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  1. Day 20 Of course we forgot about sunrise and parted ways quite a while after that. Today I’m off to Phuket. It’s my first time there. Few people mentioned that ‘ you will forget at times that you are in Thailand “ . On another had my friend is there ( not gay)now and he swears by the place spending most of his time in Thailand there , often bypassing Bangkok entirely. So bottom line is I’m very curious. Since my said friend is there but leaving tomorrow morning I’m booking 1 night in hotel he is staying to keep appearances and tomorrow I will move to Paradise Complex. To Don Muang by usual combination of BTS+ MRT + SRT red line, in airport smooth. Flight with Air Asia uneventful but not very comfortable due to cramped seats but at 50$ for 90 minutes flight I’m not one to complain. In the airport I followed signs for ‘public bus” , there called Smart Bus. There are 3 different lines with schedules well posted and mine, in direction of Patong was departing quite soon. Left half empty by but time we reached Patong in about 1 hr it was filled to capacity. I alighted somewhere central, not sure where as it was my first time there , later on I learned it was quite close to Bangla road and to get to hotel I took motorsai. He quoted me 150 , I as instructed by my friend counter offered 100, immediately accepted , still too much for 6 minutes ride , even if uphill but I was in no mood to haggle for another 20 baht. Got room with quite a nice view with Royal Paradise Hotel well visible in a distance so knew immediately where in relation to gay area I’m. My friend was waiting impatiently being hungry so soon after we were climbing to nearby recommended restaurant with the view and one of best chicken with cashews I had this trip. Then we went downhill to central Patong to get grip of the place and as always when one is freshly arrived, curious of every corner and another one already 14 days there who been everywhere dozen times it was basically waste of time for both of us but at least we stopped by one of many booths selling tours and I booked grandly named Tour of the Island for tomorrow morning. Listed price was 1400 but I got it for 900 without even bargaining – lady knew my friend from few tours he booked with her so gave proper price right away. Bottom line there it seems is don’t pay listed price but if you have time , bargain down and if necessary see another 1 or 3 places and see what their price will be. There are tons of offers but it means there’s customer pocket friendly competition. Or at least it’s what it seemed. Seeing my friend is itching to return to hotel as he is leaving tomorrow morning and needs to pack I gladly suggested we do , if only , after refreshening to return to Patong for further exploration , this time alone. Of course first steps to Paradise Complex, I located my hotel I will be moving in tomorrow, Cruise club across it , big Zag club beside in the same soi. Soi seemed full and busy then surveyed parallel soi with massage shops where one of the guys caught my eye so I enroll his services. 500 for the shop. Further compensation was discussed inside in the process already when my suggestion he can remove his clothes as it’s too hot was countered with 3000 request. Sorry I only look as first timer so told him , no, just go on with massage. “ how much you give me ?” he still had hopes for business , “l000’ was my offer and we settled on 1500. To be honest , still too much for what I got but it’s OK, finally my first Phuket boy. After that I treated myself with banana pancake for 80 ( I just paid 30 few days ago at Sukhotai for the same ) , went to see famous Bangla Road and was amazed how crowded it was that late. Certainly Patong visitors like their fun and after declining proposals from 3 or 7 ladies of the night there I returned to hotel.
    8 points
  2. Londoner

    Songkran question

    Nor for me. Other people have a right to their own enjoyment but not to impinge on mine, such as throwing a bucket-full of water in my face when I'm in a crowded a baht-bus.
    4 points
  3. vinapu

    Songkran question

    to be fair , I know that one of our members can't wait to land in Bangkok on the same day so as we said before, Songkran is one of those love-hate affairs.
    4 points
  4. When a society moves from seeing children as free labour and instead sees them as a costly 20 year project, its inevitable that the birth rate drops. People go from having 4 or 5 children, to having 1 or 2.
    3 points
  5. Boy69

    Songkran question

    Songkran for me is hate-hate afair. You can't get out of the room without being water pulled , madness everywhere.not for me.
    3 points
  6. Day 19 I wouldn’t say there was a lot of fireworks that night but at least I had somebody to cling too so all good in the morning. No breakfasting together as he wanted to go at 7 and I felt still sleepy. This morning somehow I had urge to go to Mahanakhon, I’m never tired with thrill of stepping on that glass so after breakfast at Foodland of all place I went there to enter just when they were opening at 10.00. Admission 880 baht before 16.30, 1080 after that but seniors only 350 no matter when. It’s good to be old thought I paying my dues after lining up behind 30 or so people. Definitely tourism picked up and gone are days in 2021 and 2022 when that early I was lone visitor for first several minutes. View today was so, so though with bit of smog hanging on. Returning to hotel I visited K in his room in Serene Silom , nice although considering price difference I like Baan Silom better even if there’s no pool nor breakfast there . We resolved to check on Jey spa this afternoon so upon returning to the room across the soi I booked Noom there for 2 pm. Their response as always was fast. We went by BTS and entered just before our time . Mamasan recognized me and welcomed me with’ welcome home; lol . Soon Noom enters the lobby and it was one of most pleasant moments of this trip as seeing me his face beamed with smile ( we had pleasure twice before ). It was not faked smile , I could see. 1250 for 1.50 session for massage , his minimum tip is 1800 but session was too good and that smile too broad to treat him with that minimum. After that K and I had lunch in some place in Sukhumvit soi 12 recommended by one of my friends, one of best chicken with cashews I recently had although not cheapest. At 19.00 meet with Floridarob in Hot Male for drink , chat and subsequent stroll through the sois. While walking by Tawan Mas , the twink , noticed me from distance so I parted ways with Rob for a while and went upstairs to succumb to Mas’s skills and charms. Tip 2000 and 900 for the room, not exactly cheap treat but I like Mas . Upon going down guys tried to stop me for a show but I had other plans as Rob and me decided to check Sol, new bar I never venture to so far. I texted K we will be there so he joined us soon after Rob arrived at about 22.00. When I was entering one of boys sitting outside stopped me and said “ I know you ‘ It turned out I offed him last trip from Moonlight but I was not particularly good memory as at middle of the night he asked to leave to , what else hand over the key to his roommate or something and never did. In the morning even had nerve to ask me “ how are you this morning?”. Soon after we sat down inside he planted himself beside, asked for drink which I agreed , if only because he remembered me with such detail and soon after got another lesson. Boy left without finishing even half of his bottle because he was booked and his customer arrived. Then I feel like old fool indeed. Second case like that this trip. I’m not going bankrupt because of that but clearly some guys need tutorial of customer service. As for Sol crowd inside was sparse which was surprising considering it was Saturday. Perhapas 10 spectators for the show total . It was too cold as AC was set too low and way too loud. There was couple who entered and few minutes after they sat down they left – I heard girl saying that it’s too loud. One would think that with few spectators they will do everything to keep everybody in but no, waiter just shrugged it off so those people left and nose level was as before. We soldiered on , I treated one best looking guy with customary red note, we liked both participants of smoke show. All in all not bad , show and boys but cold , nose and indifferent attitude shown to those complainers make me thinking how successful they will be. I wish them luck though. Then we went to Screwboys across the soi , It was packed but somehow they found us some place in the corner. Mamasan there , only one in universe I like always remembers that I liked one of her boys nicked One , even if that was back in 2014 ( to this day I consider him best Thai boy I ever had pleasure with ) and even presented one of the current crop as his friend so I tipped guy red note for having good connections. We watched bit of show but at one point I got message from S that he is free. Since earlier I arranged with him we meet tonight to see the sunrise tomorrow it was signal to go. K and I marched to Foodland with S joining us in the soi. We had some meal and went to my room leaving K on his way to his own. At Foodland at the nearby table I saw Mean, rising star of Moonlight model pack dining with some Oriental young lady. From what I overheard he speaks quite a good English. S as expected was excellent companion, very fitting to finish such busy and attractions filled day.
    3 points
  7. Day 18 , back in Bangkok Alarm clock at 5.30, coffee and shower. At 6.20 our car arrived with one tourist already in and we set off for an airport. We missed breakfast at hotels but small restaurant there was opened so we managed to east something decent. Then we killed bit of time by checking dinosaurs on display across the airport. In waiting room itself there were coffee , tear and water plus some simple snacks available free for waiting passengers. I must say Bangkok Airways does excellent job taking care about their passengers at that airport. Few pics from the airport Going back I had feeling I could stay longer , specially if I brought some company to warm bed at night. Again we were treated with full breakfast on the flight. My friend K was supposed to stay in the same hotel but his reservation was messed up and since they were full he was forced to search for free room in another one nearby. My room was not ready at that early hour so I went to soi 6 for massage with N at Maha . When I returned room was ready , so after refreshing I headed to Happy Beer Garden on Suriwong where I was supposed to lunch with ichigo. It was our first meet and we had nice chat and boy information sharing session over the lunch. Afternoon was very lazy , one of those days when I feel it’s best to be busy doing nothing, bit of Grindr and forum , catching up with e-mails and some reading , in short lazybuming in full. At 20.30 I was supposed to dine with Anddy from the forum at Madrid Tavern so went there by BTS but they were closed already. Since he arrived on his motorbike it was easy to switch to G’Bangkok in soi 4 and have nice chat over dinner. From there to Hot Male where I treated P, the waiter with drink. K , my Sukhotai companion joined me there and we went to Moonlight. I hoped Y will be there and he was , we chatted over drink but it turned out he is already booked for tonight so I felt bit empty handed. After 3 nights of fasting it would be nice to have somebody beside thought I and decided to see if P is still there in his bar hoping drink I bought him will bring some benefits. He was and it did, 600 off fee and soon we were in my room.
    3 points
  8. The place not mentioned often on this forum - but I've come back recently from two weeks in Buenos Aires. I want to come back already. I had a blast. This is my fourth time in Argentina, but my last visit was 9 or 10 years ago. I'd been to all the best places of this amazing country before, so this time I wanted just to have a chill city vacation in Buenos Aires, a city that I always considered one of the best in the world, and certainly the best in Latin America (for me). It's very different from the rest of Latin America, certainly different from Brazil. It does not feel Latin American, it feels more like a ramshackle Mediterranean European city instead - like Marseille or Genoa. It has that European cultured vibe, museums, theaters, leafy streets, public spaces, simply excellent food, and a great bar scene. It does not have that fire of Brazilian parties, no - it's more reserved and not that in-your-face fun, it's like a more refined sister of a loud brash half-drunk brother across the border. To put everything in the proper context from the very start: it is cheap. It is ridiculously cheap. It's cheaper than Cambodia. The economy went down the drain long ago, but the election of Milei propelled the inflation even further up. The local currency (black market rate) lost 20% just in the first three weeks of January. When I look up restaurants on Google Maps and see their menus photographed in November, I know that I need to double the prices for end-January (in pesos). Prices from a year ago do not mean anything, that was a different universe. I'm reading that just before covid, the taxi from the airport was 68 pesos, it is now 37,000 pesos (or 18,000 pesos on Uber) - you get the range. The wine is excellent - I was buying mine from a Chinese car service round the corner. They likely got the wine in stock in December before holidays and forgot to change prices - so I was buying wine from them in end-January for a price not seen anywhere else - $9 for a bottle with a Vivino rating 4.5 (normal malbecs are at around $2 per bottle). In an expensive Michelin restaurant, a huge 400g ribeye steak (dare I say the best steak in the world) and three negronis I accompanied it with rang me a bill of $20 total. In non-Michelin restaurants, steaks are between $5 and $8. In one of the top bars in the city mentioned in all sorts of awards and ratings, the happy hour sees two classic cocktails (I drink Negroni, but others may choose something else) for $3 (i.e. $1.50 each). Argentinian guys are not as defined or perfect as Brazilians - I'm a sucker for pectorals and abdominals, so I needed to dig hard. But thanks god for Venezuelans - they are plentiful in Buenos Aires, and they were more than half the guys I hired. Huge shout and huge thanks to @Latbear4blk who gave some incredibly useful advice on this forum. I was using local websites Soytuyo, Leonos, ArgentinaMasajes and Skokka to arrange all dates. The #1 piece of advice from @Latbear4blk was to check those profiles against the reviews on a local forum ForoPirata - that forum is gold, and I managed to save myself a lot of time (and trouble) by discarding quite a number of profiles who looked excellent on websites but got scathing reviews from previous customers on ForoPirata. If only such resources were available in other countries... I usually got two guys per day - one for "massage" and one for full sex. ArgentinaMasajes is an excellent resource, and I was very upfront with masseurs asking them direct questions on Whatsapp about what's possible on their side and what's not. Some were more modest and I wished them luck. Others entertained handjobs or fetishes, more daring ones were fine with BJs and cumming in my mouth, and the best allowed full-on sex. Mostly, I visited them in their places (after checking against references). This worked really well. Some, I invited to my place - and BA is a city where you can get excellent AirBnbs - mine was with a sweeping view from the 21st-floor balcony over the city, a rooftop gym on the 31st floor with panoramic windows, a swimming pool and a sundeck, and security that was ambivalent to visitors (the security guy just on one occasion recorded an ID of one of my guests who looked especially brutal, but on other occasions I met my guests downstairs at the security fence and then escorted them out afterwards bidding farewell without even talking to security- in most BA apartment blocks a guest would not be able to leave the building by himself without you escorting him out). "Massages" and other visits with full sex were all in $15-25 range, some slipping to $30, but never higher. (I got a local SIM card and conversed in Spanish over Whatsapp from a local number to make sure I'm not quoted crazy prices). One of my regulars was a well-known porn star - he's one of that Onlyfans cluster of Argentinian porn stars who have individual accounts and cross-pollinate bareback between each other with endless collabs. Well, I knew his name before, and his vids are everywhere (I'll omit the name). He was coming to my place for great sex for $25 ($20 rate + $5 Uber fare) and even spoke some English. I love Argentina. But as I said, it was mostly Venezuelans. If not for them, my picture would have not been this bright, but Venezuelans are muscular, defined, tattooed, insatiable, with a beautiful face and lots of kinky thoughts (and actions). One of the Venezuelans, I was coming to him every several days in the morning for a "massage" with some kinks and fetishes, and every time while I waited for him to come downstairs and open me the door, I saw the same beautiful girl coming out with two dogs, and one of them was usually immediately having a piss in front of me. When I saw her a second time, I thought it's such a coincidence, I'm at a different time than before but her dog-walking schedule matched. When I saw her again next time for the third time, it finally clicked for me that this was a GF of my "masseur" and their two dogs - she had to leave the apartment to walk the dogs for an hour so her guy would do various things with me disguised as a massage. Next time I saw her, I almost said hi. The guy was usually coming to let me in a minute after her leaving. With all that, I didn't go to any saunas - and as far as I know, there are no Brazil-style GP saunas anyway, they are normal non-escort saunas. I went once to Cine Ideal, an old grand cinema showing gay porn now in huge cinema halls with balconies - the entrance was something like $1 or $2, the cinema halls were pitch dark, and I probably could find someone and something there, but I saw little upside if I can have a $15-20 Venezuelan in proper comfort and lighting elsewhere. A couple of blocks from the cinema, there is another curious establishment - called MasajeClub. It's a business of massage coupled with a red wine bar. Apparently it's popular with locals at lunchtime and after work - the downside is that you can't select a masseur, he's assigned to you. The masseurs are your guys next door, not model-like, but they can go a looong way during the massage. The official line of this club is that you pay for massage ($4.50 one hour) and then whatever happens in the room is up to a masseur and you. There's nothing that the masseur is obliged to perform apart from the massage, but it usually involved sucking and even in some cases fucking. There are no minimum tips, so it is up to you if you want to leave anything to your masseur on top of $4.50. For something like $15 they have what they call a "circuit" - that's a 4-stage massage where four masseurs (again you can't pick) come to your room one after another to perform something like 20-25 min of massage - that may end up in four waves of different cum-shooting experiences. One or two of the four would usually not be averse to fucking. After that, they give you a glass of malbec. I've also been to the stripper bars. I remember there had been quite a few in my past visits, now only one remains, and it stages nightly shows rotating through three different locations in the city depending on the day of the week. Usually, it's three hunky straight strippers (usually coming in a bundle "one stunning, one ok, and one ugly") doing two routines - first stripping to a flaccid cock, and then the second one with a hardon. Then they come to the audience, and for a modest tip you can grab and fondle a hardon. I saw people leaving tips accounting for $0.1 or $0.2, so when I tipped $0.8, that gave me a really good grip of the cock and then a strong hug from a naked hard hunk and then a big thank you and usually a return trip from him to me for another $0.8. Big whisky cola is $2, beer is pretty much spare change. The show lasts for an hour and starts at 01:30. And then there are normal bars and clubs - again this is not the Brazilian level of eye candy, but it is still sexy in its own way. I really want to come back, this is such an underrated city to visit.
    2 points
  9. And his rival is a murderer and a maniac, and even a drug addict. He is currently suffering from dementia. "God save America." 🤣
    2 points
  10. It's called being a troll
    2 points
  11. @Japan lover Trying to call or speak is not a good idea unless you speak Japanese. They are not likely to manage English at the other end, with the odd exception. As @fedssocr mentioned, most of the businesses that serve foreigners have online forms on their websites. It is best to use them, because the shop can then do Google Translate with whatever you have written and understand you that way. Naturally, you should keep your sentences simple and avoid slang, abbreviations, or expresssions unique to your country, which Google translate may not be able to handle.
    2 points
  12. Sounds like your business model 🧐
    2 points
  13. and here from central zone of Kamphaeng Phet includin "lion of Kampheang Phet" below
    2 points
  14. Day 17 Kamphaeng Phet I woke up at 8 , no rush since driver was supposed to show at 9. About quarter before that we met in front on my hotel wondering if he will show up at all ( remember we paid in full) only to discover that car parked aside is one which will be taking us there. It’s about 80 Km so it took slightly above 1 hour to get there. There are 2 complexes of ruins – to the north of the center which we visited first and compound in the very center where beside ruins there’s neat museum we visited as well. Admission here is 150 to each of two parts of ruins and 150 to museum as well. Equally impressive ruins as those at Sukhotai also not coverings as vast territory and by every mean worth of travel there even from Bangkok , ,not just from Sukhotai. Kamphaeng Phet may be good breaking point between capital and Chiang Mai as it’s exactly mid way. Early afternoon we were back in Sukhotai , as we were hungry we wnet to eat something right away and chicken with nuts was even better than one yesterday for only 2/3 of price. Then we went to museum in Sukhotai, quite interesting but on human scale. Then K went for massage and I went to survey temple near hotel not even shown on the map I got in the hotel and from there on other side of road I spotted another , also unmarked ruin so went to explore it as well, it was start darkening when I went back to the room . here are some pick of that 'forgotten ' temple: At 20.00 we repeated yesterday’s routine with stroll to the center and banana pancake for supper. Returning to the hotel I thought that actually tomorrow I could start that sightseeing all over again. I have strong suspicion it was not my last trip to Sukhotai. In the hotel I ordered van to the airport for our early morning flight for K and me at 350 per person.
    2 points
  15. Western Zone, lady on the last picture is not my friend K, just stranger she simply ignored fact that I'm trying to make picture standing there and checking Facebook or whatever so as penalty is is immortalized here :
    2 points
  16. In order not to have post too long I decided to post pictures in a separate threads. Here are temples of Central zone:
    2 points
  17. Day 16 Sukhotai ruins K and I decided to start early to avoid much of heat , at least in some monuments although it needs to be said that weather was extremely co-operative during out time in Sukhotai and it did not feel lie Thailand at all. Balmy 24 – 25 , that’s all. On another hand place is quite vast and if one needs to avoid heat is to come back to hotel and take airconditioned nap. Fortunately not necessary for us. There are basically three zones of sites, Central , Northern and Western, each requiring separate 100 baht ticket as well as 10 baht bicycle ticket as well. They did not charge us for bicycles at western zone. We had our breakfasts at 7 am and then I rented bicycle in my hotel, K opted for rental place nearby and we moved to central zone with Wat Mahatat first, son after site was opened. It needs to be said that while not overwhelmed if was quite populated by tourists , both individual and on tours. Temples on all three zones are quite close to each other but still not adjacent so walking would be way too demanding and cycling is ideal, Hence abundance of bicycle rental places. Some sophisticated tourists may opt for electric cart , with or without guide. There is some shade but a lot of ruins are in the open , there are places o the way where one can buy some drinks but as for temple sites themselves only most popular Si Chum has proper facilities with stores and toilets. Good news is while spread out sites are still quite close to the city so if one feels tired , returning to hotel is fairly easy. Some temples in the western zone require a bit of climb, definitely worth it in any case we went up. All in, that is very pleasant , interesting and easy ‘to do’ site and easily few days can be spend there exploring what’s available. Some smallish temples are not even on the map I attached for day 15. I.e. next day we noticed that there are ruins of temple in close vicinity to our hotels not even shown on the said map . When I went there , another ruins appeared in the trees across the road, also not on the map I estimate we visited today about 20 and on our way to them passed by another 15 without stopping there . Around 16.00 ( remember we started at about 7.30 ) I felt dehydrated and suggested we call today’s part off to which K agreed so we pedaled back to the city where we stopped for a meal, mine of course was chicken with cashew nuts, bit spicy there and costing twice as much as in restaurant we were dining lest evening. Tourist zone , tourist prices. Eariler , while on the way we discussed about plan for tomorrow as we had either Kamphean Phet or Si Satchanalai. Not feasible to do both as they are in opposite directions and by the way Si Satchanalai is relatively close to the Sukhotai airport. We settled on Kampheang Phet and stopped at the travel office on our way to see what price may be. Offer was 1500 for car with driver, bit cheaper than hotel offered so we agreed right away and even broke rules and paid for it right away asking driver to be at the hotel at 9.00. Finally around 6 pm we landed back in hotels and after bit of rest went back to the city to check night market where I had 2 banana pancakes for 30 baht each. While waiting for first to be prepared some French tourists took an interest in trying , then somebody else and it looked I made lady very busy all of the sudden. I was victim of that success as was forced to wait for 2nd one to be prepared such was a line. While day was pleasant , night was even more , hell with mosquitos , geckos , cobras and lions, I decided to sleep with open patio door and as we can see , survived to tell the tale.
    2 points
  18. this is continuation of trip report from Thailand section at this link: https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/41442-better-to-be-retired-than-retarded-thailand-and-cambodia-in-january-2024-trip-report-brief-but-long/#comment-374666 Day 7 , Phnom Penh part. I had e-visa so immigration was breeze. I exchanged some money into riels as airport rates are only minimally lower than city ones ( 4000 vs 4065 for 1 USD). Some people don’t bother and are using dollars since Cambodia is practically dual currency country and is not unusual to pay 10 $ invoice with 6$ and 16000 riels ( 4 $) for example. Some places are quoting prices in riels , other in dollars but both currencies are accepted everywhere and only exceptions I know is visa on arrival and tickets to Angkor ruins where one must pay in USD exclusively. If you decide to bring dollars just make sure notes are intact without any tears , pinholes and writings on them, I saw 1 dollar banknotes rejected because of those infractions. I prefer to use riels with exception of big ticket items like boys’ tips as getting change from 50 or 100 $ bill may be problematic in country where dinner cost 5 $ and haircut 2$. Other airport purchase was SIM card for 1 week , it was 7$ if I recall correctly and then tuk-tuk to hotel for 9$. Those who want to save money on getting to hotel solution is to take bus from airport parking lot for 1000 or 2000 or leave airport area and get one of the waiting tuk-tuks outside for something like 5-7$ but I did not bother. Room was not ready so I went to Dolce Vita for lunch and returned in 1 hr to find everything ready. I stay in OK Palace hotel, twin of OK Boutique in the same soi where I stay last time. Entry to the hotel is palatial and so is room. Both hotels are in street 19Z, appendix like short soi across from National Museum and walking distance to Royal Palace and whole central area including my Phnom Penh headquarters Space Hair bar. hotel's entry view from the window sleeping machine and the room In the room I noticed I forgot phone charger in Bangkok and girl on reception suggested I go to Kandal Market where there are phone shops. Bingo indeed. Instead of walking 10 minutes I took tuk tuk for whopping 4000 and returned in style by cycle rikshaw for the same amount. After setting in I walked around admiring smells and sounds , bought tour to Killing Fields for tomorrow and at around 21.00 I walked to 136 street to my headquarters – Space Hair bar. I wish we had something like that in Bangkok although they operate on different formula . Staff are exclusively hunky and in shape – see sample from their recent Facebook. Almost all guys from the picture were present on at least one of three nights I visited there. As always almost means one was absent and that one was precisely one I wanted to see as we met already quite closely before. But if I don’t have what I like , I like what I have. Boys there are only to accompany you for drinks and talk. Forget about offs and off fees. Surely if you have designs on one or more you must be very , very discreet and be prepared for meeting absolutely outside working hours. Boss there , while very sympathetic is also very strict and serious about those rules. Cambodian Prince I had debacle with last year was fired on the spot for leaving 1 hr. earlier than scheduled and apparently only because he got drunk Drinks are not expensive 4-6 $ but if you get heated like me , they add up but this is cost of fun. Some guys are somewhat touchy-feely , others less so, kiss or 7 can be stolen after few rounds of drinks , hand and knee holding is available and generally is a lot of fun. Guys are not pushing you for drinks and absolutely no word of ‘ tip’ is spoken but obviously depending on time they sat with you and how long you were holding their knee or hand you should tip them. I gave 5- 10 $ to those few who sat with me for prolonged time. Drinks are what oils bar keep in mind so when boy empties his buy him another one or he may choose to, leave your table. But there are absolutely no situations like I had sometimes in Thai bars when boy gulped his drink in on ego and was looking for another one. It’s why I wish we have such bar in Bangkok. Easy , pleasant and no hard sell tactics. Not only boys got plenty of drinks but also myself so when I was leaving at about 2 am I was quite drunk and 90$ lighter , not to mention about 100 000 distributed for tips. But it was fun worth of every minute and every penny spent. Unfortunately I went home empty handed so to speak. I had designs on one of their boys but neither one of us was brave enough to start serious discussion. Before I went to bed for fun I checked Grindr and had “ Hi “ from quite attractive looking guy but had that senior moment and did not realize that this guy ( I’m notoriously bad reading people from pictures ) was indeed one I had designs on in bar. It only dawned on my next day in the afternoon. But by then damage was done. Not only I spent night in cold bed but also he figured out that I rejected him and was doing his best to show that he cooled to me. Oh well, lesson learned
    1 point
  19. Hey friends, I recently availed the PCR28 testing service at Pulse Clinic in Silom, and I have to say, it was a remarkable experience. They're offering a 50% discount on their comprehensive STI testing, which now costs 6,700 baht. This test covers 28 different infections, with results delivered in 7 days. If you're in a hurry, you can opt for a faster turnaround with an extra fee. The clinic is easily accessible, located near the BTS Sala Daeng station. I found their service to be excellent—fast, efficient, and professionally handled. It's a great opportunity, especially since such extensive STI testing isn't readily available everywhere. Highly recommend checking it out! For more info, check out their website: https://pulse-clinic.com/pcr-dna-test-for-28-infections You can also purchase PrEP, PEP, and they can do other general blood work for you. They also have IV infusions to help you get over jet lag or give you a boost if you drank too much the night before. I have no affiliation with this clinic but as a happy customer I wanted to share my experience and I hope that it would encourage others to get tested more frequently.
    1 point
  20. Number 6 Restaurant Up the Hill is the name according to Google Maps
    1 point
  21. Boebert: four kids, her 18 year old impregnated a minor, she has been arrested three times, she has a restraining order against her soon to ex husband, both accused of battering each other, husband has been arrested several times, she gropes a guy at a kids musical (a matinee no less), hey she is perfect for the GOP. MAGA!
    1 point
  22. TMax

    Songkran question

    Not a fan of songkran but I don't hate it, what I do hate is when you get dressed up nicely to go out at night (cabaret, show etc) and some twit thinks it's funny to throw a bucket of ice cold water over you. If you plan on wanting to go out and stay dry then I suggest you get a taxi to come to the hotels front door or you will get soaked.
    1 point
  23. Moses

    Putin has murdered again.

    Crying so much about Navalny. Aren't you tired of fake crying and pretending? Known facts about Navalny: - participant in the right-wing "Russian Marches" - supported the annexation of Crimea to Russia (“Crimea is not a sandwich, so you can take it and then give it back”) Assange has been in a British prison for 5 years. Has anyone here come to his defense? Snowden has been hiding in Russia for over 11 years, has anyone come to his defense? Manning received 35 years in prison. Has anyone come to her defense? No?
    1 point
  24. Oh! I see the fertilizer issue is bothering you a lot. This is not surprising, in the United States, more and more people are becoming suitable only for fertilizer. By the way, your troops fertilized the soil of Afghanistan with their bodies in vain, the Taliban restricted the distribution of drugs after the Americans cowardly fled. But drugs were so lovingly grown by American soldiers on the graves of friends
    1 point
  25. Partial List of Trump’s failed businesses: 1. Trump Taj Mahal (Bankruptcy) 2. Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino (Bankruptcy) 3. Plaza Hotel (Bankruptcy) 4. Trump Castle Hotel and Casino (Bankruptcy) 5. Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts (Bankruptcy) 6. Trump Entertainment Resorts (Bankruptcy) 7. Trump Steaks (Failed Business) 8. GoTrump (Failed Business) 9. Trump Airlines (Failed Business) 10. Trump Vodka (Failed Business) 11. Trump Mortgage (Failed Business) 12. Trump: The Game (Failed Business) 13. Trump Magazine (Failed Business) 14. Trump University (Failed Business) 15. Trump Ice (Failed Business) 16. The New Jersey Generals (Failed Business) 17. Tour de Trump (Failed Business) 18. Trump Network (Failed Business) 19. Trumped! (Failed Business)
    1 point
  26. Made in America?? Just checking. Isn't trump the "AMERICA FIRST" candidate?????????????????????
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. From Pattaya Mail Thailand’s Ministry of Culture will hold the “World Songkran Festival” activities nationwide from 1 to 21 April 2024. This 21-day Songkran Festival will be organized with a cultural network in 76 provinces and 50 districts in Bangkok, which is expected to promote local traditions and help it become one of the world’s renowned destinations for travelers. Songkran is the traditional Thai New Year, originally observed as a three-day national holiday from 13 to 15 April. The main activities are the pouring of scented water onto sacred Buddha images and the palms of one’s parents, as well as the famous water-splashing activity. The Ministry of Culture has received a certificate from the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) that recognizes the Songkran Festival in Thailand as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity. (NNT)
    1 point
  30. The only one it seemes that’s insured against loss is the issuing company 😩 From Pattaya News Medical Coverage For Foreigners is Encouraging, But Won’t Apply to Many Incidents By Adam Judd Last week, the Thai government announced something that seemed to go under the radar of many of our readers and the media, perhaps drowned out a bit by the parole of Thaksin Shinawatra or neverending U-turns on the status of the Cannabis Draft Law. That something is medical coverage for foreign tourists, with some conditions. Get a recap of the official press release from the Thai Government PR department here before reading further if you aren’t sure what we are referring to. This is decent news but as always with programs like this, there are a lot of fine print and regulations. Quality personal health insurance from a reputable company would always be preferable to an official government plan, of course. However, the fact the government is even implementing this program at all is certainly a positive thing. So, we covered the basics of the plan in another article as stated above, this article will mainly focus on what it won’t cover. It won’t cover illegal or reckless behaviour. So despite being one of the most reported incidents in which foreigners need health insurance, if you were driving a motorbike without a proper license, helmet, vehicle insurance, registration, or under the influence while driving, or driving recklessly/speeding, you won’t be covered. Of course, this is the same with most health insurance plans but continues to be one of the things most brought up. The incident needs to be submitted within fifteen days to the proper tourism authority division. If you aren’t fast, you won’t be approved. They say approval and funds should normally be processed within fifteen business days after that. Since it doesn’t cover reckless behaviour, it’s pretty much a given that any accident that happened while under the influence of alcohol, such as falling off a balcony drunk, won’t be covered. Getting in a drunken fight that was caused by one being intoxicated and coaxing others into a physical altercation also likely won’t be covered. This also goes for any incident under the influence of marijuana, since technically it’s only supposed to be for medical usage. The plan doesn’t cover risky behaviour, but also isn’t specific as to what this entails, leaving it to the discretion of the decision makers behind the plan. It is pretty much a given however that some of the more extreme or sports activities people occasionally participate in like jet skiing, white water rafting, free diving, skydiving, etc. are almost certainly not going to be covered. So what is covered? Genuine accidents, such as being a passenger in a minivan or bus that has an accident. Natural disasters, such as a flash flood and similar situations. A crime, such as being mugged and assaulted for your valuables. Regardless of the limitations, it is always good to have options when disaster strikes. We hope you enjoyed reading this!
    1 point
  31. Venezuelan are respectful, reliable, accurate on their description and services offer. I love their big strong legs and delicious ass. Once you got to know them, sharing a glass of vino, conversation and some food, it made a huge different. The sex become more personal, passion and intense. Sadly, number of the guys I knew over the years had already moved to EU and some still in contact. Now, Lima Peru is the place to meet young and beautiful Venezuelan for a reasonable cost. I had a blast last year.......
    1 point
  32. Emmetk you posted the same thing twice!! Are you getting confused? Have you seen a doctor about this????
    1 point
  33. those betting on Tawan for last trip should be prepared for heavy losses with 1 off only and waiter at that. Another Tawan catch was grabbed from the street well after bar closed.
    1 point
  34. colmx

    Songkran question

    Depends on what you are into... BKK will be filled with the "white party" crowd, younger white ravers that think they are gods gift to mankind and their admirers, along with Chinese/Taiwan panda types doing their conga trains. Clubs will be mobbed and dangerously overcrowded, long queues will ensue. No taxi will want to take you anywhere when you are dripping wet. Pattaya will be filled with the Songkran "terrorists" that some of our members seem to be so scared of. Unlike Bkk, the water play is probably going to go from April 12th straight through April 20th, based on recent years, nightfall is no longer the guaranteed ending time (especially in Soi 6/7/Buakow/Beach Road and Jomtien Complex)....It will be mayhem, but at least you can get transported on a Songtaew. Whichever location, as long as you are willing to go with the flow, smile and be happy, you will have a ball! Just booked my flights and cant wait for it!
    1 point
  35. YES! YES! YES! Everyone is talking about how Trump wins in the biggest landslides ever. Most people say Trump's 2020 landslide was the biggest ever. But everybody also talks about 2018. And 2022. And 2023. Even this special election in New York. Yup. Trump wins the best landslides in history. It's just a fact.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Hi I've been lurking in this forum as I'm currently travelling around Thailand, just went to Prince and thought I'd post. 90 minutes, 1400 minimum to Prince, 2000 to the therapist. Well worth it. Great facilities, full service, whatever you are up for. They can send you pictures on whatsapp if you want, or you can just pick someone out from the lineup. Mostly more built style guys. My therapist was a college student doing this part time. Very sweet, massage was okay, he seemed a little tentative, everything else was fantastic. He was rock hard for most of the session.
    1 point
  38. Cambodia's part of the trip is here: https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/41671-phnom-penh-angkor-koh-ker-and-sambor-prey-kuk-trip-to-cambodia-in-jan-2024/page/2/ Day 14 -back in Thailand Air Asia flight to Don Muang departed on time and flight was uneventful but seats were very cramped. I guess that’s the price for cheap flight. I paid 2/3 of price of ½ hr flight from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap. Immigration was breeze although approaching it I saw mob unloading from another plane so I guess it was lucky timing. SRT to Bang Sue and from there MRT to Sam Yan from where short walk to Siam Heritage on Suriwong. Since I’m only 1 night in Bangkok I decided to check it. Never stay there as hotel had reputation for being guest unfriendly and I’m happy to report it must be thing of the past. No problem at all, actually now if you have card you bypass reception are and go to the elevators directly. Room was quite big and comfortable and furnished nicely . I liked having real desk there. After setting in I went to XOne and at 4 pm on Monday I had shock , I was long line up outside , when I pulled number I realized there are 10 numbers ahead of me to be taken. But look at exchange rates cheered me and fast at that. From there to Foodland to eat something. At 19.30 I was supposed to meet forrestreid , that’s our first meet but we already had Line contact so it was easy. Over beer in Balcony we decided to check Banana so off we went. It was early but there were 4 guys on the stage including very handsome but never seen #31. Mamasan seeing our interest explained that he is new so as welcome treat I performed world acclaimed Vinapu Tuck on him with red note and soon after forrestreid called him over to offer him a drink. We know that boys and mamasans have good memory but this time even I was shocked. At one point another boy entered and mamas an told me pointing at him said “ you had him before”. I looked and recognized Vu Thy immediately but still it was at end of Jan of 2023, one year and three trips ago. And it was just only one off, short time at that and I’m not that frequent visitor to Banana as I’m at Tawan , Moonlight or Hot Male. But truth is he remembered that unless he mixed me with somebody else. Anyways another red note changed ownership for old times sake. In meantime , after a while forrestreid send his companion back to the stage and we walked to Tawan as planned before. Crowd there was sparse, probably more boys than customers but shortly it started to fill up and one of newcomers was K, my friend from Taiwan who decided to accompany to for 3 days trip to Sukhotai tomorrow . He managed to get seat on the same flight but couldn’t get room in my hotel , got place one across the street he told me . Of course boys there as always tried to extract some deserved and undeserved tips but today I decided to hold the purse’s strings prompting comment from one of the boys ‘ you always had good heart, what happened ? “ but seeing my stern face expression he rushed to exclaim ‘ you still have good heart” , what a relief ! After the show we parted ways and I went to S’s bar to see if he arrived but they told me he is not working today. Good news so I promptly fired message “are we sleeping together ?” , Confirmation came within seconds, I sent him location and told him I will be waiting in front of hotel. While waiting some disheveled passerby stopped asking for some money for food. I was surprised because his English was quite good . It looked he came to Bangkok looking for good luck but not necessarily got it. Gave him 100 , he was more then happy as ass soon as he said his thank yous and left taxi stopped with S emerging all in smiles . It was plain that he is very grateful for vacations and now for an off. Surely he expected kind of payday too as we agreed he will be paid when we return. Four nights is Siem Reap plus tonight , it was a bit, but well deserved. Like one of my forum friend says ‘it’s good to stick to our winners”
    1 point
  39. Day 10 continued - in Siem Reap At 12 noon I left hotel , took 9$ tuk-tuk to the airport and while flying high above Cambodia I realized that I got infamous senior moment in the hotel. When emptying safe box I put pile of 100 000 riels ( 25$ ) in 5000 notes on the night stand and forgot to pick it up from there. Can only imagine how happy cleaner was finding it and hope she was not stupid enough to report it to the reception but harvested that pile in full. As my mom used to say ‘ in nature nothing gets lost , only finds new owner”. In ½ hr we were landing already. Airport looks very pleasant but was empty, our plane was only one at time I was there. My driver greeted me immediately but I told him I need to do my survey. In improvement to early reports now there’s place one can buy snacks, there are desks for taxi and public bus to the city as well as kiosk with SIM cards. Unfortunately I couldn’t see departure area as there are guards who are admitting actually people who are departing only. This tells us whole thing is Chinese built , run and milked. There are no such restriction in Phnom Penh. Quite possible in generation people will be marveling of how far sighted builders if this airport were but for now it’s just waste od space and money as old airport was running well and was very close to the city. I’m not buying BS that it needed to be closed because vibrations were hurting ancient temples. In my 5 visits there I never heard any plane landing or taking off. Anyways if we don’t have what we liked we must like what we have. It's about 1 hr. to the city and one can take car for 35$ or van for 40$ or public bus for 8$. Apparently there’s also postal bus for the same 8$ but I did not find any information not stop for it there so it needs to be confirmed. Half way is very modern highway which is joining old National Road number 6. One hour and 35$ later I was in hotel. Big room with balcony , separate shower / bathtub area and toilet itself. Breakfast included and even small pool at disposal, all for 40$ , life is beautiful. Knowing S is coming I was waiting for him , he updated me where he is and finally knock into door and happy squeak from him. It look he was really happy for such vacations. Today we took it easy , went to Old Market area to eat something and returned to the room as two happy people have no better place to spend rest of day and night like bed , specially knowing driver will be 8 am on the dot. I know him and was sure so instructed S to behave but forgot to instruct myself so we had some steam in the room before we fell asleep..
    1 point
  40. Day 8 My room was booked without breakfast so in the morning I purchased breakfast coupon for $8, princely sum in Cambodia and went to sister venue OK Boutique around the corner where breakfasts are served on top floor with beautiful view over central Phnom Penh. Yesterday I purchased tour to Killing Fields. Very sobering place where mass executions were conducted by Khmer Rouge. I was there on my first Cambodia trip in 2001 and wanted to see what changed during those years. They were supposed to pick me up at 10.00 , I was waiting on steps of my hotel and when I got impatient 45 minutes later guide finally appeared to pick me up. We went to few other hotels to pick up other tourists as well as picked up few at another sobering place – infamous S-21 Tuol Sleng prison. Killing Fields are on the outskirts of Phnom Penh and while 23 years ago road leading there was atrocious , now is paved all the way. Another thing I noticed is absence beggars without limbs , victims on landmines. Them they were I ubiquitous all over Cambodian cities , now is rarity to see one. I wonder what happened as a lot of them then were quite young. One hopes they were taken care of somehow. On the road they played movie about Pol Pot life , rise and fall, very objective and hiding nothing. Including my Cambodian pet peeve- fact that after Vietnamese removed Khmer Rouge, their atrocities were will known and 2 million skulls strewn in the countryside and still Thailand and West supported their regime of so called Democratic Kampuchea on international stage including UN seat. If we think that politics are dirty there’s no place better to contemplate it than Cambodia. Centre point of the place is temple -like monument with skulls on shelves, new thing there is another monument picture of which I show below. Sadly, that place along with Tuol Sleng are a must visit at least once to understand better what happened in Cambodia but also to appreciate how far country moved from that horror although past is still present and oddly house of Ta Mok, one of Pol Pot’s bloody henchmen in Anlong Veng close to Thai border is still place which I was told some locals still visit with reverence. I remember talking to some journalist well versed with SE Asia affairs in mid-80ties and he told me that thanks to Khmer Rouge and their killing spree Cambodia is only country in the region without problem of grandchildren still toiling in half slavery to pay debts their grandparents took to pay for their wedding. That would explain Ta Mok nostalgy I’d say. It was nice to return to vibrant city , after a bit of rest and my obligatory mid-day tea I decided to try massage at Arthur and Paul gay hotel. Inspiration came from one of our tour participants being picked up and dropped there. It looked as classy place so I said to myself “about time to see and try”. For 8000 riels (2 $) tuk -tuk took me there. I was hoping guy I spotted on Grindr, hunky hunk working there will be present but unfortunately no. 1.5 hr massage fee was 28$ , certainly well above Cambodian standard. There were 4 guys available, none of them close to my type but all smiling so I picked up one whose smile was widest. Room quite spiffy but container with soap in the shower was empty , not for that price thought I. After morning experience certainly I was not in the mood to complain or get sour about anything. Massage was skilled but when temperature raised and was time for masseur to remove his excessive clothing i.e. undies and towel he quoted me tip of 40$ , again quite a sum for Cambodia but if one gets massages in classy places must be prepared to pay thought I and agreed. At least I’m glad I tried the place. Next time I will be trying to secure that hunk I guess. Right beside Artur and Paul is Rambutan, popular in gay circles with rooms about half price of those at A $ &P but still twice as much I’m paying at my OK Palace . I did not need an accommodation but after running whole day on breakfast and bottle of Hanuman Black beer I gulped on my way from Killing Fields not at 6 ot 7 pm I was hungry so decided to eat there. Another tourist place with prices to match , 15$ I paid for dinner I summarized in my diary as ‘; money not spent well” . Upon return I alighted on Pasteur street and then walked to soi where my friend told me Toolbox bar was resurrected and asked me if that is true. Indeed I found it, from info I got it’s just across the soi whom old location but inside was nobody and outside was sitting lone twink , not exactly of my type but for those venturing there I confirm , Toolbox was resurrected. It was short walk to my hotel from there and when passing Saravoan Royal Palace hotel on street 178 I thought I have stroke . Warsaw ? Polish place that far ? Indeed it was newly opened restaurant so for those craving Central and Eastern European food there place for you and very easy to find – right beside old location of Blue Chili bar and 200 meters from National Museum. Price list looked quite human so I took note where I will have my dinner tomorrow. Too bad I overspent at Rambutan when I could have likely better food ( I love schnitzels an European soups) for ½ price and steps from my hotel. In the room I freshened up , took shower to remove oil after that massage , packed my pockets with money – you know my system perhaps ,50 $ this pocket, two 20$ in another few 10 , 5 and 1 in third one, some 20000 riels here and some 10000 there . This way I don’t need to show wad of money when tipping or paying bill. This all in preparation for another fun evening at Spice Hair bar. Walked there and when arrived, I guess it was 21.00 or 21.30 there were no customers but 7 guys on duty already. How do I know? Because seeing them unemployed I took pity and ordered 8 drinks. You should hear an applause , probably heard as far as Sum and Moon hotel which is next door to the bar. Fun started , luck had it that two guys I liked the most positioned themselves beside me and soon after bar started filling up with patrons and few more boys. Guys made sure I’m entertained, I stole kiss or 4 from guy on my left, made discretely sure that guy on my right is not a girl by strategic hand placement and it was well understood by asking question where’s my hotel. Hour or two later he expressed curiosity to check if I have balcony and view from it which led to suggestion he is willing to check it after bar closes on his way home. I explained to him that in case he will feel tired there’s sofa in the room which led to an instruction where I’m supposed to wait for him. Around 1 at night I left , waited where instructed which took a while because as I said earlier, guys there must stay on duty as long as bar is opened . Knowing procedure it was sweet waiting. Soon after were at hotel. No fuss over bringing guest that late, no questions asked. In the room he notices sofa is not comfortable enough but bed is big and shyly ( ok, not) suggested we share it which we did in gusto. Fabulous 2 or 3 hours, when he left it was still dark, earlier in the bar he offered some plausible explanation why he can’t stay till morning so I was Ok with that , if only because he offered time compensation “ if you want I can come at 1 tomorrow “ which felt like Christmas day for me.
    1 point
  41. siriusBE

    Gay Sauna Bangkok

    Ok, I am already back from 39 Underground (no need to stay any longer 😉 ) It's just a 2 minutes walk from the Saphan Khwai BTS Station at the dead end of a small soi. Entrance fee was 250 (weekend price). At 2 pm it was already crowded. About 100 Asians and 2 Farangs 😉 The sauna spreads about 4 floors, 3 of them underground, hence the name. There is also a little bar and a roof "garden". In the very dark underground there was action on every square inch. As expected, most of the guys were more into Asians, but I had my fun too... plenty of it. It's not the cleanest place on earth, but I found it acceptable. All action was raw, never saw a condom in usage. I hope they use at least PREP since it's much cheaper here in TH. Today was naked theme, that`s why you only got a small towel and you were not allowed to carry the towel in the action areas. So for me, the visit was worthwhile, even though I was more or less the only Western guy there.
    1 point
  42. Day 2 First full day and kind of quiet. After energetic night and jet lag still lingering I took it easy. D and me had breakfast at Foodland of all places and parted ways. As it happened I did not see him anymore this trip even if visited Tawan quite a few times, Perhaps he went home or it was just bad luck. I had some dental work to do at Thai Smile. Passing by I stepped in just to book an appointment but doctor was expected to be free in few minutes and since I had money on me I just wait and had it done . Then feeling bit sleepy decided to energize myself with massage so went to soi 6 and Nut from Maha spotted me approaching from mile away and grabbed me right away. Sweet , talkative , tiny but very muscular guy and I was happy with our 1.5 hr session. Massage made me hungry so I took motorsai to Charoen Krung soi 49, you guessed rightly to Madrid Tavern for my first pizza this trip. Late afternoon jet lag made me wanting badly to get some sleep so I returned to the room, set my alarm for 21.00 as I was supposed to pick up Y at Moonlight as agreed yesterday and collapsed on the bed. It was good idea with that alarm since I was sleeping soundly. After making myself looking decent – in Thailand I have habit to shave just before I hit bars in the evening and went to Moonlight. Y was there already , I bought him a drink and told him we will go after the show. At 10 pm bar was almost empty bar even if it was half an hour before show. But models and floor boys soldered on regardless. By 11 filled up nicely to about half capacity. Show quite decent. There, s new model, I guess his nick is Sam or similar. Quite handsome . Several new, floor boys, as well. Lack of crowds did not mean disaster as some high spending farang was holding court and was distributing tips by a handful. Y when sitting with me asked by said farang to join for round of drinks. Y asked my permission and he said for 15 minutes only. I agreed and it was a good move costing me nothing. After 15 minutes, and gulping 2 or 3 shoots he was clutching in his fist no less than 900. So it seems that sparse crowd doesn’t mean financial disaster. All depends. On another hand during my time there i.e. 10 to 11.45 my off was only one and I was, sitting in good position to see comings and goings through the door. So at 11.45 we went to Happy Beer Garden to have some meal, no prize for guessing what I had. Y ordered something simple as well which can’t be said about most boys I used to invite there. Since Raya is across the street few minutes after paying the bill we were already in the shower. Y never disappoints and did not even try to this time either. 2nd night and 2nd great one. Will I ever get decent sleep while in Thailand?
    1 point
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