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  1. Day 10 continued - in Siem Reap At 12 noon I left hotel , took 9$ tuk-tuk to the airport and while flying high above Cambodia I realized that I got infamous senior moment in the hotel. When emptying safe box I put pile of 100 000 riels ( 25$ ) in 5000 notes on the night stand and forgot to pick it up from there. Can only imagine how happy cleaner was finding it and hope she was not stupid enough to report it to the reception but harvested that pile in full. As my mom used to say ‘ in nature nothing gets lost , only finds new owner”. In ½ hr we were landing already. Airport looks very pleasant but was empty, our plane was only one at time I was there. My driver greeted me immediately but I told him I need to do my survey. In improvement to early reports now there’s place one can buy snacks, there are desks for taxi and public bus to the city as well as kiosk with SIM cards. Unfortunately I couldn’t see departure area as there are guards who are admitting actually people who are departing only. This tells us whole thing is Chinese built , run and milked. There are no such restriction in Phnom Penh. Quite possible in generation people will be marveling of how far sighted builders if this airport were but for now it’s just waste od space and money as old airport was running well and was very close to the city. I’m not buying BS that it needed to be closed because vibrations were hurting ancient temples. In my 5 visits there I never heard any plane landing or taking off. Anyways if we don’t have what we liked we must like what we have. It's about 1 hr. to the city and one can take car for 35$ or van for 40$ or public bus for 8$. Apparently there’s also postal bus for the same 8$ but I did not find any information not stop for it there so it needs to be confirmed. Half way is very modern highway which is joining old National Road number 6. One hour and 35$ later I was in hotel. Big room with balcony , separate shower / bathtub area and toilet itself. Breakfast included and even small pool at disposal, all for 40$ , life is beautiful. Knowing S is coming I was waiting for him , he updated me where he is and finally knock into door and happy squeak from him. It look he was really happy for such vacations. Today we took it easy , went to Old Market area to eat something and returned to the room as two happy people have no better place to spend rest of day and night like bed , specially knowing driver will be 8 am on the dot. I know him and was sure so instructed S to behave but forgot to instruct myself so we had some steam in the room before we fell asleep..
    10 points
  2. Day 9 After my guy departed I was left with my dreams so to speak and sleep soundly till quite late. Late breakfast for 16000 in Dolce Vita, quite sumptuous and then I went to Royal Palace as last two times I was in Phnom Penh it was still closed due to covid scare. Now is reopened for for some reason was closed today and I was directed to come tomorrow . So decided to treat myself with tour of island at confluence of Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers , tuk-tuk for 15$. It’s mostly new developments , in 2001 it was mostly wasteland but still at the southern top fishing village on boats survived. With new bridge access to an island is easy but old ferries are also circulating quite frequently. Tonle Sap river from new bridge Central Phnom Penh from other side Fishing village on the boats mighty Mekong in Phnom Penh Returned to hotel around 13.00 hoping my last night companion will keep his word and indeed first Line came’ I’m coming soon’ and then at 1pm on the dot he showed up greeted in the lobby by welcoming committee i.e. me. Another fabulous , no rush session and it was darkening when he left. I feel hungry so decided to try that Polish place I discovered last night. I chose quite typical fare of chicken soup and schnitzel with potatoes, only beer reminded me I’m dining in Cambodia , not in Europe. Very tasty but in my opinion servings were too generous for the climate. I was hungry and still did not manage to eat it all. 11$ plus tip. My treats (glasses not included) : In meantime I received another cheering message , this time from S (day 3 ) that he is planning to join me in Siem Reap tomorrow evening. After exhausting exercises of last night and this afternoon I felt bit in need of nap so went to hotel for 2 hours sleep rightly expecting that tonight it will be another session. In the evening to my headquarters in Phnom Penh i.e. Space Hair. For another evening of fun there. My last night guy did not waste much time to inquire if he should see me come after work which I guess both of us expected to happen. I must say I got quite drunk tonight , switching to gin and tonic did better job that those lady -like Margaritas and Cuba Libres. Of course not that drunk to forget where I live or that I will have guest tonight, all was under control. Soon after me my guy showed up and I had impression he was even more clingy and passionate then last night and in the afternoon.
    10 points
  3. Day 10, still in Phnom Penh In the morning we turned fully synchronized , he wanted to go to the gym and me to Royal Palace right after they open at 8. Our good bye embrace was quite long and then for first time in my zillion meetings with boys in Thailand and Cambodia I heard apology from guy that he charged me too much. I was quite touched , I knew I gave him bit more than market but bit doesn’t meant twice or trice more. He told me what he needs money for and for me it sounded quite pleasurable so all I could say was ‘ my pleasure’ and there was not an inch of exaggeration in my statement. That was sweet indeed. I could walk to Royal Palace but being strong believer of supporting local industry I hailed tuk-tuk . Of course local industry thought I may be stupid tourist and quoted me something like 16000 for what it‘s walking distance so I offered 1$ (4000) and kept walking and of course local industry agreed ‘ ok, ok , 1 dollar” , three minutes later we were there and I spoiled local industry with 2000 tip. I was one of first visitors and almost felt I have place to myself for first few minutes. Here are some pictures In hour and half I completed my tour and went to Warsaw for a breakfast hoping they will have rye bread and Polish sausage which is exactly what I was served plus some other cold cuts and cheeses. Again it was too opulent but after 10 days of feasting on hotel and Foodland treats of fried eggs and toasts I cleaned my plate. As cold cuts tasted surprisingly un - industrial I asked and my suspicions were confirmed. They have local source , another Polish guy who produces sausages, hams and other treats. Chesses were from the stores though . Who would think ?, Polish ham made in Cambodia ! All that plate for 5$ ( 20000), tea included. Then to hotel to pack whatever little I had. On Whatsapp I contacted driver who help me with his car in October of 2022 if he can t pick me up from the airport. I was surprised answer was immediate and on top of that he remembered very well me and even hotel I was staying because he asked if I still will stay there. No, this time instead of Royal Crown and Men’s I opted for Kings’ Rock on the same side of river, around the corner from Royal Crown and walking distance to Old Market. I guess not many tourist are hiring drivers to go to Banteai Chhmar temple so it’s how I become so memorable. He even recalled when we asked local lady how far temple is she told us about 20 minutes by motorbike while in fact it was 1 hr by car. So much about local knowledge ! I told him not to rush as it will be my first time in new airport and I want to walk around before we set off for the city.
    9 points
  4. Day 8 My room was booked without breakfast so in the morning I purchased breakfast coupon for $8, princely sum in Cambodia and went to sister venue OK Boutique around the corner where breakfasts are served on top floor with beautiful view over central Phnom Penh. Yesterday I purchased tour to Killing Fields. Very sobering place where mass executions were conducted by Khmer Rouge. I was there on my first Cambodia trip in 2001 and wanted to see what changed during those years. They were supposed to pick me up at 10.00 , I was waiting on steps of my hotel and when I got impatient 45 minutes later guide finally appeared to pick me up. We went to few other hotels to pick up other tourists as well as picked up few at another sobering place – infamous S-21 Tuol Sleng prison. Killing Fields are on the outskirts of Phnom Penh and while 23 years ago road leading there was atrocious , now is paved all the way. Another thing I noticed is absence beggars without limbs , victims on landmines. Them they were I ubiquitous all over Cambodian cities , now is rarity to see one. I wonder what happened as a lot of them then were quite young. One hopes they were taken care of somehow. On the road they played movie about Pol Pot life , rise and fall, very objective and hiding nothing. Including my Cambodian pet peeve- fact that after Vietnamese removed Khmer Rouge, their atrocities were will known and 2 million skulls strewn in the countryside and still Thailand and West supported their regime of so called Democratic Kampuchea on international stage including UN seat. If we think that politics are dirty there’s no place better to contemplate it than Cambodia. Centre point of the place is temple -like monument with skulls on shelves, new thing there is another monument picture of which I show below. Sadly, that place along with Tuol Sleng are a must visit at least once to understand better what happened in Cambodia but also to appreciate how far country moved from that horror although past is still present and oddly house of Ta Mok, one of Pol Pot’s bloody henchmen in Anlong Veng close to Thai border is still place which I was told some locals still visit with reverence. I remember talking to some journalist well versed with SE Asia affairs in mid-80ties and he told me that thanks to Khmer Rouge and their killing spree Cambodia is only country in the region without problem of grandchildren still toiling in half slavery to pay debts their grandparents took to pay for their wedding. That would explain Ta Mok nostalgy I’d say. It was nice to return to vibrant city , after a bit of rest and my obligatory mid-day tea I decided to try massage at Arthur and Paul gay hotel. Inspiration came from one of our tour participants being picked up and dropped there. It looked as classy place so I said to myself “about time to see and try”. For 8000 riels (2 $) tuk -tuk took me there. I was hoping guy I spotted on Grindr, hunky hunk working there will be present but unfortunately no. 1.5 hr massage fee was 28$ , certainly well above Cambodian standard. There were 4 guys available, none of them close to my type but all smiling so I picked up one whose smile was widest. Room quite spiffy but container with soap in the shower was empty , not for that price thought I. After morning experience certainly I was not in the mood to complain or get sour about anything. Massage was skilled but when temperature raised and was time for masseur to remove his excessive clothing i.e. undies and towel he quoted me tip of 40$ , again quite a sum for Cambodia but if one gets massages in classy places must be prepared to pay thought I and agreed. At least I’m glad I tried the place. Next time I will be trying to secure that hunk I guess. Right beside Artur and Paul is Rambutan, popular in gay circles with rooms about half price of those at A $ &P but still twice as much I’m paying at my OK Palace . I did not need an accommodation but after running whole day on breakfast and bottle of Hanuman Black beer I gulped on my way from Killing Fields not at 6 ot 7 pm I was hungry so decided to eat there. Another tourist place with prices to match , 15$ I paid for dinner I summarized in my diary as ‘; money not spent well” . Upon return I alighted on Pasteur street and then walked to soi where my friend told me Toolbox bar was resurrected and asked me if that is true. Indeed I found it, from info I got it’s just across the soi whom old location but inside was nobody and outside was sitting lone twink , not exactly of my type but for those venturing there I confirm , Toolbox was resurrected. It was short walk to my hotel from there and when passing Saravoan Royal Palace hotel on street 178 I thought I have stroke . Warsaw ? Polish place that far ? Indeed it was newly opened restaurant so for those craving Central and Eastern European food there place for you and very easy to find – right beside old location of Blue Chili bar and 200 meters from National Museum. Price list looked quite human so I took note where I will have my dinner tomorrow. Too bad I overspent at Rambutan when I could have likely better food ( I love schnitzels an European soups) for ½ price and steps from my hotel. In the room I freshened up , took shower to remove oil after that massage , packed my pockets with money – you know my system perhaps ,50 $ this pocket, two 20$ in another few 10 , 5 and 1 in third one, some 20000 riels here and some 10000 there . This way I don’t need to show wad of money when tipping or paying bill. This all in preparation for another fun evening at Spice Hair bar. Walked there and when arrived, I guess it was 21.00 or 21.30 there were no customers but 7 guys on duty already. How do I know? Because seeing them unemployed I took pity and ordered 8 drinks. You should hear an applause , probably heard as far as Sum and Moon hotel which is next door to the bar. Fun started , luck had it that two guys I liked the most positioned themselves beside me and soon after bar started filling up with patrons and few more boys. Guys made sure I’m entertained, I stole kiss or 4 from guy on my left, made discretely sure that guy on my right is not a girl by strategic hand placement and it was well understood by asking question where’s my hotel. Hour or two later he expressed curiosity to check if I have balcony and view from it which led to suggestion he is willing to check it after bar closes on his way home. I explained to him that in case he will feel tired there’s sofa in the room which led to an instruction where I’m supposed to wait for him. Around 1 at night I left , waited where instructed which took a while because as I said earlier, guys there must stay on duty as long as bar is opened . Knowing procedure it was sweet waiting. Soon after were at hotel. No fuss over bringing guest that late, no questions asked. In the room he notices sofa is not comfortable enough but bed is big and shyly ( ok, not) suggested we share it which we did in gusto. Fabulous 2 or 3 hours, when he left it was still dark, earlier in the bar he offered some plausible explanation why he can’t stay till morning so I was Ok with that , if only because he offered time compensation “ if you want I can come at 1 tomorrow “ which felt like Christmas day for me.
    8 points
  5. Just about me last 2 nights, with the kid from Jakarta and staying at the Conrad, he was great massage and sex but also good company, he knew more about what's going on in US politics than most Americans! They treat you like royalty there and more so when you're in a suite or have Diamond status, got upgraded to a suite because of that status. Most of the people that I come into contact with remembered me from Sept...they remembered my name, wtf. They have a new position there called a Curator, is like a butler or RCCL cruise lines or a rock star agent on Virgin Voyages cruises. Almost like a Personal Assistant to do reservations at special events, dinner reservations, etc. He arranged my car to the airport, breakfast boxes since I left early in the a.m., printed some immigration docs for Philippines, and some other stuff....very handy. The kid from Jakarta said he's never felt so important and loved the trip, the 3 days flew by and when I gave him money 2 million IDR, $130 usd he said was too much...he bought his own flights, lol We had fun together and I'll plan my next trip to include him in some of it. In Manila now and Grindr is blowing up...mix paid/free, let's see how it goes.
    5 points
  6. this is continuation of trip report from Thailand section at this link: https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/41442-better-to-be-retired-than-retarded-thailand-and-cambodia-in-january-2024-trip-report-brief-but-long/#comment-374666 Day 7 , Phnom Penh part. I had e-visa so immigration was breeze. I exchanged some money into riels as airport rates are only minimally lower than city ones ( 4000 vs 4065 for 1 USD). Some people don’t bother and are using dollars since Cambodia is practically dual currency country and is not unusual to pay 10 $ invoice with 6$ and 16000 riels ( 4 $) for example. Some places are quoting prices in riels , other in dollars but both currencies are accepted everywhere and only exceptions I know is visa on arrival and tickets to Angkor ruins where one must pay in USD exclusively. If you decide to bring dollars just make sure notes are intact without any tears , pinholes and writings on them, I saw 1 dollar banknotes rejected because of those infractions. I prefer to use riels with exception of big ticket items like boys’ tips as getting change from 50 or 100 $ bill may be problematic in country where dinner cost 5 $ and haircut 2$. Other airport purchase was SIM card for 1 week , it was 7$ if I recall correctly and then tuk-tuk to hotel for 9$. Those who want to save money on getting to hotel solution is to take bus from airport parking lot for 1000 or 2000 or leave airport area and get one of the waiting tuk-tuks outside for something like 5-7$ but I did not bother. Room was not ready so I went to Dolce Vita for lunch and returned in 1 hr to find everything ready. I stay in OK Palace hotel, twin of OK Boutique in the same soi where I stay last time. Entry to the hotel is palatial and so is room. Both hotels are in street 19Z, appendix like short soi across from National Museum and walking distance to Royal Palace and whole central area including my Phnom Penh headquarters Space Hair bar. hotel's entry view from the window sleeping machine and the room In the room I noticed I forgot phone charger in Bangkok and girl on reception suggested I go to Kandal Market where there are phone shops. Bingo indeed. Instead of walking 10 minutes I took tuk tuk for whopping 4000 and returned in style by cycle rikshaw for the same amount. After setting in I walked around admiring smells and sounds , bought tour to Killing Fields for tomorrow and at around 21.00 I walked to 136 street to my headquarters – Space Hair bar. I wish we had something like that in Bangkok although they operate on different formula . Staff are exclusively hunky and in shape – see sample from their recent Facebook. Almost all guys from the picture were present on at least one of three nights I visited there. As always almost means one was absent and that one was precisely one I wanted to see as we met already quite closely before. But if I don’t have what I like , I like what I have. Boys there are only to accompany you for drinks and talk. Forget about offs and off fees. Surely if you have designs on one or more you must be very , very discreet and be prepared for meeting absolutely outside working hours. Boss there , while very sympathetic is also very strict and serious about those rules. Cambodian Prince I had debacle with last year was fired on the spot for leaving 1 hr. earlier than scheduled and apparently only because he got drunk Drinks are not expensive 4-6 $ but if you get heated like me , they add up but this is cost of fun. Some guys are somewhat touchy-feely , others less so, kiss or 7 can be stolen after few rounds of drinks , hand and knee holding is available and generally is a lot of fun. Guys are not pushing you for drinks and absolutely no word of ‘ tip’ is spoken but obviously depending on time they sat with you and how long you were holding their knee or hand you should tip them. I gave 5- 10 $ to those few who sat with me for prolonged time. Drinks are what oils bar keep in mind so when boy empties his buy him another one or he may choose to, leave your table. But there are absolutely no situations like I had sometimes in Thai bars when boy gulped his drink in on ego and was looking for another one. It’s why I wish we have such bar in Bangkok. Easy , pleasant and no hard sell tactics. Not only boys got plenty of drinks but also myself so when I was leaving at about 2 am I was quite drunk and 90$ lighter , not to mention about 100 000 distributed for tips. But it was fun worth of every minute and every penny spent. Unfortunately I went home empty handed so to speak. I had designs on one of their boys but neither one of us was brave enough to start serious discussion. Before I went to bed for fun I checked Grindr and had “ Hi “ from quite attractive looking guy but had that senior moment and did not realize that this guy ( I’m notoriously bad reading people from pictures ) was indeed one I had designs on in bar. It only dawned on my next day in the afternoon. But by then damage was done. Not only I spent night in cold bed but also he figured out that I rejected him and was doing his best to show that he cooled to me. Oh well, lesson learned
    4 points
  7. Airport highway is a toll road, and , under the 50 year contract with the Chinese, cannot be altered. Money goes to Chinese. They are building a town there, with Casino, called Yunnan City. 'They can't even use a Cambodian name', my driver said, in a disgusted tone. He added, 'We are part of China now'.
    4 points
  8. My pics of airport when I left SR. As can be seen, I hope, I was the only person in the check in area, and the only one at immigration. Something went wrong with one pic, sorry. To be fair a tour group cam through later to fill up the flight to Swampy, only a 70 seater. Note Chinese flag on luggage carousel, just showing who is in charge!
    3 points
  9. All I can say is: Thank you Taylor and Travis!!! /s Democrat Tom Suozzi won a hotly contested special election for Congress on Tuesday, the Associated Press projected, retaking a seat (George Santos) in suburban New York and offering his party some reassurance amid high anxiety about President Biden’s political vulnerabilities.
    3 points
  10. 2 points
  11. really ? I have feeling all credit for pictures goes to my Samsung phone, I just click
    2 points
  12. Flew here from Surabaya on Lion Air. Many people in Jakarta told me not to fly them, horrible record. Check-in was efficient, line moved fast, flight left on time, was only 40 minutes and arrived 5 mins late. Since it was Chinese New Year weekend coming up, Bali airport was super busy and my luggage was the last one out....yeah, I was getting nervous. So much better arriving Bali domestically than International. Was waiting for Grab car when an independent driver convinced me to go with him for the same price, Grab was moving really slow in traffic, but as usual, nothing is at it seems. The indie taxi was in a garage and it took us longer to get out of the garage than Grab would've taken..... Staying in Seminyak at the Primera hotel, an old IBIS, small rooms but super convenient to the bars and beach, $25 usd a night with minifridge and a balcony, cheaper rooms run 17 a night. Met a guy on Grindr while in Surabaya that was in Bali, since distance isn't shown in Indonesia, it's common to move into an area far away while scrolling. Hooked up with him 2 nights, wasn't a money boy and had a thick dick with a big head, he was horny as a mf. That's a common theme in Indonesia, even the mb's don't get clients as often as Brasil or Thailand, so they come loaded and ready to shoot. Had a couple of daytime massage in my room from a couple of regulars....went to Mixwell bar all 3 night here. A guy from Jakarta that I was with for 3 nights, bought his own plane ticket to come out here to be with me 3 nights, time with me paid as 1 "meeting", his reference, like a programa in Brasil or ST in BKK, even though he was staying with me. Seemed like a bargain and so far, so good after 1 night. Moving to Conrad Bali tomorrow for the last 2 nights....looking for a more relaxing stay just hanging out by the pool and room with him, no bars other distractions. We did go to Elegantz sauna today, from the online reviews, I was expecting more....was busy, but nothing worthwhile for me. I would've been better using that time for a nap, won't return there. Also went to the Hard Rock Cafe, I know the manager from years ago in Jakarta and he always treats me like a VIP whenever I stop in, The kid from Jakarta is impressed with the benefits from Hilton status and knowing the HRC guy and manager and cashier at Mixwell, boy will he be surprised at Conrad tomorrow, lol Probably won't have anything else noteworthy to add to this trip unless I get married or he robs me....then off to Manila after. I got a message from someone in a group (straights) that I've Cruised with before on Princess, that one of our female friends that was an awesome person passed away last night while on the ship from cardiac arrest....boy did she love cruising. Makes it even more important to realize, we don't know when our last day is.....enjoy it while you're physically able to 🙏
    2 points
  13. I quote you frequently when asked this.... if you live in Thailand, you can't visit Thailand.
    2 points
  14. I wonder if Ebay has a t shirt with this on it.
    2 points
  15. And that's exactly what Imodium is meant to fix. ☺️
    2 points
  16. You wouldn't know the truth even if you were defenestrated.
    2 points
  17. go and not only because Space hair boys Angkor ruins are absolutely awe inspiring
    2 points
  18. reader

    GPS gone awry

    From Thai PBS World A woman, who was relying on GPS to navigate the way to visit a friend in Phrae province on Sunday, found her car stuck on a small pedestrian suspension bridge over a river. She narrowly escaped tragedy, as the wooden bridge’s planks broke under the weight of her car, causing her left wheel to become stuck. She immediately exited the vehicle and sought help from people nearby. A police and rescue team used tractors to pull the car back onto the bank of the river. The 120-meter bridge over the Yom River connects two villages in Tambon Wiang Thong in Sung Men district. The driver, whose name was not revealed, mentioned that she was from Nong Muang Khai district, hoping to visit her friend in Sung Men. “I have never been to Wiang Thong before. My friend pinned a location for me in the GPS system to cross what is called Wiang Thong Bridge, so I would reach the destination,” she said. She simply followed the guidance of the GPS. She did not see a cement bridge about 40 meters away. “That’s why I got stuck on the bridge. I did not know that a new bridge had been built near the old one, which is used only by pedestrians,” she explained. She said she wants signs put up to indicate that the old bridge is only suitable for pedestrian crossing and that there is a new bridge nearby for vehicles. A villager, who witnessed the incident, said that he saw the car only when it was already stuck on the bridge, adding that “This wooden bridge was built about 40 years ago, and only people and tricycles are able to use it.”
    1 point
  19. Sorry I clicked on it! A lot of vague generalizations & cliched visuals of Thailand & Thai gay people.
    1 point
  20. AI voice vocalising a script written by anonymous person/persons. Not interested in that opinion.
    1 point
  21. thaiophilus

    GPS gone awry

    "The Darwin Awards salute the improvement of the human genome by honoring those who accidentally remove themselves from it in a spectacular manner!"
    1 point
  22. Typically GOP focusing on the fact Santos was expelled rather than his crimes. That 40+% of Americans still support this party shows just how little anyone cares about ethics or morals.
    1 point
  23. fully comparable, Royal Crown seems to be bit more classy and have bigger rooms but I liked King's Rock better because bathroom arrangements.
    1 point
  24. Stable Genius

    The GOP Are Iditots

    Let’s see the focus of R’s Impeach Mayorkas Kill border security bill Outlaw abortion and imprison women who do that Support Putin Leave NATO Bring back Donald Trump Decline to accept loss of 2020 elections Hmmm … may be not a good strategy.
    1 point
  25. I was thinking about cutting them off from the pics but because tomorrow is Ash Wednesday I decided to treat my readers before Lent starts
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. vinapu

    More flying farangs

    don't worry , try Pattaya next time you are in Thailand
    1 point
  28. Stinky aced the cognitive assessment test (he said it was very hard):
    1 point
  29. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-altered-newsweek-article-removing-unfavorable-content/ar-BB1iepvI?cvid=7e79b8fce86340038762a53f889cf274&ocid=winp2fptaskbarhover&ei=22&sc=shoreline
    1 point
  30. Shonen

    Times changing?

    In Northeast Asia.
    1 point
  31. Macaroni you have nicely described the Dongtan Gay beach as I remember it in my first few years visiting Pattaya (about 2002 to 2005) when many of my afternoons were spent there, enjoying the sun, sea , the ambience and the boys, (especially the boys. ). Sometimes it was difficult to find an unoccupied chair especially when accompanied by other farangs or boyfriends. There were maybe 10 or a dozen obviously gay orientated concessions where few women or hetro couples were to be found and several nearest the toilet block always seemed to be 100% gay. Happy days !
    1 point
  32. I agree about lovely hosts, I like part when after buying so many drinks for boys and myself that offer me free shoot or drink, shoot of gin is my choice. Clientele still seems to be mixed although some guys very straight acting may still be gay, not that I care much as long as they keep bar running. Guys still are not offable and can't leave premises as long as bar is opened. What they do in their free time doesn't seem to be owner's business. as for gay/ straight divide I have my doubts as always how straight is a guy who lets you to hold on his cock under the table for even brief moment .Likely they treat this as a work and don't care about the labels.
    1 point
  33. Thailand is too hot and too far from my folks to move there permanently. I'm not worried about boredom in retirement , apart from Thai boys I have another costly and time consuming hobby.
    1 point
  34. The gay section was predominantly farang. It was supported mainly by the winter exiles from Europe and North America, who would stay two or three months each time. Their headcount was never that many, but because they were temporarily resident, they could make frequent visits and so the gay section looked well patronised. On a typical high season day, there might have been 10-15 gay farangs per concession stand at any one time. Multiply that by about 6 concession stands, and there would have been 60-90 gay men on the beach at any one time, many with twinky companions from Sunnee as well. That was what made the scene. Of course there were also those who made shorter trips to Thailand (like me) and spent a few days on the beach, adding variety to the mix of clients. Short visitors also helped during the middle of the year when the winter exiles returned home. However, because of the rainy season, the crowd was always thin between May and Sept, perhaps 3-4 clients per concession stand at midday. So even back then, it looked half dead some months of the year. So, what happened? Well, some of those farangs have since gone over to the big beach in the sky. Others, and potential replacements of a younger generation, no longer find it affordable to stay 3 months in Thailand. Costs in Thailand have changed considerably. Thailand has, over the past 20-25 years seen the rise of the gay Asian tourist. They have different tastes from the gay farang. Asians are less into sun and beaches and they're mostly not into fem twinks either, so Pattaya and Sunnee held little interest. But most important of all, they do not stay 2-3 months. They make short trips instead, and stick mostly to Bangkok. Paralleling the decline of the numbers of long-stay winter exile farangs have been the decline of Sunnee and the Chiang Mai tourist scene (which got life from the side trips that the winter exiles used to make to break the monotony of staying in Pattaya). There are plenty of retired Asians. Japan, Taiwan, Korea, China and Singapore are aging societies. Besides the non-interest in beach and fem twinks, I have explained in previous posts additional reasons why retired Asians don't mirror the same pattern of spending winters in Pattaya. Three reasons: these countries don't have generous pension schemes like in the West; their winters are relatively mild (or like Singapore, no winter) so less need to flee; don't speak English.
    1 point
  35. sure but also less time and energy to see them. Again , longer you wait for future , shorter she become I know because indeed I was working well past 65. Older we are those long flights and resulting jet lags are serving us less and less. Retirement decision is very personal depending on circumstances and can't be copied from others . we need carefully consider where we are. But once decision is made my advice will be - stick to whatever you resolved and don't look back.
    1 point
  36. If you carefully read @EmmetK's posts, he explains that Stinky's dementia is the primary reason MAGAts support him.
    1 point
  37. While I agree with you that at this point the evidence for Biden's dementia is convincing, it's pretty obvious that Trump has dementia as well. Trump may have fronto-temporal dementia, which could bode bigger danger. https://news.yahoo.com/5-times-trump-showed-signs-165136412.html Trump has mixed up President Biden and former President Obama so often that he even had to post a disclaimer on Truth Social explaining that these flubs were intentional. Just a few days ago, Trump mixed the two up during an appearance on Fox News. He was talking to Sean Hannity about the necessity of giving presidents immunity when he said, "Because when he leaves office, the opposing party, president, if it's the opposing party, will indict the president for doing something that should have been good, like Obama dropped missiles, and they ended up hitting a kindergarten or school or the apartment house, a lot of people were killed." Earlier this month, Trump made a similar mistake when he claimed he was ahead of Obama in the polls when he meant to say Biden. "As you know, crooked Joe Biden and the radical left thugs have weaponized law enforcement to arrest their leading political opponent, and leading by a lot, including Obama — I'll tell you what," he said during a Washington D.C. summit, Business Insider reports. In this same speech, he also mixed up Obama and his 2016 presidential election opponent, Hilary Clinton. "With Obama, we won an election that everyone said couldn't be won," he said... Last September, at a speech at the Pray Vote Stand summit in Washington, D.C., Trump claimed that Biden is “cognitively impaired” before warning that the current president would lead up into WWII — you know, the war that our grandparents fought in... At a rally in South Carolina last year, Trump went on another rant about wind turbines, this time claiming that “windmills” were killing whales by “driving them crazy.”
    1 point
  38. slavery was abolished more than 150 years ago. On serious note decision to retire will come naturally based on my experience . I was not planning although I'm well past retirement age, then it dawned on me that time is running out like somebody commented on another forum - longer you save for the future , shorter that future becomes.
    1 point
  39. Stinky's defense is that rape isn't a crime if the rapist is a star.
    1 point
  40. Bar Chiquita in El Poblado (Cra. 37 #8a-88) features a couple of strippers on weekends (Fri-Sat) in the upstairs Red Room (El Rojo) Entrance is an additional 10.000COP, less crowded than downstairs dance floor and terrace, there are two shows: one at midnight and second one at 1am. Two different performers. Performance was interactive with at least two patrons testing their deep throat skills. Shows were about 20 minutes on the small stage.
    1 point
  41. Qin Haiyang, World Aquatics Championships (2023)
    1 point
  42. Daiya Seto: Asian Swimmer of the Year (2018)
    1 point
  43. An Indonesian aquatics team:
    1 point
  44. unicorn

    GPS gone awry

    Note: Just a Joke! 😄
    1 point
  45. Keithambrose

    Footballers in focus

    Shame you don't have a photo of their swimming team!
    1 point
  46. Mas

    boys rrates 2023

    From my experience there is no need to pre-plan anything - there are a lot of guys available for free and a small fee on Grindr. Having said that, I've made a few contacts on x.com that I would like to meet when I am in Manila next. I've never used a massage service, but I find the guys on x and Grindr are more to my taste. When it comes to price I would always overpay, regardless of the agreed price. Even if you meet a young guy who isn't after money, a couple of thousand pesos can really help them out.
    1 point
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