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  1. Day 7 , Bangkok part A wanted to go home at 7. Normally I’d be bit upset considering his compensation but today it worked for me as I’m on the move. We went for breakfast to new Foodland in Park Silom, not as crowded as on another day but still very well patronized for that early hour. Total bill 500 , out of it 83 was my discounted American breakfast. Those muscly semi gods are not company for penny pinching seniors. Then we parted our ways , I returned to hotel and packed since today I’m starting Cambodian part of my trip. Most of goodies I simply tucked in suitcase and left in the hotel where I’m returning in about 11 days. What I thought I need for Cambodia I packed into travel bag and took with me. Travelling lightly at cost of making daily laundry is how I like to move around.. My flight to Phnom Penh was from Swampy so BTS to Phaya Thai and ARL to Swampy from there. Lines to immigration and security attested than tourism rebounded big time. Flight with Lanmei Airlines was short and uneventful and 1 hour later I landed in Phnom Penh. This trip report will be continued in Cambodia section for benefit of those readers who are interested more in that country than Thailand. Then we return here to continue Thai part , particularly trip to Sukhotai and Kamphaeng Phet. this report is continued in Cambodia section at this link : https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/41671-phnom-penh-angkor-koh-ker-and-sambor-prey-kuk-trip-to-cambodia-in-jan-2024/
    5 points
  2. this is continuation of trip report from Thailand section at this link: https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/41442-better-to-be-retired-than-retarded-thailand-and-cambodia-in-january-2024-trip-report-brief-but-long/#comment-374666 Day 7 , Phnom Penh part. I had e-visa so immigration was breeze. I exchanged some money into riels as airport rates are only minimally lower than city ones ( 4000 vs 4065 for 1 USD). Some people don’t bother and are using dollars since Cambodia is practically dual currency country and is not unusual to pay 10 $ invoice with 6$ and 16000 riels ( 4 $) for example. Some places are quoting prices in riels , other in dollars but both currencies are accepted everywhere and only exceptions I know is visa on arrival and tickets to Angkor ruins where one must pay in USD exclusively. If you decide to bring dollars just make sure notes are intact without any tears , pinholes and writings on them, I saw 1 dollar banknotes rejected because of those infractions. I prefer to use riels with exception of big ticket items like boys’ tips as getting change from 50 or 100 $ bill may be problematic in country where dinner cost 5 $ and haircut 2$. Other airport purchase was SIM card for 1 week , it was 7$ if I recall correctly and then tuk-tuk to hotel for 9$. Those who want to save money on getting to hotel solution is to take bus from airport parking lot for 1000 or 2000 or leave airport area and get one of the waiting tuk-tuks outside for something like 5-7$ but I did not bother. Room was not ready so I went to Dolce Vita for lunch and returned in 1 hr to find everything ready. I stay in OK Palace hotel, twin of OK Boutique in the same soi where I stay last time. Entry to the hotel is palatial and so is room. Both hotels are in street 19Z, appendix like short soi across from National Museum and walking distance to Royal Palace and whole central area including my Phnom Penh headquarters Space Hair bar. hotel's entry view from the window sleeping machine and the room In the room I noticed I forgot phone charger in Bangkok and girl on reception suggested I go to Kandal Market where there are phone shops. Bingo indeed. Instead of walking 10 minutes I took tuk tuk for whopping 4000 and returned in style by cycle rikshaw for the same amount. After setting in I walked around admiring smells and sounds , bought tour to Killing Fields for tomorrow and at around 21.00 I walked to 136 street to my headquarters – Space Hair bar. I wish we had something like that in Bangkok although they operate on different formula . Staff are exclusively hunky and in shape – see sample from their recent Facebook. Almost all guys from the picture were present on at least one of three nights I visited there. As always almost means one was absent and that one was precisely one I wanted to see as we met already quite closely before. But if I don’t have what I like , I like what I have. Boys there are only to accompany you for drinks and talk. Forget about offs and off fees. Surely if you have designs on one or more you must be very , very discreet and be prepared for meeting absolutely outside working hours. Boss there , while very sympathetic is also very strict and serious about those rules. Cambodian Prince I had debacle with last year was fired on the spot for leaving 1 hr. earlier than scheduled and apparently only because he got drunk Drinks are not expensive 4-6 $ but if you get heated like me , they add up but this is cost of fun. Some guys are somewhat touchy-feely , others less so, kiss or 7 can be stolen after few rounds of drinks , hand and knee holding is available and generally is a lot of fun. Guys are not pushing you for drinks and absolutely no word of ‘ tip’ is spoken but obviously depending on time they sat with you and how long you were holding their knee or hand you should tip them. I gave 5- 10 $ to those few who sat with me for prolonged time. Drinks are what oils bar keep in mind so when boy empties his buy him another one or he may choose to, leave your table. But there are absolutely no situations like I had sometimes in Thai bars when boy gulped his drink in on ego and was looking for another one. It’s why I wish we have such bar in Bangkok. Easy , pleasant and no hard sell tactics. Not only boys got plenty of drinks but also myself so when I was leaving at about 2 am I was quite drunk and 90$ lighter , not to mention about 100 000 distributed for tips. But it was fun worth of every minute and every penny spent. Unfortunately I went home empty handed so to speak. I had designs on one of their boys but neither one of us was brave enough to start serious discussion. Before I went to bed for fun I checked Grindr and had “ Hi “ from quite attractive looking guy but had that senior moment and did not realize that this guy ( I’m notoriously bad reading people from pictures ) was indeed one I had designs on in bar. It only dawned on my next day in the afternoon. But by then damage was done. Not only I spent night in cold bed but also he figured out that I rejected him and was doing his best to show that he cooled to me. Oh well, lesson learned
    4 points
  3. Day 8 My room was booked without breakfast so in the morning I purchased breakfast coupon for $8, princely sum in Cambodia and went to sister venue OK Boutique around the corner where breakfasts are served on top floor with beautiful view over central Phnom Penh. Yesterday I purchased tour to Killing Fields. Very sobering place where mass executions were conducted by Khmer Rouge. I was there on my first Cambodia trip in 2001 and wanted to see what changed during those years. They were supposed to pick me up at 10.00 , I was waiting on steps of my hotel and when I got impatient 45 minutes later guide finally appeared to pick me up. We went to few other hotels to pick up other tourists as well as picked up few at another sobering place – infamous S-21 Tuol Sleng prison. Killing Fields are on the outskirts of Phnom Penh and while 23 years ago road leading there was atrocious , now is paved all the way. Another thing I noticed is absence beggars without limbs , victims on landmines. Them they were I ubiquitous all over Cambodian cities , now is rarity to see one. I wonder what happened as a lot of them then were quite young. One hopes they were taken care of somehow. On the road they played movie about Pol Pot life , rise and fall, very objective and hiding nothing. Including my Cambodian pet peeve- fact that after Vietnamese removed Khmer Rouge, their atrocities were will known and 2 million skulls strewn in the countryside and still Thailand and West supported their regime of so called Democratic Kampuchea on international stage including UN seat. If we think that politics are dirty there’s no place better to contemplate it than Cambodia. Centre point of the place is temple -like monument with skulls on shelves, new thing there is another monument picture of which I show below. Sadly, that place along with Tuol Sleng are a must visit at least once to understand better what happened in Cambodia but also to appreciate how far country moved from that horror although past is still present and oddly house of Ta Mok, one of Pol Pot’s bloody henchmen in Anlong Veng close to Thai border is still place which I was told some locals still visit with reverence. I remember talking to some journalist well versed with SE Asia affairs in mid-80ties and he told me that thanks to Khmer Rouge and their killing spree Cambodia is only country in the region without problem of grandchildren still toiling in half slavery to pay debts their grandparents took to pay for their wedding. That would explain Ta Mok nostalgy I’d say. It was nice to return to vibrant city , after a bit of rest and my obligatory mid-day tea I decided to try massage at Arthur and Paul gay hotel. Inspiration came from one of our tour participants being picked up and dropped there. It looked as classy place so I said to myself “about time to see and try”. For 8000 riels (2 $) tuk -tuk took me there. I was hoping guy I spotted on Grindr, hunky hunk working there will be present but unfortunately no. 1.5 hr massage fee was 28$ , certainly well above Cambodian standard. There were 4 guys available, none of them close to my type but all smiling so I picked up one whose smile was widest. Room quite spiffy but container with soap in the shower was empty , not for that price thought I. After morning experience certainly I was not in the mood to complain or get sour about anything. Massage was skilled but when temperature raised and was time for masseur to remove his excessive clothing i.e. undies and towel he quoted me tip of 40$ , again quite a sum for Cambodia but if one gets massages in classy places must be prepared to pay thought I and agreed. At least I’m glad I tried the place. Next time I will be trying to secure that hunk I guess. Right beside Artur and Paul is Rambutan, popular in gay circles with rooms about half price of those at A $ &P but still twice as much I’m paying at my OK Palace . I did not need an accommodation but after running whole day on breakfast and bottle of Hanuman Black beer I gulped on my way from Killing Fields not at 6 ot 7 pm I was hungry so decided to eat there. Another tourist place with prices to match , 15$ I paid for dinner I summarized in my diary as ‘; money not spent well” . Upon return I alighted on Pasteur street and then walked to soi where my friend told me Toolbox bar was resurrected and asked me if that is true. Indeed I found it, from info I got it’s just across the soi whom old location but inside was nobody and outside was sitting lone twink , not exactly of my type but for those venturing there I confirm , Toolbox was resurrected. It was short walk to my hotel from there and when passing Saravoan Royal Palace hotel on street 178 I thought I have stroke . Warsaw ? Polish place that far ? Indeed it was newly opened restaurant so for those craving Central and Eastern European food there place for you and very easy to find – right beside old location of Blue Chili bar and 200 meters from National Museum. Price list looked quite human so I took note where I will have my dinner tomorrow. Too bad I overspent at Rambutan when I could have likely better food ( I love schnitzels an European soups) for ½ price and steps from my hotel. In the room I freshened up , took shower to remove oil after that massage , packed my pockets with money – you know my system perhaps ,50 $ this pocket, two 20$ in another few 10 , 5 and 1 in third one, some 20000 riels here and some 10000 there . This way I don’t need to show wad of money when tipping or paying bill. This all in preparation for another fun evening at Spice Hair bar. Walked there and when arrived, I guess it was 21.00 or 21.30 there were no customers but 7 guys on duty already. How do I know? Because seeing them unemployed I took pity and ordered 8 drinks. You should hear an applause , probably heard as far as Sum and Moon hotel which is next door to the bar. Fun started , luck had it that two guys I liked the most positioned themselves beside me and soon after bar started filling up with patrons and few more boys. Guys made sure I’m entertained, I stole kiss or 4 from guy on my left, made discretely sure that guy on my right is not a girl by strategic hand placement and it was well understood by asking question where’s my hotel. Hour or two later he expressed curiosity to check if I have balcony and view from it which led to suggestion he is willing to check it after bar closes on his way home. I explained to him that in case he will feel tired there’s sofa in the room which led to an instruction where I’m supposed to wait for him. Around 1 at night I left , waited where instructed which took a while because as I said earlier, guys there must stay on duty as long as bar is opened . Knowing procedure it was sweet waiting. Soon after were at hotel. No fuss over bringing guest that late, no questions asked. In the room he notices sofa is not comfortable enough but bed is big and shyly ( ok, not) suggested we share it which we did in gusto. Fabulous 2 or 3 hours, when he left it was still dark, earlier in the bar he offered some plausible explanation why he can’t stay till morning so I was Ok with that , if only because he offered time compensation “ if you want I can come at 1 tomorrow “ which felt like Christmas day for me.
    4 points
  4. each country has own regulations when comes to drugs but from your adventure one thing is sure - if one has to have diarrhea it is better to have it in Thailand then Germany
    4 points
  5. Like being in Texas wasn't bad enough on its own 😝
    4 points
  6. Stable Genius

    Trump vs NATO

    Trump is damaging our national security as a candidate. He will damage it even more if allowed back in the Oval office, something that serious people who worked with him in his first term have warned about. This is all it should take for a voter to take a hard pass on him in 2024. The man is unfit.
    3 points
  7. go and not only because Space hair boys Angkor ruins are absolutely awe inspiring
    3 points
  8. Says the guy from the country run by a psychopath.
    2 points
  9. No wonder you are so unpopular!
    2 points
  10. Why you call 24 marginal countries "World"? Correct name: USA and satellites, half of which contain American military bases. To correctly place the emphasis of the policies of these countries.
    2 points
  11. Why you call that "democracy"? You even aren't allowed to vote directly for your president... circus... correct name is gerontocracy. Like in late times of USSR. As result you will vote for one of two most disrespected and hated person in US.
    2 points
  12. The gay section was predominantly farang. It was supported mainly by the winter exiles from Europe and North America, who would stay two or three months each time. Their headcount was never that many, but because they were temporarily resident, they could make frequent visits and so the gay section looked well patronised. On a typical high season day, there might have been 10-15 gay farangs per concession stand at any one time. Multiply that by about 6 concession stands, and there would have been 60-90 gay men on the beach at any one time, many with twinky companions from Sunnee as well. That was what made the scene. Of course there were also those who made shorter trips to Thailand (like me) and spent a few days on the beach, adding variety to the mix of clients. Short visitors also helped during the middle of the year when the winter exiles returned home. However, because of the rainy season, the crowd was always thin between May and Sept, perhaps 3-4 clients per concession stand at midday. So even back then, it looked half dead some months of the year. So, what happened? Well, some of those farangs have since gone over to the big beach in the sky. Others, and potential replacements of a younger generation, no longer find it affordable to stay 3 months in Thailand. Costs in Thailand have changed considerably. Thailand has, over the past 20-25 years seen the rise of the gay Asian tourist. They have different tastes from the gay farang. Asians are less into sun and beaches and they're mostly not into fem twinks either, so Pattaya and Sunnee held little interest. But most important of all, they do not stay 2-3 months. They make short trips instead, and stick mostly to Bangkok. Paralleling the decline of the numbers of long-stay winter exile farangs have been the decline of Sunnee and the Chiang Mai tourist scene (which got life from the side trips that the winter exiles used to make to break the monotony of staying in Pattaya). There are plenty of retired Asians. Japan, Taiwan, Korea, China and Singapore are aging societies. Besides the non-interest in beach and fem twinks, I have explained in previous posts additional reasons why retired Asians don't mirror the same pattern of spending winters in Pattaya. Three reasons: these countries don't have generous pension schemes like in the West; their winters are relatively mild (or like Singapore, no winter) so less need to flee; don't speak English.
    2 points
  13. forky123

    Trump vs NATO

    Makes you wonder how long the US will remain in NATO if Trump wins in November? Trump says he would 'encourage' Russia to attack Nato allies who do not pay their bills - BBC News
    2 points
  14. A good reminder to stay safe, guys. Not worth it!
    2 points
  15. Trump mistook E Jean Carroll for his ex wife and raped her.
    2 points
  16. Day 6 Solitary breakfast at Foodland Patpong generated comment from one of servers ‘ alone today? “ . I was about to answer ‘ none of you f….ng business “ but fortunately Guardian Angel restrained me and I said nothing. Certainly we are much less anonymous on the scene than we wish for and then we think we are. Not sure it’s good or bad but it’s good to be aware about the fact. After breakfast I joined my friend for some sightseeing of Sukhumvit area. We visited new mall Em Something at soi 22. I was not impressed but my friend was. I don’t fly that far to wander through the malls , no matter how shiny. But at least I kept him from s Silom area and possible chance meeting of boy loudly asking “ Can I sleep with you tonight?”. Mindful that I expect guest in the afternoon I was thinking how to part our ways but fate was on my side, friend ate something unfriendly for breakfast and decided to retire to his room to cure both diarrhea and jet lag and I went to hotel on my way stopped at KFC of all places because N , my guest loves their stuff so I bought big bucket and as soon as I got it message on Line arrived with N asking to buy some KFC stuff for him as he is on his way. Perfect timing. N works nights so arrangements we have is whenever he feels like seeing me during day ( translation : can use some money ) he tells me day ahead he can come and if I’m free I tell him yes, see you tomorrow . If I have another plans I tell him no, next time . No fuss, clean and clear arrangement. He is great guy who reads me very well and has only one fault – doesn’t kiss. He is not only one who don’t although his lips are particularly kissable and is shame they are so wasted So we had few hours of fun and all started shockingly, yes as soon as we closed door and embraced he planted sophisticated and long lasting kiss on me. I almost fainted or may be I did , just don’t remember ? After I got my breath again he told me ‘this is my new year gift to you “ . How not to like such considerate guy ? So we had quite a nice and long, no rush session this afternoon . No we did not spent all that time eating from that bucket but certainly we tasted a bit. Rest I suggested he can take and treat his friends at work which it turned out was exactly he wanted to ask me. No doubt we understand each other very well. Since his English is good we can always break sinful activities with some sophisticated conversation. At 19.00 he declared it’s time to say good bye as he doesn’t want to be late at work . asked about my trip plans and promised to see me again before I go home “ but no kiss , I kiss you again next trip “ . I’m clinging to that promise expectantly as it was truly nice surprise. I have somebody else coming tonight so just to make sure I went to Thainya to exchange some money. Normally I do it at XOne but today was Sunday and they are closed . Jewelry shop at end of Thainya on the left coming from Sala Daeng is open daily till late and they have pretty good rates so if readers are in need of money exchange late or on Sunday that is the place to go.. I noticed that on Sundays those booths in the area which are opened have rates quite uncompetitive – market economy in situation when most are closed. When I returned to hotel I met K , my Taiwan friend who arrived yesterday and is staying in the same hotel . We exchanged news and upon learning I’m going to Sukhotai after returning from Cambodia he expressed intention of going there as well so I furnished him with info about flight I’m taking and hotel I’m staying there. At 22.00 I was supposed to meet A, muscle semi god who seems to have left scene recently. I did not see him in his bar , when asked mamasan there answer was very vague ‘ we don’t know if he returns and when ’. Nevertheless Line contact worked and he was free tonight. He changed his hairstyle and was actually him who first spotted me approaching although there’s no chance in hell I would miss such hunk sitting / standing / walking anywhere. We went to restaurant to eat something, bill was quite high but blame is on me as I was one to pick up that place. I tried to find out what is his reason for such departure from the scene but my joking question ‘ do you have boyfriend or girlfriend now ? ‘ was met with but reluctant answer “ I know many people ‘ so I left my curiosity unsatisfied. He looked good and happy so I guess he has it good and I’m happy for him. Boyfriend , girlfriend or monk , in the room he was great as always and seemed as happy as I was so another 6th overnight meeting this trip was chalked off as ‘outstanding ‘. For tip he asked it should be I thought but at least he delivered big and in style.
    2 points
  17. reader

    GPS gone awry

    From Thai PBS World A woman, who was relying on GPS to navigate the way to visit a friend in Phrae province on Sunday, found her car stuck on a small pedestrian suspension bridge over a river. She narrowly escaped tragedy, as the wooden bridge’s planks broke under the weight of her car, causing her left wheel to become stuck. She immediately exited the vehicle and sought help from people nearby. A police and rescue team used tractors to pull the car back onto the bank of the river. The 120-meter bridge over the Yom River connects two villages in Tambon Wiang Thong in Sung Men district. The driver, whose name was not revealed, mentioned that she was from Nong Muang Khai district, hoping to visit her friend in Sung Men. “I have never been to Wiang Thong before. My friend pinned a location for me in the GPS system to cross what is called Wiang Thong Bridge, so I would reach the destination,” she said. She simply followed the guidance of the GPS. She did not see a cement bridge about 40 meters away. “That’s why I got stuck on the bridge. I did not know that a new bridge had been built near the old one, which is used only by pedestrians,” she explained. She said she wants signs put up to indicate that the old bridge is only suitable for pedestrian crossing and that there is a new bridge nearby for vehicles. A villager, who witnessed the incident, said that he saw the car only when it was already stuck on the bridge, adding that “This wooden bridge was built about 40 years ago, and only people and tricycles are able to use it.”
    1 point
  18. Ebay shoppers: Elise Steflunkie and ???
    1 point
  19. Shonen

    Times changing?

    In Northeast Asia.
    1 point
  20. Again cliché. No one court besides nazi Ukrainian court, recognized it as genocide. Voting in UN failed also. So it is just propaganda.
    1 point
  21. That is Sopheap, the boyfriend of Xavi, the Spanish owner. Both are lovely hosts. He has changed - I hardly recognise him! When I was a regular there, the clientele was gay, straight and everything in between. And just about all the gorgeous guys working there were straight. Afaik, nobody was offable, although one guy there said he could introduce me to a guy after the bar closed. I didn't bother.
    1 point
  22. sure, I'm shocked too, wateeeer please !!!
    1 point
  23. what I just said? Can you tell me how this happened: a country of 300+ million people was given the worst choice in history and forced to choose between a crooked neo-Nazi and a great-grandfather with dementia?
    1 point
  24. sure but also less time and energy to see them. Again , longer you wait for future , shorter she become I know because indeed I was working well past 65. Older we are those long flights and resulting jet lags are serving us less and less. Retirement decision is very personal depending on circumstances and can't be copied from others . we need carefully consider where we are. But once decision is made my advice will be - stick to whatever you resolved and don't look back.
    1 point
  25. I am sure the US State Dept was actually glad for this interview. Any opportunity for them to observe Putin is gold to them and I am sure they have picked the interview to pieces. There have been numerous rumors for the past few years about Putin's health, using body doubles, mental capacity etc... The Government or administration may criticize the interview for political reasons, but for the CIA, state dept, and others any content in person content of Putin is valuable.
    1 point
  26. If you carefully read @EmmetK's posts, he explains that Stinky's dementia is the primary reason MAGAts support him.
    1 point
  27. You can do the test also "semi-anonymously", i.e. you can put a fake name, but they will ask you nicely to enter the correct age and country you are from. You need an email address to receive the results.
    1 point
  28. While I agree with you that at this point the evidence for Biden's dementia is convincing, it's pretty obvious that Trump has dementia as well. Trump may have fronto-temporal dementia, which could bode bigger danger. https://news.yahoo.com/5-times-trump-showed-signs-165136412.html Trump has mixed up President Biden and former President Obama so often that he even had to post a disclaimer on Truth Social explaining that these flubs were intentional. Just a few days ago, Trump mixed the two up during an appearance on Fox News. He was talking to Sean Hannity about the necessity of giving presidents immunity when he said, "Because when he leaves office, the opposing party, president, if it's the opposing party, will indict the president for doing something that should have been good, like Obama dropped missiles, and they ended up hitting a kindergarten or school or the apartment house, a lot of people were killed." Earlier this month, Trump made a similar mistake when he claimed he was ahead of Obama in the polls when he meant to say Biden. "As you know, crooked Joe Biden and the radical left thugs have weaponized law enforcement to arrest their leading political opponent, and leading by a lot, including Obama — I'll tell you what," he said during a Washington D.C. summit, Business Insider reports. In this same speech, he also mixed up Obama and his 2016 presidential election opponent, Hilary Clinton. "With Obama, we won an election that everyone said couldn't be won," he said... Last September, at a speech at the Pray Vote Stand summit in Washington, D.C., Trump claimed that Biden is “cognitively impaired” before warning that the current president would lead up into WWII — you know, the war that our grandparents fought in... At a rally in South Carolina last year, Trump went on another rant about wind turbines, this time claiming that “windmills” were killing whales by “driving them crazy.”
    1 point
  29. spot on my friend, spot on plus I still feel a bit jet laggy so have time in times when normally I'd be asleep.
    1 point
  30. WRONG.... again. Rape is a criminal offense. NOT a civil offense. Donald Trump was never accused, indicted, tried, nor convicted of rape. Displaying a headline from a Trump-hating, left-wing newspaper allegedly quoting a Trump-hating judge on a case that is being appealed is beyond comical. But given the source, no surprise.
    1 point
  31. Are you having a "senior" moment? Maybe I can help... 1. Biden never suggested injecting disinfectant as a Covid treatment 2. Biden never suggested swallowing light bulbs as a Covid treatment 3. Biden and his wife love each other 4. Biden’s wife isn’t paid to stay married to him 5. Biden never begged his wife to have an abortion 6. Biden never ate a shit sandwich prepared for him by Kim Jong-Un 7. Biden’s not a rapist 8. Biden’s not an adulterer 9. Biden never claimed to have met the president of the US Virgin Islands 10. Biden never suggested dropping a nuclear bomb in the eye of a hurricane 11. Biden’s never referred to those serving in our our military as “suckers and losers” 12. Biden doesn’t think white supremacists are very fine people 13. Biden never tried to overthrow our government 14. Biden’s never suggested shooting immigrants 15. Biden never claimed there were airports during our Revolutionary War
    1 point
  32. There was a time … an American friend of mine was long-term incarcerated in a prison on the outskirts of Acapulco. I’d visit him on occasion. Repeatedly, he’d ask if I wanted to have sex with some of the sex-starved inmates. I could use his cell, he said. No problem, if I gave a small amount of $ to guards. He had an arrangement with the Commandant. Though tempted, I never acted on the offer. I thought, just my luck .. the door to the cell would remain locked, with me inside for a long time unless I paid a hefty bribe. 😇
    1 point
  33. Trip Report – Koh Chang – 15 Jan 2024 – 18 Jan 2024 I am behind on my trip reports. I present this one from Koh Chang (which was easier to prepare) and then I will have a bigger one from Christmas/New Years - 17 day trip report for Songkhla. Sorry for the delays. Up to now, my favorite island in proximity of Pattaya has been Koh Samet. Hanging out with my volleyball friends at the Dongtan beach (Sea Rescue area), we were chatting about a new island place to go to and we decided to make a 4 day / 3 night visit to Koh Chang. Aerial shot of the Trat island archipelago One of them has a car, so that made the transportation modality easy. Note that a quick search in Google - notes that there are many busses that also go there – primarily from Bangkok but I believe that I saw one from Pattaya as well. -> Please note that their facial photos are included in this trip report with their permission given as well as their contact details in case any of you would like to use their services. <- We departed Jomtien around 9:45am and we arrived at the Ao Thammachat pier in Trat at around 14:30pm, almost 5 hours – leisurely driving with breaks for the bathroom, iced coffee, and gas. We were able to get onto the 15:30pm car ferry at a cost of 120 baht for the car and then 80 baht for the each of us for a total of 360 baht. The ferry crossing is about 30 minutes. Ferry info can be found here at: Koh Chang Ferries price list 2023 / 2024 Map of Koh Chang and surrounding islands. As you can see there are many ferry options to arrive onto the island from the mainland. Above places highlighted with a red circle are the places that we visited We booked our 3 night stay at the Klong Prao Resort Klong Prao Beach Resort webpage We booked 2 rooms and paid 1,840 baht per night for a total of 11,040 baht for 3 nights. This resort is lovely and very big with a beautiful sandy beach and lush tropical plants everywhere. As we booked kind of at the last minute we were assigned to 2 older rooms. There are 3 distinct zones around a large pond, where the zone we stayed in is the oldest and the other 2 zones are more modern. My only complaint about our rooms were there were hardly any electrical outlets for all of our devices (electric razor, tooth brush, boom box, mobile phones, etc.). Other than this inconvenience the rooms were perfect – air con worked very well, shower had hot water, and unlike my stay in Koh Samet and also in Songkhla (I still need to write this trip report) there were NO noisy geckos to wake us up in the early morning with their annoying chirping sounds. However, they are very handy for eating any annoying mosquitos, bugs and spiders. Note that the 2 newer zones have many electrical outlets as they were probably built after the advent of the popularity of mobile phones and all of our electrical gadgets. The highlights of this resort for us were: The pool and their pool bar with early evening 2 for 1 sunset happy hours – as evidenced in the below photos, The white sandy beaches and blue turquoise water. Note that the Koh Chang municipality has strict rules that keep the noisy speed boats and jet skis away – thus rendering the beaches to be more in their wonderful natural state. Day 1 (15 Jan 2024) itinerary Arrive onto the island, check in unpack, enjoy the resort grounds, pool, beach, happy hour, fantastic sunset and eat at the resort dining facility = RimHad Restaurant. Watched a great fire show performed by some hunky macho guys (similar to the familiar B-Boys, who perform all over Pattaya, Boyztown, Jomtien) on the beach in front of our resort restaurant. Like when I visited Koh Samet, these fire show guys can be found traveling up and down the beach performing in front of the many resorts and beach restaurants. It lasted about 10 minutes and was very entertaining. I realized that I did not take any still photos so the above photo is from a movie clip that I made. Then before going to sleep I received my customary massage – as both of these volleyball friends are also masseurs. Day 2 (16 Jan 2024) itinerary After the great resort buffet breakfast (an enormous selection of Western and Thai foods were available) we headed off to the Khlong Phlu Waterfall in the National Park. It was nearby, and perhaps after 30 minutes by car we were already at the trailhead for our hike. The hike took about 30 minutes and was rather easy. Explore Koh Chang - description of Koh Chang waterfalls As it was not rainy season, the waterfall was a little bit subdued, but it was still cool and refreshing to take a dip and to swim with the millions of fish that were in the water. You need to resist their lite nibbles at your skin – kind of like those tourist places that you see all over Thailand where the tourists put their feet into a fish tank to get their dead skin nibbled off. There were about 20 to 25 people there when we visited with about half of them brave enough to enter the chilly refreshing water. There is a lifeguard off to the left up on the rocks to prevent that tourists climb up onto the waterfall, as it can be quite dangerous as it is very slippery. And there I am trying to acclimate myself to the lite nibbles by the fish before I dove in and swam over to where the water was cascading down – as that end is very deep. Entrance fee to the waterfall (which is part of the national park system) was 40 baht for each of my 2 Thai friends and 200 baht for me for a total cost of 280 baht. Afterwards, back to our resort to relax, swim in the pool, take advantage of the 2-for-1 drink specials at the pool bar, and to watch the sunset. For that night’s dinner we drove over to the popular White Sands Beach area – full of restaurants, hotels, resorts, markets, etc. to eat at the Beach Tango restaurant Beach Tango restaurant Facebook page which became our favorite go-to place to eat. Why? The food and drinks were good. There was interesting eye candy – one of the wait staff had our constant attention. Plus, there were many interesting people walking up and down the beach – as there are many, many, bars and restaurants in this area. Beach Tango is smack in the middle of all of the fun and is an entertaining place to be situated. Then after dinner back to the room to relax for my nightly massage. Life is good. Day 3 (17 Jan 2024) itinerary Enjoy the buffet breakfast and then head down to the extreme southern part of Koh Chang (on the opposite side of the island) to visit the very famous Koh Ngam beach. It was a very long drive as we needed to cross the island to the other side (mainland facing), and this part of the island is not built up like the other side, so consequently, the main road became narrower and narrower up into the mountains to the point where there was only room for 1 car to pass one way with very steep curvy roads. Scary, but well worth the reward to arrive at the tiny boat station to take the 10 minute boat to cross over to the breath taking Koh Ngam. You can choose your mode of transportation – by kayak or by motorboat. We chose by motorboat as we were too excited to already be on Koh Ngam. I believe that we paid 80 baht for each Thai person, and I as a farang had to pay 200 baht, which included the boat ride over to the island. Fee is paid to a ranger on Koh Ngam – as it is now part of the Thailand National Park system. Here is a good short video with some drone footage of Koh Ngam: Youtube video with drone footage of Koh Ngam And here is what awaits you on Koh Ngam – truly amazing. After enjoying Koh Ngam (swimming, relaxing, and enjoying the view and the nature) – back on the boat to Koh Chang and then back in the car for the 1 hour trip back to our resort for those 2-for-1 pool bar cocktails and amazing sunsets. Rinse and repeat the previous night at Beach Tango for dinner and drinks and then back to the resort for my nightly good-night massage. Day 4 (18 Jan 2024) itinerary Enjoy the last breakfast buffet and check-out of the resort for the long 5 hour drive back to Pattaya (Jomtien). Phong says to me – do you want to see one more exciting place before we head back? I say, sure, why not. So, we drive over to the Kai Bae Viewpoint, which is famous for its spectacular view of 4 of the Koh Chang archipelago islands, Koh Yuak, Koh Man Noi, Koh Pli and Koh Man Nok. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Kai+Bae+Viewpoint/@12.0205768,102.2919516,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x3104105179b452c7:0x2b4a04572dce185b!8m2!3d12.0205768!4d102.2919516!16s%2Fg%2F11b6tz721w?hl=en&entry=ttu Note that there is excellent coffee available at this Kai Bae viewpoint. Before almost reaching Pattaya, my 2 tour guides noticed that we were all sad that our 4 day trip was coming to a quick end, so they said do you want to eat at a fun place that is near Pattaya (about 1 hour away) before we call it a day? I said sure – as I really like to see and experience new places. So, we stopped off at the Tamnanpar Resort & Restaurant – one of these many nearby Pattaya / Rayong restaurants that are tucked away in a jungle theme – various Thai friends have taken me to different ones as each Thai person swears that his/her’s is the best. Tamnanpar resort and restaurant Facebook page This place is famous for their unique game cuisine where you can eat ostrich, crocodile, snake, and deer. All was good and our random waiter was someone that my 2 tour guides already knew and were teasing him about his in-the-bed attributes – he was quite shy but willing to tease back my 2 Thai friends. I truly enjoy when the Thais do this to each other as it is very entertaining. Then they dropped me off at my condo room in Jomtien and our trip concluded. Trip summary: Would I go back to Koh Chang? Most certainly – it is a large island and there is still more to see. Especially to visit many of the many off-shore islands in the archipelago. Maybe stay for one more additional day to take some time to do kayaking. Any regrets? Yes, we did not have time to see the famous abandoned boat “ghost” hotel. Nation Thailand article on the famous "ghost" ship on Koh Chang Contact details (HORNET and Line) for my 2 Thai tour guides from the Dongtan volleyball field in Jomtien. They can be available to be a tour guide, companion, or masseur. permission was granted to me by the both of them to publish their details for all of you Also, come and visit them at volleyball (nightly from about 5:30 pm until 8pm to 9pm daily) – right next to the Sea Rescue in front of the Pattaya Park Tower on the beach road of our Dongtan beach. Phong Hornet ID is: @m-thailand Boat Hornet ID is: @13hq91
    1 point
  34. Day 4 For breakfast we opted for new Foodland at Park Silom this morning . At 8 am was so packed that we managed to get only last remaining table in the corner so conductive to not so accidental knee touching and similar sinister moves. Going there we passed stand with discounted clothing and some accessories and upon seeing S took an interest in some travel bag I bought it for him as a bonus for his contribution to my almost sleepless night. I’m surprised that is more hot than last January but still at least some breeze in the morning pretending to be cool with some degree of success. After we parted ways I started tourist program today which was Lumpini and Sukhumit are where I walked from Silom, For some reason despite heat I felt like having walking day perhaps to vent off heat generated last night ?. At night I decided to make some bar tour and started with Hot Male beer bar. P of course was asking what happened to me another night, he thought I was playing practical joke with him but I bluntly explained to him that I did not like fact that he asked for a drink only to leave me to drink alone, fact that was noticed and commented even by some other patron. Anyways red note brought peace but idea of going with me tonight was dismissed. I’m easy going but not that easy going and like to be treated a bit better than on my first night there. Then to soi 4 to have beer at Banana while watching Jupiter boys coming to work and finally to Tawan. As always I was greeted enthusiastically and walking ATM curiosities should be I guess . I was surprised to see Mekhin there. At one time he was unquestionable star at Tawan and his fame lasted quite a few years. Then he moved to Jupiter and when I offed him in 2018 he told me it was very good move for him. Few years ago he had serious accident and disappeared from the scene so I was both surprised but also very happy to see him. He still has his sizable frame but unfortunately muscles are only shadow of steel reinforced concrete they were when I saw him last time. He sat beside me pretending he remembers me from days past and told me he is still in recovery and indeed some fragility in him could be noticed. As always at Tawan boys were circulating asking for tips shamelessly lowering their briefs but today I decided to be not as much stingy as selective so few were left disappointed and one even commented that I used to have good heart and what happened to me to which I cheerfully responded that you guys become too expensive. Still as always I’m of opinion that Tawan is friendliest bar of them all and I quietly thought if Jupiter was so friendly I were bankrupt long time ago. Sure boys are pushing for tips a but it all is done with good natured humor. I watched show, tipped f….ck show participants , even forked out 100 for j/o show but since my tip was only one guy on the scene resigned but my red note was still taken, he, he. Tawan is more diversified now with few twinks in the rooster and one of them being only waiter drew my attention with his smile so I decided to cross Rubicon and asked him if he wants to see my stamp collection. Me and twinky twink – shock waves were probably felt as far as Koh Samui but yes, after the show to applause of whole bar we both marched out. It was actually pleasant moment to see that his co-workers seemed to be vary happy for the boy that he landed such handsome and generous farang i.e. myself. Dinner at Happy Beer Garden, again he selected some very modestly priced dish and back to the room. 2nd Tawan boy this trip and 2nd quasi boyfriend performance This trip is really developing very well and while there will be some mild glitches , that pattern will stay till very end. Again, as with D on the 1st night , I suspect he was happy he got offed and did his best to show his appreciation. I did my part to make sure he was rewarded for his efforts and it was money very well spent.
    1 point
  35. Day 3 Raya has breakfast again at 250 per person if not included in the rate. Buffet style and all dishes very tasty. Pleased to see that guy I remember from my first stay there good 10 years ago is still working there although I have an impression he looks like 10 years older but what do I know? Today I’m moving to Baan Silom so after breakfast when Y left I packed what I have and rolled me suitcase there. Since it was bit early I was told to return at 2, left suitcase on reception and via Tourist boat went to Grand Palace are to browse stores there. It was good move as I required some old Thai banknote for my collection , one I was looking for for quite a while. This of course created an opportunity to invite somebody to admire and assess new acquisition. Upon return to hotel I was bit jet lagged- day 3 is usually my worst and collapsed on the bed for about 2 hours. Woke up quite hungry as I did not eat anything substantial since breakfast and decided to go to Unseco designated world famous Foodland Patpong for a dish picture of which is attached below. No prize for guessing it’s name though. Then wandered for about 1 hour through the area and decided to go to HotMale upstairs to see if S would be there as I kind of believe he will be best suited to see my new old Thai banknote. He was mentioned in my reports before as only boy taken for a tour ( of Grand Palace back in 2022 ) who genuinely was interested in sightseeing , even trying to explain us some paintings in the area around Emarald Buddha temple. At 21.15 bar was still very quiet. Few farangs were holding court and soon after they took 4 or 5 boys with them. S was there so I grabbed him right away even if there was no competition in the audience. Remembered from last trip when two girls were looking at him lustily when he was sitting with me already. Of course he accepted idea of seeing my new purchase not only right away but also in the morning where light will be more natural. By time we finished our drinks and took off two farangs showed up ( separately), gulped their drinks and left empty handed. Nobody was in the audience when we were leaving at 10 pm so it looked as quiet night and still quite a few offs from the bar. Via 7/11 across the hotel we went to my room and of course in a heat of the moment we forgot about my new trophy. No harm done. It turned out that next week he is going to see his folks in Cambodia and by sheer coincidence I will be in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap at the same time as well. He asked to join me for the whole week but since I had some designs on Phnom Penh I suggested he will join me for 4 nights I will be in Siem Reap. We left discussed particulars of that trip for Line and spent rest of time together how it was supposed to be spend. Third night in row and third fabulous. I started to count my blessings already !
    1 point
  36. I think you had a lot of fun for the money and much of it from watching the reaction of your date. It was a night he soon won’t forget and will talk about with his mates. Well done! The Full Monty. You’d be perfect for it 🙂
    1 point
  37. Bar Chiquita in El Poblado (Cra. 37 #8a-88) features a couple of strippers on weekends (Fri-Sat) in the upstairs Red Room (El Rojo) Entrance is an additional 10.000COP, less crowded than downstairs dance floor and terrace, there are two shows: one at midnight and second one at 1am. Two different performers. Performance was interactive with at least two patrons testing their deep throat skills. Shows were about 20 minutes on the small stage.
    1 point
  38. Day 2 First full day and kind of quiet. After energetic night and jet lag still lingering I took it easy. D and me had breakfast at Foodland of all places and parted ways. As it happened I did not see him anymore this trip even if visited Tawan quite a few times, Perhaps he went home or it was just bad luck. I had some dental work to do at Thai Smile. Passing by I stepped in just to book an appointment but doctor was expected to be free in few minutes and since I had money on me I just wait and had it done . Then feeling bit sleepy decided to energize myself with massage so went to soi 6 and Nut from Maha spotted me approaching from mile away and grabbed me right away. Sweet , talkative , tiny but very muscular guy and I was happy with our 1.5 hr session. Massage made me hungry so I took motorsai to Charoen Krung soi 49, you guessed rightly to Madrid Tavern for my first pizza this trip. Late afternoon jet lag made me wanting badly to get some sleep so I returned to the room, set my alarm for 21.00 as I was supposed to pick up Y at Moonlight as agreed yesterday and collapsed on the bed. It was good idea with that alarm since I was sleeping soundly. After making myself looking decent – in Thailand I have habit to shave just before I hit bars in the evening and went to Moonlight. Y was there already , I bought him a drink and told him we will go after the show. At 10 pm bar was almost empty bar even if it was half an hour before show. But models and floor boys soldered on regardless. By 11 filled up nicely to about half capacity. Show quite decent. There, s new model, I guess his nick is Sam or similar. Quite handsome . Several new, floor boys, as well. Lack of crowds did not mean disaster as some high spending farang was holding court and was distributing tips by a handful. Y when sitting with me asked by said farang to join for round of drinks. Y asked my permission and he said for 15 minutes only. I agreed and it was a good move costing me nothing. After 15 minutes, and gulping 2 or 3 shoots he was clutching in his fist no less than 900. So it seems that sparse crowd doesn’t mean financial disaster. All depends. On another hand during my time there i.e. 10 to 11.45 my off was only one and I was, sitting in good position to see comings and goings through the door. So at 11.45 we went to Happy Beer Garden to have some meal, no prize for guessing what I had. Y ordered something simple as well which can’t be said about most boys I used to invite there. Since Raya is across the street few minutes after paying the bill we were already in the shower. Y never disappoints and did not even try to this time either. 2nd night and 2nd great one. Will I ever get decent sleep while in Thailand?
    1 point
  39. Day 1 That will be short one as I said arrived at 17.40. Immigration line was hair rising but speed was world beating. It was second longest I saw in BKK ever and still with all boths opened and personnel wisely directing internationals even to “ASEAN or Thai only” booths when they were free it moved shockingly fast. By time I bought SIM card my luggage was out already and in exactly 75 minutes from plane touching tarmac I was already waiting for train at the platform. Raya, where I opened door exactly 47 hours and 45 minutes after closing my home door, was informed that I will miss previous night but at least room was waiting for me ( no refund for no show) so I unpacked , desoiled and went to 7/11 to buy some necessities in process took circular way through Thaniya and Patpong 2. At 21.00 I was supposed to meet J, our member at G’Bangkok , soi 4. As it happened his last day was mine first. So we caught on news and food and being already in soi 4 we decided to go to Jupiter . On recent trips somehow it’s always first bar I’m visiting. Due to esthetics as their boy collection beats them all not a bad place to start. I’m not being big fan of Jupiter due to their policy requiring boys to appear cold , aloof and uninterested. This of course changes right away after one invites boy to seat beside but still I don’t like it as can’t gauge if g boy is treating me as transparent because I deserve or because boss told them so. Of course looking at them during their walkouts is pure pleasure , smile or not. And soon after we sat down first round started. I tipped red note two of them including hero of my many stories and veteran of dozen if not more offs over the years HC (Handsome Cambodian). I did not count on anything other than may be nod and shy smile during next round acknowledging tip and my presence. But disappointingly during next walkabout I was still transparent air. There were few smiles but not at me and not by me tippees . That was bit discouraging and disappointing so when J, who in meantime had some hunk sitting beside signaled he is ready to go I gladly went with them. This was my only visit at Jupiter this trip or as my father would say “ this trip I was there two times - first and last”. Outside I wished guys fun , to J also safe trip home and we parted ways. I went to Moonlight hoping Y will be available but he was already booked to tonight so I secured his presence for tomorrow by slipping him and mamasan who leeched on me immediately remembering me very well from previous visits red note each and went to Hot Male beer bar where P was present so I offered him a drink and in process asked about option of accompany me tonight. He agreed but I sensed answer is kind of suspended. On top of it , even it treated with drink , instead of keeping me company he was constantly on the move here and there. At some point when I noticed he is going to bar upstairs with some female patron I did one of best things this trip, right on the first evening – paid for both drinks and just took off. As it was past midnight I decided to try my favorite corner in Bangkok at soi 6 and Suriwong. That the place where Tawan boys use to drink after bar closes. Tonight it was only D solitary drinking from small Hong Thong bottle. We meet many times in the past, now he is in bit less of shape but his skin is still as smooth as baby’s and being late I made another best decision, drunk or not I asked if he wants to go with me. Happy smile and nod. He wanted to ride his motorsai but I declined and we walked to Raya. Holly Molly, he was always quiet and bit reserved companion , very suitable for 1st night after long trip but not tonight. I was hoping for pussy cat but instead got lion, very sweet lion indeed. As close to boyfriend experience as one can dream about. It was almost shocking in a best sense. I guess blend of being bit drunk and probably not being offed for some time contributed to that energy. What an introduction to Bangkok and a trip and end of day 1 !!!
    1 point
  40. From Pattaya Mail By Barry Kenyon Thailand is heading up discussions with Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Malaysia to seek agreement that a tourist visa or pass for one country means travellers can visit all five without further bureaucracy. The Thai premier’s adviser Prommin Lertsuridej said, “Thailand will lead negotiations for tourists to require one entry visa to travel amongst us.” The idea is not entirely new, but plans have collapsed in the past as the various countries have their own specific requirements and prices. For example, Thailand now offers some countries, for example South Korea and Russia, 90 days visa exempt on arrival and without any payment. Cambodia, on the other hand, charges virtually all foreigners for the compulsory e-visa or visa on arrival and offers just 30 days. Laos meanwhile still requires evidence of covid vaccinations (or risk compulsory testing at Vientiane airport) and has different regulations from Thailand about bringing foreign currency into the country. Srettha Thavisin, the Thai prime minister, intends to use visa conformity amongst neighbors as a lever to encourage European Union countries to allow visa-free travel for the five Asean nations throughout the 27+ nations operating the Schengen visa system. Agreement on such a bold move is unlikely for the foreseeable future as security and immigration controls are dominant concerns amongst all EU members. In any significant discussions, most Asean nations are keen to be under the leadership of Thailand which welcomes the most foreign tourists and has recently dismantled its own remaining visa regulations for the vast majority of its visiting vacationers.
    1 point
  41. i consider it great idea and hope it will bear some fruit. If memory serves me well it was raised first by Vietnamese Prime Minister. if revenue is concern nothing stops country from collecting payment at point of entry in exchange for, say , sticker in the passport but without any paperwork required
    1 point
  42. forky123

    Ever forget your meds?

    Sure, I know more than the doctors so I randomly stop taking my meds to "see what happens".
    1 point
  43. ichigo

    Trip Report (Jan 2024)

    Phuket Bars Didn't go to any, next time! Massage 4 Massage: Only went here this trip but quite glad this place still exists, although they have moved just around the corner from where they previously were. I went with 3 different boys here, one of which I've been seeing since 2019 who is always good fun. He massaged my legs for probably 5 minutes before the main event started, but he always gives me a good time. Another who was messaging me on Grindr on my last trip to Phuket (2022) I finally got the chance to try, and he was very good and happily bottomed for me, and another boy who was relatively new was also quite good and bottomed for me also (requested an inflated tip which I just had to laugh at). I always have a good time here. Hotel Baan Paradise: Situated in one of the streets in the paradise complex, it was decent enough and close to all the action. I had a balcony room so was able to look out onto the street and watch the people go by. It is a pretty lively area with people coming and going, plenty of restaurants, bars and massage shops (for gays and straights), and it is only a short walk to the beach. Other Didn't do much else here, and although Phuket isn't one of my favourite destinations, I still feel drawn to it every once in a while. Maybe for the massage boys, who knows. It is quite a big island so I may try staying in a different area next time. The Phuket Smart Bus runs up and down the west coast from the airport down to Rawai and it is reasonably priced for 100 THB one way. Doesn't run super often though, maybe once an hour or twice in the busy periods. Nakhon Ratchasima (Korat) A boy I met in Jomtien a few years ago went back home to Korat and asks me occasionally to come visit him so I thought I would considering I didn't have much else to do. I also wanted to try out the long distance trains, which were easy enough to book online, and very affordable. The train left from the new Krung Thep Aphiwat Central Terminal, which is absolutely massive but probably good forward planning for the future. I took a 2nd class aircon carriage which was comfortable enough. My hotel was less than a 10 minute walk from the train station, and after meeting the boy at Terminal 21, we later had a look around some of the attractions in the city as well as going to the tower back at Terminal 21 to look at the view over Korat. Boy stayed overnight, which was my only overnight this whole trip as I don't usually like long time. He also insisted on buying me dinner which I thought was sweet. I only gave myself one night here as I wanted to give myself an out incase things went pear shaped. Would I go back? Maybe, but it wouldn't be somewhere I would go regularly. I did see some farang there though. On the way back to Bangkok, I was in a 2nd class aircon carriage and this was the type with the open windows and also the back door was wide open as we went. I really enjoyed watching the scenery go by, and really interesting and exciting to see all the new structures for the train lines going up, which are massive and seemingly a little out of place in the countryside, but I think these are for the new high speed rail that is going to Laos and other places? I had a cute guy sit next to me for some of the trip, and I offered him some of my bread (which he declined), and later on struck up a short conversation with me before he got off at Saraburi. Final thoughts: I had a nice time and just kinda tried to pace myself since I was here for a while (and also not incredibly fit). I'm slowly building up my list of regulars which is good for future trips, and ate quite a lot of nice food. And same as always, I would often get mistaken for being Thai (which I take as a compliment), even in bars, and it's amusing when they talk to me in Thai and I just kinda look confused, or say something like 'kor tord na kap, English na kap'. I'll get around to learning Thai one day. My next trip may be in June/July, or December, or both. I'm not sure yet. But I do want to visit a few more places, like more islands. Thanks for reading!
    1 point
  44. Keithambrose

    GPS gone awry

    Reliance on technology, rather than common sense!
    1 point
  45. Agree that it's heartening to know that at least some hotels share the service fee with employees instead of adding it to the bottom line. Hotel prices continually fluctuate but an industry-wide practice known as yield management pricing is the determining factor. The service fee component has in Thailand has remained at 7%. Airlines use the same principle and can enhance total fares with a plethora of fees (fuel, baggage, seat selection, etc). From Wikipedia: Yield management is a variable pricing strategy, based on understanding, anticipating and influencing consumer behavior in order to maximize revenue or profits from a fixed, time-limited resource (such as airline seats, hotel room reservations or advertising inventory). As a specific, inventory-focused branch of revenue management, yield management involves strategic control of inventory to sell the right product to the right customer at the right time for the right price. This process can result in price discrimination, in which customers consuming identical goods or services are charged different prices.
    1 point
  46. Seems good news, though I presume prices will increase!
    1 point
  47. From The Irrawaddy Myanmar’s regime has handed death sentences to three brigadier generals who surrendered to the Brotherhood Alliance at Laukkai in northern Shan State. The other three brigadier generals have been jailed for life, according to junta sources. On January 4, almost 2,400 regime troops, including more than 200 officers surrendered to the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) in Kokang on the Chinese border. The MNDAA sent the soldiers and around 1,600 relatives back to the regime. Brigadier General Moe Kyaw Thu, the Laukkai headquarters chief, Brigadier General Tun Tun Myint, the acting chief of Kokang Self-Administered Zone, and Brigadier General Zaw Myo Win, the Division 55 commander, were given death sentences, according to junta sources. Brigadier General Aye Min Oo, Brigadier General Thaw Zin Oo and Brigadier General Aung Zaw Lin, the chiefs of Operation Centers 14, 16 and 12 respectively, were reportedly jailed for life. The Brotherhood Alliance, which also includes the Arakan Army and Ta’ang National Liberation Army, launched Operation 1027 across northern Shan State on October 27 last year. The alliance has seized over 500 junta bases, including several headquarters, about 17 towns and vital trade routes with China across northern Shan State.
    1 point
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