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Posts posted by Mavica

  1. 51 minutes ago, TMax said:

    My usual method is to book well in advance (minimum 3 months before the trip), when travelling I research which hotel/s I will be staying at and book directly with them and I found there are some that give pretty good early bird discounts. My normal 2 to 4 week Bangkok trips I book and stay at just the one hotel. I never use online companies like Agoda or Booking etc (due to hassles a friend encounted with them) and I haven't used a travel agent in a very long time (due to what I considered a blatant rip off when asking them to get a visa for me for one Philippine trip), I always deal directly with hotels and airlines now.  

    Third party bookings do present risks.  However, though I haven't used Booking.com for BKK bookings I have use it for other trips .. and I've been 100% satisfied.

  2. 3 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    You don't think he is (often) pragmatic?  You don't think he beats hurricanes?  Or you don't think the MAGA base will let him run and win as a conservative pragmatist?

    Inquiring minds want to know.  Since David Pecker is in a bit of hot water, I figure somebody needs to do the National Enquirer's job.  😉

    Just over 50% of Florida voters participated in the state's 2022 Gubernatorial election - as I read the reports.  Gov. DeSantis received 59% of the approx. 50%+ participants.  Hardly an indication of popularity. 

    Democrats nominated an unelectable candidate to challenge Gov. DeSantis in 2022, and, before the race began, Democrats effectively conceded to his eventual victory.  Elections are typically decided by the quality of candidates offered for consideration.  Yes, there are exceptions. 

    Democrats have mistakenly given up on Florida.  Let's remember in Gov. DeSantis' first race for Governor he narrowly beat a gay, drug using Black candidate (his drug using / escort patronizing opposition wasn't fully revealed at the time).  Gov. DeSantis isn't pragmatic, he's an extremist / authoritarian and vindictive liar.  Nothing pragmatic about Gov. DeSantis' behavior.  Political pragmatism is generally thought to mean someone who is driven largely by regard for good consequences.  Gov. DeSantis' actions are the opposite; they've ndangered the state's senior's and others by distorting COVID statistics and risks.  Concentrating on evoking GOP "wokeness" on the myriad of social issues such as: LBGTQ+, abortion, black history studies, book banning, removal of popularly elected law enforcement officials, Mickey Mouse has been Gov. DeSantis' hallmark.  Gov. DeSantis isn't as popular as uninformed pundits suggest.  Re: "Hurricanes"?  That's the most ignorant remark I've read in a long time.

    There are times when we don't know what we're talking about, and we should sit down and shut up.  I'll continue to stand. 😀

  3. 10 hours ago, Suckrates said:

    Now, they have no incentive to stop lying.    Money dosent seem to scare them.   And there are a bunch of independents watching Fox who might have been swayed if the newscasters were forced to admit they Lied....    As you say, the MAGA lunatics will never be affected by any negativity Fox receives for its behaviors. 

    I sense you're projecting your goals rather than understanding what Dominion's civil lawsuit goals were vs. FOX.  Dominion got what it sought.  Period.

    Dominion and others claiming defamation and harm to their financial interests have filed civil actions against other "news" organizations and individusls.  FOX faces at least one similar lawsuit.

    Nobody can convince me that an "Independent" voter watches FOX.  FOX viewers are hard-core partisans; extremist in their anti-America beliefs.

    Dominion won.  The pre-trial discovery documents prove the lack of honesty and integrity of the entire FOX organization.  I get the feeling you're attempting to snatch failure from the jaws of victory.

    Let it go.  Move on to the next issue bothering you.  :D

  4. Sex tourism is alive and well in Mexico, all parts of Mexico ... small villages and big cities, and frequently at times and in places where you would least expect it.  It can be impulsive on the part of the local, and 'time is of the essence'.  Let the opportunity pass you by and it's your loss!  But, yes, our opportunities for sexual recreation is unequaled, in Rio.

    I don't often see online GPs in Mexico City I'm attracted to.  I prefer cruising the 'street scene' more than I do perusing the professionals.   I'm about to turn 74, my cancerous prostate was removed ... and my sex drive and abilities are different today than they were 40 or 50 years ago when I had all my parts. 

    I'm resigned to my 'facts of life' and I have solace that during the first 60 years of my life my sex life was ... outstanding.  BKK, Rio, Moscow, Marrakech, London, Dublin, Tokyo, Paris, Cannes, Bejing, Hong Kong, etc., I fucked and sucked my way around the world.  I'm blessed to still maintain friendships with individuals going back 65 years, or less ... and there's no sex that'll satisfy me more.

  5. 3 hours ago, scott456 said:

    I would rather be in Brazil.

    I'd intended / wanted to be in Rio during that same period.  I finally located an airfare (to Rio) that was palatable.  Visiting Rio would result in pleasurable sex, more than I expect to encounter in Mexico City or here in Tampa Bay, FL.  However, the determining factor for the choice of Mexico City is deep (non-sexual) friendships there.  I have a 54-year long affinity with Mexico, including having lived in Mexico City previously.  Friendships trump (no pun intended!) sexual escapades.  So, I'll sacrifice the sex for the opportunity to maintain and enhance friendships.  I'll try to get to Rio later this year.  

  6. 10 hours ago, stevenkesslar said:

    If we are only 1 in 3 Americans, why are so many things going our way?

    An obscene amount of money was spent on that court race:  $42 million.  As for 1 in 3:  to believe that is to be hallucinogenic.  Maybe 1 in 3 Democrats will describe themselves that way.  Not 1 in 3 of the overall electorate in the USA.  As for polls:  they are a very small sampling, and my observation has been that most people do not respond when called.  Let's not drink the kool-aid.  

  7. I walk a lot when in Rio, or any other destination.  For me, an interesting (daytime) walk has been through Campo de Santana and afterwards through the sprawling street marketplace "Saara".  After leaving the park I enter the market (across the street) at Praça da República and on R. Sr. dos Passos throughout.  It's a congested marketplace with many places to eat and where you can buy just about anything inexpensively.  The street market continues to R. Uruguaiana where there is a Metro station.

    I've also explored on foot much / most of Copacabana, Ipanema, Cinelandia, Urca, Gloria, Catete, Larangeiras, Lapa and Niteroi Centro.  Only one favela (the name of which I do not recall):  as a small tour participant many years ago.  Only once did I fear I would be a victim of crime / violence - but it hasn't happened, yet.

    Beach time for me is usually several days a week at Ipanema, and on other days I'm on foot exploring.  Evenings are reserved for GP enjoyment!

    SAARA Market:





  8. It's easy to be critical of the individual we're discussing.  Initially, reading the OP - I was (critical).  However, hindsight gives each of us 20-20 vision. 

    What we know about the incident is limited in scope and provided in newspaper reports which may or may not be an accurate portrayal.  Was he wearing head protection?  There seems to be uncertainty about that point.  Maybe / probably he wasn't.  He did pay for and obtain travel insurance. 

    Think about it, though:  It's probably true that a miniscule percentage of persons who purchase travel insurance read through the fine print or understand what is or isn't covered if a claim arises.  Would he have acted similarly (not wearing head protection, if that's what happened) knowing his insurance wouldn't protect him / provide coverage?  Only he knows. 

    Each of us reading the discussion has probably engaged in behavior that's considered risky when we travel.  Many of us (probably most of us) act spontaneously.  I've been guilty of that behavior and will probably act without thinking things through in the future.  Gay men aren't the only individuals who may act without forethought. 

    I'm not inclined to contribute to the gofundme collection for this individual, but I do wish him speedy recovery.  

  9. 3 hours ago, EZEtoGRU said:

    One of the hush-money payments that was made was $30,000 to a Trump Tower doorman who allegedly had information of Trump having an illegitimate child out of wedlock.  Is there a bastard Trump child somewhere?  Did we hear about this before?


    I recall hearing about the doorman a couple of years ago .. when Michael Cohen was investigated, charged, and imprisoned.

  10. 8 hours ago, forky123 said:

    Many people say they are independent when they aren't because they are too embarrassed to admit which party or person they vote for. 

    Partially true.  For various reasons, some voters don't want their party preference known other than to themselves - so they don't vote in a primary election.  One has to declare a party preference when voting in a primary ... in all of the states I've resided in.  In a primary, you receive only the ballot for the party you've declared - Republican or Democratic. That's how the "public" knows the affiliation your political preference.  In cities / towns with strong political organizations, there are poll watchers who record for their records - the records of the party which has sent them to watch - what preference you call-out to the local election judges.  In a general election everyone gets the same ballot and ones party preference is irrelevant to the official voting process.

  11. 15 minutes ago, vinapu said:

    which subway sex , like underground train or sandwich with plenty of something ?

    Sex on the Mexico City Metro system is not unheard of, late-night.  Oftentimes, on Linea 1 of the Metro System ... the last car in the train is where the young(er) guys engage in the sport.  You can see some videos of this activity on the porn websites.

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