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  1. reader

    Gay sex slang?

    Don't know if there's a name for it but this is probably what it looks like
    3 points
  2. My Current Favorite @floridarob is Chop Keeeper and then send would be the Gourmet Burger at Devilish Eats. I did eat at ShackShake in both Central and in EmSphere and they are good, but not the best for sure.
    3 points
  3. Go Fund Me page has been started to keep our Kostik from--yes, you guessed it--falling off yet again. In keeping with his expressed wishes that all things be American, restraints will be manufactured in Detroit and endorsed by presidential candidate.
    2 points
  4. BTW: here is an old thread from years gone by
    2 points
  5. Xclay

    Sauna outside Rio

    The Boate Casa Grande is in Bangu outside Rio, about 45 minutes from Copacabana. Last April, pauleiro started a very good thread about it with lots of helpful photos. Search for Bangu.
    2 points
  6. Trump thinks immigration is his ticket to get Independents to vote for him by being AGAINST Biden's "horrible" immigration policies. That may change once we actually start having a debate. Independents are more likely to listen to facts than just rally behind either Biden or Trump. For those of you who think murdering hordes of migrants is Trump's ticket to victory - like it was in 2020 - here's a pop quiz. 1. The murder rate spiked 30 % in 2020, when Donald Trump was President. Why is this a reason to vote for Donald Trump in 2024? a. Because more murder is always better. b. Because murders that are not committed by illegal aliens don't count. c. Because Laken Riley was not killed while Trump was President, and she is the only murder victim in America that will ever matter. d. Because people don't remember that murders soared 30 % in the last year of Trump's Presidency. 2. The murder rate plunged at least 12 % in 2023, the most recent year of Biden's Presidency. Why is this a reason to vote for Donald Trump in 2024? a. Because more murder is always better. b. Because we miss it when Donald Trump shoots people on 5th Ave. and gets away with it. c. Because Laken Riley was killed while Joe Biden was President, and she is the only murder victim in America that will ever matter. d. Because people don't know murder rates soared 30 % under Trump and have fallen over 12 % under Biden last year. 3. Rates of violent crimes, property crimes, and drug violations are always lower for undocumented immigrants than US citizens or legal immigrants. They know that cops and crime are two no no's if they want to stay in the United States. Why is this a reason to vote for Donald Trump in 2024? a. Because it's always fun to target the people who are most vulnerable. b. Because this isn't about crime. It's about winning an election. c. Because Laken Riley was killed by an undocumented immigrant, and that is all that matters. d. It's not a reason to vote for Donald Trump in 2024. If you answered "d" to all three questions, that's why this might not work as well for Trump in 2024 as it did in 2020 landslide. 😲
    2 points
  7. My last visit to Pattaya was in 2022. Before that I was there in 2019, and before 2019 I came from 2009 to 2016 every year several times. According to my impressions, from 2016 to 2019 Pattaya seriously sank as a bar business; in 2019 there was a feeling of fatigue and depression everywhere. The visit in 2022 brought a double impression. On the one hand, depression is no longer felt. Business came to life, became more energetic, one might even say more professional. On the other hand, business has become mechanical, guys are more indifferent. They don’t even try to imitate interest in you, they work like at the cash register at McDonald’s - the main task is to get your order as quickly as possible. Immediately after this, interest instantly disappears. I remember with nostalgia the host bars of the early 2010s, when I came to the bar and felt like a welcome guest, I was treated and entertained. None of this exists anymore. Now I am a visitor, not a guest.
    2 points
  8. In my experience, they show no concern at all. This is Japan, and they are doing a job! I have used these services for many years, and always had good service. Not many biys speak English, but, as you will have seen, you order the services you want from a 'shopping list', ant the items are usually faithfully delivered. If you go to a bar, King of College, for example, the manager usually speaks some English, and has a menu you can peruse! More top boys than bottom, usually, they say Western cocks are sometimes too big!
    2 points
  9. Indeed, I would not like to continue to communicate with an accomplice of terrorists, with someone who approves the use of cluster munitions prohibited by international conventions But what are treaties for the United States? The US violates everything, always and everywhere The United States is a sponsor of terrorism, child abduction, lies and propaganda!
    1 point
  10. Bravo, terrorist! Two, it's almost the whole of Russia (That's sarcasm. What if the terrorists don't understand sarcasm). Wikipedia! Bravo is the best source of information(That's sarcasm. What if the terrorists don't understand sarcasm). But American terrorists are no stranger to lying A great idea about the brains of the majority of US residents (By the way, those who are for crazy Trump and those who are for dementia Baden)
    1 point
  11. First off, this is a post about Biden's supposed dementia. So let's talk about Israel in that context. Biden is proving to be what he claims to be: old, and wise. Add Chuck Schumer to that list. I can not tell you how grateful I am that Joe Biden was President when the horror of Oct. 7th happened. If Trump were President, or if Trump is President, there is no question. He will back Bibi The Butcher, and his genocide. Trump would be fine with killing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, mostly women and children. That's genocide! No wonder Trump and your sadistic Genocide Man understand and respect each other. In some fantasy world, maybe Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren could be President, and US policy would be different. But they ran and lost, badly. So in the real world it is Biden or Trump. That's a choice between being against genocide, or being for it. Biden and his allies like Schumer are taking the gloves off. And they should. Because whats become clear is the genocide in Gaza is perhaps the most likely thing that will hand Trump a second term. although in March 2024 what has really not been factored in yet is that all these young voters and Arab Americans who are deeply pissed at Biden will figure out that letting Trump win says, "Let the real genocide begin!" Biden did two very smart things. First, he went to Israel and literally hugged a leader he can't stand. The polls are fickle, but interesting. In December Israelis said they would rather see Biden win than Trump, 40/26. That no doubt reflects Biden going to Israel after a genocidal horror and saying, "I have your back," Any country in the world would want that after their 9/11. By March that has now flipped to Israelis wanting Trump to beat Biden, 44/30. No doubt that reflects the fact that Biden and his allies are starting to lash out at Bibi The Butcher and his genocide. Second, Biden realizes he is running for POTUS, not PM of Israel. So he is speaking out about the genocide, without actually calling it a genocide. So is Kamala, who is now being positioned as the non-White woman speaking to the concerns of young non-White Americans and Arab Americans in particular. I said a few months ago that Biden is the last Democratic President who will more or less unconditionally back Israel. I was wrong. Biden is now the first Democratic US President who will NOT unconditionally support Israel. For that matter, Schumer is the first Jewish Senate Majority Leader, ever, and the first Democratic Senate Majority Leader to NOT unconditionally back Israel. It's all very fluid. And, if I had to guess, genocide will win. Genocide will certainly win if Bibi The Butcher manages to survive, and Trump wins. That's a prescription for the genocide of as many Palestinians as possible, both in Gaza and the West Bank. It is also a prescription for the genocide of Ukrainians, which Trump will passively support. But even if Biden is re-elected, genocide is my favorite to win in Israel. Those poll results above are a sign of it. Israelsi support Biden when he sends them arms to kill Palestinians. When he starts talking about a two state solution, they flip back to Trump. Importantly, there's not an Israeli majority for anything. There's not a majority for Bibi The Butcher. There's not a majority for Gantz. But there is a majority of Israelis who are basically against a two state solution. So i ain't holding my breath. Now, all that is about Israel, not the US. The bottom line is that either Trump or Biden will win in November. If Trump wins, more genocide in Israel is almost a sure thing. If Biden wins, there may be a way to give peace - a two-state solution - a chance. So don't go blaming Biden for Bibi The Butcher's genocide.
    1 point
  12. Show me the data, Mr. Genocide Fan. All you keep proving is you can scream and support genocide. But I do feel sorry for you. Who wants to have to live in Genocide World? For that matter, who wants to be a woman or girl in Afghanstan? The problem for women and girls in Afghanistan is that the US left. Life was clearly better for women and girls in Afghanistan when the US was trying to make it less sexist. That is what global humanitarian organizations are saying. Letter from Afghanistan: A Slow Death Millions of women and girls in Afghanistan would rather live in the US. But they have to live in horror. Many Ukrainian girls won't have this problem. Because Genocide Man slaughtered them.
    1 point
  13. Forcibly removing children from their countries of permanent residence is absolutely not funny. The United States kidnapped and forcibly got out tens of thousands of children from Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan! But!!! Any international organization that dares to investigate these crimes by the United States risks being sanctioned or worse, imprisoned in U.S. prisons and tortured there! The United States has the largest number of political prisoners in the world! The United States openly threatens all international organizations that if they do not repeat the false propaganda of the United States, there will be sanctions! Child abduction, violence against abducted children is US policy!
    1 point
  14. I wish the two bachelor Senators from South Carolina would resign. Oh wait Tim Scott has found a fiance'. Perhaps Senator Graham can do the same. I understand he has tried to get in shape for the ladies and has long been interested in aerobic exercise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUedeiGaCpo&t=79s
    1 point
  15. Riobard

    Sauna outside Rio

    They seem to be up to date in posting events and there may have been some changes/additions to the usual Sunday afternoons. https://www.instagram.com/boatecasagrandeoficialboate?igsh=MTdvYmliN2Y2dnZzZg==
    1 point
  16. From CNN Important note: Before beginning any new exercise program, consult your doctor. Stop immediately if you feel pain. CNN — When it comes to lowering blood pressure, studies have typically shown that aerobic or cardio exercises are best. Recent research suggests another type of physical activity is worth including as an effective tool to prevent and treat hypertension, or high blood pressure. Exercises that engage muscles without movement — such as wall squats and planks — may be best for lowering blood pressure, according to a large study published July 2023 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. This type of training is known as isometric, or static, exercise, according to the Mayo Clinic. Isometric muscle action happens when muscles contract but do not visibly change length, and the joints involved don’t move, facilitating stability of the body. Continues with photos and video https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/27/health/exercises-for-blood-pressure-squats-planks-wellness/index.html
    1 point
  17. Wow. That's amazing--and unexpected. Better than a study, this is a meta-analysis, which combines multiple randomized clinical studies, and is the highest form of evidence available. Although perhaps difficult to believe at first, and contrary to traditional thinking, this appears to be the truth.
    1 point
  18. Not a butterface, a man of wax! A man, young lady! Lady, such a man As all the world — why, he's a man of wax. Nurse, Romeo & Juliet
    1 point
  19. reader

    Best Burger in Bangkok

    At least once during every trip I succumb to the siren call of the Roadhouse BBQ (Surawong at Rama IV) for what I consider the best burger in town. But what I particularly find attractive is the price. For what you'd be asked to fork over at Burger King down the road for their top of the line burger you get something much tastier and substantial. I think of it as a frugal man's luxury. It comes with cole slaw for 325 baht. But what makes it special is the generous paddy of Wagyu beef cooked expertly to order. You can get fries for 75 baht but I'd opt to pair it with the bacon baked beans for 80. What's a burger without beer and the pints starts as low as 130 for a Chiang and 140 for my favorite draft from Japan. The atmosphere lives up the name: dark wood, spacious seating and coupled with friendly service.
    1 point
  20. speedoo1

    Venezuela pay scene

    If you want Venezuelan guys (for pay), why don’t you just go to Colombia ?
    1 point
  21. The 10 items for discussion...
    1 point
  22. We know that this will fail spectacularly just like the casinos, the university, the steaks, ties, wine..What else? The donors with big money are already saying that they have had enough and the poor people who could donate have been bled dry. Couple this with the GOP messaging that is turning off voters and an increasingly more erratic Trump and base. Let's watch this explode with astounding magnitude.
    1 point
  23. You're right about that, dear. The US is trying to protect Ukrainian children. That is our inclination with children. The Russian inclination is to kill Ukrainian children, or steal them. That is a big difference.
    1 point
  24. Marc in Calif

    Sauna outside Rio

    You would travel 20 km from Rio, to an area you're not familiar with, to visit a "seedy and run down" sauna just to meet the boy next door? 😂
    1 point
  25. One small piece of advice: I advise you to think about whether you should use the word "dear," because in English-speaking countries we use it only to refer to our spouse or another family member, like our son or daughter. Why do you think I started using the word "child" in the first place? This particular joke is on you, my DEAR. 🥰
    1 point
  26. It's an amazing thing. The latest Economist poll shows Trump 44/Biden 42. That two point spread is the same as the RCP average. Of Trump's supporters, 73 % say they are voting FOR Donald Trump, and 25 % say they are voting AGAINST Joe Biden. Of Biden's supporters, 52 % say they are voting FOR Joe Biden, and 47 % say they are voting AGAINST Donald Trump. Since most Biden supporters voted for him in 2020, the percentage of 2020 Biden voters is the same. Almost half of people who voted for Biden in 2020 and plan to in 2024 are voting against Trump, not for Joe Biden. It's possible this will hurt Biden. Because support for him in lackluster, whereas Trump's base is strong. More likely, it will be like 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2023. Because Trump and his base are viewed as extreme and anti-democratic, a lot of people who aren't really fans of Biden will vote for him. Just like in 2020. The fact that so many are willing to vote for Biden because they don't want Trump is an asset to Biden. At least it has been so far. Trump's never been able to get over 47 % of the vote. Right now 3 % of voters are in the Stein or West column. Most of them say they are open to changing their minds. So it's a good bet that many, maybe most, of them will vote AGAINST Trump in November by voting Biden, even if they are not FOR Biden. There's obviously a bunch of undecided voters who weren't crazy about Biden in 2020 and are less crazy about him now. But, when push came to shove, they did vote for Biden in 2020. That's likely more votes the end up going against Trump, even though they are not for Biden. I take it as great news for Biden that the economy is now #3 on the list for Independents. If inflation were 20 %, I'm pretty sure the economy would be all Republicans talked about. And they probably won't blame Biden for the stock market being at an all time high. So they have to make it about criminal migrant hordes. Just like they did in 2020. I mean, it worked for Trump in 2020. Why not run the play again? 😉
    1 point
  27. So precisely WHAT did you write here that was translated by Google? What exactly was it? Was it the following sentence? -- “We both” are supporters of justice and retribution. So you had to rely on Google to translate that into English? 😮 This is an extremely sad day for you, child. Now we can confirm that you don't understand any of the English comments that you make on these forums. You don't understand any of the Google translations.
    1 point
  28. tm_nyc

    Best Burger in Bangkok

    I think Roadhouse does an excellent pulled pork sandwich also. As for burgers, there's Mash on Convent Rd, not far from Silom Rd. Burgers are pretty much all they serve & I think they are very good. The place has a trendy 'industrial' decor & a big selection of beers on tap. Mash is situated between 2 open-front Thai joints so it's easy to miss.
    1 point
  29. You're definitely on to something.... One study found that men who averaged having 4.6 to 7 ejaculations a week were 36 percent less likely to receive a prostate cancer diagnosis before the age of 70. This is in comparison to men who reported ejaculating 2.3 or fewer times a week on average. For men, sex may even affect your mortality. One study that had a 10 year follow-up reported that men who had frequent orgasms (defined as two or more a week) had a 50 percent lower mortality risk than those who had sex less often. SOURCE: Healthline
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/donald-trump-s-new-nickname-for-himself-has-people-howling/ar-BB1jL27T?ocid=winp2fptaskbarhover&cvid=6cff03d19db943e6b6277bbc226412ea&ei=22&sc=shoreline
    1 point
  32. And if Trump is Honest Don...
    1 point
  33. from my experience almost all speak but plenty don't write or read it, exactly the same like some of expats
    1 point
  34. I’m glad I experienced Pattaya in the period 2002 to 2006, when I was young enough to take full advantage. Now in 2024 I have found Boyztown has only two functioning gogos and Sunee is like a Western ghost town. The busy Jomtien Complex on the other hand is like attending the United Nations with boys (many twinks) from all parts of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, possibly Vietnam but I have not not come across one from there. Expertise using Google Translate is an important skill when trying to communicate especially as many seem to have only recently arrived in Thailand. Last night I could not make much progress when trying to talk to a Burmese boy as there does not seem to be an English - Burmese google facility, but maybe I didn’t look hard enough. Likewise the customers are drawn from virtually all parts of the first world (Europe, Australasia, USA/Canada) and many appear to be taking vacations from their retirement homes. The Dongtan Beach gay section is flourishing despite reports of its death. I have enjoyed over several days the confortable chairs, good food/drinks service, and the wonderful weather. The few older ladies encroaching do not detract from the ambiance, but only one or two customers were accompanied by their young boyfriends.
    1 point
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