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  1. Ran across this today. The One Massage is on Silom. It also looks like Paradise might have moved next door according to Google Maps
    4 points
  2. that mechanism works everywhere and without exception. If somebody with name Zhou En Lai wins Nobel Price in chemistry or Olympic gold in marathon for country like say ,Mexico, Ireland or Belgium will be feted as country's most treasured asset and pride. But if guy with the same name , being 5th generation resident turns mass murderer he will be still classified as immigrant and poster child in arguments why immigration should be curbed
    4 points
  3. Hello again! I hope my fellow horny travelers are doing well. This is the final installment of “Homecoming” the first day of my 5 day trip to Santo Domingo. I will be talking about my first afternoon and evening experience in Santo Domingo. The sex gets pretty wild at night so I highly recommend reading through or skipping to the end. Forewarning, this post is extremely long and detailed, I also apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. My first day there is what I remember most vividly so I have been going into great detail, hopefully to y’all’s enjoyment. But I’m certain y’all are curious (or maybe frustrated 😂) about the rest of the trip and the guys I hooked up with. Don’t fret, I promise that I will get to writing those trip reports soon and include dick pictures of the boys. And like the other posts I will link part one and two below for y’all’s convenience. https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/47678-homecoming-santo-domingo-trip-report-day-1-part-1/ https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/48332-homecoming-santo-domingo-trip-report-day-1-part-2/ Homecoming part 3 (Final) - Secret gay Elites, night out in the Zona and night poundings on the terrace 😈 I step out the door of the Airbnb with the sun beating down on me. As my eyes begin to squint, I put on my sunglasses as the fisherman locks the front door. We stroll the streets together discussing first where to eat and then our plans after. Not reaching a decision I told him I know a place someone recommended on the Conde (the main pedestrian street of the Zona Colonial) called Petrus. As we come up to the resturant we see the outside bustling with activity. A very large buffet with a great variety of local specialities are on display being served to customers to tourists and locals alike. Tempted, yet aware of the activities I would be participating in the evening, I opted to pick a dish from the menu and we take a seat inside. As we sit down, a gorgeous man walks to our table. 6’ feet, dark skin, dark green eyes, large perfectly braided hair, with a colorful printed short sleeve shirt, tight white Jeans, and impeccably clean high tops. He places his hands on the table as he towers over us, his large gold jewelry swinging against his chest with an intoxicating perfume emanating from him. He enthusiastically says hello to the fisherman and gives him a firm hand a hug. After a quick greeting the fisherman introduces me. We’ll just call him Mr Versace. They chat for a few minutes before Me Versace excuses himself says his farewell. As he walks away I see the back of his shirt says Casablanca. I let a bewildered “Casablanca?”, the fisherman asks what I’m talking about. “I’ve always wanted a Casablanca shirt, but they are a like, 700 to over 1000 euros, where did he even get that?!”. The fisherman laughs “I’m not surprised” he says as he puts a piece of steak in his mouth. “He has a lot of very wealthy clientele, some have even taken him to Europe. He is top but will bottom for the right price”. And with that the Chisme (gossip) begins. As the fisherman enjoys his steak and I begin to tuck into my grilled chicken breast and salad. He talks about the extreme wealth (and a bit of the underbelly) of some clientele. The one story I will tell of the multiple I was told is of an extremely wealthy American who lives in a penthouse in Piatini (the wealthiest neighborhood of Santo Domingo). A couple of years back Mr Versace once brought the fisherman there to participate in an orgy. Mr Versace tells him it will be an all day affair and only people that Versace vets for are invited. They are the first to arrive with his penthouse flanked with security. As they go in, phones have to be turned off and left with security. Apparently the client confines himself in his sky palace, paranoid and never leaving his secured perimeter. He told me he’s always on the phone either talking or checking “stock” (which to me sounds like he’s checking cryptocurrency) and were left alone for over an hour. He told me the bar is stocked with every liquor imaginable, so they poured themselves drinks and waited. When finished the client brings them to the bedroom, once inside he opens a safe and pulls a tiered box with every drug imaginable. All for the boys pleasure. After they pick their poison, and begin the ride up the sex begins. However a problem arises, the client wants to top the fisherman. The fisherman (a strict top) declines, and apparently that ended the session. The client gets up, goes to another safe, pulls out 500 dollars, hands it to the fisherman and asks Mr Versace to show him out and to bring him someone else. The fisherman told me he never returned or was invited there again. In awe I tell him it’s almost like a movie, but I’m not surprised. In this era of crypto moguls, financial scammers, etc there is much hidden and sketchy wealth. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was on the run from the US government, to which he agrees. He tells me there are a lot of wealthy fugitives that have escaped to the Dominican Republic. One could only imagine the secret lives of these individuals. Leaving the resturant, we had two things on the agenda, setting up the spare phone for the fisherman and to exchange the large amount of money I was carrying in my bum bag. Near the resturant in find a cellphone shop for the fisherman to set up his phone and connect his SIM card. Once I found out the phone was truly unlocked I left him in the shop and walked a few paces to the currency exchange. For anyone wanting to exchange currency in the DR, Frank el Azuano is the best! (if you google that name it will come up) Excuse my French but the Banks in the US rape your wallet when ordering Dominican pesos. And exchange in the DR anywhere else has either shitty rates or high commission. At Frank’s there is no commission and the exchange rate is almost the same as what you see currently on your phone. You do have to look for it as it is not directly facing the Conde but it is easily found. After exchanging my dollars to much needed pesos I walk back to the cellphone shop. As I head toward the entrance the fisherman walks out. “The phone works and you can call me anytime now” he says with a smile to which I reply “Perfect”. With the two things settled we walk down the Conde, passing the colorful shops and sellers back to the Airbnb. Once back in the Airbnb I go to the kitchen to pour myself a drink as the fisherman plugs his new phone to charge and download WhatsApp. As he starts to contact his family to assure them he’s fine, I go to the bedroom to count my money again and put most of it away in the safe. While putting some stuff away the fisherman calls me to help him out with the phone. He asks me to sit next to him and asks if I can help him download some games and applications on the phone. After going through the App Store he tells me he’s going to go back to his place and collect some of his things. I told him “of course, you are going to be with me for the whole trip” while looking down at his phone making sure the apps were downloading smoothly. He then pulls my hand and presses my palm on his hard erection. “You are going to give me some before I go right?” He says with his signature naughty grin. “Mmmmmmm” I moan “give me a second”. I grab my drink run to the bathroom and turn on the water for the shower. With my long douching nozzle attached and by religiously taking my fiber supplement “Pure for men” (to my fellow active bottoms, if you have not used this product before buy it, like now, you will thank me later) deep cleanup was a breeze, in under 10 minutes. I walk out of the bathroom, wrapped with a towel, still damp. I turn to see him at the bedroom door. Just in his tank top jacking off. “Get on the side of the bed” he growled, I throw the towel on the bed, swipe the Vaseline and poppers from the night stand, lube my hole and get on all fours on the side of the bed. As I hear him walk up I open the poppers and take a deep, deep drag. In one fell swoop he drives all of himself in as a let out a yell. “Coño, I love how you take dick” (or something along those lines) and starts to pound my hole. I start yell moaning as he keeps going deeper and harder in my hole. I can feel him hitting my second hole while I’m pushing on on his dick. “Si, si” I hear him moan as I hear my bussy getting wetter and wetter. I take more drags of my poppers and he pushes on my back pressing me down to the bed. He starts to go faster and faster, and I feel his dick hitting all my walls. His moaning starts to get higher pitched and he grabs my shoulders to pull me up and back. And with a load yell he shoots his load, and slam pounds with each shot. And with each slam I yell and moan loudly with ecstasy. He pulls out quickly and I collapse on the bed. Head spinning, hole throbbing, and just in heaven. My face was basically this emojie 🥴. And, like clockwork he ran to the shower to clean himself off. Hearing the water run I get up and go to the bathroom. This is the point where I ask him why the shower EVERY time he cums, he shrugs telling me it’s a Dominican thing while lathering his dick and balls. And I explain to him how I like to have sex and that it didn’t make sense to me. He laughed and told me just forget about it, and with that I made my peace. When I walk into the bedroom he asks if I can give a couple hundred of Dominican pesos ( around 3 usd) so he could get a bike taxi to his place. I tell him sure, and as I go to grab my backpack it falls to the ground with my travel folio tipping out and the spare coin change littering the floor. As he hears the commotion he comes to the bed room and immediately helps me pick up. As he goes to grab some of the coins his eyes widen. “Where is this coin from?” He shows the me the coin in his hand with childlike excitement. “It’s from Georgia, the money they use is called Lari” I tell him and he inspects it further. He says that it’s so cool, he had never seen a coin like that before. Told him it’s from my last trip, and that I love to collect coins. “Me too!” He exclaims “my dream is to have currency and coins from every country in the world, I have been collecting since I was a kid!”. As he sits there inspecting the coin, all I could think about is an alternate reality where we would fall in true love at this moment and live happily ever after. I pick up the rest of the coins, take a seat on the side of the bed and tell him to sit next to me. I pull some Georgian Lari, a Swiss franc, an Azerbaijani gapik, some Turkish and Lebanese lira, and some Danish Krone. “Here, add this to your collection” I told him, “and everytime you see them, think of me”. His eyes widened as I put a part of our shared passion in his hand. He looked at me with his loving eyes, kissed me, and hugged me deeply. “Thank you, really thank you, this means a lot” as he hugged me tighter. He pulls away and looks at his new treasures again before putting them away in his pockets. We get dressed and as he heads to the door he tells me he will call me when he’s on the way back. I ask him how long and he tells me just a few hours, and I respond smiling “I’ll be here waiting for you”. And with that he leaves to collect his things, for time contexts is around almost 4pm. Alone in the Airbnb, I go to the kitchen to pour myself another drink. I check my phone to confirm with my twitter contacts that I would be available tomorrow and with contacts I had on WhatsApp. I also check in with my other big dick Top that was staying with me during the trip. He confirms that he would meet up tomorrow and says he would arrive at 7pm. Once I was finished with that I opened Grindr while in incognito mode. As I predicted the variety of guys was much greater than what came up in search. I change my name to “Culon Cremoso 💦” and edit my profile in Spanish. Going through the plethora of tops, I messaged guys that piqued my interest, and with my profile name and info the responses were swift. After around 2 hours of coordinating I decide to take a walk to my favorite park, Parque Duarte. In my short shorts and the amber rose sky above me I make my way to the park. The park and plaza is already bustling. Locals hanging out after work, groups of friends huddled together and laughing and tourists passing through, a wave of nostalgia and joy comes over me. I head to the micro mart facing the park like I do every time. I ask for a bottle of Presidente beer (I’m not a beer drinker but I love the taste and lightness of this beer so much), take a seat at a bench and watch the world go by. As I take sips of my ice cold beer, basking in the tropical glow with my sunglasses on, I pull my out my phone to check any new messages. Suddenly, through the corner of my eye, i see a man b-lining towards me, crossing the traffic filled street. I keep my head looking forward, trying to act like I didn’t see him coming. He’s around 5’8, Dominican, short yet dirty hair, dark eyes and medium slim build. Attractive but not my type. He comes towards me and says a quick hello, klk. I respond and tell him I’m good thanks, just relaxing. “Si, si” he responds, he tells me he parks cars on street that he just came from. I tell him ok and look down at my phone, then he asks if I’m alone. I told him right now, yes I am alone. He asks if I have a boyfriend to which I chuckle “no I don’t have a boyfriend” while still looking at my phone. “Look” he says, and when I look up he’s grabbing his dick through his pants, the outline is huge as he grips. He says he saw how my ass looks when I was walking and wants to fuck, and then asks if I lived close by. Aroused but not knowing exactly when the fisherman would be back I declined. He puts a disappointed face and asks if I can give him money for food. Airing on the side of caution and not wanting to pull my wallet out or have him following me after giving him cash. I tell him I don’t have any cash on me, But I offer him the rest of my beer which he gladly accepts. As he walks away he tells me he is there every night and if I ever want him to come fuck me I know where to find him. I tell him ok and with that I go back to my Airbnb, not knowing that he would be rompiendo mi culo (breaking my ass) sometime during my stay. I make it back to the apt sometime before it gets dark (around 7pm). Still not having heard from the fisherman I decided to give him a call. He answers and tells me he’s about to be on the way and would be there soon. And with that I hop in the shower, do my skincare early, and pick my clothes for the evening. Again slipping on my navy chubbies, I don my favorite grey silk-cotton long sleeve rolled up to my elbows with my chest exposed. Checking myself in the mirror I give a self nod of approval, spray my favorite Parfum “Paragon” by initio, and with that Im ready to take on the night. As I go to the living room to crack open the the bottle of Hennessy I hear a knock on the door. As I open the door, I see the fisherman, with multiple bags in tow and dressed in his going out clothes. He gives me a hug and I offer him a drink which he gladly accepts. He asks if he can charge his new phone for a little bit before we head out and I tell him take all the time that he needs. I ask if he was hungry to which he shrugs, says he’s not really hungry and tells me he will just eat the leftovers from lunch. I pull out the to go container, place the food on a plate and fire up the oven to warm the food. “Oh I have a surprise for you” he tells me as he digs through his bag. He pulls out a plastic baggy with some shaggy weed “I got us some krispy (Dominican marijuana) I remember how much you liked it last time” he says with a big grin. I giggle and blush at the gesture, “we are gonna have fun tonight eh?” I tell him with a cheeky smile. He seconds with his mischievous grin “Vamos a ver” (we will see). 😈 As we finish our first round of drinks, I go to pour myself a refill and tell him about my encounter at the park. “Oh you must have met 14” he tells me. “14?” I ask. “They call him 14 because of his 14 inch guevo, he was really popular, especially with tourists. But he fell into a really bad drug habit” as he sips the last of his drink. “Oh?”, “yeah, it’s a good thing you didn’t invite him alone here, he might have tried to rob you or caused problems. He has a good dick but if you want to meet him you should have me around so he doesn’t misbehave” he then turns to me and again puts on his devilish grin “I wouldn’t mind seeing him romper Tu Culo”. I chuckle and give him the same response he gave me, “Vamos a ver” With the fisherman’s belly full and my body feeling the buzz from my third Hennessy we finally head to our night on the town. Passing by resturants, cafes and bars we make it to the Conde. Walking down the pedestrian street he sees a van with the trunk open, filled to the brim with cigarettes, condoms, vapes, generic viagra and so much more. “Can we stop here? I want to get a vape.” “Sure” I tell him as he approaches the street salesman and gives him a big handshake. He picks a vape, rolling papers, a lighter and before paying the man he asks how much is the viagra. “500 pesos a sleeve” the man says, he asks if I can spot him and I ask if that stuff is safe. “Yeah I used it before, and we might need it later 😈” I laugh and pass him 500 pesos (8.50 usd) and with our wares we continue along the Conde looking for our next watering hole. As we go bar to bar, drink after drink, the night starts flying by. I see him constantly texting and sending voices messages on his phone but it doesn’t really bother me knowing he was MIA from his contacts for a couple of weeks. As the night progresses we end up at a club off the Conde called “Safe zone bar and Lounge”. “This place is good” he tells me “they have good drinks and the music is great”. “Let’s do it!” I tell him as the bouncer opens the door to let us in. “No te prequpes, ya se va a llenar” (don’t worry it’s going to fill up) says one of the bouncers as we walk into blaring lights and the beat of Dominican reggaeton pulsing on our skin. When inside the two story neon lit club the place was empty, like super empty. We were the only customers in the place. “Sorry we can go somewhere else” says the fisherman to which o reply Fuck it, let’s grab a drink, sit upstairs and just enjoy ourself. We cozy up on a banquette on the second floor, Order our drinks of Rum and coke and Brugal rum on the rocks and move our bodies with the music. The fisherman moves closer to me and has his body touch mine. I turn and ask him if it was ok to do that here and he told me this bar was actually a “BI” bar, so any form of simple same sex intimacy goes. We pound our drinks and get another round, we continue dancing, taking selfies and making videos. And just enjoying eachothers company. While getting my third drink the fisherman passes me his phone and says look. I see pictures of men, sexy rugged men, to which he explains that he has been contacting them so they could meet me tomorrow. “Van a dar te mucho leche” 😈 (they are going to give you a lot of cum) he says. “Dilen que estoy listo” I tell him, looking seductively in his eyes. My anticipation was building. As the club started filling around 1130pm my horniess was building rapidly. The anticipation of the guys tomorrow, the constant body contact I was having with the fisherman, and the slew of drinks was releasing my inner slut. Thinking of an excuse to leave, I ask if we can go back to the apt to charge my phone because I was at 20% battery. “Whatever you want” he says and with that we leave the club and take the short walk back to the Apt. Entering the apartment I go to charge my phone and ask him if he can roll two joints of Krispy for us while we wait for my phone to charge. Without hesitation, he starts to break and roll while I pour myself a half drink and run to the bathroom. I double check to make sure I’m clean and I was still all clear to go. With that confirmation I grab some lube, poppers and shove them into my pocket. Walking back into the living room, he shows me he rolled to joints and were ready to smoke at any time. “You know we haven’t used the jacuzzi or terrace yet” I tell him with a horny grin. His eyes immediately lit as he let out a growl. Grabbing the two joints he opens the door to the terrace and starts getting undressed While I turn the jacuzzi on. Naked he pulls a side table next to the jacuzzi with a ashtray, leaves one joint on the table and slips in. As I’m taking off my clothes, he goes ahead and lights the joint, taking a deep drag. Sliding next to him our naked bodies touch, I look down and see him fully erect under the bubbling water. A let out an “mmmmmm” as my hand grabs a hold of his and I start to rub up and down. He takes another drag and let’s out a deep moan. Seeing that my hands were busy underwater he puts the joint to my lips so I could have a puff. I take 3 Hits, as I feel my buzz getting stronger. I grip his dick tighter and roll my eyes back imagining him fucking me. Seeing this he slides up and sits on the edge of the jacuzzi with his dick next to my face. “Chupa lo, perra” (suck it slut) he growls. I immediately start to suck on the head, using my tongue and making a light suction with my lips. He tilts his head back and moans while Im doing this. With a light grip around shaft I start to work my way down, getting is dick wet and making noises from the suction and saliva dripping down his dick. A start a twisting of my head motion, my tongue fully extended, and have his dick dick get wetter with each slide down my throat. “Perra” he exclaims when I start pushing the head of his dick to the back of my throat and squeeze the head with my soft palette making more noise and suction. He then starts going wild, shaking and moaning, loving how I’m sucking his dick. After what seems like ages, he turns rough. He grabs the top of my head and hairs and pushing my head down extremely hard on his dick. I feel the chlorinated water splashing on my face as tears well up in my eyes from the brutal onslaught. “This is what you wanted right? You want this right” his dick bruising the back of my throat as I cry and gasp for what little air I could get. After what seems likes ages again, I tap out. I pull back, choke, cough and gasp for air while globs of saliva stream down the side of my face. Then, without warning he slaps me, not hard enough to hurt but enough to sting. “Perra”he growled “get up and go on all fours there”. He points to the L shaped sectional built in to the terrace wall. Know what’s to cum I grab the poppers and a towel which throw to the angle of the sectional and get into position. With my face down and ass up I straddle the v-shape of the sectional and wait for the impact. While doing these I can hear people down on the street and cars passing by, I chuckle to my self and imagine the show we were about to put on. Behind me I can hear the lighter flickering to which I assume was to light the second joint. With in thirty seconds the joint was pushed right to my face “Fuma perra, fuma!” (smoke bitch, smoke!) he barked “abre ese culo” (open up that hole). I frantically take multiple quick and deep drags, before he snatches it from my hand. I turn my head back to see him holding the joint in his mouth while smoking. He grabs to lube, dispenses a huge glob, slathers his dick and roughly tosses the lube to the side. I hear a growling “Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii” as I feel him separate my ass cheeks, opening my hole. Anticipating what’s to come to take a deep hit of poppers, and without warning he rams all of dick in my hole with the cold thick lube pooling around my ass hole. I let out a loud yell to which he slaps the back of my head. “Callate, Callate!” With each stroke getting getting rougher and deeper in my hole. I start to gnash my teeth and hold my breath as his brutal onslaught on my hole grows more vigorous. Feeling the ash of joint scater on my back, he gets rougher. He smacks my ass, the sting barely felt due to my hole simultaneously being pounded open. He then puts both hands on my ass, grabs and pulls while he goes even faster and deeper. I start letting out moan and whimpers as i feel him pulling my insides out with each blow. As I keep taking more hits from my poppers the sensation only intensifies. With him digging me out like that my hole could grip any more and started naturally pushing out. I then could feel spurts of warmth deep inside. “Eso me gusta perra, no te pares” (I like that slut, don’t stop) he growls as my hole pushes out even more. My hole begins to make noises and I can’t control my voice anymore. I start moaning loudly once I feel my hole leaking with precum and fluids dripping down my taint to my balls. “Coño, Coño, COÑO!!!!!” He yells and then I feel him shoot the biggest load. He pounds with each twitch and shoots more and more inside me. With his final shot, he buries his dick as deep as he can into my bussy. I take deep breaths trying to recover, but then he smacks my ass again, this time even harder. And starts to pound my flooded ass. I guess he may have seen my confused face because he lets out a laugh mid stroke. “This how you like to take dick right? You told me this is how you like get get fucked. I’m going to impregnate you tonight”. He returns to deep digging my hole, with my bussy getting noisier and wetter with each stroke. I start moaning and whimpering loudly but this time it was ignored as he was getting loader himself. Because I can go on and on about how he fucked me, I’ll condense the rest. He keeps me at that position, tearing my hole up relentlessly. After what’s like an hour doing this, he tells me get on the sectional completely on all fours. He gets on his knees and starts pound me out there. I tell him to let me play with his dick using my hole and he agrees. I get his dick beyond creamy as I use his pole to churn my hole. After a while he takes back control. He starts to pre cum again and hits the right angle in my hole and I begin splashing. Dumbfounded yet even more turned on he pulls back my head and grabs my throat and loads me up with his second nut. From there he moves me to the corner of the sectional. Legs splayed out, feet on the ground and laying flat on the cushion he digs me out in this position for ages. Pounding me from the side, above and every which angle. Feeling that he is going to cum again he flips me on my back with my ass hanging on the side of the sectional and begins to deep stroke. As he got closer he started pounding super deep and grabbed my neck in a light choke. He kept tightening his grip on my throat till he finally busted his third and final nut. I feel the fisherman’s body shake as pulls his dick out of my hole and collapses on top of me. Drenched in sweat and our chests pressed together as we try catching our breath. I let out a loud sigh as the fisherman moans in contentment. All of the sudden we hear loud voices on the street. I laugh and tell him we must have made quite the show. He laughs as well as he peels he body off of mine. As I turn around and look at the sectional I gleam with pride seeeing my cream and our juices splattered every where like a Jackson Pollock painting. Then my pride turns into shock, “Fuck! How the hell are we going to clean this?”. The fisherman then immediately flips all the cushions over only showing the clean side. He laughs and tells me problem solved. Uneasy, but not willing to deal with trying figure out how to wash outdoor cushions in the middle of the night we leave everything outside and head to the shower. Under the warm shower we lather ourselves up and clean eachother. We constantly kiss and tell eachother how amazing it was. Both of us in awe of the amazing chemistry we have together. We get out of the shower, dry up, and hop into bed. As a lay on my side the fisherman presses the front of his body on the back of mine. He gently kisses the nape of my neck and tells me good night. Before closing my eyes I realized I forgot to check my phone. Extending my hand to the night stand I grab my phone and see that it was already almost 4am. That was my signal to put the screen face down and go to bed. I hope y’all enjoyed reading, stay tuned for the upcoming trip reports. I promise that I will post them soon! 🙏
    3 points
  4. TotallyOz

    Nice Boys

    I was there tonight. OK selection of boys. I didn't check bin but I got 5 drinks and it was 1200 baht But one boy drink and one mamasan drink and 3 customer drinks (Tawan boy drink two). Sunnee is definitely a ghost town walking around the block. It had been years since I was there only a few bars and no customers.
    3 points
  5. The crimes for which he was arrested occurred while he was in England. The crimes described in the lead article were perpetrated by people from Russia in Thailand. Word play doesn't alter that. BTW, the plural of Russian is Russians. Again, word play doesn't change that, either. No one is claiming that all Russians in Thailand are criminals. But Russians are arrested at a rate out of the ordinary. I don't like that and I fully understand why you don't. But it's happening and we regularly read about it the news. Earlier this week, the Pattaya News carried a report of a Russian fraudster (their description) who conned investors into a forex trading scheme in which they lost over 20 million baht. One of those investors took her own life. None of this reflects poorly on you who runs a legitimate business in Russia. I'm sure you're eager to see the end to such activities.
    2 points
  6. if's good to have Sherlock Holmes on the forum
    2 points
  7. I cannot clearly see how Vegman would be a german name and I cannot clearly see what the origin of a name has to do with nationality.
    2 points
  8. No placebo control group or crossover treatment-placebo arms for either Futura study on which the efficacy and authorization is assessed. The comparator study indicated oral tadalafil 5 mg (lowest dose) worked better. Endpoint of sustained erection for intercourse: 47% of subjects that did not meet this goal at baseline reported achieving it at follow-up. Outcome of erection sufficient for penetration was a little better; 64% that could not at baseline could achieve this at follow-up. The premise is evaporative action, cooling then warming effect that apparently increases the smooth muscle relaxant nitric oxide; effective local levels of nitric oxide need to be achieved. It is unlikely that applying the gel alone would do much; it must be combined with the usual measures that promote arousal. What is unknown about public domain reviews is whether some consumers apply the product without concomitant sexualizing. That said, I am skeptical about Eroxon. It seems to me that after a brief time any temperature effect would wear off and any initial additional burst of nitric oxide and blood flow would be shortlived.
    2 points
  9. Shutting down ALL aid. That is their goal. Shutting down ALL reporting. That is their goal. Shutting down ALL resistance. That is their goal. Shutting down ALL life. That is their goal. Stealing everything. That is their goal. Sorry, Israel. Face facts. Net N. Yahoo doesn't want the hostages back. That would end his pretext.
    1 point
  10. Mysteryman

    The Good Old Days

    I sometimes watch old videos on Youtube. Hoping to find som new ones from the past, but usually no luck. A moment ago I stumbled across this one, I had seen it before, but how can it be that this still brings tears to my eyes? Many familiar faces, thai and falang. The bar where my beloved worked can be seen, but at this time already under another name. Happy that he is still with me today after 18 years.
    1 point
  11. t0oL1

    Nice Boys

    Cocktails at Winner Bar would have been fun after that
    1 point
  12. 10tazione

    Nice Boys

    I looks like Mariott after you had a 3some with 2 Tawan guys!
    1 point
  13. I do find it interesting how infrequently the time of the incident is mentioned in news articles. Most articles do mention the prominent markings the vehicles had on their roofs and sides, but, you're right, I could find no mention of the time other than in the NYT article. Of course, knowing the time does not change the fact that this attack was inexcusable and criminal, and that it shows a malicious pattern. Knowing the time only explains why the markings weren't seen.
    1 point
  14. Excellent, a welcome break from all the American politics threads! So the the first one is kinda appropriate from my side of the 'pond' haha.
    1 point
  15. Boy69

    Give me some hotel ideas

    +1 for East Suites luxurious rooms on reasonable rates and free access to Zing swimming pool, no breakfast though.
    1 point
  16. Thank you for the link, I found ten articles but not that one from the NY Times because for me the article is behind a pay wall.
    1 point
  17. Indeed, you didn't. Sorry if I gave a wrong impression.
    1 point
  18. FWIW The Oxford English Dictionary says: NOUN a. A member of an East Slavonic-speaking people living primarily in Russia and neighbouring countries; a native or inhabitant of Russia, or (more widely) its former empire or the former Soviet Union; a person of Russian nationality. ADJECTIVE 1.a. Of, relating to, or characteristic of Russia, or (more widely) its former empire or the former Soviet Union; inhabiting or native to Russia, its former empire or the former Soviet Union.
    1 point
  19. not for one second we believe you retired to Thailand to enjoy being back in time and have free concierge services, he, he
    1 point
  20. Before Daddy415 or anybody else rushes to The One Massage it's worth of noting that it seems in meantime it changed name to The Number One Massage and last time Mr. B appears in their pics was in November , doesn't mean he is not there though
    1 point
  21. Why you call it "free"? You monthly pay for that. Yes, it is still affordable in Thailand, but nobody knows how long it will lasts. Minimal hourly rate and average wage in Thailand is going up quite fast.
    1 point
  22. One of the joys of retiring in Thailand is that the past is still alive. When I lived in New York City in the 80s is was still popular for concierge / bell boy services to still be free and abundant in many of the NYC residential buildings. Fast forward with the western move to outsource everything and to eliminate formerly "free" services - these types of free concierge services quickly disappeared - remaining only for the elite and ultra rich people. I moved to Pattaya 18 months ago and the services available to us condo dwellers in View Talay are amazing and remind me of that time in NYC when we also had these free services. For example - I don't own a car - but when I first started settling into my condo - I had to make many big purchases and rent special Bolt vans - SUVs to get these purchases home. I would struggle to get them out of the Bolt when it arrived to the View Talay lobby and amazingly, many from the condo security team would run towards me to help me unload these large boxes and then assist me with the freight elevator and bring them into my condo room - all for free - and with a BIG smile as they are always happy to see you return home. Of course I tipped them all. This is one example of many where the free services we get in Thailand are a remnant of what we used to get back in the west.... so, retire in Thailand and have the joy of going back in time :>))
    1 point
  23. Chef Jose Andres says Israel's assault on Gaza is no longer a war on terrorism but a war on humanity. Using starvation as a tool of warfare is one of the worst crimes a country can commit.
    1 point
  24. No, but if it happened in Rostov-on-Don, Putin would have blamed Ukrainians. 😉
    1 point
  25. Still waiting for your proof that the Log Cabins paid her $250,000.. Fact: There is no proof. Fact: She appeared at a fundraiser. She was NOT compensated. Fact: This isn't your first lie. It won't be your last.
    1 point
  26. From MSN Russians Arrested For Illegal Crypto Trading In Thailand Cannabis Dispensary The serene beaches of Koh Phangan, Thailand, recently became the center of an unexpected clash between cryptocurrency trading and cannabis retail. Owned by Russian citizens Maksim Variukhin and Ibragim Gaitukiev, the Plantasia Cannabis Collective was investigated by Thailand's Technology Crime Suppression Division (TCSD) for operating as an unlicensed digital asset business, reported Khaosod English.
    1 point
  27. In the Meredien the bathroom is really swish, his and hers double shower. The shower has non slip floor, but as you emerge into the bathroom proper, with or without your boy, the floor is a skating rink! I need the 2 bathmats, to be safe!
    1 point
  28. Author of topic is The Thaiger news service out of Phuket. I reckon they're more familiar with who's responsible for crime in their province than either of us.
    1 point
  29. he knows that mice play when cat is away. When many years ago one of Boyztown bars "Happy something" closed there were comments that Neil the owner was too often absent and boys ruined the place by themselves
    1 point
  30. one day , God forbid, it may turn out self realising prophesy, not in the way originally intended
    1 point
  31. despite democratic veneer this debacle still proves what Thailand is , Third World feudal autocracy. You don't like opposition party , dissolve it. You don't like opposition politician, ban him from public life for crime of not clipping his nails or wearing wrong coloured tie. And then one day you wonder why country inflamed or just collapsed without a shoot like most of East European communist regimes did (Romania excepted).
    1 point
  32. Moses is not a Russian name and you still use it as your nick and no, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, although Kostik's nick sounds more patriotic, specially coupled with his "Ivan the Terrible" avatar.
    1 point
  33. I hope and pray that this, being in Thailand "permanently closed ' means just "till tomorrow evening "
    1 point
  34. The owner, Paul, can be seen sitting outside of Winner Bar most nights. Ten boys on stage tonight.
    1 point
  35. I’m always wary of wet tiled floors in Thailand in the shower or round the pool. I have the impression that cheaper smooth ceramic tiles are used, whereas in the “West” they are non-slip. That resulted from a fall I had getting out of a Thai hotel pool when I slipped and fell striking my chest against a raised edge. I thought I had broken a rib, but an X-ray at the Bangkok.Pattaya hospital revealed bruised ribs which remained painful for the rest of my trip.
    1 point
  36. I went a lot in the old days, when they were in skimpy briefs, and lots of action at the tables. Not so good now!
    1 point
  37. From Thai News Agency An Australian tourist, seemingly intoxicated, attacked a taxi driver, who told him not to smoke in the vehicle. The incident occurred on Wednesday about 30 meters away from Thalang Police Station in Phuket province. According to the taxi driver, he had picked up the tourist from Phuket International Airport and was en route to a hotel. When the tourist started smoking, he informed the tourist that smoking was not allowed in the vehicle. Then, the tourist crossed over from the back seat and grabbed him by the neck. He lost control of the vehicle, causing it to lurch forward and collide with a car in the front. The tourist has agreed to compensate for damages to both vehicles and has apologized. The taxi driver has also been taken to the hospital for a medical examination as part of the legal process. Police have filed charges against the tourist for “using violence against others” and have noted signs of alcohol intoxication during their investigation.
    1 point
  38. I think you've got it right. I can't say exactly who the buyers are but it's been widely reported that institutional investors are giving the stock a wide berth, so it's mostly retail investors who are putting up the cash. And they can't be very sophisticated if they're counting on Devin Nunes to lead them to a pot of gold. His own auditors have expressed concern that the company may not be able to keep operating for much longer. As I posted upstream, I was toying with the idea of shorting the stock but there are so many others with the same idea that it's costing them 500% annual interest to 'borrow' the shares they plan to sell back at a lower price. So I'll continue to be just a bystander. The oddest thing I've come across is the decision by Forbes a couple days ago to increase Trump's net worth by $3.4 billion. I'm guessing that's based on his ownership of 79 million shares of DJT stock, which they appear to have valued at $43 a share. I'm sure he could sell a hundred shares at that price and maybe a thousand shares at that price but, if he ever tried selling 79 million shares at that price, the stock would crater. The only thing I can think of that would justify the current stock price is Trump's actually winning the election and siccing the FCC on his competitors. "But, Lookin", you say, "don't we have laws that would prevent him from driving other social media companies out of business?" Sure we do. For now.
    1 point
  39. vinapu

    Nice Boys

    looks almost like Marriott , ALMOST being key word
    1 point
  40. I tend to ignore completely aspiring hi-tech places with menus only on QR code or accepting card payments only ( no cash) and patronize them only if pressed by circumstances. Nothing wrong with being progressive and up to date with technology but at end of day what it is is just limiting customer choice for business convenience. Majority but not everybody when travelling purchases SIM with data plans ( even if I do) and some people may be wary of using credit or debit in foreign locales (I'm) It can be done and without compromising brotherly modesty if they wish, speaking from personal experience described in this forum few years ago.
    1 point
  41. If you want to impress me as a company you need to decide whether it is success or sucks, and spell correctly.
    1 point
  42. 22 February 2024 update on Brazil (Brasil) SIM cards for foreigners When visiting Brazil using your cell phone can be a problem if you do not have inexpensive roaming on your cell plan. Do not expect a non BR prepaid plan to work in BR. Briefest version: Airalo via eSim which you might be able to buy and then use even after arrival in Brazil seems like the easiest solution and not that expensive for light to moderate use, if you can use wifi as often as possible. Less expensive and will be I think the best choice if your cell phone cannot handle an eSIM is a TIM prepagado SIM cartao or chip pre pago (prepaid SIM card from the company, TIM) bought at a local newspaper and candy kiosk (which seem to be omnipresent on busier shopping streets) for about 15 R$ (3 Euro, Pound, or Dollars) seems to be the next easiest way to do it, but you still need to understand a bit of Portuguese (PT). Claro and Vivo seem a bit hopeless and Claro at least will likely be time consuming for no good reason. In BR for a foreigner to get a BR SIM card some Claro/Vivo/TIM offices (if they will even assist you, and some will not) will need you to bring your passport and prefer it if you have a CPF card – like a tax ID and should take 2-10 business days for a foreigner to get one. With the CPF, you can also get some discounts at stores and supermarkets. Getting the CPF is a different topic and there are many web links. Please use a newer link, as this can all be done online now, post COVID. Here is one: https://media.doterra.com/br-otg/pt/flyers/gac-step-by-step-english.pdf At some Claro/Vivo/TIM offices, they might only speak PT or SP. They might not have any interest in assisting you per numerous web reports. At the post office, the process to get a post office SIM might not be so easy and some report that coverage is not great. So why bother…..exactly !! Searches: https://search.brave.com/search?q=brazil+sim+card+for+tourist&source=web https://www.traveltomtom.net/destinations/south-america/brazil/sim-card-brazil Nice detailed information. He likes airalo. Please check Airalo.com and the various links to make certain your cell phone is on the list for eSIM compatible phones for airalo. I do not know if any eSIM enabled phone will work or not. Same for iPads, tablets, etc. You will find up to date pricing as well, currently 30 days, 3 GB, is 11 USD. https://toomanyadapters.com/buying-sim-card-brazil/ Good advice and comments here too. https://www.iheartbrazil.com/brazil-sim-card/ Somewhat older advice. https://abrokenbackpack.com/brazil-sim-cards/ Makes this seem too easy, which it is not. https://www.phonetravelwiz.com/buying-a-sim-card-in-brazil-guide/ Some might find a few helpful hints here. Ok, airalo might seem a bit pricey or you do not have a compatible eSIM phone. A TIM SIM card seems like the next best choice – you buy this once in BR. Step by step directions: -make sure your phone, tablet, etc is not locked to your current cell carrier. Easy to check with iphone. Not so easy to be certain with Android. -After arrival in BR, go to local newsstand and candy kiosk. (Might be able to get TIM SIM card at airports in BR after you arrive, but you can arrange local transportation with airport wifi and arrive at your place ok.) Ask for a TIM prepagado SIM cartao or chip pre pago (prepaid SIM card from the company, TIM). They might have 4G or 5G SIM cards. For most of us 4G should be fine. Expect to pay about 15 R$ (3 Euro, Pound, or Dollars). This is the price ONLY for the SIM card itself-nothing else, no data, no minutes, no texts. At most kiosks, they will only speak PT and maybe some SP, so please don’t expect much assistance, if any, from them. You can do the rest on your own….well yes, mostly, sort of (if you cannot handle any foreign words). I think this would be most difficult for non western language speakers, like Japanese. -After you buy the TIM SIM card, go back to your place (hotel, airbnb, etc) and use wifi and the SIM itself to do the rest. Why? You will prefer privacy when giving details of your passport to follow. -take a photo of the numbers on the sticker of your SIM card and write them down as well, just in case. These include parts of the SIM card number. Also photograph or copy all of the numbers you see on the credit card size SIM plastic card and the actual SIM number (zoom up a photo for this). Mine included PIN, PIN 2, PUK, and PUK 2 numbers. You might not need any of them, but you never know. The PIN and PIN 2 are NOT your password code for the meuTIM app. -you can insert the TIM SIM card into your phone or tablet now. Be aware that my TIM SIM card came with 3 size choices in the packet. The expected tiny SIM with 2 larger surrounding pieces of plastic if your SIM slot requires this. I have never seen this before and the tiny SIM worked fine in my cell phone. BEFORE contacting TIM, have your passport with you or a copy of the page(s) with your number and issue date, etc. Also have a copy of your full address in Brazil, just in case they ask (which, apparently they don’t). Ok if it is a Hotel address. Some old posts indicate TIM uses this to figure out the correct BR area code and number for you. However, these days, when you insert your TIM SIM card you automatically receive a phone number !! There is no need to go to a TIM store unless you expect major language issues (eg Japanese only speakers) -BR phone numbers: 55 (21) 12345 6789. 55 is the country code for BR. If you are in Rio, 21 is one of several State codes within Brazil. The next 9 numbers are your number. But when using the TIM phone app, do not use 55!! Your number begins with the numbers 11-99 depending on what State of Brazil your SIM card links to. So there will be 11 digits to enter for the meuTIM app. My 11 digits start with 21 and then the 12345 6789. - with the new TIM SIM card in your phone, dial *144. Despite previous postings, the robot never defaulted to English and hung up on me around 2:15. If you are luckier and hear English, press 3 to get to an English speaking attendant. If you do not hear English around the 50 second mark, after hearing “DOISHE” the EN pronunciation for the PT word for 2, listen carefully for “trAYsh”, like “trace” with the C replaced with SH, PT word for 3. Then press 3 on your cell phone (not sure if also had to hit “*” as well). When I did this the English speaking attendant came on quickly in less than 15 seconds (weekday, around 1500 hours in Rio). The connection was not great, but it worked. She wanted my passport number, country, date of issue, and my name. Nothing else. I spelled my last name for her, although she did not ask for this. I thought it best just in case name she put it did not match name on credit card to pay for data etc to follow. She said I could buy service plan, data, days of service etc at drug stores, kiosks, TIM stores, etc, but not with her by phone now. -throughout the process of plonking the TIM SIM card into your device and activating it by calling TIM you will receive MANY text messages. - Pay special attention to any text that includes the word “senha” and copy the 4 digit number down. This is the password code you need for the meuTIM app. -I clicked on one of the text links that followed my TIM English conversation within minutes to get a prepaid plan. Paid 30 R$ (about 6 Euros, Pounds, Dollars). I think it was via ativar.tim.com.br. I could not pay with the phone VPN on, so might need to start from scratch with the phone VPN off if you do this via phone. Went through seamlessly. -It will be difficult to figure out what you actually bought !! I thought I was getting 30 days, but it seemed like I got 90 days of service and 12GB or more of data, with bonus data depending on when the data is used, like overnight. Using a few apps and checking emails, maps, a few websites and social media I can often get by on 2GB/week using wifi when eating, at museums, etc. I think texts are unlimited and calls are unlimited (perhaps in State of RJ or only BR). There are multiple discount and other offerings as well. For example with the Ze food delivery service. (Claro adds completely free whatsapp, which is hugely popular in BR, but this was not noted with TIM) So no complaint about price or set up time with TIM. From buying the 15 R$ TIM SIM card at a nearby kiosk to finishing call with TIM attendant to buying a 30 R$ 12 plus GB 30 or 90 day prepaid plan took less than 30 minutes and cost around 9 Euros, Pounds or Dollars !! -you can add the meuTIM app on your phone via Apple or Google Play store. Can do it on your computer browser as well if you like. I assume topping up if you need more data or longer stay will be very easy as well – but I have learned, never assume. -as always, can save cellular data via using wifi when able. Always use VPN when possible. Other numbers to be aware of: *244 or *244# to top up *222# to check balance Hope this step by step guide will assist folks and sorry for the long post necessitated therein.
    1 point
  43. Vessey

    Short time room

    The last two holidays I have stayed at the Zing for a number of days. Good clean, basic hotel with a nice pool. Guest friendly and ideal for 'boy shopping'!
    1 point
  44. So, kind of like Pattaya, I was totally messed up on my 2nd night , sleep wise afer the 1st night and my sleep didn't get in sync on the 2nd night. Plus my body told me to recuperate and I did. I was ready for the 3rd night....woke up at 530am and thought I was going to be fucked again come later, but I kept busy and it's now almost 5am and I'm ok, nearly 24 hrs later. I went to MBK to look for a shirt I bought last time that I really liked, but it seems like is an old model and were out of my size.....so I bought a coupe of different ones. Went to DQ for a blizzard, always makes me happy, surprised how many they sell out of such a small stand in the mall. Decided to get a haircut at David #5, near where the gay hotel on Rama IV was (BBB INN)... got there just in times before 5 other locals came in shortly after me...the wait would have been ridiculous. Needed to buy some alcohol and was 4pm, so had to kill an hour....damn law for the drunk school kids, lol So I walked around Silom looking at the massage shops....ZERO interesting nor anyone interested in business, just their phones! Ran into a group of construction guys getting off work, thought about inviting a few for drinks.... Went to Foodland to do my shopping with a few minutes left on the alcohol timer.....so ridiculous. Messaged @vinapu to see what his plans were and we settled to meet at Hotmale downstairs bar at 7pm.....I was punctual, he was 4 minutes late. However this time he came straight to me instead of going to someone else, thinking it was me.... progress! Hung out there for an hour and we decided to walk to Tawan/Soi 6 to see if his Tawan massage guy was there....he wasn't (supposedly). The guy that was outside (I'll come back to him later) said he usually comes late, so we did a roundtrip of Soi 6, without anything interesting, except @vinapuknew a massage guy there from years ago. On the way back to Tawan, his "massage" guy came outside and they both disappeared into the heavens. We agreed to meet up later.....he wanted to see SOL at 10pm, since he hadn't been there before. I hesitated to go in @400 baht a drink, didn't look promising, but I did it for moral support, lol. I couldn't stand the entire show and left, they're hitting the Cabaret market, not the whores like us 🙄 Back to Hotmale bar downstairs....after the show he came over and we contemplated Hot Male upstairs or Screw Boy....I checked out Hot Male, was packed and the big cock show was on, we decided to try Screw boys. One of the guys that I almost fell in love with , that messaged me saying he was going back to Cambodia tonight, was shocked to see me walk in, as was I surprised to see him there, nothing shocks me anymore in Thailand, unless if Gayinpattaya bought me a drink maybe. I REALLY liked this guy and was willing to overlook everything...I don't go out with much CASH, but have credit cards....I asked the mamasan if I could pay with card if I bought a boy drink (soda only 400baht) and an off, 500 baht....10% cc commission , wtf? I said , ok I won't no neither and they said ok....yet another example of Thai business logic. Lose 900 baht of almost free money and to lose what comes to a max 4% cc commission, of 36 baht??? If you know me, I'm a stubborn man of principles, lol I made an agreement with the kid, I'd see him after work at Hot Male at 2am....I half knew he wouldn't show, and he didn't. Meanwhile I lost 2 options at Super A and 1 at Hot male downstairs. Will I ever learn..... doubtfully , I believe in people more than I should. Since I had about 2 hrs to wait for him I walked Surawong looking for a foot massage, this is when I ran into the Tawan guy that was outside of the bar, with 2 other guys....He told me I could pay for the 3 of them to eat and I could join them, lmfao. I told him I was full and am on a diet, but he could fuck me for free if he wanted too....he didn't get the irony. The only massage of the surawong shops wanted to do, was a body oil massage, because they know that have a happy ending upsell chance, but not with only a foot massage. The last place next to Tarntawan hotel agreed to take me in and A cute 20 yr old Laos boy did it and was fun, I'll give him a chance to do a full body, he was playful with my cock/balls because I was in my boxers only, was late and only us in the shop and I didn't want to use massage pants. After finishing, went back towards Hot Male and ran into the Tawan guy and friends AGAIN! I asked, "you still eating, wtf" he laughed and offered me some of his food, he redeemed himself. Hung out waiting for Screw Boy guy and never appeared nor read/replied any of my Line messages..... So I went to Silom, as DJ and GOD was letting out. Was like a scene of the night of the living dead, as you can imagine.....WASTED ASIANS stumbling all over the place. I sat on the side stoop and watched the show go on for about an hour, was entertaining/sad at the same time. I got on Grindr and a thai/Turkish guy messaged me, staying on soi 5....nothing added up, his story or his pics. So blew him off and never heard back from him. Saw a guy on Silom that claimed to work at a soi 6 massage shop, some made up name place, I gave him the "give me a sample" line, again, saved me, total shit massage, dodged a bullet there! Ran into one of the guys that work selling the good underwear on Silom, I've known him for awhile, I think I make him nervous, he knows I like him, lol I wasn't hungry, but how could I pass up Foodland on the way back to my hotel.....there was a few interesting guys there to watch, again for the entertainment value. End of the story, @vinapu booked a 1 AM guy as not to end up empty handed like me and I am always looking for the best in people, which seems to be more difficult anywhere these days.... Long post, not as eloquent as most, but I'm writing it before I go to sleep and my memory is erased by aliens overnight. Forgot to mention we met up with a board member in SOL, I forget his name, the aliens have already gotten to me.... Also , Screw boy guy just messaged me saying he's in Cambodia now, lol I met a Brazilian American YEARS ago in Rio that used to hang out in front of Corujinha in Rio, was like Malaysia hotel back in the day, before the internet, hook up place after the bars to meet MB's. I always remember his advice, yet don't always follow it.... NEVER trust guys that suck cock for money.....if they're willing to do that, you never know what they're capable of doing. Maybe not today or weeks/months from now.... but at some point they'll do SOMETHING and you can't be surprised by it. Some just show their true colors sooner than others 🙄 Sarcastic, yes....accurate....give it time, you'll see. A few pics, so you get the vibe of the night.
    1 point
  45. nobody accuses you of not being smart
    0 points
  46. From Thai PBS World Former Move Forward party leader Pita Limjaroenrat bade farewell to parliament last night, saying that this debate may be the last of his political career, before the party is dissolved by the Constitutional Court. Making his closing speech at the end of the two-day general debate against the government, Pita, currently advisory chairman to the Move Forward party leader, talked about the party’s victory in the May 14 general election while missing out on the formation of the government. He gave his assessment of the poor performance of the Pheu Thai-led administration over the past seven months, ranging from its failure to carry out the reforms it promised to the lack of leadership by the prime minister, lack of vision, national agenda and any credible achievements. Pita said that he does not regret the fact that his party won the election and managed to cobble together 312 votes in parliament, against the Pheu Thai party’s 314, but ended up being pushed into opposition which, he added, is an important role in a democratic system. “I will never regret that this debate may be the last of my political career. There is no secret about it, everybody knows that my political career is hanging by a thread, but I am ready to walk away as a victor,” said Pita, adding that the likelihood of the dissolution of the Move Forward party will not prevent Thailand from moving towards change and will hasten the pace of the party’s advance toward victory. Given the responses of ministers against opposition MPs’ criticisms during the two-day debate, Pita said he regrets the loss of opportunities for the country, for the confidence placed in the government by the people and the support that his party gave to the government. Instead of the government’s “Ignite Thailand” slogan, the former Move Forward party leader said he would prefer the slogan “Darkness of Thailand”, as he pointed out the government’s “darkness” or failures in eight areas, among them being constitutional amendments, bureaucratic reform, economic stimulation, justice process reform and improved quality of life for the people.
    0 points
  47. The service you are used to is already a thing of the past. Serving people with people is too expensive, if we talk about the mass segment. And where AI cannot yet replace people (as in most helplines), corporate standards are lowered so that the profit from transactions continues to cover the cost of human service. Only the luxury segment still offers individual service. Everything else is standardized and simplified. Even at McDonald's they replace "Free checkout" with "Over there is a stand, go and order it yourself." Automation, AI, robots, depersonalization, standardized approach. And everything that requires human participation becomes either expensive or unprofitable.
    0 points
  48. Only second family name is Russian. First one is from Caucasus, last one is clearly Jewish or German.
    0 points
  49. From The Thaiger The Department of Health of Thailand issued a warning against consuming live geckos in the belief that they can enhance sexual performance, stressing the lack of scientific evidence and potential health risks. Health authorities have raised alarms over a dangerous trend among middle-aged men in Thailand, involving the consumption of live geckos as a supposed sexual enhancement remedy. A 59 year old man named Sommai recently captured public attention by eating a gecko live on social media, claiming regular consumption would bolster health, offer an alternative to erectile dysfunction and improve one’s sexual performance within three hours. Atthapol Kaewsamrit, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health, revealed that this online-shared information is not only baseless but also poses a significant health risk. There is no scientific research supporting the claim that geckos or similar creatures can enhance sexual prowess or treat diseases. Internationally, similar cases have been reported where Thai men consume raw geckos as a sexual performance enhancer, believing uncooked consumption yields optimal results. In reality, eating geckos and similar reptiles could lead to infection from protozoa present in these animals. Geckos and tokay geckos feed on live insects and small animals, which could be harmful to human health, potentially causing diarrhoea, gastrointestinal infections, or severe abdominal pain, said Atthapol.
    0 points
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