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Posts posted by floridarob

  1. 1 hour ago, EmmetK said:

    Why do you think that every poll shows Trump leading Biden?

    You're going to cry when Biden wins, AGAIN!

    I don't watch MSNBC btw, can't stand Maddow.....BBC and Al jazeera America seem to report the news without bias...where do you get your cultish news from?

    People get serious walking into the voting booth....Jacked Joe opened people's eyes during the State of the Union address...and Trump keeps getting into deeper shit ...

    It's the Republican congress that's responsible for not doing anything on the border....how's Biden's economy doing for ya, do you pay rent to live in the basement??

  2. 4 hours ago, macaroni21 said:

    Sorry if I am pouring cold water on your fun moment, but the word "loka" is from Sanskrit. It means the world or the universe.

    Not at all, my definition of Loca (loka) is used in my daily vocabulary. The Sanskrit meaning, never   ??

    Doesn't it break down to two different words  TravelOKA , 🧐

  3. 2 hours ago, Bingo T Dog said:

    watching him read from a teleprompter is so painful.....but even worse when he goes off script, no wonder the drugs were out of control at his white house.

    Going to be funny when he loses AGAIN to senile, sleepy Joe....or how Fox news calls him now "Jacked up Joe", they're pretty good at marketing, even for their opponents, lmao

  4. 6 hours ago, reader said:

    A local friend called my attention to this flight/hotel booking site that specializes in SE Asia destinations. Watched him book flight and was impressed by choices. prices and speed of transaction.


    Sounds like a good site for you..... Loca in spanish is like calling someone a crazy girl, derogative in the gay community, like a crazy queen 😝

  5. 4 hours ago, vinapu said:

    I'm curious but not THAT curious although one year I need to taste SONGKRAN . March and April are only months I was not in Thailand yet.

    SO we'll await your report about Tawan then 🧐



    3 hours ago, Moses said:

    Once I visited this “holiday”, I will never return to Thailand in April.

    Wow, we agree on something....there is hope for peace in the middle east.

  6. 25 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

    It is not the job of the Republicans to bail him out of the mess that he created.

    What fucking civics classes did you ever take, wtf is wrong with you people???  Claiming to be Patriots...far from it my friend.



    26 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

    Dementia Joe Biden created this mess.

    This mess is decades old, or did you only become aware of it when Fox told you about it??


    27 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

    Dementia Joe stopped building the border wall

    The one Trump only built only 80 miles of and Mexico NEVER paid a dime or peso?



    30 minutes ago, EmmetK said:

    It was Dementia Joe's executive orders that created an open border for criminals, drug dealers, sex traffickers, AND MURDERERS, including the murderer of Laken Riley,

    If Republican's were sooo concerned about senseless deaths, and she was one of them....why has zero been done about guns and mass shootings, clearly a more deadly problem.  Have you ever visited another country, have you seen what US past policies and interference has done to Central America?

    Or do you repeat what Sean Hannity says?

    Get a fucking life.

  7. 1 hour ago, EmmetK said:

    Laken Riley. Killed by a "newcomer" invited into the country by Dementia Joe Biden and his open border policy.

    SO why doesn't Trump and the Republicans want to do anything, anything, anything about it?

    Joe called it out during the state of the union....he agrees, the border is a mess..... better to sit around and blame Joe, yet don't do anything about it?

    So the border problem is now in the Hands of the republicans....what you going to do about it??

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