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Posts posted by TotallyOz

  1. 57 minutes ago, pauleiro said:

    Last year, I went to Buzios with a boy I knew well. I was planning to hire a car. I discussed with an American  friend of mine who told me that a few years ago, he was with another friend and 2 boys going to Buzios in a rented car. They were stopped by the military police who claimed that the car was not ok, that the documents were not conform, ... and who threatened to block the car and started asking for bribes. They finally let them go after they got all their money ... 

    So I went to Buzios by onibus 

    This happens in Thailand quite a bit as well with motorcycles and cars. The longer I'm here, the smarter I get. I had a cop car try to pull me over last year on a side street with no lights or anything, but I kept going until a nice 7/11 and then pulled up to the front. The cop car kept going and did not stop. I knew what he wanted.

  2. 5 hours ago, Shonen said:

    I was getting this disturbing message a couple weeks ago.



    4 minutes ago, Boy69 said:

     Yes me too but tye next day all went fine 

    Yes, there is a thread somewhere on here about that. It was the https certificate needed to be installed (it runs out yearly) and it was. Any site that is http only will get this message on certain browsers.

  3. 3 minutes ago, scott456 said:

    OK.  I am all set to go to Rio for Carnival, now I am scared .  I don't want to die.

    I have been to carnival at least 10 times and never had violence. You must be careful. Keep the sex to the saunas and the boys you know and trust can come to your hotel. Don't go out with groups for parties and leave drinks unattended. Carnival is safe as tons of police. I only got robbed there once and it was from the military police and it was just for money.

  4. On 2/2/2023 at 12:58 PM, floridarob said:

    Feel free to do a poll in the  Brasil forum to how many have actually had a problem....Houston and Chicago aren't safe for that matter.

    I've had problems in Brasil, but they were because I went looking for it.....😉

    Since I've learned to follow the advice of Gremlins, nothing good happens after midnight, I've been fine, lol

    Well, I have been robbed at gunpoint in Brazil 3 times during the day and 1 time at night. I didn't go looking for trouble, but it found me.

  5. 3 hours ago, gerefan said:

    Now seems ok. Have you had it fixed it Mr Oz? 

    They could not find any issues. We did swap our hard drives a few days back and the data had to sync but I stayed logged in and did not experience any issues. They are still monitoring.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Gaybutton said:

    While I appreciate the advice, apparently you are assuming I even know what that means, much less how to access it or do anything with it.  You are talking way above my scope.

    Folks, I'm doing the best I can.  I have already made it clear - when it come to handling this kind of problem I am clueless.  I am going to wait for Moses and that's that.  Moses is already well aware of the problem.  If he has any advice, he'll let me know and I'll follow it.

    I truly understand some of you are genuinely trying to help, but I'm getting advice I didn't ask for from people I wouldn't know if they were sitting next to me, and it is advice I have no idea how to follow.  No offense intended, but I am going to wait for Moses.  If he has any advice for me in the meantime, I'll follow it.

    If anyone truly wants to help, please send your suggestions to Moses, not to me.  If it's something he thinks I should do, then he'll tell me and will tell me how to do it.

    Your board and you handle it the way you want. Good luck with this and we are all rooting for you.

    No advice for GB here, but general knowledge for anyone interested.

    Domain names run are owned by people but under the control of a registrar like GoDaddy. Whoever owns the name gayguides.com can go to that log in and change the DNS to make the site dead or to forward it to another site just by click the DNS area inside the GoDaddy panel. The above advice was given to GB as a way not to need access to the hosting company to do any work.

    Software is run by a hosting company and this is where GB's virus is and that is run by Moses who will fix the issue when he can. That makes sense as it is not easy for a layperson to do.

    Again, no advice here for anyone, just clarifying the differences between who controls the DNS (owner of the domain name) and the hosting company (controller of the software).


  7. 39 minutes ago, vaughn said:

    If you have access to your DNS records (DNS zone), write down then change or delete the www and gaybuttonthai.com A records.

    This will prevent people getting to the compromised host until Moses returns and can be quickly reversed when the host server has been restored.

    That would keep anyone from accessing and would be my advice while waiting. Or, if too difficult, just forward the domain name to another site while waiting for Moses.

  8. Just today, I had a lad I have been following on Instagram for ages and NEVER one response. I also follow his Twitter and NEVER one response. I saw him on Hornet today and reached out as he was in my area and now I have an appointment with him this weekend. Thank goodness I recognized him after following him for so long, linking every photo and post. Now, he did ask for 5k and I am not stupid.


    Well, maybe a little as I have wanted him for so long. :)

  9. Just today, I had a lad I have been following on Instagram for ages and NEVER one response. I also follow his Twitter and NEVER one response. I saw him on Hornet today and reached out as he was in my area and now I have an appointment with him this weekend. Thank goodness I recognized him after following him for so long, linking every photo and post. Now, he did ask for 5k and I am not stupid.


    Well, maybe a little as I have wanted him for so long. :)

  10. Thank you gentlemen, I appreciate it. The site does not make money but I do believe it provides valuable information to a group of men (like myself) that helps us in our travels. Totally worth it IMHO

    My big regret was not keeping the name Boytoy for the site as in the age of OnlyFans, etc, it would be easy to get guys to promote and more posters. I still may use that name in the future as the "guide" part of this site (front end) does not see to be of any value even though it took tons of time. :) LOL

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