killed my mood. So also that night no naughty bar visits for me... 
    Another drink on the terrace and than an early night for me this time. 
    During daytime I like to be out and about, walking around Bangkok with some music or podcast on my headphones.
    Today I decided to check out the “Green Mile Bangkok”. This elevated walking path connects two of Bangkok’s big parks, Lumpini Park and Benjakitti Park. The latter one recently had a new expansion: the Benjakitti Forest Park. It’s a beautifully designed urban wetland, with skywalks and paths running through and over a manmade nature reserve. It really looks nice.

    Benjakitti Forest Park
    The Green Mile itself is a fun place to stroll along and look down to watch daily life pass by. It gives you another look at Bangkok. Not the concrete urban jungle of skyscrapers, but old houses here for decades and more recent shacks in varying states of disrepair, backdropped by the spires of modern Bangkok.

    The Green Mile 
    While I'm writing this, I am chilling at the rooftop hotel pool. And whatever happens tonight, rain or no rain, I will have to visit the gogo bars! I only have two night left in Bangkok and can't leave without my fair share of naughty bar visits... Lol
  13. Like
    maump reacted to numazu in Where are the cheapest Gay4pay countries?   
    This reminds me of a post I did describing a way to compare different countries' cost to hire a boy relative to where I live, which is California. The information presented is old, since pricing is dynamic, for boys, airfare, cost of living etc, and the world has changed dramatically since 2018, but maybe I should update this for 2022 prices:
    It is a metric I came up with called the Monger Index, or a way to compare the cost of hiring in different countries versus the boys you get back home. It’s a metric me and a buddy of mine came up with while super drunk at the Crowne Plaza Bangkok at 3 AM in the morning years ago. He asked me why I get all these prostitutes overseas. With the airfare and hotel rooms, that cost adds up. Wouldn’t it be just cheaper to hire prostitutes back home?
    I told him he was crazy because (a) the prostitutes are expensive back home and (b) sex is more fun when on vacation anyway. But I disputed his thesis that it is cheaper to hire prostitutes back home. So I came up with an index that measures how much cheaper it is to get hot guys overseas than in the USA, accounting got airfare and lodging costs. This is the Monger index.
    I apologize for the math. I am Asian after all.
    Some assumptions:
    (1)    Time Range: The index would not work in measuring one-offs. Of course ONE prostitute would be cheaper in the USA than ONE prostitute in Bangkok. A $250 an hour prostitute you hire for one hour to take home to your USA house is cheaper than a $50 gogo boy you get in a nice gogo bar if you add the $600 roundtrip airfare one needs to get to the sauna, plus the hotel cost.
    It will only work if you hire by bulk, and have a longer time range. My assumption for this index example is one week, or 7 days. For example, if you get one guy every day in a week in the USA, that adds up to 7*$250 = $1750. Now we are talking bigger dollars. Have sex in bulk when overseas helps you recoup your cost.
    (2)    Airfare: The index should include the airfare. For my purposes here, I use airfare coming from California, because that's where I live. So for example, a typical off-season RT air ticket to Sao Paulo, Brazil is $1000. For Bangkok, it’s $550. This is a fixed cost in the index.
    (3)    Hotel: Of course you have to assume you are getting a hotel in the city you are mongering in. I assume my hotels will be typical AirBNB’s, with basic amenities in a decent and nearby neighborhood. Translation: not a dump but not fancy, and Uberable or walkable to the sauna and tourist-friendly services. For Sao Paulo I assume of the cost, the AirBNB me and the BF got in Bela Vista last December. It was a decent $50 a night. For 7 nights that adds up to $350. For Bangkok, a typical decent Silom Soi 3 AirBNB costs $45 a night.
    (4)    Overnights: I put in the calculation the cost it takes for hiring a guy overnight. For California, a typical overnight with a hot but not “superstar porn star” hot is $1000. For Sao Paulo, Jonas’ example was 200 reals, but I count his initial 200 reals in the sauna as part of the overnight, so 200+200 = 400 reals, or $104. For Bangkok, its a bit tricky, but I assumed a high-end 3000 baht overnight, or $91.  I pay that because of all the sexual acrobatics I require all my boys. It is only fair.
    So here are the gross calcs. For 7 days, if I hired a boy for one hour and another boy for overnight every day:
    California Prostitute: Price for one hour times 7 + Price for an overnight times 7 = $250*7 + $1000*7 = $8750
    Bangkok GoGo Boy: Airfare + 7 nights in AirBNB + Price for a garoto in the sauna times 7 + Price for a garoto overnight times 7 = $550 + $315 + $52*7 + $91*7 = $1866
    Sao Paulo Garoto (Jonas): Airfare + 7 nights in AirBNB + Price for a garoto in the sauna times 7 + Price for a garoto overnight times 7 = $1000 + $350 + $52*7 + $104*7 = $2442
    The index is calculated as the ratio of the 7-day cost of USA boys, divided by the total cost in that country.
    7-day Monger Index for Sao Paulo = $8750/$2442 = 3.58
    7-day Monger Index for Bangkok = $8750/$1866 = 4.70
    (1)    I do not count the Uber cost to get to the sauna or gogo bar, or the entrance fee for the sauna, or the cabina price, or the off fee, or the drink costs in a bar.
    (2)    I do not account for food costs. Of course you have to eat whether in the USA or Brazil or Thailand. This may be a future improvement to be added.
    (3)    The airfare is just from California, maybe it’s more or less where you are. Maybe my assumption of $550 for Bangkok is too much or too little. This is just what I see anecdotally.
    So, with that, here are my Monger Indices for some 6 cities I’ve been to, ranked by the best to worst:
    1.       Pattaya, Thailand: 5.54
    2.       Bangkok, Thailand: 4.70
    3.       Mexico City, Mexico: 4.53
    4.       Bogota, Colombia: 3.77
    5.       Sao Paulo, Brazil: 3.58
    6.       Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: 3.44
    These are solely based on my experience. Your Monger Index may be different.
    Some observations:
    (1)    Thailand remains the most bang for your buck, because of the presence of cheap decent places to stay in and low cost to fly there from California.
    (2)    Mexico is helped by the fact that it’s so close to California, therefore the airfare is cheap.
    (3)    Brazil on the other hand, is dinged by how expensive the airfares are from California.
    (4)    If I factor in food, Thailand may even get a higher index, and Brazil may get a lower index.
    (5)    Grindr prices were only used in Bogota and Mexico, because I do not have experiences getting anyone there outside of Grindr. So your mileage may vary.
    (6)    Quality of boys is impossible to measure. And it is subjective, so it can’t be put in the index. The index is solely a quantitative metric. For example, twinks may be better in Thailand. Adonises may be better in Brazil. Again, quality is subjective, and can’t be measured meaningfully.
    Of course, in the end, your mileage may vary, and these indices are only meaningful to me. If you don’t like having sex with Asians, your Monger Index for Thailand is -1000000, for example.
  14. Like
    maump reacted to floridarob in Where are the cheapest Gay4pay countries?   
    Brazil would be 25% less than in those times now.....

    I'm going to Bogota next month, I haven't been there in ages. CUN-BOG 195usd r/t, industry rates at Hiltons and a stop on the way back in Panama, Waldorf Astoria 😵

    Like Namazu said, airfare depends on where you are originating and carries a bulk of the expense generally.....but travel is fun (or at least it used to be).

    I don't keep charts, I barely remember where I've been (I'm not Asian, btw)......but my "go to" places are:

    #1 all around- Brazil= Amazing sex, fun guys, a little danger Avg cost for a guy=$36usd, plus entry fee and drinks if you go to a sauna...online is the same price.
    #2 Mexico= I live here, brown skin, lot's of fun, generally everyone turns somewhat gay when drinking- depending on what types of guys and what city will vary from free-$75usd...My average, when paying is $25usd. Mexico is a good sized country and lots of different cities to choose from ...Cancun being my least favorite because of the gringo tourism and tourist scams that go along with that.

    #3Thailand= There is enough info here to know what it's all about

    Indonesia= Bali, lot's of semi-openly gays- Because of religion, most guys are circumcized - much like Morocco or Egypt or Turkey...different being with an Asian or latin looking guy that is cut....I've been to Jakarta and Bali, is like NYC vs Miami or Mexico City vs Cancun or Bkk vs Pattaya....Jakarta is a big city not much to see but LOTS of people Bali is used to tourism, lots of Aussies go there and the hook ups are on apps or massage shops....average price was $25-30usd

    Cuba= Use to be lots of hot guys that were into pleasing....not so much anymore, but are diamonds in the rough sometimes- All street cruising and pick up points $20usd is the standard, I've seen some go as low as $5 and some asking $50....things are not good there right now, nothing on the shelves- I was going to go there instead of Colombia/Panama but changed my mind based on the ground reports.

    I've been all through Central America and no organized or set places/prices to really go by....just like spinning a wheel on the Grindr roulette.

    Dominican Republic= Haven't been there in ages, but in the Latin America forum there is info- Fares are too crazy from Mexico to there, but if I was on the east coast with cheap fares, I'd go back easily.....

    Colombia= I've been to several places, but not for awhile....good info in Latin America forum and going rates seem to be $25-40 usd

    Panama= some BEAUTIFUL guys....gay clubs seem to be underground still , but I've had AMAZING sex there, just finding it is not as easy as the other places listed here...prices seem to be about $50-$75

    Those are the places I go to , for this type of stuff. I've been to many other places in the world...but those are the ones I return to....no wonder I don't write trip reports, thoughts run through my head like squirrels.
  15. Like
    maump reacted to zsolec in Where are the cheapest Gay4pay countries?   
    I had a chance to visit many Asian countries before pandemic. The purpose of the visit is always touristic but of course as the sun goes down the urge comes to find some sex too :)
    I usually stay only couple days in the same place, so getting paid sex is a fast and good alternative vs. looking for free opportunities on the apps. Here is my experience mostly from pre-covid times. My favorite places are not where sex is 4pay but where free stuff still comes easy and plenty.
    Just to understand my experience : I am in my early 50ths, bald head, white, average looking guy whit gym fit body doing excersize about 4 times a week.
    -Thailand: we all know on this forum that everything is available for pay, but I am not soo lucky with free encounters. The apps bring few Hi, how are you boys but they never really develop into a sexual fun activity and as I said I usually move on quickly to the next place.
    Indonesia: I have to separate Bali and the rest of the country as my experience was really different due to culture and religion.
    Bali: became my favorite place during my travel. It was about 10 years ago when first time entered the island. I had the best time getting a handsome driver on the app. He became my daily tour guide, party friend and fuck buddy. Never asked me to pay him, of course fuel, food and drinks were on me. We were doing some crazy fun together including hunting for a 3rd one on Kuta beach in the night or he offered his virgin ass to make it up for me. He dropped me on the aiport on the last day and I never saw him again, lost contact when I left my phone in a taxi next year.  I come back to the island many times, locals and plenty gays from other part of Indonesia (freedom and escaping from their family pressure to get married) are all friendly, getting fun nights  like a guy invited me to a villa for naked swimming and sex in the pool, or model looking guy wanted me to stay with him because my bald head was making him horny all the time. No wonder the island is on the top of my list.
    Jakarta (rest of Indonesia): Nothing much touristic in Jakarta but as a huge city, plenty on offer. I never had so many boys contacted me looking for daddy experience. Apps are full of massage boys and escorts but free offers coming easy as well. I just returned from Thailand - Jakarta last month. I could not get a 3some in Thailand (not even for pay, I know you are probably rolling your eyes, ha ha ha) but my two days in Jakarta was enough to get a twink and a bear guy with scary thick dick to come and play with me on the first day, and a handsome police man who was eager to stay all day in my hotel room next day.
    Hong Kong: no good luck there, small plays in saunas but just like the city with expensive hotels the escorts were coming with the price tag too.
    Philippines: Manila is a huge city, had some good and bad experience there. Run into the biggest scam after a party night when I was offered 4 hands massage on the streets of Malate's gay bar areas. They took me to a short time hotel and during the massage they offered extras, gladly accepted not knowing one of the boy was in contact with corrupt policemen and taking evidence to blackmail me. To keep the story short I had to collect all my money from my hotel room to pay them. Now the good ones, I have few gay friends in Manila, they introduced me to straight boys hunting on the streets. Certain areas of the city the boys are hanging around in the night and as we walked by the negotiation started. Then I had a chance to choose any boys I wanted. My friends knew short stay cheap hotels and remember it was around 5 usd for the boys and I was told not to pay more to keep the local business running. Probably it was the cheapest sex I ever paid for and I was gladly walking around the streets every night. I visited other parts of the country: Puerto Galeria and Palawan were fun places too. The Saturday night in PG beach was a night to remember, sucked a boy at the end of the beach, shagged with a boy in one of the restaurant toilet, had a lady boy took me to his room and on the way back to my hotel picked up a handsome guy who did not have transportation to go home. Of course, I insisted to sleep next to me, not on the floor and I could not fall in sleep till I made him come. All this action was in one night and it was in the low season.
    Cambodia: I visited only once and I was more excited about seing Angkor Wat and around the capital but those Khmer guys are so sexsy.  Massage was cheap in Siem Riap and met few boys, handsome dark skin, sexy body and facial hair my weak points. No wonder, I tent to pick Cambodian boys in Bangkok Boy Bars.
    Vietnam: I had a guy was crazy for nipples and keep biting them for days till they become so sensitive that just putting on a Tshirt was a pain, with pleasure of course. But somehow Vietnamese boys are not driving me crazy. Their face is more, how to say: softer. I am missing that manly look I can find in other asian countries.
    I have few other places could mention but my story getting too long.
    The bottom line is (to go back to the original post) that different places will give you different experience. While gay4pay is available everywhere I am more happy to visit Indonesia and Cambodia because of the free encounters. Philippines are cheap too but got to be more carefull. 
    ...I learned one thing from my last visit in Bangkok, we are not the same. What works for me, maybe will not work for you. Visit as many places as possible, experience the local cultures and soak in the boys, you will find your place to be happy the most.
    I was hoping to repeat Vinapu's legendary offs   but as I mentioned I even failed to organize one 3some (not giving up, reading all the experience from other forum members will help me to succeed next time lol). Sorry If my story was dragging for too long. First time I actually shared such things and hope it was helpful for forum.
  16. Like
  17. Haha
    maump got a reaction from Latbear4blk in Medellin - accommodations with the Cedulla process?   
    Lots of good advice here, I was not careful in Medellin or Bogota in regards to Grindr men.  No hotel or AirBnB registered guests.  several guys I had were venezualians refugees with ID problems....
    I hope Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia are not becomming security problem areas......  I want to compete for the international slut awards....
  18. Thanks
    maump reacted to emiel1981 in Trip report: Thailand September 2022   
    Part 20: A submissive Ukrainian guy... 
    Had my first day and night back in Bangkok again. And as I planned to hit the gogo bars again as soon as I was back in Bangkok, that didn't happen yet... But I did have some of the best sex I ever had... 
    Off course I went for a quick walk trough Patpong2 during the day to see what's happening with Dreamboy. And yes, also yesterday they were doing some work inside the old Lucky Boys (the floor that is painted in rainbow colours on the outside) and hanging a big new Dreamboy sign. As @zoomomancs reported he did see them working on that sign already on September 16, I wonder how many days do Thai need to put on 1 sign...? 🤔

    I wonder why DreamBoy wants to move. Ok, the venue is bigger. But on the ground flow where they are located now, I think is more easy to do your pr and get people in. In the new location you need to persuade people to get up that small stairs first... 
    Did anybody hear anything about new (later) closing times by the way? Because on the sign of Freshboys I did see they have also showtime at 1:10am, while few weeks ago closing time was 1am. Or maybe its just still an old pre-covid sign... By the way I like how their second showtime is not at midnight, but at 0:05am... 🙄⌚

    As I said, I didn't get the chance to check this out myself. It was my plan to go to the bars last night. But... I was chatting on Grindr to a very naughty boy from Ukraine. So naughty, I decided I needed to try him instead of going to the bars and get an Asian boy... After the black mb in Phuket, it was now time for a white mb... Haha. Good for the diversity of my conquests during this month in Thailand, besides te many Asian boys. 
    Ukrainian boy was asking 2000 baht short time and up for a lot of things he told me:

    He was also looking nice:

    So you understand: I needed to invite him over to my hotel room. We agreed to meet in the hotel lobby as a keycard is needed to get in the elevator in Ibis Styles Silom. He looked exactly like on the pictures. And as soon as we closed the door of my hotel room behind us, he kissed me. Deep, passionate and with very good use of his tongue. Wow. I could feel his already hard cock against my body. 
    As I walked so much earlier that day, my feet were hurting. So he offered me to give a nice foot massage. I'm always up for that. As touching / massaging my feet makes me horny. Well, I was not the only one getting horny from touching my feet. So did he. And soon he was not only massaging then, but also licking them. And that's how I met the submissive side of Ukrainian boy... He liked it when I slapped his face and body with my feet. 
    We went to the shower. A lot of kissing and he sucked me long and deep. He asked me to slap him in his face with my hand and choke him a bit. I didn't do that too hard, but a bit in a playful way. At one point he was laying down on the shower floor, wanting me to put my feet and toes at his mouth so he could lick them again. 
    We continued our escapades on the bed. Again lots of deep sucking, kissing, slapping, spanking and some chocking. He was very much enjoying it (and so did I) and really submissive. The fucking was also great. He riding my cock, and after that he went on all fours so I could really fuck him hard. 
    He insisted that I would cum in his mouth. So just before I had to cum, I took of the condom and shot my load in his mouth. He said it tasted good. 💦
    After the sex he stayed a bit. He spoke good English so we could have a nice conversation. When the war in Ukraine broke out, he was on holiday in Turkey. He decided not to go back to his country because as a guy he would be forced to fight in the army and would have no chance to get out of Ukraine anymore. He decided to come to Thailand as it was a place where he could live cheap. He now travels between Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur every now and then (for example when visa runs out). In both places working as mb to earn enough for his living costs and also to support his family in Ukraine. As the only white mb in Bangkok, there is good business for him. Most of his clients are rich Asian men. For them a white mb is a novelty. 
    He is oke with doing this work. As actually he likes making sexual fantasies come true, it turns him on also and he really likes being submissive. So the feeling that I got from him that he was also enjoying out sexual adventures was right. It was not good acting skills from his side, he actually likes it. 
    Besides one of the best sexdates I ever had, it also gave me a good feeling. That somehow I was helping suffering Ukraine also a bit with my "donation" as part of money spent on the mb will go to his family in Ukraine. 🇺🇦 So actually I gave him a nice tip above the agreed 2000 baht. 
    Better than indirectly funding Poetins war by renting a Russian mb, right? oh by the way I don't want to start a political discussion here... please. 

    Well, as you can read above I did indeed already have a lot of fun in the big shower with Ukrainian guy... And indeed it's big enough for four people actually... For who likes a shower party. 
  19. Haha
    maump got a reaction from iendo in Trip report: Thailand September 2022   
    Very lucky man!  I would love a find like him....!  Off topic, but love to relive/share the memory:  In Dubai, I met on Grindr a University student from Seychelles ...  a basketball player, 6ft 3in tall lean, ripped, 9 inches of slightly curved cut cock.  The bottom vein really bulged when hard, too thick to comfortably throat.  I thought I would pay, but he wasn't money boy.  Said he liked older men (white) because they could really take a good fuck.  He fucked me like no one I ever was with.  Mostly face down hammering into me at different angles, fuck for 10-15 minute, 5 minute break then back on top of me again.  He did this 3 times, on the third he dumped his load in me, pulling out for the last shot or 2 to prove to me he had bred me then back in.  I was a sore but happy bottom on three different days before I headed back to abu Dhabi....   (I was on prep and UAE tests workers coming into the country).  I miss him.  Never had any really memorable blacks in USA (money boys) they always came quick, got off and asked for their money....   I need to find a good top (or bottom)  Need to go back to Colombia (great cocks)  or Thailand (best bottoms) so bad!
  20. Like
    maump got a reaction from Lonnie in Trip report: Thailand September 2022   
    Very lucky man!  I would love a find like him....!  Off topic, but love to relive/share the memory:  In Dubai, I met on Grindr a University student from Seychelles ...  a basketball player, 6ft 3in tall lean, ripped, 9 inches of slightly curved cut cock.  The bottom vein really bulged when hard, too thick to comfortably throat.  I thought I would pay, but he wasn't money boy.  Said he liked older men (white) because they could really take a good fuck.  He fucked me like no one I ever was with.  Mostly face down hammering into me at different angles, fuck for 10-15 minute, 5 minute break then back on top of me again.  He did this 3 times, on the third he dumped his load in me, pulling out for the last shot or 2 to prove to me he had bred me then back in.  I was a sore but happy bottom on three different days before I headed back to abu Dhabi....   (I was on prep and UAE tests workers coming into the country).  I miss him.  Never had any really memorable blacks in USA (money boys) they always came quick, got off and asked for their money....   I need to find a good top (or bottom)  Need to go back to Colombia (great cocks)  or Thailand (best bottoms) so bad!
  21. Like
    maump got a reaction from emiel1981 in Trip report: Thailand September 2022   
    Very lucky man!  I would love a find like him....!  Off topic, but love to relive/share the memory:  In Dubai, I met on Grindr a University student from Seychelles ...  a basketball player, 6ft 3in tall lean, ripped, 9 inches of slightly curved cut cock.  The bottom vein really bulged when hard, too thick to comfortably throat.  I thought I would pay, but he wasn't money boy.  Said he liked older men (white) because they could really take a good fuck.  He fucked me like no one I ever was with.  Mostly face down hammering into me at different angles, fuck for 10-15 minute, 5 minute break then back on top of me again.  He did this 3 times, on the third he dumped his load in me, pulling out for the last shot or 2 to prove to me he had bred me then back in.  I was a sore but happy bottom on three different days before I headed back to abu Dhabi....   (I was on prep and UAE tests workers coming into the country).  I miss him.  Never had any really memorable blacks in USA (money boys) they always came quick, got off and asked for their money....   I need to find a good top (or bottom)  Need to go back to Colombia (great cocks)  or Thailand (best bottoms) so bad!
  22. Like
    maump got a reaction from Boy69 in Trip report: Thailand September 2022   
    Very lucky man!  I would love a find like him....!  Off topic, but love to relive/share the memory:  In Dubai, I met on Grindr a University student from Seychelles ...  a basketball player, 6ft 3in tall lean, ripped, 9 inches of slightly curved cut cock.  The bottom vein really bulged when hard, too thick to comfortably throat.  I thought I would pay, but he wasn't money boy.  Said he liked older men (white) because they could really take a good fuck.  He fucked me like no one I ever was with.  Mostly face down hammering into me at different angles, fuck for 10-15 minute, 5 minute break then back on top of me again.  He did this 3 times, on the third he dumped his load in me, pulling out for the last shot or 2 to prove to me he had bred me then back in.  I was a sore but happy bottom on three different days before I headed back to abu Dhabi....   (I was on prep and UAE tests workers coming into the country).  I miss him.  Never had any really memorable blacks in USA (money boys) they always came quick, got off and asked for their money....   I need to find a good top (or bottom)  Need to go back to Colombia (great cocks)  or Thailand (best bottoms) so bad!
  23. Like
    maump got a reaction from Ryanqqq in Trip report: Thailand September 2022   
    Very lucky man!  I would love a find like him....!  Off topic, but love to relive/share the memory:  In Dubai, I met on Grindr a University student from Seychelles ...  a basketball player, 6ft 3in tall lean, ripped, 9 inches of slightly curved cut cock.  The bottom vein really bulged when hard, too thick to comfortably throat.  I thought I would pay, but he wasn't money boy.  Said he liked older men (white) because they could really take a good fuck.  He fucked me like no one I ever was with.  Mostly face down hammering into me at different angles, fuck for 10-15 minute, 5 minute break then back on top of me again.  He did this 3 times, on the third he dumped his load in me, pulling out for the last shot or 2 to prove to me he had bred me then back in.  I was a sore but happy bottom on three different days before I headed back to abu Dhabi....   (I was on prep and UAE tests workers coming into the country).  I miss him.  Never had any really memorable blacks in USA (money boys) they always came quick, got off and asked for their money....   I need to find a good top (or bottom)  Need to go back to Colombia (great cocks)  or Thailand (best bottoms) so bad!
  24. Like
    maump got a reaction from GWMinUS in Trip report: Thailand September 2022   
    Very lucky man!  I would love a find like him....!  Off topic, but love to relive/share the memory:  In Dubai, I met on Grindr a University student from Seychelles ...  a basketball player, 6ft 3in tall lean, ripped, 9 inches of slightly curved cut cock.  The bottom vein really bulged when hard, too thick to comfortably throat.  I thought I would pay, but he wasn't money boy.  Said he liked older men (white) because they could really take a good fuck.  He fucked me like no one I ever was with.  Mostly face down hammering into me at different angles, fuck for 10-15 minute, 5 minute break then back on top of me again.  He did this 3 times, on the third he dumped his load in me, pulling out for the last shot or 2 to prove to me he had bred me then back in.  I was a sore but happy bottom on three different days before I headed back to abu Dhabi....   (I was on prep and UAE tests workers coming into the country).  I miss him.  Never had any really memorable blacks in USA (money boys) they always came quick, got off and asked for their money....   I need to find a good top (or bottom)  Need to go back to Colombia (great cocks)  or Thailand (best bottoms) so bad!
  25. Like
    maump got a reaction from splinter1949 in First time Pattaya   
    Kept hoping this topic would right itself and return to Pattaya, and boys.  or just boy in general (thanks for the taiwan pictures)  but alas...
    Just skimming and ignoring most posts.  Including this one.

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