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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2024 in all areas

  1. a friend of mine's father had to get circumsized, as an adult....later I asked which he preferred.....he said uncut, the sensation of the foreskin going back and forth over the glans was incredible. So something that cut guys will NEVER know about...... That being said, I was cut as a baby, for all the pro lifers there saying parents can't make that decision, they shouldn't be able to make that one either...for pro choice, choice should be the child's, lol I can remember the first time I was with an uncut guy, I was like a kid with a new toy, playing with his dick all night, Now I've only been with uncut mostly, was why Indonesia was a good change of pace...some nice clean non monster looking dicks, some uncut dicks remind me of the movie Alien when it bursts out of the guys chest....Manila, was different, roll of the dice if you got a clean circumsision or some with so much loose skin was like a double chin on their cock, 😱
    4 points
  2. Now Drumpf can rape and pillage and bankrupt the national GOP. Pass the popcorn.
    3 points
  3. From VN EXpress The Indonesian air safety agency has called for better pilot fatigue monitoring mechanisms after an investigation revealed that both pilots of a commercial aircraft had recently fallen asleep in-flight. A pilot and co-pilot were simultaneously asleep for approximately 28 minutes during a Batik Air flight from south-east Sulawesi to the capital Jakarta on Jan. 25, a preliminary report by the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) said. The report, seen by AFP on March 8, was uploaded to the agency’s website in late February. Indonesia is a vast archipelago with a poor air safety record despite relying heavily on air transport to connect its thousands of islands. One of the pilots had not rested adequately the night before the flight, the report said. The incident resulted in a series of navigation errors, but the Airbus A320’s 153 passengers and four flight attendants were unharmed during the flight, which lasted two hours and 35 minutes. About half an hour after the plane took off, the captain asked permission from his second-in-command to rest for a while, with the request being granted. The co-pilot then took over command of the aircraft, but also inadvertently fell asleep, the report said. "The second-in-command had one-month old twin babies. His wife took care of the babies, and he assisted while at home," the report said. A few minutes after the last recorded transmission by the co-pilot, the area control centre in Jakarta tried to contact the aircraft. It received no answer. Twenty-eight minutes after the last recorded transmission, the pilot woke up and realised his co-pilot was asleep and that the aircraft was not on the correct flight path. He immediately woke his colleague up, responded to the calls from Jakarta and corrected the flight path, the report said. The plane landed safely after the incident. Investigators did not identify the pilots, but said they were both Indonesians and were aged 32 and 28. KNKT urged Batik Air to create detailed procedures to conduct proper and regular cockpit checks and to ensure that pilots and cabin crew were well-rested before their flights. The report, seen by AFP on March 8, was uploaded to the agency’s website in late February. Indonesia is a vast archipelago with a poor air safety record despite relying heavily on air transport to connect its thousands of islands. One of the pilots had not rested adequately the night before the flight, the report said. The incident resulted in a series of navigation errors, but the Airbus A320’s 153 passengers and four flight attendants were unharmed during the flight, which lasted two hours and 35 minutes. About half an hour after the plane took off, the captain asked permission from his second-in-command to rest for a while, with the request being granted. The co-pilot then took over command of the aircraft, but also inadvertently fell asleep, the report said. "The second-in-command had one-month old twin babies. His wife took care of the babies, and he assisted while at home," the report said. A few minutes after the last recorded transmission by the co-pilot, the area control centre in Jakarta tried to contact the aircraft. It received no answer.
    3 points
  4. I think this question has been overlooked: should parents have the right to make such decisions for children? Here's an analogous question: are parents allowed to tattoo their children?
    3 points
  5. Speaking of money and Trump I see Trump posted a $91.6 million dollar bond for the Carroll case, from a Chubb Insurance subsidiary. https://newrepublic.com/post/179692/idiot-back-trump-bond-e-jean-carroll-trial-evan-greenberg Trump has previous ties to Chubb while Chubb happens to do business in Russia. How convenient! Is the alleged great Trump washing machine at work again? https://aebrus.ru/en/about-the-aeb/our-members.php?ELEMENT_ID=6922
    3 points
  6. At least some light in the tunnel
    2 points
  7. I'd think the boy has more to say about it than the manager. 🙂
    2 points
  8. The fees are poor, but the tips are great!
    2 points
  9. Easy money for the doctors in the USA to perform circumcisions.
    2 points
  10. Brak

    Brazilian Saunas

    I never actually use my airline miles so I just spent all of them to upgrade my flight later this year to lay flat business class which I’ve never done before. Very excited.
    2 points
  11. It looks as though NATO now has firm control over the exits to the Baltic Sea as well as the Black Sea. NATO allies South Korea and Japan also control most exits to the Sea of Japan. I guess Russia still controls the Strait of Tartary if it wants to use the port at Vladivostok....
    2 points
  12. From Thai Enquirer and other sources Six people were arrested after attempting to smuggle 87 animals stuffed in luggage through Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok, Thailand. Five men and one women, all of whom are Indian nationals, were arrested by Thailand's Customs Department after officials found their luggage suspicious during a security check, reported The Independent. The group was allegedly trying to smuggle the creatures to Mumbai, India. According to the Thai Enquirer, the animals seized include: 29 lizards, such as black-throated monitors 21 snakes, including corn snakes and red bamboo rat snakes 15 birds, such as the bird of paradise and parrots Seven monitor lizards Four chameleons Two squirrels Two bats Two cotton-top tamarins One fishing cat One red panda One Sulawesi bear cuscus One frog One rat
    2 points
  13. It's a brutally horrific sexual mutilation, completely unnatural and unnecessary and needs to be stopped. What gives anyone, parents or not, the right to chop something off of a newborn. One of the most barbaric idiotic thing humans do and it alone proves the stupidity of any man-made-up religion that condones it.
    2 points
  14. This is a national emergency - prayers needed for Tawan. 🙏
    2 points
  15. Entertaining but take with a pinch of salt as the pinkish colour of Thailand suggests around one third of males are circumcised while, my research suggests a much lower proportion. I am willing to undertake more research and will be setting up a funding page to facilitate that.
    2 points
  16. the same here but I look as I'm on rehab already
    2 points
  17. From VN Express China has announced that citizens from six more European countries – Switzerland, Ireland, Hungary, Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg – will be able to travel visa-free to China from March 14. "I would like to inform you that starting from March 14, China will further implement the visa-free policy for Switzerland, Ireland, Hungary, Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg on a trial basis," Foreign Minister Wang Yi said at a press conference in Beijing, as quoted by Global Times. Citizens from these countries will be allowed to stay in China up to 15 days for business, tourism, family visits and transit purposes, Bloomberg reported. In December last year, China waived visas for citizens from France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain as it seeks to recover tourism after years of border closures due to Covid.
    1 point
  18. Yup, good for your own safety and hotel as well. Bangkok is an international meat market and best to be cautious especially for the newbies.
    1 point
  19. Thank you! Again, you are doing a great job of making my arguments for me. This isn't even a debate. I am using YOUR facts, and YOUR charts. So if I am reaching propagandistic conclusions based on zero facts, it means you have no facts. You are just spewing propaganda. Which is true. You're just doing your best impression of Tucker sucking Putin's cock. It's not a pretty image. It has nothing to do with reality. If you want to make the point that Russia grew in 2023, we agree. There is no debate. Russia did grow. I made that point before you did. If you want to make the point that Russia survived, despite sanctions, we agree. What your own chart above shows is that Russia is stagnating under Putin, and has been since the GFC. Those numbers make it incredibly clear. Based on the numbers you posted, when you go back to 1989, the average Chinese is maybe 1,500 % better off. 15 times better off. The average Russian is maybe 10 % better off? 20 % better off? Again, this is your chart, not mine. But it completely supports my point. China is definitely growing, and winning. Russia is stagnating. In your defense, comparing Russia and China - which was my point = is of course going to overstate just how fucked Russia is. If you take China out of that chart and just compare Russia to Russia, things do not look quite as bad. But my point is correct, and you have confirmed it. Long term, China is clearly winning and growing by leaps and bounds. Russia is stagnating long term. Especially the last decade. If you want to say, "Yes, but Russia has grown," good for you. If a billionaire's income goes up 10 %, and a poor person's income goes up 10 %, both incomes grew at the same rate. One is still a billionaire. And the other is still poor. My point is about the long term. Which you absolutely can't acknowledge, or probably see. Because Russia is fucked. I completely agree that Putin kind of won 2023. He's building a war economy that requires turnings hundreds of thousands of Russians into fertilizer. And that requires committing genocide by killing and raping and torturing Ukrainians. And stealing their children. And making them hate you and want to kill you because you are Russian. If that's your long term economic plan, go for it. You're still fucked. You did not deny that you are personally advocating the genocide of Ukrainians. You want to kill as many of them as you can so Russia can win. It's sick and wrong. But if that is your economic and military plan, good luck. Again, all I have to do is turn to your charts to make my points. If your point is Russia is growing, great. I agree. If your point is that Russia is growing at about the same rate as the US, great. I agree. That is precisely why Russia is fucked. You can't acknowledge that. Probably because you can't see it. Or you have to be willfully ignorant. China has become America's great competitor or rival - and sometimes still partner - because they have grown way more than the US for decades. You have to if you are very small and very poor, like China was, and you want to catch up. Before COVID, and before master Xi, everyone thought China would actually surpass the US economically. Now it's not clear that will ever happen. Why? because their growth has slowed down. Suddenly Master Xi wants to go to San Francisco and meet with US capitalists. Wonder why? Maybe he needs the US and Europe and Asia's vibrant capitalist democracies more than he thought. Your own chart proves that Russia is at best stuck and stagnating. As I said above, Putin's "good years" were in the Naughts. Back then Americans and Europeans thought maybe Russia is now a partner. Maybe we all invest and grow together. That's part of why Russia grew significantly faster than the US in almost every year of Putin's first decade, up until the global financial crisis. Your own chart confirms that. I agree. Since 2012 or so, as your chart shows, the US has grown either faster or at the same rate as Russia every year. And that is AFTER Putin decided in order to grow your country had to create an economic growth plan based on genocide and turning Russians into fertilizer. You are fucked. You can't outgrow us. Even if I assume every Russian agrees that the best way to grow is to kill and rape and torture and be a global pariah and turn yourselves into fertilizer, that is self-evidently not a good growth plan. You might try electric cars. But that's China. You might try AI. But that's the US. Russians have genocide and becoming fertilizer. You haven't tried to deny any of my facts, because you can't. That World Bank chart I'll post again is consistent with your point: that the US and Russia have been growing at roughly the same pace since about 2017. You do realize that's why you're fucked, right? Or are you just bad at math? One, unlike China, you can never catch up. Because, at best, if you all turn yourselves into fertilizer and are very good at genocide, maybe you can grow as fast as the US. China has grown faster than the US, which that chart obscures. Russia is not growing faster than the US, and can't. Second, even if you can grow as fast as the US by turning yourselves into fertilizer, every single year the US still becomes way more bigger and powerful than Russia. Because we grew a lot more in absolute terms. This is why Murderous Vlad had to put together a wartime budget that is unstainable. He has to pray that Trump wins and Europe bows down. Because that budget is unsustainable. That's what the RUSSIAN media says. But that's the money it takes to make all those weapons for Vlad's genocide. Vlad is doing everything he can to try to make or buy enough weapons to dominate Ukraine. And he can't. Right now, the best he can do is a stalemate. Of a much smaller and weaker country. The US could send 5 or 10 times as much military aid as we will likely eventually send this year. The problem for the US is internal politics (Trump wanting to bow down to Putin) and Biden and Europe not wanting to start a nuclear war with a genocidal sadist. You really don't get that this dooms you, economically and militarily and technologically. Even if you can grow as much as the US by genocide and turning yourselves into fertilizer, you're still becoming smaller and weaker compared to the US in absolute terms every year. That's why the US won the Cold War with the USSR, as I said above. Compared to the Cold War and the USSR, this is not even a fair fight. You are fucked. Unless Master Xi for some reason decides he loves his murderous pit bull more than he loves being part of a thriving global economy. I would not bet on that, if I were you. is that even serious? Really? Or have you now turned to comedy because you have no facts and no argument? Yes, Vlad is a desperate genocidal sadist who is manipulating currency and interest rates. And basically bribing people with money he doesn't have to try to get them to accept genocide and turning poor Russians into fertilizer. And you are telling us, in your own words, that you accept genocide. You hope that Vlad's genocide works and you can kill as many Ukrainians as it takes. Are you also good with Russian soldiers raping women and children? The torture? The stealing of children? Or just the genocide? Some economy! Russia is a sorry failing mess compared to the US. People here are bitching and moaning about 3 % inflation. That chart above is the most recent I could find. But the most recent number I got is 7.5 % inflation in Russia in November 2023. It's gong up, not down. Investors and banks and corporations in the US can't wait for the 5.5 % federal funds rate to start going down. But everyone agrees it has peaked. In Russia the most recent benchmark rate is now 16 %, I believe And growing. Oh. Business bankruptcies are growing very rapidly, too. Murderous Vlad could not keep a bankruptcy moratorium in place forever. When you destroy your economic base, other than your genocide economy, and turn your own people into fertilizer, at some point that catches up with you. You think this is a winning economic plan? This is a fucking nightmare. This is why your best and brightest young people are going any fucking place in the world to live - other than Russia. If Russia breaks up, like many experts think it will in the next decade, this is why. You are fucked. And you deserve to be, because you are supporting genocide.
    1 point
  20. I'm glad you think that GDP growth necessarily indicates a better economy for ordinary citizens. But it doesn't. 😂🤡😂 Here's the real reason for Russia's economic "growth": military spending. Russia's GDP boost from military spending belies wider economic woes Feb 7 (Reuters) - Russia's economy rebounded sharply from a slump in 2022, annual data showed on Wednesday, but the growth relies heavily on state-funded arms and ammunition production and masks problems that are hampering an improvement in Russians' living standards. Summary Russia's GDP rebounded last year from 2022 contraction Growth of 3.6% built on soaring military spending Economists question impact of GDP growth on population Labour issues point to wider problems, wages set to drop
    1 point
  21. One of the tower's 300 residents told Reuters that Israel gave them a 30-minute warning to flee the building at night. "People were startled, running down the stairs, some fell, it was chaos. People left their belongings and money," said Mohammad Al-Nabrees, adding that among those who tripped down the stairs during the panicked evacuation was a friend's pregnant wife.
    1 point
  22. When 75 I would travel to arab countries, they often think the older the better.
    1 point
  23. I don’t think I ever posted anything but I started reading the gay Thailand forum when I was traveling to SE Asia in my late 20’s. A massage after a 16 hour flight is a necessity and if it can be done by a hot guy that is also good with playing with my dick, that’s even better. Go go bar etiquette was not part of my upbringing so I needed to learn about that somewhere too as well. Do I have a point? No, not really other than that I suspect the average age of the readership here might be somewhat less than you suggest. Even if you do happen to be a decent looking 28 year old and meeting other decent looking 28 year olds at DJ Station on Saturday night in Bangkok is an option, that takes effort which might be more than you can muster after a 16 hour flight. It also could be Wednesday and DJ Station is closed. Maybe I’m unique but I suspect not. Bogota has been fun and I’m glad I’m here - I wanted to try something different - but I miss Rio. There is a lot to be said for staring at the ocean while drinking caipirinhas and being able to speak the language somewhat.
    1 point
  24. Good point. I don't know what the answer is. Tattooing is a physical assault, so to speak, and, like circumcision, permanent. All I would say is that if done on birth it is near enough risk free, but in a number of societies it is done at puberty, which is painful, and more risky. In the UK, where I am from, it was done as a matter of course 70 years ago, nothing to do with religion, but now quite rare, other than religious reasons. My GP, who was Jewish, was anti circumcision, at a later stage, on the grounds that any operation carries a risk. It is interesting that Jews and Muslims circumcise, another example of how close the 2 religions are, or should be! On sensitivity, as a circumcised guy, I have plenty of sensitivity!
    1 point
  25. I personally wouldn't as I never discuss any specifics with managers or any third parties including boy's friends. Performance specifics are always best to discuss with service provider.
    1 point
  26. From Thai PBS World From May 1st, Thai commercial banks will charge their customers a 1% Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) fee for making cash withdrawals abroad. A similar fee will also be levied on the use of Visa or Master credit cards for transactions made abroad for goods or services or through online stores which are registered outside Thailand. For instance, paying a Netflix membership fee, buying products through TikTok, Alibaba or Amazon or making hotel bookings via Agoda will also be subject to the 1% DCC fee. The banks claim that the DCC charge is in line with credit card practices for transactions abroad adding, however, that customers have an option to use “travel cards” without any extra fees.
    1 point
  27. I'm bumping this post because the cost of making foreign ATM withdrawals in the LOS is about to increase 1 %. The same applies when making reservations directly with a foreign air carrier or hotel booking service while in Thailand. From The Nation From May 1st, Thai commercial banks will charge their customers a 1% Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) fee for making cash withdrawals abroad. A similar fee will also be levied on the use of Visa or Master credit cards for transactions made abroad for goods or services or through online stores which are registered outside Thailand.
    1 point
  28. I am 50 and slim. In Medellin sauna muscled twinks with big dicks politely refused my approach, but in Cali sauna they were happy. Its just coincidence and luck. If you are in 20s, you are lion king of sauna; but if in 50s, more of a dog, who has to sniff few asses before you find your match. As always, initiative brings results (but not in a creepy way).
    1 point
  29. hojacat

    Milan, anyone?

    Royal Hammam is also the most popular with Asian twinks (Milan has one of the biggest Chinatowns in Europe and actually Hu is the most common last name in Millan) so it's definitely the place I go to when in Milan. Recommend Sunday afternoons.
    1 point
  30. From my own perspective, being cut I can say my cock is very sensitive, sometimes I wish it wasn't quite so sensitive even when wrapped in a condom.
    1 point
  31. I have unfortunately left my thirties behind which raises an interesting point…. Before I left my thirties behind, I had a day to kill in Paris. I tried Grindr to find a friend but not speaking French made things difficult so I went to Sun City which is, well, similar to Babylon before it closed but in Paris. Sun City was filled with hot 20-somethings and there wasn’t much talking going on so, initially, I was very excited. My excitement faded after about half an hour though when it became clear very few people there were interested in what I had to offer. My theory is that part of the human brain is wired for evolutionary reasons to fuck things that are new and different. If you name a white European country, chances are I have an ancestor from there which is the long way of saying that I don’t qualify as new and different in Paris but that here in Bogota there just aren’t all that many Irish-English-French-German-Dutch-Nordic guys so you’re stuck with me if that’s what gets you hard. And, since part of the human brain is also wired to fuck hot young guys with six packs and sexy tattoos and gorgeous, thick, straight (curved is a huge turn off for me which bothers me and I feel badly about because it’s not like they have any control over that but I digress) uncut cocks, this works out well for me. My friend may have said Americans are hot yesterday but I think that what he meant was that different is hot. This is of course just a theory so I will continue to conduct additional research.
    1 point
  32. Does the sensitivity change? One would assume, if you remove the protection from the glans, the glans must become less sensitive, no? And that again could result in less condom usage and therefore increase std risk? Any serious studies about this?
    1 point
  33. reader

    Sweden finally joins NATO

    From AFP Sweden on Thursday became the 32nd member of NATO, turning the page on two centuries of non-alignment and capping two years of tortuous diplomacy after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine triggered new fears. Days after Hungary followed key holdout Turkey and became the last NATO member to sign off, Sweden ceremonially handed over accession documents to the United States, the leading force of the transatlantic alliance that promises joint security for all. Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson late Thursday attended as a guest at the annual State of the Union address of President Joe Biden, whose rival Donald Trump has disparaged NATO as unfairly burdening the United States. “Mr Prime Minister, welcome to NATO, the strongest military alliance the world has ever seen,” Biden said as he recognized Kristersson, who sat in the gallery next to First Lady Jill Biden. Biden urged the House leadership of the Republican Party to move on billions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine, saying, in a dig at Trump, that “I will not bow down” to Russian President Vladimir Putin. “If anybody in this room thinks Putin will stop at Ukraine, I assure you he will not,” Biden said. Kristersson, at an accession ceremony at the State Department, called joining NATO “a major step but, at the same time, a very natural step.” “It’s a victory for freedom today. Sweden has made a free, democratic, sovereign and united choice to join NATO,” he said. He later delivered a televised address to the nation from Washington, telling Swedes: “We are a small country, but we understand more than most the importance of the greater world beyond our borders.” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said few would have expected Sweden as well as Finland to join NATO before Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. There is “no clearer example than today of the strategic debacle that Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has become for Russia,” Blinken said. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also hailed Sweden’s membership, saying: “One more country in Europe has become more protected from Russian evil.”
    1 point
  34. Novarunner, given that u r 30ish, no reason not to b desired....
    1 point
  35. This issue seems to come to the forefront every two or three years. Personally I think the vendors add more to the Bangkok experience than they detract . Particularly enjoy watching the Screw Boy staff grabbing a quick meal about 11:30. I suppose the following could be filed under: "we're from the government and we're here to help." From Thai PBS World The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) has been trying to solve the problem of street stalls stealing footpath space from pedestrians for decades, but with little result. This challenge is a tough one because street stalls don’t just benefit the vendors but are also used by most Bangkokians. Street vendors, usually low-income earners, don’t have to worry about rent, so they can earn a living selling their products/services at very modest prices. Their customers, meanwhile, appreciate the affordability and easy access to food and products. All they need to do is stop off at their favorite stall on their way home, or to the office or school. Street stalls are ubiquitous in Bangkok’s crowded areas. Foreign tourists are often fascinated by the diverse range of delicious, yet cheap street food available in the Thai capital. However, despite all the benefits, there are downsides too. “Food stalls line the footpath leading to my condo, making it very difficult for me to get home,” a resident of Bangkok’s Udom Suk area told Thai PBS World. “I often end up walking on the road instead.” Due to these problems, she has decided to throw her full support behind the BMA’s efforts to regulate street stalls. She insists that pedestrians should be allowed to walk safely on clean and tidy footpaths. The BMA is planning to regulate street stalls by moving them to special areas such as hawker centers, removing them altogether, or ensuring they operate without endangering pedestrians and ruining state-built footpaths. The plan takes the form of a new draft regulation currently being put to a public hearing that’s due to conclude at the end of March. The draft regulation stipulates that every street vendor be registered. To register, the vendor must be a Thai national with annual income of no more than 180,000 baht as per Revenue Department estimate, must have a welfare card, must be receiving financial help via the Social Development and Human Security Ministry, or be buying a home under the Community Organizations Development Institute. If their annual earnings soar beyond 180,000 baht, street vendors will not be able to renew their license. The BMA promises to review and revise the income ceiling based on inflation and the state of the economy.
    1 point
  36. Still recall hanging on to every word of FDR's fireside chats. You youngins don't know the half of it. 🫠
    1 point
  37. Removing street food vendors in Bangkok would be like removing gondolliers from Venice just because occasionsionally one of them pee or spit in the water
    1 point
  38. This looks like a needless exercise in bureaucracy, the rules seem unnecessarily complex. I can't help wondering if this is some form of brown envelope exercise? The Government is always going on about encouraging tourism, and I would have thought that street vendors are a good part of the scene. I know that in Singapore, there are excellent hawker centres, but that is Singapore!
    1 point
  39. Same in Philippines.... I'm used to it 😁
    1 point
  40. I visited Complices Spa in Bogota this evening which is a Thursday. The place was filed with hot 20-somethings, most of which were interested in playing with me even though they are about two-thirds my age and my Spanish is abysmal. One guy told me Colombians think Americans are hot or, at least that is what I think he said. For so many different reasons, that absolutely should not be a thing (and may not be since his English was on par with my Spanish) but, in any case, he had a sexy tattoo of a small bird on his chest, abs and a really nice uncut cock so I let him (and others) fuck me. The sexy underwear or nude dress code does take some getting used to and probably isn’t for everyone but I adapted and got into it pretty quickly. I’m told Sunday afternoons/evenings are also good.
    1 point
  41. jeremy

    Advice please

    Grindr is great in Bangkok... I made so many plans for visiting massage spas before my first time back in Thailand after many years in June 2023. No plans were needed as either free sex or (mostly) paid sex was plentiful off Grindr. I'm 50 and a bottom. I'm not really into ladyboys, so I'm not sure about them. As for the paid hook ups it was pretty nearly always 2500 baht for two hours-ish for sucking and fucking, but I seemed to be finding an even bigger cocked guy each time, which I guess was my idea, and never lasted the two hours! I was blown away by Thailand in my two trips last year...
    1 point
  42. If you are a newbie, as your post suggests, I'd advise you to present your companion to Reception so that his ID is checked and held until he leaves. In other words, choose a hotel which provides this level of security. And don't be embarrassed.
    1 point
  43. kokopelli 2

    Advice please

    For ladyboys, try Soi Buakhao where there are ladyboy bars. Soi Buakhao runs from South Pattaya Road (near Tukcom) to Central Road. I don't know the location of any particular ladyboy bars but they are there!🤑
    1 point
  44. vinapu

    Milan, anyone?

    there's retirement home on via Guido Rossa not far from Royal Hammam
    1 point
  45. Telramund

    Milan, anyone?

    Metro Centrale near Central Station, quite popular, mixed public, nothing special. Saturdays and Sundays a must for the milanesi is Royal Hammam at Lambrate, easy to reach with the metro, nice sauna with big pool, people with attitude and mostly part of a circle of friends, interesting however because is the only place where you can find escorts from Egypt or generally North Africa, usual rate is 50 euro, 99% top. I hope it was helpful
    1 point
  46. Here, Trump, the master propagandist and political cult leader, conflates his being punished for breaking the law with an attack on his followers. As a dictator in waiting and de facto political crime boss whom his followers love precisely because he will be an instrument or tool for their revenge, rage, retribution, and acts of destruction against those they deem to be “the enemy," Trump is continuing to threaten anybody who believes in the rule of law and democracy.
    1 point
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